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An Analogy Of The Community.

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The AB/DL community is a flock of sheep... a grouping of similar characters meandering aimlessly from place to place. Whatever the newest, greatest, coolest thing is we all go do it for a while... then something else pops up and we are all oohs and aahs over that way, and so on.

We've got the basic classifications... the Ewes, the Rams, and some who are so wooly you can't tell until you lift their fleece. Old and young, wise and ignorant, some feeling their way along with the wool totally over their eyes.

There are also other individuals interacting with the group.

The Black Sheep, a different breed mingling with the flock. Much less innocent and distinguishable from the others. Suspicious, with a tendency to be quite ornery. Sometimes pushed out to the periphery by the crowd, but still accepted as a sheep at the end of the day.

There is also the rare Alpaca, woolly and sociable like the rest of the flock... but head and shoulders different from others, having an elevated perspective of their surroundings. Able to look down on the community as an observer rather than a participant.

Finally we have the ominous Wolves. Sly and cunning... sometimes disguised and hiding within the ranks, other times striking from the perimeter to maul us or chase some of us off. They see that the flock as a whole is defenseless... certain members may put up a fight or make some noises in warning, but the majority of the group is content with continuing their lives as if the incident never happened.

What the flock needs is a sheepdog... a protector to drive off the wolves, motivate the slackers, and bring back the strays.

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I do not know that once can become a black sheep, it is something that you are born with. Though I do not think the point is to name any one person as a title, if you are one, you know it.

And you are only an alpca if you live in the community, fallow the trends but not be AB/DL.

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seriously though....I'm far from a sheep. I follow my own path.

and to my own beat as well.

We're all here... we're all sheep (or very closely related creatures). Thus why the analogy exists in the first place.

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You take immodium plus when you don't want to be stinky, squishy and not so proud XD

Again... I fail to see your overly emoted point. If you have something to say in relation to the analogy, then just come on out and say it... dancing around the subject with a silver tongue accomplishes nothing.

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This is another post about how you want to change the community to fit your view? :3 What's wrong with the last one you made?

(and btw nobody should "look down on the community", nobody is better than anybody else here)

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what do you mean a typo, I meant just what I said, we like sheep, as I spin my own wool. I do not understand why someone would take offense. The analogy is apt, not only for this community but the consumer culture as a whole. There is always a need for someone to stand up that is not part of the community itself to defend it from those that wish to take advantage. It just stemmed off of a conversation about how I feel as someone that is not AB/DL but lives the life of one.

I see no need for rudeness when the statement was meant as an anecdote more then anything.

The alpaca is not "looking DOWN" on the community, as it looks down at the community as an observer from a hot air balloon. As I always feel like a outsider even when people are nice, so I feel like I am standing back and watching with a scientific eye.

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I made a joke along the lines of adding immodium into the mix, i.e. you take it when there is so much s**t. There are people who have found great solice in the community here and have found it to be greatly therapeutic and warming. Therefore it has stopped the proverbial s**t in their lives, like immodium plus stops s**t from their bottoms.

Ah... so your analogy is that AB/DL is an anti-diarrhea medicine.

I suppose that is valid as well from a certain point of view.

Thank you for the clarification.

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I take offence to someone using the pronoun 'he' to describe my posts.

Umm the He I was referring was DarkFinn my partner, not you. While I also agree that humor is required, that is after all what the analogy was about. I do not know what the attacking is all about here. There was no disrespect meant in anyway to the community, other then to point out that there are still predators out there. He dose bring that up, mostly because they are attacking me. So if his defense of me (and others) is this unwanted I am sorry. However this was an analogy for a bit of humor and to lighten the mood. Please do not come at this with intent to cause drama, as that was not the intent of this, it was a simple train of thought that our minds went to.

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That's fine then, I apologise for mistaking, the context in which you put your post. The way it si written you seem to try and clarify not DF's point but my own.

And I have caused no such drama. I made a light hearted joke and it was simply blown out of proportion.

And well, as a Welsh-ish Person, the topic of sheep is often treated with great amusement, living in a city that affectionately refers to itself as 'Wolves.'

Back on topic.

I am sorry, I am not good at remembering to point out the change in person. I do not think you personaly added drama, i just wanted to put that out there. I have already seen the sort of reaction that I always see when drama is about to begin, like clames of somone looking down on others.

I wanted to point out to all that is not the intent here, we were not at all saying any person in the community is any more or less important, only some are looking at is as observers more then participants, there for have a different point of view.

I can understand the humor in the wolf vs sheep contrast.

I think from here it just seemed that you were pointing out he was full of it, so we see the confusion, and are sorry for any drama that may have arose from this.

I will take my wooly self off now, and spin some yarn (no analogy intended, I have some new wool I want to work with).


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The question is then, where is our sheep dog? That is a great analogy-our community as yet has no role models in the public eye, no one to say "Hey leave us AB's alone! We're cute, fun, and great in bed!" It would be great for someone to help bring us around and give direction.

As far as the wolves go, I know how to fire a 12 gauge. And isn't someone on here a bounty hunter? Problem solved.

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Guest NaughtyAshes

Another desperate wannabe mod.

Seems to be a gaggle of them just recently.

Quoted for truth! They are drunk on power, without ever drinking a drop. Kind of sad actually.

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Another desperate wannabe mod.

Seems to be a gaggle of them just recently.

I thought about saying something like this but you "bleat" me to it :roflmao:

I was once a "Bull Mon-grel"* but I'm much tamer these days :P I've never been and never will be a sheep though- I'm a free thinker who follows my own path, and if there isn't a path then I just make it and continue on undeterred B)

DF's reality check has bounced more than once :screwy: His analogies can't hold a candle to mine anyway :D It would be boring if the people here were like he thinks we are. Methinks he may be confusing the image in the mirror for the real world all around him which he doesn't want to see.... :whistling:

*from Iggy Pop's "Blah, Blah, Blah" :wub:


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that was my sheep impression... but i've got a few problems with this analogy in relation to myself personally. so here goes.

1. i shave all my body hair before it gets very long at all, (except of course eyebrows and hair on my head and i have a little on my arms, but it doesn't really grow any more)

2. i think i'm a tad to fat to be a sheep, i mean i know sheep LOOK fluffy, but when you shave their wool off, they are sorta thin.. but i shave my hair and i'm still fat.

3. i dont really do well with dogs, and so being herded by one would not exactly go over well with me, i'd probably end up burning my bra in protest... or in this case... my sheep harness? don't sheeps wear harness's ... like at the fair or something

4. I dont like to pee standing up or just let my poop fall out of me onto the ground....

5. All i really want in life is a big bad wolf to desire me...

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wow you guys really do know how to pick some simple stuff apart huh!

I'm usually joking around 98% of my comments are just me being funny.

I dont take myself seriously so I wouldnt take anything here seriously either.

There is too much seriousness in the world....at my job, marriage, etc.

When I log on here or other forums whatever..its a break. So......yeah

anyway by following my own path and to my own tune, your right everyone

does do that but in that everyone does it differently. Also not EVERYONE

does that *hence the term*SHEEP. Sheep are followers. They follow a trend,

a belief, etc.

I am a leader.

Finn.....this post in my opinion was brilliant. I got the point and my first

comment was totally goofin around. Its what I do. Its part of why I'm

such a black sheep *in rl*

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