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So.... damn... FML.... I had to get out to school quick this morning and I left my night diaper rolled up on the floor in my bathroom next to my trash can. I own my own house and rent out the rooms. The roomies have their own bathroom and I have mine.... MINE... lol Anyway I got home and found evidence that the bathroom had been used, a roll of TP was not in its spot, as the old roll was almost gone and the door to the master bath was open. I keep it closed.... So I know without a shadow of doubt that one of my roomies took a dump in my bathroom in plain view of a rolled up, used, adult diaper...

I don't know whether or not to bitch them out for using my rest room when I was away or to just keep it on the down low... No one is home yet so I don't even know if they'll call me out. One of them suspects i have a fetish to which I replied I have several... lol

Thought I'd share...


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I'd just let it float amd see who sqweeks first. Then thank them for leaving skid marks in the bottom of YOUR toilet bowl! :P

Them knowing you have 'several' fetishes takes some of the heat off, but I am sure who ever it was looked at the bundle on the floor and said WTF??? :huh:

surprise!!!!!! :roflmao:

good hearing from you again


ROFLMAO Sara! you're evil.... :thumbsup:

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Yah Brah, it's their move now. It's still your bathroom so maintain your normal routine. If the renter says something, you have a legit reason for having your own bathroom! Instead of answering him directly, ask him if he wants to terminate his lease. Keep the pressure on him instead of letting him pressure you. Good luck and as always, keep us informed, okay?

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1. you dont owe any explanation

2.is someone's toilet malfunctioning?

3.trespassing, invasion of privacy

4.dude.....what were you THINKING!! lol

i'm sure it wont be a big deal lol

1. Agreed

2. no plumbing troubles.

3. i concur

4. Um.... MY BATHROOM is "my" area.

I'm sure the wipes one the counter and the desitin painted an interesting picture.... Along with my blankie and pooh bear on my bed..... *sigh* wtf.

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as has been said, you are the one with the power now. All you have to do is keep stum, say nothing and wait until the guilty party opens their mouth. At that stage, you can then accost them with the lease, and state, 'under the lease agreement, you (the person) violated your lease on such a date. Your choice, do you wish to stay here, or be evicted'. Keep that pressure on them. It is they who violated your privacy, and also voided all agreements they have with you. You can evict them now without notice.

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I got to agree with the others, it is their move now. I honestly wouldn't worry about it too much, because as far as they are concerned, maybe you issues at night. I have found in general when it comes to something like that, guys are probably more easy going so I'm placing my bet on nothing will come to fruition.

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Guest Wetnmessy247

A slight error in judgement on YOUR part dude.

Just because it's your bathroom, don't assume OTHER PEOPLE living in the SAME DAMN house won't use it. It's called logic.

Like, when I lived with my parents, I had MY bathroom to MYSELF, but it was never wise to assume it was off limits because there are a variety of reasons why people can go in there.

For real. If another's toilet was backed up, you can't sit there and say "Sorry, shit out of luck. If your toilet ain't working, take a dump in the bushes."

Serious error in judgement on your part.

Another error in judgement is leaving your damn used diapers on the f'n floor. DUDE??? For real??? you must subconsciously WANT to be caught.

Is it awkward now that someone found your dirty diaper on your bathroom floor?

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as has been said, you are the one with the power now. All you have to do is keep stum, say nothing and wait until the guilty party opens their mouth. At that stage, you can then accost them with the lease, and state, 'under the lease agreement, you (the person) violated your lease on such a date. Your choice, do you wish to stay here, or be evicted'. Keep that pressure on them. It is they who violated your privacy, and also voided all agreements they have with you. You can evict them now without notice.

I wouldn't go that far. They used his bathroom (but didn't leave a mess like BRI did :P ) and got an eyeful and kind of a rude surprise. :o you could always just tell them that as payback, they have to change you hehehehe :lol: and take out your used diapers to the trash.

Maybe they will leave your part of the house alone then..


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Guest Wetnmessy247

I would think telling them they have to change you and taake out your used diapers, they wouldn't only leave your bathroom alone, they would move out entirely.

It surprises me how a lot of people here think others will "change them" because they found out the ABDL secret.

In a fantasy world, maybe.

But in real life, 99.99999999999999999 percent of the people would call us something like fagot or child molestor and report us to the cops or what have you.

I know if I wasn't ABDL and found a used diaper in a roomies bathroom floor, I would leave ASAP.

Good luck on keeping them from leaving!!! Cuz chances are high they will book it with a lead foot on the pedal :drive1::drive1:

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A slight error in judgement on YOUR part dude.

Just because it's your bathroom, don't assume OTHER PEOPLE living in the SAME DAMN house won't use it. It's called logic.

Like, when I lived with my parents, I had MY bathroom to MYSELF, but it was never wise to assume it was off limits because there are a variety of reasons why people can go in there.

For real. If another's toilet was backed up, you can't sit there and say "Sorry, shit out of luck. If your toilet ain't working, take a dump in the bushes."

Serious error in judgement on your part.

Another error in judgement is leaving your damn used diapers on the f'n floor. DUDE??? For real??? you must subconsciously WANT to be caught.

Is it awkward now that someone found your dirty diaper on your bathroom floor?

You're an idiot, where did you get plugged up toilets? Wtf? My house is well taken care of, and yes my name on the deed means my damn bathroom. Get a clue.

Maybe the toxins wafting off of your shower deprived body is affecting you're brain function.

Don't act like one wet diaper from the night before, next to the trashcan, in my private washroom, is anything below your lack of hygiene.

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Just because it's your bathroom, don't assume OTHER PEOPLE living in the SAME DAMN house won't use it. It's called logic.

Um, yes he can. It's HIS house. He makes the mortgage payments. His tenants are simply renting a room. That's it.

Like, when I lived with my parents, I had MY bathroom to MYSELF, but it was never wise to assume it was off limits because there are a variety of reasons why people can go in there.

Totally different situation. It was your parents house and you weren't paying rent.

For real. If another's toilet was backed up, you can't sit there and say "Sorry, shit out of luck. If your toilet ain't working, take a dump in the bushes."

This is sort of a grey area, IMO. I don't know anything about this section of law, so I'm not going to try and explain it. Maybe Angela will be nice enough to stop by an explain it?

Another error in judgement is leaving your damn used diapers on the f'n floor. DUDE??? For real??? you must subconsciously WANT to be caught.

Damn dude, you're beating up on Bri for no reason. Have you never forgotten anything before?

I would think telling them they have to change you and taake out your used diapers, they wouldn't only leave your bathroom alone, they would move out entirely.

Pretty sure square_duck said that to be funny. The evidence is the smiley that was posted.

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Guest Wetnmessy247

I got plugged up toilets as a POSSIBLE REASON for someone to use your bathroom. You never said it, so I offered up a REASON< which is kind of what you wanted, right? A reason why someone would use your bathroom?

Clogged toilet.

Extra toilet paper.

Clogged sink.

Busted light bulb

Extra towel.

Air freshener

The list can go on and on and on for possible reasons. Don't jump on someone who is offering possibilites. I never claimed you took poor care of your place.

This also answers your second problem: just because your name is on the deed does not ensure total privacy. That is the unfortunate side effect of humans having two feet: they can go anywhere they please, despite the consequences. If you told them no, they still have the ability to.

Remember, it wasn't hard for two random people to crash a White House ball, so it should be rather easy for someone to enter your bathroom.

I would suggest putting a lock on your bathroom or even your bedroom.

I'm here to help you out dude, not piss you off. I'll say again, I wan't saying you had bad house. I was OFFERING POSSIBILITES. Is it not possible something can happen to one of the toilets while you are out??

Sensibly, anything CAN happen while you are out. The world doesn't revolve around where you are. Things happen in your absence. Hell, a damn hurrican could TECHNICALLY have destroyed your house. Anything is possible.

Sorry to piss you off, bro.

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No wetnmessy is only being like this because he was treated like this so it's a little payback to all of you that called him a liar and a freak and several other names.Honestly i feel for ya briguy i hope things work out for you best of luck diapered

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Guest Wetnmessy247

Oh and DB mentioned the law of privacy. This is a field of misconceptions and misconstrued thought. This is also my field of study.

Legally, aa tenent is allowed to this part of the house if there is a justifiable reason to do so (toilet paper, etc). The name on a deed simply shows ownership and responsibility. The name on the deed is not a precaution against unwanted intrusion. That is up to the owner's responsibility, to actively make sure the tenant is aware of the rules. Assuming one knows the rules is not enough to ensure respect of the rules. One cannot know the rules if not told of them.

In the eyes of the law, the name on the deed does not warrant security against search and seizure.

Bri has control over consent to search. But so does anyone who lives and shares in the place. The eyes of the law recognizes that if one can consent, the other has equal consent.

Believe this or not, a 14 year old child has the same legal capacity to consent to search as an adult does, based on the fact of residency of the premises.

There was a case a few years back where a college party ws taking place in this house. The police got calls of disorder and nuisance, and were sent to check it out. On arrival, the officers found about 15 guys and girls there. They asked 14 of the people for consent to search. They said no. However, the 15th person DID say yes they could search.

They found illegal narcotics in one of the bedrooms.

The case went to the supreme court.

The dissenting opinion was that this 15th person, based on the fact he had equal accessibility to the bedroom that the other 14 people had, this 15ht man had the equal weight of consent that the other 14 had.

It is not always safe to assume privacy. The law is not set in stone. Instead, it is commonly referred in academia s a "playground of putty" that can be shaped and molded into various forms depending on the issues at hand.

So Bri I am not saying this to be an ass. I am saying this because it's the truth, unfortunately. That the other people can and may have some legal capacity to enter your bathroom for whatever reason.

For sake of this topic, I would recommend trying to remember location of your dirty diapers.

It can happen again.

Make sure you TELL THEM ALL that your bathroom is off limits. Once you officially cut off this access, you have a higher legal standing than just assuming they know.

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You know; some of these board newbies sure are a pain in the ass. I know I'm not the only one who's patience is growing thin with their absolute lack of ability to see outside of their own near sighted paradigm...

Thank you so much for your wonderful insight! I don't know what I would have done without your pearls of wisdom sir.

There is absolutely no legal ground here, nor was I looking for any. I just felt invaded. The topic of privacy has come up in the past. I'm sure they wished they had followed the rules, because it was most definitely embarrassing for both of us.

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Sorry BriGuy, but there are some people who are just plain ignorant of your personal situation and conditions. I feel for you and I completely understand your frustration with your idiot roommates, though. If there was a plumbing issue in one of the other bathrooms, I'd understand their situation, but that doesn't appear to be the case.

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Damn Bri, your roommates should have had the decency to respect the privacy of your bathroom, however, extenuating circumstances may have occurred while you were gone to warrant their invasion. My best advice is to continue on as if nothing had happened and only make a deal out of it if they do first.

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Erm not to sound like a twat or anything have you thought about putting locks on the doors and giving everyone a key to there own rooms? I lived in a shared house and i once left my dress on my bed, and my m8's dad walked in to tidy the room while I was out working, I was kinda shocked and embarressed about it, but thanked him for tidying the room, the dress was folded on my bed when I got back too.. He never said anything about it, so he either just accapted it, or ignored the issue.. But after that day I did lock my room...

When people say off limits to others even for privacy sake, couristy kills the cat pretty much 99% of the time, and they will make any kind of excuse to visit the off limits place...

A possible reason why the person used your toliet was perhaps theres was in use? It could really be as simple as that tbh.

Just curious has the person came cleam yet about it?.....

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Guest Wetnmessy247


Man what the hecx why are you mad at me?

I took my time out to explain myself about your situation, and the only thing you have to say is you hate trolls?

You wanted advice. I gave you advice.

It's rather unfair to give you a serious post about your situation and you be all sarcastic.

You don't rule the board. Doesn't revolve aaround you.

We are all the same ABDLs.

This type of flaming is the reason most "newbies" don't join.

Because itcomes off as arrogant.

I did not attack you personally. I was honest to god giving you f&cking advice, and you thank me by by saying you wish I would go away.

Seriously, what do you think other people who are like us think when they see that 95% of the the newbies get harrased?

Portraying a bad appearance to people.

I'll be sure the next time a topic like this is started i keep my mouth shut because apparently the only members who are worth a damn are thosewho have posts in the thousands.

I was only giving advice. Sorry I tried to help you.

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Sorry to hear of the problem Bri :( I've done the roomie thing and exactly one person fully respected my privacy :) The rest were too human to do the right thing :lol: Seriously, once a deed is done there's no undoing it. And unless something prevents it, it will happen again :huh: Handle this time as you will, but when the person fesses up I'd give them the choice of moving out at the end of the week (or month) or of having their house liberties further restricted- permanantly :bash:

A Rule of Life: If you do not control your actions, they will be controlled for you ;)

While I'm not blaming you for the results, it was indiscreet on your part to leave something out which should have been hidden. People are human, and humans tend to 'bend' the rules if they think they can get away with it. Leaving something where it can be easily seen invites problems- even if there wasn't supposed to be someone there to look. Having to deal with that kind of thing is why I've had my last roommate :P

As the old saying goes, locks are to keep honest people honest; they don't stop the real crooks. Though it would be a hassle you might consider them as a way to help keep your roomies honest. If they don't respect a closed door once, they won't do it again- and the next time it might become missing items :o

Good Luck with the problem!


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This whole thing has gotten a bit outta kilter here. Anyway I had roomettes for a while. It's funny as to how they act. I have had a few "good" ones as far as paying rent and such. Generally it's just a pain in the ass. I was allowed to move into this home as a roommate over 18 years ago. I was respectfull, kept to myself and was just all around overjoyed to not be living in my car after a nasty divorce.

Once here though it became apparent that of the three of us here, one had no job and was just using the other two. I talked to the homeowner and asked why I'm paying half of everything? He concurred and the other guy was sent packing. Then the homeowner lost his Job and I was the sole provider. That wasn't working so I got a few others to move in who were down on their luck as well. Eventually the homeowner moved out as well due to his circumstances.

Then the house was put in my name. I got raped and pillaged over the years. Until finally I just kicked every one out. I then met my now wife and she moved in with her kids and now I have a home without all the hassles. Sure having roomies looks good at first. You don't have to pay all the bills and can split things up so it works for everybody.

Heck me and Michelle have rented a room out now and then..but it always ends up the same..being taken advantage of. So hell with it. No more long term renters for me a month at max paid up FRONT!

Okay onto this crap on this thread:

"You wanted advice. I gave you advice."

I failed to find the part were advice was asked for. He made a comment about the situation and felt his area was violated.

"It's rather unfair to give you a serious post about your situation and you be all sarcastic."

Once again he didn't ask for his post to be analyzed. Your posts seem to make people believe that you can't understand the obvious. Rather to you things are Black and white. You take things to one extreme or to the other. Many people on here have made friends through out the years. As such we know of a larger back ground of peoples lives. We also can read between the lines of a post, perhaps it's a thing your born with, or perhaps knowing how a person just is. these things take time if nothing else.

You don't rule the board. Doesn't revolve around you.

No he doesn't rule the board, However being he started the thread it is in a since his topic. Just common sense that he can "moderate" his own thread.

We are all the same ABDLs.

A misconception on your part. We are not all ABDLs, there are many other members here that don't fall into that category. It is also wrong to pool ABDL into the same category. AB or DL or AB & DL. Not the same. If you haven't noticed not to many on here are the same as you. In fact many disapprove of the way you carry out your lifestyle. That isn't to say it is wrong, just others don't approve. Knowing that, others have formed a opinion of you. As it is everyone on this board is a newbie at some point. The only way they got to a status was by letting others know what type of person they really are, and that is normally represented in their posts and over time people "come" to know them and associate that into little packs of friends among our vast community.

Just as in a normal society we all call life, you wouldn't just go up and assume to think that your part of a certain group or party or group of people, you can't do that here as well. Things take time relationships are formed and friendships are made. Finally something to ponder, Respect is earned not given. You might want to back off a little and let people find out the real you. You came right out of the gate...and jumped into the race. Not a real wise move around these parts as most people on here are a little reserved on their trust. Might want to think about that. :thumbsup:

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I agree most people don't respect privacy... I suppose I just felt a bit slighted because I do respect their boundaries. I do not go into their rooms or their own personal areas when they are not around. Granted extenuating circumstances could have been present forcing them into my bathroom I suppose. If that's the case, I hope they received the relief they sought! lol This isn't the only time I have had them go into my room to get stuff when I am not around as well, and staying out of my room has become an issue. I guess it is time for me to put a lock on my door. I think that is an unfortunate way to have to go on accounts we are all adults in the house.

I really need to get out of the frame of mind that people actually respect one another...

As for you Messy24/7 I never once called troll or anything of the like. As a matter of fact in some of your other posts I bit my tongue because I didn't want to add to the flames. No I do not rule these boards, I do agree with you there. I have absolutely NO issues with new comers to this website. As a matter of fact I welcome them. If you had spent enough time around these boards than you would know that I actually go out and try to meet new AB/DL's through pride parade events and gather in public places. I spend a lot of my time in public trying to educate and debunk some of the myth's that go along with this lifestyle. If you actually took the time to know me, instead of alienate me, you would have learned that I am very accepting of most people's quirks. If you also took the time to know me you would also learn that I personally believe that if anything WE as a community have the most to loose if we don't get along.

With that said, the way you carry yourself on these boards has turned a lot of people, (including myself), off to anything you have to say. I don't care WHO YOU are, or WHERE you are, you don't walk into a conversation and start throwing around accusations and telling people that it a bad move on their part. That is not a very effective way to gather friends and it is not an effective way to gather support in a community. As Repaid said, you gotta give it some time... To 1. Get to know the others on the boards. and 2. Learn how the community moves before you start jumping in and making waves. There are more tactful ways of getting your point across. Next time try some qualifying questions before jumping to conclusions, had you phrased your accusations in a question you would have come across as much less of an ass, and we would have started a dialogue. That would have lead to us getting to know you as a well as you getting the chance to know me and get a fuller picture of the situation that I was in. When I originated the post I was frustrated and tired so I wasn't able to cover all of my bases for everything that goes one around my house.

I am not even against waves, sometimes its fun to jump in and create a big wave. People need to be shocked and awed every so often. I do also understand that on an online board you have to have a tough skin and that un-solicited accusations do come about, I don't mind having a tough skin, but if it gets directed at me you'd better believe that I'm gonna either call you out or at least defend my position. With that said, lets zero out and start again.

I'm Brian, I too wear diapers, its a pleasure to make your acquaintance.


P.s. I am looking forward to the day I can boot them out and live on my own.... just a little bit longer and I get my own privacy again!

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