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My Thoughts On Diapers

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I have been pondering on my sexual desires to wear and very less, use diapers. Ill start with the basics i grew up in a house were both parents were chronic drug addicts and as such my potty training was rushed and i was fully out of diapers by at leas age 3, because my younger brother came along. My parents weren't around much i was left pretty much to take care of my brother and myself. We were ofthen droped off at my grandparents house.. and i consistently wet the bed almost every time i was there. For as long back as i can remember i have had an interest in diapers and always got my hands on em any way i could. Now I go almost every night wearing, and i think i get better sleep than when i'm not. I believe all of the factors, absent parents, younger brother coming so soon after my own toilet training, and my bed wetting as a younger child, have led to my sexual interest in diapers and the relaxation i get out of them.

Do any of y'all have similar experiences to this, do you believe that those factors led to your own interest in relieving your childhood and/or sexual interest in diapers?

(not sure this is the correct section for this but whatever.)

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I had a sort of absent father, neither of my parents abused drugs. My desire on wearing diapers started with my very first memory. I can recall my mother coming into my bedroom and changing my diaper, ever since then I believe my mind relates that memory with a sense of security and in a sort of sense of helplessness. I have always been a strong minded person, and I use diapers and babyish things to escape back before I needed to be in control. Thats my thoughts on my personal experience.

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I had a fine childhood and my parents were loving and proper and all. I just like diapers... I don't think people can really figure it out. It's like figuring out why I like puzzles or yoyos.


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I suppose there are a lot of factors for a lot of different people for the AB-ness or sexual-ness to all of it. But I feel we're a long-long-long way off from being certain of everything...

CKTC- I'm glad you found something you consider a logical explanation. People need logic to get by.

I just tell myself it's how I am and how it happened isn't a concern anymore. And that seems to work for me. But I don't know many people it works for. I'm a weirdo. :rolleyes:


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I don't know, I don't have many memories of my early childhood, but the ones I have from later childhood were of a lot of abuse. So it's probably just as well I don't remember a lot of that stuff.

I've gotten past all of that and have been able to let go of the resentment, hurt, and rage from then. I now recognize that as fucked up as it was my parents were doing the best they knew how to do.

The earliest memory I have is just a little snatch of early childhood where I was diapered for a nap, and I just knew that I loved wearing diapers.

I can't say whether I was born this way, or if my childhood made me this way, all I know is that I AM this way.

It is better for me to accept myself as I am, I don't need to know WHY I am, I just need me to be accepting of ME. What I do doesn't hurt anyone AS LONG AS I don't HURT MYSELF OVER BEING THIS WAY. If I hurt myself by being down on myself over this, then I am depriving the world (and myself) of a wonderful and unique human being.


Vic :angel_not:

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Guest Wetnmessy247

My diaper habit began like when I was 7 or so becuse I was diapered 24/7 until around age 7. :) So when my mom started training me out of diapers, it worked pretty fast learning the control mechanisms. :)

But my obsession of diapers grew the longer I was out of them. :o So age 8 I started sneaking diapers from my little baby sister. :P I think my parents noticed but never said anything. So that's a plus. :thumbsup:

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Yeah I can relate, my dad was busy being a drug addict/alcohlic and never around which forced my mom to work her ass off to support me and my younger brother so leaving me and my brother with babysitters all the time. My first memories are full of only 2 constant scenario's, one was of me constantly crying for my mom and the other is of me always trying and at times being successful at sneaking my brother's diapers to put on and wear. I had problems with wetting the bed also and one of my first memories are of me wetting the bed and me going into my mom's room to wake her up to let her know that I wet the bed again. I remember my mom being frustrated about this and taking me into my brothers room and diapering me. I don't remember it being a very good experience but I loved the feeling of the diaper. The comfort and pleasure I get from diapers and pretending to be a baby has been with me as far back as I can remember leaving me always searching to experience that again with a awesome girlfriend who wouldn't mind being my mommy every so often. So yeah its some what similar to the topic starters experience.

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I am completely clueless in regards to why I enjoy diapers.....well I am completely clueless in regards to most things.....anyway....

I can recall snippets of memories from childhood that involved diapers in some way and the feelings associated with those memories are all good. Being a bed wetter growing up wasn't traumatic because my folks didn't make a big deal out of it. I have often wondered if their nonchalance towards bed wetting and wearing diapers is what drove me towards enjoying them in the first place but who knows.

It could be that the safety and comfort that a diaper provided from waking up in a wet bed motivates the entire desire. To this day a feeling of relief comes over me when I put one on. Just knowing that I won't have to worry about wet sheets or wet pants is a tremendous comfort.

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my mother was a headcase my father an abusive alcoholic and then just absent. My mother couldnt take care of us kids....I am the youngest of three kids. My sister and I 11 months apart and my brother six years older than myself. From a very young age I had to fend for myself. I also had to fend for my mother. Thats why I am a little. The sexual desire for boys with diapers is simply because of the repetitive arousal from diapers due to the stimulation of the external sex organ. I think.

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I have been pondering on my sexual desires to wear and very less, use diapers. Ill start with the basics i grew up in a house were both parents were chronic drug addicts and as such my potty training was rushed and i was fully out of diapers by at leas age 3, because my younger brother came along. My parents weren't around much i was left pretty much to take care of my brother and myself. We were ofthen droped off at my grandparents house.. and i consistently wet the bed almost every time i was there. For as long back as i can remember i have had an interest in diapers and always got my hands on em any way i could. Now I go almost every night wearing, and i think i get better sleep than when i'm not. I believe all of the factors, absent parents, younger brother coming so soon after my own toilet training, and my bed wetting as a younger child, have led to my sexual interest in diapers and the relaxation i get out of them.

Do any of y'all have similar experiences to this, do you believe that those factors led to your own interest in relieving your childhood and/or sexual interest in diapers?

(not sure this is the correct section for this but whatever.)

I think philosophically you may be on to something here. We almost all go through potty training. Some have good experiences, many do not. Major cause of child abuse is bedwetting and potty training. My logic is incomplete but goes something like: diapers are for babies. Babies wear diapers. Where do babies come from? Sex. Sex produces babies and babies means diapers. Sex means diapers. I was the youngest and a bedwetter. Potty training did not go well. There can be alot of trauma in a young person's life over gaining bladder and bowel control. No. I do not have it all figured out. But I've centered my investigations as to "Why I AM The Way I Am" on potty training incidents. Of course, I do not remember them, but they can still be affecting me. So wearing diapers now is like somehow trying to relive this period of my life and to control a better outcome. Just musings of an old man in diapers.


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Guest Wetnmessy247

Sometimes the answers we seek are the simplest ones. :)

I am 247 incontinent because I simply love being a baby. Simple. I love everything associated with being a baby. I love messy and wet diapers. I love it ALL. :wub:

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