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How Was Your Bed Wetting Handled

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I did have a water proof mattress cover and when the bed was wet the sheets were changed out. My mother wouldn't have tolerated anything else, she wasn't a neat freak but a messy smelly bedroom would not have been ok. And, I did share a room with my brother until I was 12, we got a bigger house with more bedrooms so we all got our own. But, by then the bedwetting had stopped.

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I didn't know what else to do, my Dad used to nail me for peeing the bed, but that only made it worse. One time my Mom bought a coutside catheter that strapped to your leg.

My Dad made me strip down in front of the whole family so my Mom could demonstrate how it worked. I was like nine at the time and small for my age, this thing was for a full grown man, as soon as my penis was put in it it fell out.

I was told to "make it work", and I tried but it didn't work well. In the morning I had to rinse it and hang it to dry (which was stupid because the inside of the damned thing was the only thing in the bed that stayed dry).

The end cap came up missing (I think one of my brothers screwed me) and I got the shit knocked out of me for it, but they never tried getting another one. They just let the springs in the mattress rust till they poked out of the fabric.

I know my brothers hated the smell in the room, hell I didn't like it, and all four of us had to sleep in there. It wasn't a fun place to live. But what can you say? It is what it is, life goes on.


Vic -_-

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I was a chronic bedwetter as well growing up. In fact, I never really out grew it and I still wet off and on. As a kid I wore disposables all the time. I would take my allowance and buy my own diapers as needed I outgrew baby diapers around 12 or 13 yrs old and made the switch to adult diapers then.

My folks never made a big deal out of it. I was responsible for cleaning the sheets and taking care of the mess in the mornings but they never gave me any grief over it. Sounds like I was more fortunate than some others here.

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I wet the bed nightly until about 6 grade. My folks took me to doctors and were told that nothing was wrong and from that they determined I was lazy.

The only concession to my bed wetting was a plastic mattress cover. In the morning my covers would be turned down to "air out". Most of the time I was not punished, but for a while I was told that if my bed was wet, I needed to be in bed at 7PM.

I've told the story on other threads how when I was 5, I lived with some relatives for awhile. There I wore cloth diapers... and it was there that I first realized that I liked wearing diapers at night. That however was the only time I wore diapers again in my childhood.

Now, I'm making up for all that lost time.. Heavily cloth diapered at night.


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I wet the bed nightly until about 6 grade. My folks took me to doctors and were told that nothing was wrong and from that they determined I was lazy.


Yeah, that was the way it used to be in the 50's and 60's. Doctor's could find nothing wrong so the parents assumed that the kid was lazy or something else, therefore the kid was often punnished and humiliated. Thank God that now doctors are more aware that some kids will still wet the bed well into their teens and will eventually stop at some point in their life. Goodnites and Underjams have come a long way in bringing this common problem way out in the public eye. Should any doctor, especially old coot doctors not agree that kids sometimes just wet the bed because they can't help it, then it's time to find a doctor for the 21st century!

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Guest Wetnmessy247

There really wasn't a problem with my wetting because I was kept in diapers till age 7. So any bedwetting would have been protected by my diapers. :closedeyes: Same goes for bed messing. My bed was super protected against my productions. :P I leaked maybe once or twice in my childhood. :D

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....Bizarre rituals of the dysfunctional family.... to me it's no longer a big deal, I wear diapers and have protection on the bed.... It's just part of me.

Yeah, I'm with you here too. I have accepted that I'm going to wear diapers so they're a part of me too.I just hope they're not the best part, especially when I'm taking them off for a needed change :rolleyes:


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