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Baby Diapers

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I'm one of those people who if I'm going to be diapered, I want to be wearing baby diapers. My personal favorites are Pampers and Huggies. I tend to get my diapers from the diaper pail in the nursery of my church. I was just wondering if anyone else feels like this or if I'm the only one. Also, if anyone can tell me their favorite babyish diapers I'd be interested in hearing how much pee they hold why you recommend them.

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I agree with Loopy. Baby-style adult diapers are available from Bambino and other suppliers. One of the companies advertises an adult diaper that is a recreation of Pampers Baby Dry teddy bear print from the 1990s. Here is a link to the site http://www.abuniverse.com/products/abu-sdk.asp.

According to the website, they are "designed to make you feel like a big toddler. We’ve added thickness with an extra “surge pad

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My husband/daddy Honu wears a Pampers size 7 to work everyday for the discreetion. He made a velcro strap the wraps around to keep the diaper in place. It works very well for him. Pampers are the baby diaper choice of our house but we also use Bambino's, Molicare's memebers mark from Sam's Club, Depends and the list goes on.

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ABU and Bambino are getting on the right track and even offering the "baby scent" with the bambinos. I think we still have a ways to go though. I'm digging the prints so far, but I'd love to see more of the older baby diaper prints on the front, etc. All we can do is wait and see. I bought size 6 huggies and made duct tape tapes, and i was so impressed with how much it held before leaking. I stick with my depends though for now.

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For me, its just the idea of being in a baby's diaper. I love the idea that a baby wears the same thing. I also don't mind wetting but I like just the feeling of a wet diaper and that a baby did it. I don't see taking used diapers from the diaper pail as a big deal. I get my use out of it and so did the baby. I just can't get my head around wearing Depends, reminds me of old people.Does anyone wear Pull-Ups or Underjams? I'd be interested in trying those.

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I tend to get my diapers from the diaper pail in the nursery of my church.

From the diaper pail? Stealing used baby diapers from a church nursery!? One day you're gonna end up being the subject of a thread in 'Diapers in the News' as one of those guys who give the rest of us a bad name.

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I don't usually chime in much here, but seriously, stealing used baby diapers? In my opinion you have crossed the line from having an innocent diaper fetish to being a flat-out pedophile. This is just wrong on so many levels: theft, disease, pedophilia, and probably more. In my opinion, you should seek professional help immediately for this.

For the previous poster "autie AB" I hope you would agree that giving "the rest of us a bad name" isn't important, what is important is the protection of innocent children.

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I don't usually chime in much here, but seriously, stealing used baby diapers? In my opinion you have crossed the line from having an innocent diaper fetish to being a flat-out pedophile. This is just wrong on so many levels: theft, disease, pedophilia, and probably more. In my opinion, you should seek professional help immediately for this.

For the previous poster "autie AB" I hope you would agree that giving "the rest of us a bad name" isn't important, what is important is the protection of innocent children.

Seriously? You were better off "not chiming in".

Unsanitary? Taboo? Weird? Crossing a line? maybe.

Pedophilia, not hardly.

Unless there is still children IN those diapers when he takes them from the nursery. After they are off the child, and in the pail, they become "garbage".

Maybe he's a garbagophile.

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For the previous poster "autie AB" I hope you would agree that giving "the rest of us a bad name" isn't important, what is important is the protection of innocent children.

^^^ What they said.

While taking used baby diapers from a nursery is dangerously close to the line, there's no immediate child protection issue. My comment was more about what normally gets said here when the press get wind of a story like this. Regardez: 1 2 3 4 5

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I'm so glad the people I thought would get me think I'm a freak. I take them from the diaper pail when no ones around. I have no interest in little kids in fact I can't stand them most of the time. Babies wear diapers once they've wet them and they're in the pail I take them and enjoy them for my own needs. You people don't get that fine, that's your issue.

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For me, its just the idea of being in a baby's diaper.

I love the idea that a baby wears the same thing.

I also don't mind wetting but I like just the feeling of a wet diaper and that a baby did it.

I don't see taking used diapers from the diaper pail as a big deal. I get my use out of it and so did the baby.

Man i just love wearing a two year olds underwear after they have peed in it.

It just feels so great knowing a two year old wore that underwear and now their urine is all around my genitals.

I mean whats the big deal, the kid got his use out of it, and now i'm getting my rocks off in it.... theres nothing wrong with that.

Sorry, baby, two year old... is anyone else not finding this the least bit disturbing?

It could be the OP doesn't mean it to come out like this.. but when i read I LOVE WEARING A DIAPER A BABY PISSED IN BECAUSE OF THE FEELING,.. it doesn't sit well with me.... maybe it just needs some rephrasing... .....i hope.....

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Now I'm feeling very uncomfortable. I just reread the OP's post and got the chills; not the good kind either. More like the "I need to take a long, cold shower, sit in a corner and cry" kind of thing.

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I have recently gotten a good deal at purchasing Targets branded diapers (used as fillers) but I have noticed something unusual. After having wetting them and going to diaper ball them I get this scent of charcoal. Is this something anyone else has come across? I am wondering because I know charcoal is used to absorb scents (if I am thinking about it correctly). Also the diapers are cute as they have polka dots.

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dude, used baby diapers? I think that is crossing the line. so you like to sit in baby's excretions? This is not about the diapers, the diapers are fine. It is about liking the feeling of wearing baby's urine. That is not sanitary whatsoever. You really do need to seek help. This is unhealthy for you mentally. Like I said. my problem has nothing to with the diapers at all, it has to do with the baby urine. Whether you acknowledge it our not, you are involving a baby in your fetish. Without the baby, you would not get satisfaction out of it. So you ARE crossing the line into pedophilia. Even if you don't like children. Please seek help mate.

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Whether you acknowledge it our not, you are involving a baby in your fetish. Without the baby, you would not get satisfaction out of it. So you ARE crossing the line into pedophilia. Even if you don't like children. Please seek help mate.

Thank you! you stated my point better than I did.

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The wonderful thing about stupid people is that it is their own stupidity that will kill them.

The OP thinks nothing is wrong stealing used baby diapers, and sitting in them/wearing them.

Medically, the amount of bacteria in the urine of a babies diaper is enough to kill a horse, nevermind a human. Also, and medication that the baby is on, will end up in its diaper. The list of chemicals given to a baby in the first two years of its life would frighten most people.

All I say is let nature take its course.

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I already read it but you're still endangering yourself medically.

However, after reading your posts, I can see you don't mean to come across as a pedophile... but damn...

You know, I haven't had money for years so I can understand the whole "college kid with no money" thing. At the same time, though, there's not much of an excuse when you can order sample packs with discreet shipping. That's what I did. Whatever money I had for recreational expenses, which wasn't much to begin with, I spent it on sample packs -- and my parents didn't care what I was ordering because I was always an avid eBay shopper. It wasn't that big of a deal. It never crossed my mind once to wear used baby diapers, though. I just don't see it as that great of a "quick fix."

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