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Diapering Tips For The Girlfriend

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So, my girlfriend is totally aware of and accepting about the whole diaper thing. We have talked about it a lot and she is willing to diaper me if I ask for it. The problem right now is that she is really worried about "doing it right". She has watched me diaper myself enough to see that I am particular about the whole thing... although I think I just like to make sure it fits right. She is concerned to the point of being uncomfortable about doing it, not because she "doesn't want to" but because she is worried she won't do it right (I'm talking about putting the dipaer on right, and getting a good fit.)

I've tried talking to her and explaining that its just going to take some practice and she understands that. But she still gets nervous. More over, I have a hard time giving her pointers and suggestions without her getting upset that she isn't doing it right, or getting frustrated about not being better at it. So, I am looking for a couple of things:

1: Some basic diapering suggestions. I know how to put on a diaper for myself, but I am much MUCH less familiar with diapering another person. Any tips for beginners that might help her?

2: Any ideas on how to get her to lighten up about the whole thing? Her concern has nothing to do with diapers... its about not doing a good job. She is really bad at taking constructive criticism, so it hard for me too. I want it to be a fun or funny thing, not something she is stressed out about. But she also needs to learn to do it right. The last one would have fallen off if I hadn't fixed it.

Thanks for any ideas folks. And for the record, this isn't something I want her to do all the time, or even very often (which is why she has little experience with it). I don't think she has even tried to diaper me more than 5 times. I am happy to just change myself and take care of it. Its more of a treat thing than a regular thing.

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Never put a nappy on someone else so can't really help you with the first point. The second point how ever.... nappies are at most $1.50 each yes? Not alot is going to waste if she messes it up. Just keep being positive about the whole thing, maybe put one on and let her see where you put the tapes.

One last thing... You lucky bastard. :P

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Never put a nappy on someone else so can't really help you with the first point. The second point how ever.... nappies are at most $1.50 each yes? Not alot is going to waste if she messes it up. Just keep being positive about the whole thing, maybe put one on and let her see where you put the tapes.

One last thing... You lucky bastard. :P

Well my only response is 'what's a girlfriend?' :rolleyes: You just kinda gotta guide her through the process.

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Get some diapers with a tape landing zone, that way she gets more than one try to get it right.

I've only been diapered by my wife a handful of times, alas, because she finds it awkward, and to be honest, so did I because I'm very particular about how I do it as well. Even down to the order and angle of the tapes (bottom left, bottom right, top left, top right from my POV :P)

In all likelihood, she won't get it just right first time no matter how many times she refastens the tapes but as we all know, practise makes perfect :D

And yes, you're very, very lucky :lol:

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Eh, I've had my share of ups and downs as far as diapers and relationships go.... I wouldn't call myself lucky exactly, but that is a topic for a different thread.

How do I make the whole diapering me thing less serious and more lighthearted? I'm looking for laughter and smiles not stress.... I think part of the issue is that I am like AuntieAB to some extent and she is worried about doing it right so much she can't have any fun because she is too worried.

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Eh, I've had my share of ups and downs as far as diapers and relationships go.... I wouldn't call myself lucky exactly, but that is a topic for a different thread.

How do I make the whole diapering me thing less serious and more lighthearted? I'm looking for laughter and smiles not stress.... I think part of the issue is that I am like AuntieAB to some extent and she is worried about doing it right so much she can't have any fun because she is too worried.

I think you have to accept the job she does, when she puts it on, unless its a complete pigs ear don't adjust it. Less pressure from you = less stress for her :P. Don't know if you have any teddies.... but you could have a diapering comp, both of you putting on babies nappies on a teddy and seeing who can get it the best :P. You might find out how hard it is nappying up someone else :P. And because its a light hearted competition it will be easier on both of you.

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So, my girlfriend is totally aware of and accepting about the whole diaper thing. We have talked about it a lot and she is willing to diaper me if I ask for it. The problem right now is that she is really worried about "doing it right". She has watched me diaper myself enough to see that I am particular about the whole thing... although I think I just like to make sure it fits right. She is concerned to the point of being uncomfortable about doing it, not because she "doesn't want to" but because she is worried she won't do it right (I'm talking about putting the dipaer on right, and getting a good fit.)

Here is the way to put her at ease according to my wife... she has been diapering me since 89... She says to use 3 tape diapers and always roll over on your side to put them under you than after you roll back lift so she can center it... than put the powder on and any liners I use assurance liners cuz of heavy wetting inside my attend tens (we get them at shopko for 13 bucks)... flare out the front so the sides have no wrinkles and than have you roll to the right just a 1/8 angle and put the lower left tab on just above the very bottom about a 1/4 inch up... next you roll over to the left til your the same 1/8 angle the other way... start at the bottom and put the tabs on all three... than roll flat and put the other two from the left side on center than top... have her sit down on the bed and lift up and give her a hug...

works good and me and the wife feel better about me in diapers 24/7 since 89....

Bet it works for you and with whatever diaper you want or can afford... I need the liners cuz I ain't got a lot of money as I'm disabled and the wife had to take over the major work for the family in 90... but hey life is good if you enjoy the hugs you give and so does she...

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Well my only response is 'what's a girlfriend?' :rolleyes:

My thoughts exactly. Never had one. Don't know the first 3 bases from one another...

You could always put one on her and show her how it goes on (if you have experience with someone else and if she is willing) or have her practice on herself. Don't let yourself be the onlyone having fun! (Again, only if she is willing. Don't force it on her (unless she is into that ;))

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You know, I actually have had a similar experience. My partner gave it a shot a few times and then got very apprehensive. I was really confused and I thought they were totally turned off, but it turned out that they just felt like they were not doing a good job. I was very surprised to be honest, and I can't imagine why it seems like a big deal to them. Hell, I'm not sure if it was an excuse or not even.

People have different ways they like to do it. Personally, I like to do it like they do it in a medical setting. Fold the diaper lengthwise, roll the person on their side, pull it between the legs back to front, roll them over on their back, and then straighten it out and fasten. This leads to the most consistent results from what I have experienced when somebody else is putting one on you.

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If it's fear of criticism that is causing the problem then maybe a pacifier for you while she is in the process of diapering you would help. This might work on a couple levels, keep you from expressing any negative thoughts and make you feel even more babyish at the same time.



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If it's fear of criticism that is causing the problem then maybe a pacifier for you while she is in the process of diapering you would help. This might work on a couple levels, keep you from expressing any negative thoughts and make you feel even more babyish at the same time.



For me, I would love that one but alas I tried it once and the wife wouldn't go for it... she does at the moment get my a warm bottle when she wakes up in the morning though when I whine for it... I love that... Ah life is good!!!

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I would agree with the following ideas (not in any particular order):

1) Landing zone so it can be adjusted.

2) Diaper he if she is up for it to give her an idea how it is done.

3) She if she will practice on herself (different from doing someone else especially when they have different parts ;), but at least gives her an idea of fitment when it is right/wrong).

4) Do your own, then show her how to check that it is done right (e.g. where the waistband is, how the legs are, etc..).

If you have a cloth diaper, go with that instead (even if it isn't your preferred style) as it is much easier to adjust and refit. Some light bondage may also help too if you guys are into that (e.g. you're tied down/gagged, so you'll just live with it ;)).

Personally, my wife can't do decent job of it (mostly because her heart isn't into it) to save her life. But it is such a treat and rare occurrence that it could fall off when I stand up and i'll still be happy with it :)

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I roll my knees up to my chest, which lifts my bottom off the bed or floor. My wife (or mother-in-law) slips the opened rear panels under me and I lower my bottom onto the back of the diaper. I put my legs down, slightly spread, and they pull the front of the diaper up. I usually put my legs flat at this point and they smooth the front panels. A tug on the rear panel usually gets it snug and then they fasten the lower tapes first, then the waistband tapes. Tell her not to be afraid to get it tight, when you stand up it will be fine.

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It's not about how the diaper is put on you, it's that she is doing it for you and for your relationship. The diaper is a metaphor for the relationship and criticizing her diapering job is a criticism of the relationship. Sure, you can diaper yourself better. That's not the point. Diapers are cheap and lots of diapers are not. Finding a woman who wants to put your diapers on you is priceless.

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Heres an idea-next time you diaper, mark where you put the tapes with a marker. Next time you go for a change, have the next diaper pre marked. This way she can get the tapes on exactly without having to tear up a diaper, which is wasting-even if the money isn;t an issue, hopefully the planet is. But like Honu said-make sure she knows just how lucky you are and how much you are blown away by the fact that she accepts you for who you are. Maybe she'll be more accepting of your teachings. And the pacifier idea? Cmon, how cute is that. You gotta at least try it just to say you did.

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Hey...I'm new in here. I recently lost my Daddy/Boyfriend/Lover/etc. That's not the point. The point is is that he introduced me into the whole ABDL lifestyle. I ended up embrassing and loving every bit of it because of him. So here I am now. He wasn't only a great teacher but also a very patient and understanding person. It's not only how you show someone to put a diaper on you or your favorite little extras that go along with it. The words you tell them to use, the story line for the role play, and the outfits. It's making that person feel like they are someone special. That your letting them into your secret little world.

When we were first dating he spoon feed me to see if I would runaway at the first site of wierdness or if I would get curious/excited and stick around for more. Do a little at a time. Go Slow into whatever it is that your trying to get your partner to do. The how to do it and stuff like that (however important it is to you) doesn't matter right now. The most important thing is making them feel comfortable. Control your looks of disappointment. Laugh with them and not at them when they make mistakes. Make it as fun as possible.

Try even dressing them up. Ask first, but show how much you do want this. Make it rememberable. Treat them like the baby for once and try to actually show them why you like it. It's better then just telling them, but don't leave out the explainations. The more they know the better. Explain why certain things are important to you. Then when everything is said and done get their feed back. This is a two-way street and both of you have to stay in your lanes.

Try pull-ups at first for them. That's how I started...I thought it was the funniest/cutiest thing ever! He had them in his truck and they of course had designs on them. I found them to be very cute. So he asked me to wear them. I wore them under my jeans...at work! But it was all worth it because of how he looked at me and made me feel special. That I was showing him that I cared that much for him that I would do this for him. It's a give and take thing. Give a lot...expect a lot.

Sorry this is so long...but my point is to be patient, caring, loving, and most of all understanding. If it's not a good experience for them they will get turned off in a heartbeat. Just take things slow...

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Thanks for all the tips. I left out a few details for the sake of keeping things simple, but there were some good tips in there. I will let folks know how things go. We both went home for Christmas, but she is on her way over now and we are looking forward to seeing each other after a while apart.


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Who remembers how they got to be good at driving a car?...For most of us it was experience and practice... how they learned to tie their shoes?... practice. How they learned to do whatever they do on the job...practice again....Can anybody see where I'm going with this??? When learning how to diaper effectively(or any skill for that matter), Practice seems to be the best teacher. I would first of all, Thank your gf for being willing to try, and encourage her to continue trying different ways until you figure out something that works for both of you. Tips that I have learned that have helped me when diapering others are to embrace the process. Taking it slowly tends to be helpful. Diapering an adult is significantly different than a child and is something that many are not familiar with. Almost all of the other ideas that others have posted are very valid, the trick is to go through them and figure out what works for you.

For me, my mommy really has a hard time with the diapering aspect as well, so she usually just orders me to change myself.

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  • 2 months later...

1) I recommend a diaper with a tape zone. I don't know how many times they can be undone and readjusted, but I've never done it so many times that it wouldn't stick. Also once you show her where in the pattern the tapes belong, all she has to do is find the same spot.

2) Being a SGT in the military we teach step-by-step and that works. During 'training' she is the hand and you are the mind guiding her. Talk her through it step by step, don't let her go in blind.

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Even down to the order and angle of the tapes (bottom left, bottom right, top left, top right from my POV :P)

thats funny, I like to go bottom right, bottom left, top left, top right... :P

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