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Momma Rosie

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(Now I'm jealous of yet another of your smilies Terry. And take that kettle off, it doesn't suit you :whistling: )

^ Nope, perish the thought, I can think of nothing more boring, not to mention the posers. I've taken up swimming again and plan to be up to a mile a day like I always used to before I caught a fungal infection in my feet - yes, you guessed it, I caught it at the pool!

> It's almost the witching hour, I really should move showerwards before I turn into a pumpkin.

v Does anyone know where Terry gets his fun smilies from?

D :P lly

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^ Nope and can't imagine I ever would, but that's just me.

> Watching it get light outside my window, which is reminding me it won't be long before I have to leave for work. Yay, it isn't raining for once!

v Do you look out of the window to see what the weather's like as soon as you get out of bed?

D :) lly

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^ Nope. That would take too much effort and I would have to step over all the crap that is on my floor. I hardly ever look out of the window before I leave the house. And I got caught out today because I thought it had stopped raining, but it was just starting as I was leaving.

< Just got in and can't be bothered to do anything at the minute.

v How often do you do washing?

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^ Washing machines are not my favourite subject today - let's just say it was wetter inside my house than it was out! And given that it's hardly stopped raining for a week, that's saying something! However, when it's working I do a washload every two days on average.

> Unwinding and contemplating going to bed very soon.

v Do you have many clothes that require dry-cleaning?

D :) lly

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^ I like the fairground atmosphere but don't like the rides - which is just as well coz someone has to stay on the ground and hold all the coats, keys, mobiles, money etc :P But if pushed, I don't mind the Umbrellas and Cups 'n Saucers :blush:

> Waiting for Sleb on TV (I'm a Celebrity...get me out of here.)

v If money was no object and you could have dinner in any restaurant the world, where would you choose?

D :) lly

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^ It's an old Victorian cottage which is known as a '2 up 2 down' but I've got a bathroom extension downstairs, so 5 rooms altogether.

> Just watched Parkinson coz Michael Palin (Monty Python) was one of his guests, so still giggling - they talked about The Lumberjack Song :lol:

v Has anything made you giggle today?

D :P lly

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^ Yep. Sleb made me giggle. And so did Parkinson. And I was watching when they were talking about The Lumberjack Song.

< Just finished watching an episode of Buffy with my housemate. All the adults in it got turned to teenagers.

v What is the longest book you own?

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^ Probably the Telephone Directory :P

> Going back in a minute to saw some more wood for my fire. I've been given loads of wooden pallets (a constant supply, as many as I want) so it's been like the Chainsaw Massacre here (minus blood) since a respectable hour this morning.

v What is the first thing you did when you got up this morning?

D :) lly

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