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Sorry if this is in the wrong place or variations posted countless times before.

But I was curious if anyone had a similar experience.

My ab-ism(?) is kept private, as far as i was aware i was the only one who knew it was part of my life.

And nappies, pacifiers, bottles and the like were kept well hidden when not in use etc

Now cause of my current financial situation in adult life I still live with a parent and came home from work yesterday to find my wipes in plain view out and about and my pacifiers not exactly where i left them. And this morning found an empty cuddlz bag (the cuddlz nappies are great btw).

Now obviously adult thoughts stray straight to the countless other things that may have been uncovered if said parent figure (i'll be quite scared if its anyone else, how did they get into my house! :ninja: ) but as regression is a way i help deal with my depression and other aspects of my life i'm afraid that this sort of event may compromise it.

I can't really do anything or say anything, I don't think so anyway, Just go with the flow but I was wondering if anyone else found themselves in a similar situation and how you dealt with or indeed didn't deal with it.

Thankss :)

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All I can say is that you really have to be extreamly careful when living with others. You really have to hide all your stuf in a locked place in your room or a place that would be very hard for other's to get to. Inconvienient when you want a paci or diaper? Sure, but what's worse, having to go through some extra trouble to get at your supplies or having parents, roomates or other family members discover your stuff? Perhaps make a check list for yourself when you use your stuff so you remember to put it all away when your done.

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I agree, just go with the flow- and be more careful to hide things better ;) It may be a non-verbal way for the parent to let you know that they know. A lot of people don't verbally communicate some things well or are uncomfortable opening a subject to conversation.

When I was in my early teens and beginning to wear girl's underwear there were several times when I noticed that my Mom had straightened up my room a little and she didn't bother to move the panties I had hidden badly even though everything around them had been messed with :o After coming out to her as a TG decades later she explained that she didn't think that they were mine, she just assumed I had become sexually active and this was a 'phase' :P Only when I opened the subject could she talk about this stuff.

Just be more careful and don't push the issue, but do think about how you'll handle the subject if it is brought up. Having a plan makes for better responses to uncomfortable questions :)


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I thought I was being careful haha. But it always pays to be a bit more secure. I might go get some of those locking document boxes, not to out of the ordinary so they'd fit into my office come bedroom quite well.

I really like your post Betty that its a sort of non verbal "sign" thats made me feel a bit better.

I hope thats the case, in a nice way as well.

My diapers, pacifiers and stuff are well hidden when not in use too... That's why they're always in plain sight... *giggles*

I remember the day I got so tired of hiding. Binky in mouth, bottle in hand, I walked up to my mom's room where she was watching TV... "This is mine, and this is mine! There! Now I can stop hiding and lying!" and walked out before she reacted. LOL. Then I just kept getting more and more open, and now I've sat at my picknic table with just a shirt and diaper on. So far, no consequences omy lifestyle. Well... Diaper rash.

Thats so ace! I love it...I only wish I had the balls to do something like that - and not necessarily just with being ab ;)

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I have had a similar situation. My grandmother has found my diapers a few times and has caught me changing once or twice. The last time she found my diapers she said, "I wish you would wear those."

As of now, I am wearing diapers most of the time except for tuesdays..(my bowling day).

I wish you the best of luck in your situation,


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go into your parents room move aorund their porn, their underwear and any other private things, not to obviously, enough so they will know someone was in there going through their things.

lesson learned, if they mention it to you just say "ohhh just thought you'd like to know how it feels" and leave it at that.

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go into your parents room move aorund their porn, their underwear and any other private things, not to obviously, enough so they will know someone was in there going through their things.

lesson learned, if they mention it to you just say "ohhh just thought you'd like to know how it feels" and leave it at that.


Oh my goodness my Dad would of "Kicked my (his) boot so far up my ass it won't come out!!!!! I think he tried a few times to!

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I may be out of line here, and I hope you'll accept what I say as one person's opinion. Please don't be offended! We don't need to be ashamed of who we are . . . ever! I'd ask! "Hey Mom! What were you doing in my baby stuff? Those diapers are sure comfy." I don't know. Be who you are and don't be ashamed of how you cope with life. Luv and hugs!

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I remember the day I got so tired of hiding. Binky in mouth, bottle in hand, I walked up to my mom's room where she was watching TV... "This is mine, and this is mine! There! Now I can stop hiding and lying!" and walked out before she reacted. LOL. Then I just kept getting more and more open, and now I've sat at my picknic table with just a shirt and diaper on. So far, no consequences omy lifestyle. Well... Diaper rash.

Eventually that's how I'm gonna have to break it to my mom, and then head right out with a friend for a while to leave her have her Jane Kaczmerick moment.

She knows a teeny part of it, but I'd have to lay it all out for her in very small words to get it through to her that this is who I am, and I don't give a s*** what she thinks

still....i think it'll be a long time before I build up that much courage

DW, you're my hero!

I'm a clean person, I dislike sticky carpets.


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I had a similar situation at one point while living at home. I came home from school one day to find one of my diapers laying on top of my bed and I know for sure that I didn't leave it there. Nothing was ever said about it, so I just waited a few days and then went right back to my normal routine.

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My brother and his wife were visiting our house for Christmas. One time I had a load of diapers in the dryer. Apparently she needed to use it and when I came back from errands all the diapers were dry and neatly folded on top of the dryer. Nothing ever said about it, but I know they both know; I have a large cabinet in my bedroom filled with cloth diapers, plastic pants, and onesies, and I know that at least my brother has seen it, and probably his wife too.

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I may be out of line here, and I hope you'll accept what I say as one person's opinion. Please don't be offended! We don't need to be ashamed of who we are . . . ever! I'd ask! "Hey Mom! What were you doing in my baby stuff? Those diapers are sure comfy." I don't know. Be who you are and don't be ashamed of how you cope with life. Luv and hugs!

I'd love to, I hope to but I'm just not that steady yet.

But I may be open with certain things, my teddies are ending up around the place more often though I'm not yet at the point sucking my coffee from a bottle at my Monday morning meetings ;)

And you're not out of line, thats why I made thread!

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