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Well i know its not really a diaper subject persay but i sit here tonight broken hearted yet again. Yep its over kim dumped me. I could since something was up. I sent flowers today to her work and didn't her back. I called her and asked knowing the answer before she said it. Her first reasons were, she just didn't think we connected bla bla and then i pressed the truth out of her. She dumbed me over the diapers. She cried and said she, I no you couldn't help it but I just can't deal with it in her life right now.

Quote "you know your the first truely honets guy i have meet in years. Your truely so sweet, thoughtful and a careing guy that it hurts me knowing you will always have to wear those things and i hate it cause i can't handle it and Im sorry. And that was it. I did try to reason with her but im sure she has moved on to a new guy. Hope he treats her respect and love. she is so sweet and beautiful but probably he will treat her like crap use her and split. That seems to be the norm these days. Maybe i should get throw in jail a couple times, drink like a fish out of water and treat girls like sex dolls use-em and loss-em..............but that's not me. I'm forever the nice guy stuck in diapers.

I really wanted to believe finally there was someone out there that could just except me but i guess that will never happen. So here's to another 6 years with know love, no hope, and no sex...... :beer:



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I am really sorry to hear that Rocky..

Don't know though.. Not knowing her makes it of course difficult to tell, but I can't let go of the feeling that it could be something else to it.. One of the most difficult things to tell another person is that you don't love, or that you are not in love, with her/him. When doing so, i.e. not blaming anything else (e.g. "I'm really sorry, but I have too much work right now, but you are a fantastic person" or "I'm not ready for a new relationship just yet" or "I'm not really worthy of such a wonderful person like you"), you have to face that person with the hard reality that you simply didn't love her/him enough to be prepared to share you life with her/him.

Blaming the diapers could simply be a way for her to not having to face you with the words "I don't love you".

My experience is that people would do just about anything in order to avoid saying those words. I know of people who have behaved very disrespectfully towards their partner in order to make the other person break up, just so that they don't have to say the dreadful words themselves. There are so many people out there who lack the courage to face the anger, hurt, and feelings of abandonment that the other person would experience if they are told "I don't love you enough", so any kind of escape appears preferable, even if it really hurts the other person far more.

I don't know if this is of any comfort, but I have a feeling that the diapers were not the cause of her breaking up, but rather a way of not having to tell you that she simply didn't love you enough. If this really is the case, I hope you can see this as a failed relationship caused by you two not being right for each other, rather than something that deepens your stigmatisation of you having to wear diapers.


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Very sorry to hear that this did not work out for you.

PeeHD those are very wise words on love. I agree with your thoughts that the reason you were dumped was not because of the underwear that you wear. The great (and often bad) thing about love is that it makes you blind to just these sort of imperfections in others.

I suspect that if this woman had real feelings for you, then the diapers would have not been an issue.

I dont know if you will take comfort in that thought or not, but dont despair too much over this. I have always treated these sort of experiences as learning time. You meet some nice girls and you meat some bad ones. If at the end of it all you have learned something about yourself and what you like and value, then the bad experiences can become good ones.

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I'm sorry to hear, Rocky. Wish I had some good advice for you - all that I can say is to just hang in there. I think it was brave, and extremely fair and forthcoming, that you let her know about your diapers - most folks wouldn't have that sort of courage. And at least she didn't tag you along - she seemed to be pretty open about matters.

Most importantly, I'm grateful that you're not tempted to become one of the many "bad boys" out there, who mistreat women emotionally and sexually. Trust me - the girls who are worth your time and consideration don't put up with that, anyhow. There's someone out there for you - I know it's a hackneyed phrase, but I do believe it. No need to change who you are.

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I'm sorry to hear that it's over with Kim. I agree with PeeHD though that she may have used the diapers as a convenient excuse. From what you told us before, she seemed okay with them. She knew in advance and wasn't freaked out when they leaked and you needed to change them. I know it's really hard, but there are women out there who will not be put off by your diapers and will love you for the sweet guy you are. If she was right for you she'd still be with you, diapers or not.

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I registered for the sole purpose to reply to this message as it's hit a personal nerve so to speak...

(WARNING: The point is in one of the last paragraphs if you want to skip to it, as this post has some serious personal complaints and hostilities some may not want to hear )

It's hard to be sexually repressed, believe me I know. I have never had a girlfriend in my entire life. Sure, I've had sex with a handful (hell less than that) of girls in my life, but 10 years after hitting puberty and watching everybody you can possibly think of having at least 1 relationship in their life, a hole in your heart forms and widens with each passing day. My 73 year old grandmother has a better sex life than I do.

If AIDS wasnt out there, i'd probably be gay. I've tried matching sites with no responses, clubs, and simply being nice. 65 year old men get more attention than I do at clubs. I've been told by MANY different women that I am attractive, so I don't think that is the problem.. who knows

This isn't a self pity note at all, I have a point to this. I know im going to catch some serious heat from this statement, but women f'king suck... seriously. I've been laughed at by blind dates, tossed to the side by a girl I talked to for months who's had a boyfriend, just for her to chose another guy, taken advantage of for a ride, food, money, a caring shoulder, sex (no, thats not my ego talking, im serious), had girls say they were interested and wouldn't answer their phone when I call, LITERALLY been ignored for saying I cared about a girl (no joke, her friend told me this), and more things I choose not to get into detail about, as you probably get my point.

I have only met ONE decent woman, my mother. They are terrible, they say they want to be treated well, but when they are they take advantage of you. Games they play range from crap like hard to get, all the way back to "you can only call me once a day, and you have to wait 2 days before you call me again" which differs from girl to girl. It's hard to approach a girl, they cost money just to talk to, and then just when you think they like you, they don't pick their phone up the second time you call. I've also noticed they would rather be with a man that beats the crap out of them than to be with a gentleman who would hold the door open for them. I could go on and on...

POINT: is this man, let them go.. if your nice it's not worth the damaged self esteem. You cannot be mean if you are not mean, it will not work. Let them get beat and murdered by their abusive husband, they deserve it. Be celibate and don't dwell on yourself, because the best way to take care of pain is not pain killers, it is to stop messing with broken glass.

Sometimes the answers aren't what you want to hear, and I may be wrong for your case. That crap cliche` "The right woman is out there!" is irrelevant, some people go their whole lives without finding one. It's probably for the better, seeing as divorce rate is 50% in the USA, and alimony will have them playing with half of what you earn with their brand new boyfriend while they sit on their butt and talk crap about you all day long. They just aren't worth it.

Ban me if yall feel the need, but it's time somebody said something. Its not just guys that are jerks, it just depends on who gets to being the jerk first. 99% of the time, the nice guy does nothing to the girl, and they go psycho, Yet during the girls next relationship, the guy that cheats on her within a week is a jerk. Go figure.. Does this sound familiar: "You're too good for me."? She's right, any man with a bit of romance within their warm blooded veins are. Let her choke on her own tears as her next boyfriend calls her names in front of friends and beats her for not cooking their macaroni at the perfect temperature.

Just be celibate, women are impossible to please.

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While I'm tempted to refute your claims, I know from experience that it would be pointless, so I'll save my breath. I will say though, perhaps you should take a long hard look at yourself and ask why you are continually attracted to women who treat you like crap. We often pick the same type of person over and over again until we discover why we do it.

But then I'm just one of those terrible woman creatures.

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Wow... just wow. I started to read your entry, and even got a paragraph or so into why you feel that "women f***ing suck"... but really, after a bit, I figured why bother to go further into it with any depth. Scanned along here and there... same stuff... same stuff... same stuff. You haven't had much luck with women. That sucks, and I feel for you. But guess what... there are decent women out there, just as there are decent men. Heck, your own mother proves that point for you - just that you aren't willing to step back and accept it.

Yessir... there are decent women. I like to think that I'm one, myself. I don't play around with peoples' emotions, I don't cheat, I don't manipulate... I just live a pretty darned honest life. I waited for marriage to start up my sex life... and not for religious purposes, no - but because I have respect for my husband - and did even before we ever met. I do what I know to be right - and treat others as I would wish to be treated - sometimes even better than that.

I'm not putting myself on a pedestal here, friend - I'm proving a point. Decent, loving, devoted women are around, many of them available and looking for someone who will be as respectful of them as they are respectful in return. We give our friendship freely, and love with honesty. As a woman who respects herself and knows that plenty of others like herself are out there, I just felt it my right to respond intelligently, and honestly, to your blanket statements about my sex. Thanks for your time.

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It was a generalization, 99/100 leave 1 out of 100. You can also say there are 1.5 million good women in this country (given they were all 18+). By the way, I love my mother to death and could not have asked for a better parent, but even she has done a man wrong through my eyes. She rejected a guy (GREAT GUY, my mother has strong conviction and would not allow an asshole to abuse her in any way) she likes solely because hes raising a child and has to pay alimony, so its possible that a woman can be very sweet deep down, but be far too demanding, and its killing the spirits of guys who treat them well.

By the way, its impossible to go out and tell a good girl from a nutcase based on looking. Believe me, I kick a disrespectful lunatic to the curb after a few chances with no regrets whatsoever, not even looking back afterwards. Thats why I say if luck runs completely out after many years, then perhaps there arent any good, available women around, and maybe its time to just move on. Not saying celibacy is the answer for everybody, but it's certainly an option if you want to avoid heartache.

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It's unfortunate you're so jaded and angry at such a young age. I'm glad to hear you're celibate since you clearly dislike women intensely and I'd be worried for the psychological well-being of any nice girls who might get involved with you.

Women are human beings, just like men. They are not all good, nor all bad.

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I agree entirely Pipsqueak.... what a shame this young man has such a jaded attitude, and only 23. Obviously has so much experience of women and life....

There are some nasty pieces of femininity, yes, but I would put my money on the likelihood of there being far more nasty and evil pieces of masculinity out there as well. I have met all types, and been caught by a couple. I have seen some of the so-called 'men' out there and they make me cringe in the way they treat their women (and others). They don't deserve anything pleasant since they never give it. I feel ashamed to be male when I come across these types...

Bad experiences are part of life. To be so jaded so young is very, very sad.

I have met some lovely ladies, even had loving partnerships (and wife) with them. But they couldn't accept my nappies, let alone wearing and wetting them. One tried, but couldn't, so we parted and I regret losing her to this day. As in another thread, nappies are part of me and have been all my life - literally. I cannot change that.

Sandie. :D

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I'm with Pipsqueak and Sandie on this one - no surprise. I especially appreciate that Sandie, although he has yet to find a girl who accepts his nappies, hasn't been jaded by the experience. We all share a well, different, interest, and it's just part of life that we can't expect everyone, or even most people, to understand it, nonetheless foster it as part of the relationship.

Other than that, I just wanted to add my two cents on your experience in looking for a relationship, sparkin. Many of the "good folks" out there who are available aren't necessarily looking - lots of them have probably been burned themselves, and have given up on the "dating scene". Instead, you might want to look into volunteering or joining an activities group - find something that you love to do, or always had a curiosity about, and see if there might be such a group in your area. You'd probably meet some really cool folks that you'd have something in common with - and who knows - you might meet a girl who shares some like-minded interests, without the pressure of being in a "dating scene" environment.

I don't mean to pry into your activities, but figured it couldn't hurt to suggest. Some of the strongest relationships I've known (mine included) started out with friendship, based on a shared interest outside of just looking for love. Maybe it'll help you, maybe not. But it will definitely help to ease the pressure that seems to be putting you into such a closed outlook at such a young age. I hope things get better for you.

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Ok, I haven't been around for a few days, so I just saw Sparkin50's post. The exact same discussion was up on another forum some time ago, and I'll reply with the same words as I replied on that other forum:

I am sorry for your bitterness - it is really a black feeling that consumes you right to the bones. I don't exactly know what kind of experiences you have had, but from what you wrote I guess it must have been bad (even though your statistical approach, i.e. extrapolating information about a few people on to a population of perhaps a billion women within the relevant age span, may be a bit steep).

However, generally speaking, I do think that women are the ones who have reason to be bitter, not men.

They are the ones who risk being raped when walking through a park, not us; they are the ones who have to be careful about giving out their address to other people online, not us; they are the ones who get physically abused in relationships, not the other way around; they are the ones being judged by the size of their brests rather than their intelligence; they are the ones walking through a lifetime of comments about their appearence (just take a look at hollywood - what chances does a woman have if she doesn't fit in to the norms of beauty, no matter how talented actress she is, and compare that with male actors?), whereas we are the ones defining their very existence in our society as a function of their looks.

No, there is a fundamental lack of respect for women in our society (and I'm not talking about irrelevant stuff like holding up doors or carrying their bags - that has nothing to do with respect), and it makes me sick.

No disrespect for your feelings, and I don't doubt that you have had some very bad experiences, but in general terms, I find women to have much more reason to feel bitterness than men.


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Man, so much hostility. So much hate for so short a life. You think things are bad now, this will seem like a day at the beach in a few years. Some day, you'll have a job, a mortgage, a car payment or two, college loans to pay off, a baby on the way and you will long for these days you are so down on at the moment.

You'll never have a simpler life than it is right now... Unless you get locked up and thrown in prison. Then life would be brutally simple.

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In no way do I doubt that women have every reason to be as bitter, but I doubt they have more reason to be bitter. Men can be victims of all of these things, excluding rape. You say men are not victims of domestic abuse? I would like to direct everyone to a must read web site: http://www.shatterdmen.com

Men do get beaten by women, and it is women who get away with it. You think men do not get judged by the size of their genitalia? Please.. I have gotten information I did NOT want to know from some women about their exs' and even some of my friends. And as if men do not get singled out by; their income, their body size (height, weight, and muscularity), sexual performance, and can also have their kindness taken advantage of; I can be living proof of all of these things. There are women who actively attempt to keep a child away from their father. I got rejected because I told a girl that the guitar wasn't my favorite instrument. When will a guy reject a girl for something so frivilous? Just this past weekend, a girl I never met in my entire life told me "I can get more women than you could", and I did not even as much say a single word to her. It is my personal experience that the majority of women are in fact guilty of abuse at least from time to time, whether or not they realize it is damaging to a males psyque. So to say women are the only ones to be reasonable victims, and are more so than men are, is completely untrue.

Thats why I said "Its not just guys that are jerks, it just depends on who gets to being the jerk first.", it is my attempt to open awareness that women are just as guilty of the things they claim are terrible about men (not more so, just as equally). Yes men do terrible things to women, and I condemn that as I do not believe ANY wrong should be done to ANYBODY. I am saying such things to raise awareness in hopes that both men and women change and treat each other better. But personally, at my point in life a girl would have to prove she is not out to f*** with my head first before I had anything to do with her outside of friendship alone (Yes, I am fully capable of befriending a woman without wanting sex).

Lastly, I will say one thing to BoTox. Thanks for your concern or whatnot, but I would not wish my childhood upon anybody. I grew up practically alone, under the poverty line, and pretty damn hungry. I now have a job, live on my own, and I plan on getting into constitutional law. Money is close to meaningless in my life, I would rather help people in any way I could to be honest, as it fills alot of emptiness that a lonely life can bring.

Sorry for the hostile environment, but it (hopefully) worked in opening eyes towards a subject that is often left untouched thanks to social boundaries. And please check out that website and raise awareness!!!

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This is in deed a weird one, but I must add my three cents (Inflation):

As a AB all of my normal life, or at least what I consider so, I have always had a Mommy. My girlfriends before, My Wife, and all Girlfriends since have always been mommies to me. Including my current Fiance. Relationships are what you make them. I agree there are some pretty low life out there, but certainly are not the norm, rather the exception.

I have been Beaten, burned, and publicly exposed as a AB by women. I certainly did not crawl into denile. I continue to question my relationship today, but I never second guess it. Before I forget though, who saids AIDS was a Gay thing? Last I checked women had it to, I'm obviously not gay, but come on thats alittle shortsided in itself. And for your information why Exclude Rape for men, they have been. It's on the News quite a bit, most are just to ashamed to admit it.

I can easily say my relationships went sour because of "some _itch" but the truth is I was at fault just as much as they were, well not all, but most. hehehee

Women are to be selective, it's Nature. Watch Animal planet for Gods sake. Name a species where the male doesn't have to court a female. And for a note, humans don't have the only "Phsyco" females, case in point Black Widow. Where's the Love there.... Court, make love, Get ATE!!! that really sucks!

In closing, I love Women and Thankfully so, God gave them to us to Cherish & Love...Relationships are like the Lottery..You can't win if you don't play! Thanks

Baby Timmy

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I must confess I felt the same at times in my life. I am a M-to-F Trans and before I made the change I had hit a low point in my life. I had just given up and believed that Woman were all the same and not worth the hurt and trouble.

The problem is we are different than most people. That difference hides our faults. It is too easy to blame the diapers or in my case my feeling of wanting to be female. The truth is most woman want men. Men in diapers or dresses are not men to them. But some woman can rise over that but they are very rare.

You have to work on you. I too still doubt I will find anyone. I am 58 years old and only just finding myself in the circle's where girls hang who might except me as a lover instead of "just a friend". But I do know I have to find ways to better myself first. The truth is you have to find someway to be 'better' than others in some way.

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I agree with Vickie here. It's very hard if you're a guy into this, because despite the fact that regardless of any of it, you're still a man, it's very hard for most women to see it that way. The reality of it is, --most of the time-- if a woman is not into it, (and sometimes even if she is!!) - she's going to see it as a sign of weakness, whether or not it actually is. Women for the most part, are looking for a strong man, one to protect them and make them feel safe, no matter what they say - and are basically weighing resources, and their own perception of your strength, everytime they are looking for a man. The truth of the matter here is, if you wear diapers, you're either going to have to find a woman who likes to dominate, or a DL type woman who knows why exactly you wear them, and understands what it's like.... she's more likely to understand, that you can still be a man, despite what you wear. Keep on it, you can't give up. :)

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I was using my post in the context of not even mentioning diapers to the women...

But I agree, women who do not care for the diapers thing see it as a downfall. Even if the guy needed them for incontinence, women (and I would imagine many men) are hard pressed to accept them. Personally, I wouldn't care what fetish a woman had, as long as if I do not accept it, she does not force the issue on me.

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I registered for the sole purpose to reply to this message as it's hit a personal nerve so to speak...

(WARNING: The point is in one of the last paragraphs if you want to skip to it, as this post has some serious personal complaints and hostilities some may not want to hear )

It's hard to be sexually repressed, believe me I know. I have never had a girlfriend in my entire life. Sure, I've had sex with a handful (hell less than that) of girls in my life, but 10 years after hitting puberty and watching everybody you can possibly think of having at least 1 relationship in their life, a hole in your heart forms and widens with each passing day. My 73 year old grandmother has a better sex life than I do.

If AIDS wasnt out there, i'd probably be gay. I've tried matching sites with no responses, clubs, and simply being nice. 65 year old men get more attention than I do at clubs. I've been told by MANY different women that I am attractive, so I don't think that is the problem.. who knows

This isn't a self pity note at all, I have a point to this. I know im going to catch some serious heat from this statement, but women f'king suck... seriously. I've been laughed at by blind dates, tossed to the side by a girl I talked to for months who's had a boyfriend, just for her to chose another guy, taken advantage of for a ride, food, money, a caring shoulder, sex (no, thats not my ego talking, im serious), had girls say they were interested and wouldn't answer their phone when I call, LITERALLY been ignored for saying I cared about a girl (no joke, her friend told me this), and more things I choose not to get into detail about, as you probably get my point.

I have only met ONE decent woman, my mother. They are terrible, they say they want to be treated well, but when they are they take advantage of you. Games they play range from crap like hard to get, all the way back to "you can only call me once a day, and you have to wait 2 days before you call me again" which differs from girl to girl. It's hard to approach a girl, they cost money just to talk to, and then just when you think they like you, they don't pick their phone up the second time you call. I've also noticed they would rather be with a man that beats the crap out of them than to be with a gentleman who would hold the door open for them.

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Well Hello all. Well i wanted to say im shocked this thread has went places i never imgined. I have to say spankin50 I totally "disagree" with you. But i do understand where he is coming from just not his twisted take on it..... Whoa one word, theropy dude. The rest of you all I thank you for your kind caring words of suport. Really Thank you it has meant so much threw this dark time in my life. In a big way im sorry i said what i did. It was said out of pain at the moment and a bit harsh for me. So just we are clear i would never raise my hand in anger to a girl for any reason. Im a true man and a true man does not hit women. They are a gift to us to charish and admire. That' why it would be hard for me to be in the roll as a baby boy. If god ever granted me such a wonderful gift as a diapered girl i wound be much happier as a doding daddy. Buying her all her hearts deires and making her dream a reality. I would make a great daddy.

So onward. I had a nice flight in and get home today and guess who has left mesages on my answer machine? You got it, Kim. The first one was just whishin me a happy thank giving. The next one she said if you get a chance call me later. Now My heart has bruised and i have been humilated. And yeah Yeah i know, its one of two things. She was truely to wish happy hilidays or she wants???????????

So far i haven't called back. Im not into mind games and refuse to be played. So what should my next move be if any. I say let her go........ But what if? You no. My heart says call her now but my head your a fool if you do it.

I had the evil thought of setting up a nice dinner at home, wine, roses, candle lite, soft music the works and dress nice. Nice shirt, tie, my rolex and server her the dinner diaper only below the waist. You know to get my point accross. Yeah i no great way to sink the ship. But come on live a little, what would you do? Revenge is dish best served cold? LOLOLOL So what should i do? Call her, blow her off and move on.




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