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I Think I Got Caught Today

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I live alone with my cat in a studio apartment. Last night I made spaghetti for dinner and I'm really very messy when I eat spaghetti. I can't seem to eat it without getting it on my top, so when I make that for dinner I wear my bib. Not just because I like my bib but because it really serves the purpose it was intended for. I don't have a dining room set, I have a breakfast bar with four swivel bar stools between the galley kitchen and my living/sleeping room. Well, last night when I was done with dinner I took my bib off and left it on my end bar stool with the stool swiveled out (so I could get off) while I went around to pick up the kitchen. After I got done I got busy with something else and ended up forgetting to put my bib away. My pink patterned plastic bib with the crumb catcher, not something you could mistake for something else left sitting on the stool at the room end of the bar. This wouldn't normally be an issue since I live alone so I can just put it away when I get up in the morning, but since I eat my cereal on the couch in the morning watching the weather and news, I still didn't realize it was there. Shouldn't be a problem because I can just put it away when I get home from work right. Except I saw this ad in the free section of craigslist for a 21 inch crt monitor that had just been uploaded and I called it and made arrangements to pick it up after work. The monitor was located very near where a good friend lives so I called her to tell her the good news and she said she was having problems with her monitor and could she have mine smaller one. I told her sure but I have family coming over for dinner and you're at work so she said stop by work with it and we can just put it in her car. So I get out of work and go home to grab my monitor and in my rush don't notice my bib sitting there lonley on my bar stool. I drove to the location with the 21 inch monitor and picked it up, score, what a great day. Then I go by my friends workplace and she comes out and we put her new monitor in her car and I head for home. While I'm driving home my Son In Law calls on my cell phone and asks if we can make it another night my Daughter is going to be working late and they will pick up my motor scooter for my Daughter to use another day. Instead I have this brilliant idea, I'm on my way home now and I have to drive close by your place why don't I detour and pick you and my Grandson up and you can ride back to my place with me and ride the scooter home so it's there for my Daughter. What a great idea says my Son In law I'll see you in a few and offers to carry the monitor into the apartment for me too. Score again things are getting even better. I stopped and picked them both up and drove home to my apartment and I unlocked the door and held it open so my Son In Law could carry the monitor in and put it on my computer desk. I was so excited about my new monitor I started to connect the cable and plug it in. I told my Son In Law the keys to the scooter were on the microwave table just outside the kitchen behind me. The two of them stood about one foot away from the barstool with the bib on it while I fiddled with the monitor and then he said we're going to get going right away. The scooter was parked on the back patio so I let the out the sliders and walked back toward the desk. I just happened to glance to my left and saw the bib sitting there. I almost fell over. Neither one of them said a word about it. Stevie Wonder would have noticed that bib sitting on the bar stool so I can't imagine they didn't see it. I always thought if anything I'd get found out for wearing diapers because I do wear around them depending on circumstances but I've never worried about it because I have urge incontinence and overactive bladder and I'd just explain it as that and everything would be okay. A bib can't be explained away like that though. I don't imagine that either one will ever bring it up or ask me about it. Because of that I'll never really know for sure that they saw it or not. I suppose it could have been worse, I could have left my pacifier lying on the bar too. I'm not looking for advice, I'm going to pretend it never happened but I just wanted to share this with people I could be open with.



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Without other context, I think people try to fit things into normalcy. Seeing something that is otherwise out of place, doesn't automatically lead people into a train of thought. So basically, I'm agreeing with DD on this one.

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Good points, but I think what they're getting at is: When SIL was near the bib, and would most likely have seen it, and then abruptly says, "We're outta here," -- The connection seems logical and natural, but only Freta would be able to discern from body language/vibes the context of the exit. And from therein, I assume, comes the anxiety about this situation, no?

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Without other context, I think people try to fit things into normalcy. Seeing something that is otherwise out of place, doesn't automatically lead people into a train of thought. So basically, I'm agreeing with DD on this one.

Agreed, they'll probably just assume it was accidentally left at your place by a visitor with a young child or something. Just relax and don't mention it, no further discussion is needed unless they bring it up at which point you could easily and convincingly just pass it off as nothing important.

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Guest lucys junibug

they'll probably just assume it was accidentally left at your place by a visitor with a young child or something

this is what i think and i know that is what i would say if we are ever in that situation....i keep telling lucy she can say that if it ever happens but she thinks that she wont think too....we are lucky as we have a child and things can be 'his' or a 'friend' that visited...



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I bought a bib for my wife to use several years ago because she is forever getting food on an expensive blouse at our dinner table. She was offended at first, but now uses it when the dinner is capable of killing off a nice shirt or blouse. (It has the crumb pocket too, but lacks the decorations...just plain white.) I doubt if they will even comment.

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Thanks everyone for the support and kind words

I can't be sure that they saw the bib but I feel like they probably did. After tossing and turning in my bed last night as I tossed and turned what may have happened in my mind I have come to the conclusion that this would be more awkward for them then it is for me. If they both saw it then I'm sure they would probably discuss it in some context and mention it to my Daughter. I'm sure it would end there, the 3 of them love me and they would not want to hurt me in any way. If they didn't see it then I was just lucky and need to learn from this. Either way my policy is going to be this didn't happen unless I'm confronted with proof that it did. I'm going over there tonight so I'll simply see how it goes. Thanks again for the support, it's really nice to have friends you can tell something like this to.



P.S. Sorry ZSPEED for the wall of text, it was late, I was emotionally involved and I was just trying to write what happened so it came out as train of thought.

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