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Clearance And Diapers

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I'm currently interviewing for some positions that require a high level of clearance. Will my "lifestyle" choices be an issue? Will it come up during the polygraph?

I know that I wouldn't spill the beans because I was threatened with being "outed". My girflriend, parents, and most of my friends know my kinks. But I don't know if that'd be enough to satisfy the examiner.

Anyway I did a lot of searching, to no result, so I'm asking you guys. Maybe I'm missing the right keywords... whenever I search for "clearance" I usually wind up getting somebody's big sale. Because the position is pretty dependent on me getting the clearance, I don't want to take it if I'm going to have problems.

So do you think I will have any problems during the polygraph because I am into embarrassingly kinky stuff?

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is one of the stipulations of your employment not to engage in private sexual fetishes? because that violates all kinds of constitutional law. they have no right to ask you a question about your sex life. if they do find a lawyer and go for the gold.

but if they're asking you general questions like if you've ever been convicted of a crime etc i see absolutely NO reason why you enjoying diapers has anything to do with it. poly tests aren't magical and can't read your mind; they just monitor heart rate, skin moisture etc.

nothing to worry about

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So do you think I will have any problems during the polygraph because I am into embarrassingly kinky stuff?

I've had TSC clearance during my time in the service and the majority of the issues you'll run into are based on whether or not you have a criminal record, tendencies, if you're prone to lying to protect yourself, are you of 'upstanding' moral character (lots of ethical dilemma questions), and can you be blackmailed.

The last one is the reason the US (the only NATO nation other than turkey) doesn't allow gays to serve openly in the military: because they can be blackmailed. I imagine much the same can be said of kinkier lifestyles. The situation involves someone else pressuring you for secret information by threat of blackmail, and your employer (whoever that may be) wants to make sure you're not going to give away secret information for this reason.

It's actually a serious consideration for -you-, as you have to ask yourself if you would violate the trust that's placed in you under threat of your lifestyle being exposed to someone else. If you would succumb to such pressures perhaps you shouldn't be seeking the clearance. If not, then their main concern (your vulnerability to blackmail) is a non-issue.


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Speaking specifically to the poly, even if they don't ask, if you're sitting there petrified that they are going to find out/ask about it, the poly operator will know there is something on your mind (and that could read to them as reception, even if you are answering the question truthfully). So you might want to disclose if there are any remotely related questions. Good poly operators are very professional and non-judgmental. Odds are, you can't tell them anything they haven't heard before. Better to err on the side of telling all rather than failing the poly.

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During your education bringing you to needing security clearance, have you yet had the classes and briefings about your conduct and duties once cleared? For example, you must not discuss your clearance with anyone without a reason and authorization to know.

The agency needing you cleared will be concerned if you can be compromised. Their will be a background check conducted, which will interview your friends, relatives and neighbors. Be prepared to answer all questions completely and honestly, and urge everyone else to do the same.

Once you are hired it well could be you will be counseled to curtail on-line discussion.

I'm currently interviewing for some positions that require a high level of clearance. Will my "lifestyle" choices be an issue? Will it come up during the polygraph?

I know that I wouldn't spill the beans because I was threatened with being "outed". My girflriend, parents, and most of my friends know my kinks. But I don't know if that'd be enough to satisfy the examiner.

Anyway I did a lot of searching, to no result, so I'm asking you guys. Maybe I'm missing the right keywords... whenever I search for "clearance" I usually wind up getting somebody's big sale. Because the position is pretty dependent on me getting the clearance, I don't want to take it if I'm going to have problems.

So do you think I will have any problems during the polygraph because I am into embarrassingly kinky stuff?

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.....and can you be blackmailed.

The last one is the reason the US (the only NATO nation other than turkey) doesn't allow gays to serve openly in the military: because they can be blackmailed......


That's total BS :huh:

Today almost no gays aren't out to some people in their lives, and that's usually nearly everybody in their lives :D If the military allowed them to be out they would be no more vulnerable to blackmail than anyone else- but with DADT they aren't allowed to be out, so a blackmailer has more leverage over them :o The most blackmailed subject is the cheating spouse- a non-Gay person the military embraces. The Military is composed of a similar cross section of people as the society it's recruits were drawn from ;) There's crossdressers, BSDM people, even DL's in there right now with security clearances that are far more vulnerable to blackmail than a Gay because their 'thing' is even less accepted in society than being Gay :( You can only be blackmailed over something you want to remain hidden and even then only if that means more to you than whatever the blackmailer is asking from you. Personally I believe that there are more people in the military that would never sell out our country than among plain civillians or contractors who have an equally high security clearance :D

If a was a potential recruit and a high ranking officer used the excuse you gave to refuse Gays a military position, I would be more worried about how secure their screwed-up thought processes were than whether someone was Gay or not. I wouldn't give a person like that control over my life, and I sure as he!! wouldn't want that person to be in my foxhole as the only person covering my back :angry:


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Hm. I just think it's funny that the man who pioneered our American Government's secrecy policies was himself, an avid Crossdresser. It's been a well-known fact for some time that Mr. J Edgar Hoover had quite a kinky side. . . If the rules were made by the man to protect us from people like him, then what was the point of the protection in the first place?

If it comes up, be honest and confident, but tout your allegiance to the mission, first and foremost.

Good luck -- In this recession era, it's a grand opportunity for anyone to have a shot at working for The Man.

I do agree with some of the previous posters -- depending on what your position is and requires, you might not be able to conduct the same online activities you did before you were employed, and I would err on the side of caution that most of your communications --online and otherwise -- should be treated as if they were a partyline.

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