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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

You Know You're Too Into Ab/dl When...

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... you use baby powder like it is perfume/cologne.

I always use powder scented deodorant, does that count? It's like a trademark from me. It makes it ok to smell like a baby in an adult world.

Oh, and I have another!

You have more stuffed animals and or dollys on your bed then there are people in the world! (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but you get the idea, lol)

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.....when your so used to wearing diapers that you come within a hairs breadth of wetting your pants when you forget you're not wearing them. :o


yea. that one.

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When your truck has child restraints instead of regular seats and the steering wheel and controls have been replaced by one of those Fisher Price steering wheel/etc toys.

When you've taught your dogs to change your diapers because you don't have a mommy or daddy.

When you visit an online store to buy AB/DL stuff and they ask if you want "the usual".

When the other characters in your dreams get miffed at your because they're not into the AB/DL thing and you won't stop dreaming of them diapered. (This has happened to me a couple of times)

If you've ever been mauled for trying to diaper your dogs.

If senior citizens petition to have you banned from Walgreens/Walmart/etc because you keep buying all the good diapers.

When the people at the restaurants you eat at bring your drinks in bottles.

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when your comfertable walking down the street in a diaper and t shirt

when you forget to take your paci out when talking

when you try to check your self in to day care on your days off, or all the time if u lost your job for being to babyish at work

when you ask a girl/guy if they want to go back to your crib and you mean it literally

when all you buy for groceries are formula and canned baby food

when buying new brands of diapers asking the staff "will this diaper make my but look big?"

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