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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Okay so i have the chance to order me a sample of FREE Molicare Super im sorry folks the company does not want me to tell there name since there not supposed to do this for me but this is my thing how can get around my noisy roommates asking me what i ordered since i don't have a credit card ... And the bitch of this is the company ONLY ships FedEx Ground any ideas on explaining it to my roommates if im not home to get it my self and they said it would take 3-5 days to get here

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Guest dllightning


Just get the package and put it away. If a roomy asks, tell them it is part of a project for later next week (input ur hobby here). If they see that its from a medical company, then have some fun and tell them it is a special sample of hemroid creme... Let them laugh and have a good chuckle with them as you toss it into your room.

BTW Molicare Supers are cool. They are really bulky though for me for use in public or while doing activities.

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Been there many times. I used to find it was difficult to order things because my gf would ask what it is.....I was also a bit scared they would send me loads of AB related junk mail.

Due to the lack of AB stores, and the difficulty for many of recieving home deliveries, I've often thought about providing a service for London based AB/DL's and other fetish lovers, whereby I provide them with an address to which they can send an order, and then we arrange to meet at a location of their choice so I can hand the goods over to them. All for a small additional fee of course.


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You could tell them you are expecting a parcel which is for a "Friend" or "Relative", if it arrives and they open it you can simply deny all knowledge of the contents.

i may do that wish me luck im ordering them tomorrow since the 3rd and 5th day will be on my day off work and ill probabbly say the guy was just turning around or something in our driveway

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Just get the package and put it away. If a roomy asks, tell them it is part of a project for later next week (input ur hobby here). If they see that its from a medical company, then have some fun and tell them it is a special sample of hemroid creme... Let them laugh and have a good chuckle with them as you toss it into your room.

BTW Molicare Supers are cool. They are really bulky though for me for use in public or while doing activities.

i did that for HDIS when i tried them awhile back i just told em it was some kinda deodorant sample with "lots of packaging " and nothing was said since then i may use that excuse again lol hell i had a small sample of two pullups and two briefs come they same day as a game for my Nintendo DS that i ordered with a giftcard from Christmas and i just told em the box was a movie that i had ordered as well since i had like went to the store and with a friend from work and put the money i got from Christmas on a giftcard and for all they know it was the other movie but i may do that again ... if i can get to best buy and get a giftcard or whatever for my self lol and just order something that way and use that as the excuse

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You have a couple of options here -

1) Look around for businesses that provide shipping and receiving services. I've used these before. They will usually charge 1 or 2 bucks for the receiving service and they just give you a call when your package arrives. Often times these are regular shops selling a variety of things that just so happen to offer these services so you might have do a little searching online.

2) Your local post office might offer 'general delivery'. This means that you can just give the diaper company the post office's address and it will be shipped there.

3) Call FedEx and tell them that you're not usually home during delivery times and that you just want them to hold your package at their local office/facility. They will be happy to do this since I'm sure drivers get tired trying to deliver packages to people who aren't home.

Just as there is no reason to go into a drugstore to buy diapers there is no reason to have to worry about roommates intercepting your diaper shipments.

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so i'm curious are your roomates in the habbit of opening your packages? i mean otherwise them seeing what it is should be no problem.

If you feel you need to give them some explanation. what i've done in hte past is go out and buy a cheap pair of shoes, or a new sweatshirt, or anything that i want anyway, and bring it home when they aren't there, then when asked what was in the package, i say ohh this sweatshirt i got... and acutlally can produce a new sweatshirt.

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so i'm curious are your roomates in the habbit of opening your packages? i mean otherwise them seeing what it is should be no problem.

If you feel you need to give them some explanation. what i've done in hte past is go out and buy a cheap pair of shoes, or a new sweatshirt, or anything that i want anyway, and bring it home when they aren't there, then when asked what was in the package, i say ohh this sweatshirt i got... and acutlally can produce a new sweatshirt.

well there not in the habit of them opening it but just wanting to know what it was but i may do this and say it was a late Christmas Present from a friend or something or i may just say its some kinda soap samples or something i ordered since i have like a few bars of soap opened from a pack that i Bought . By doing this though they might not really think other wise and if they ask why it came by FedEx ill just say that's how the company delivers but ; i am ordering in the morning before work so this way ill be home on the first and last day of the shipment then if it comes in the middle of it ill just say it was some random samples i ordered and ill use stuff i have lying around the house hidden in my room if they ask what was in the package thanks for your help on this

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Get really drunk and tell them the truth. Then they know and you can say "deal with it" and get on with the rest of your life in peace.

lol eh no since i don't drink but ive told em i won a free beanie from some online contest ive done and the place only ships FedEx so its gonna work out it comes this week so that's a good thing and ill be home hopefully when it comes so thanks all but this will work since i got a beanie that i have that i had forever that i Don't wear any more and they don't know about it so im gonna use it and i really hate pricks like you that say unwanted things i figured out what i am gonna do so thank you all except the noobie here for there help in this

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honesty is the best policy, dont let him bother you maven its not your fault he'd rather lie and continue living a facade however its his own choice so lets move on

normally id agree but if you knew my situation and the people i live with you would be saying otherwise i got caught with a pair of panties once and they flipped out big time so needless to say i dont know what would happen if they found out i wore diapers on and off let alone had samples sent to me via mail like im doing on and an update fellows they come this week and ill let ya know what happens when they get here

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Just get the package and put it away. If a roomy asks, tell them it is part of a project for later next week (input ur hobby here). If they see that its from a medical company, then have some fun and tell them it is a special sample of hemroid creme... Let them laugh and have a good chuckle with them as you toss it into your room.

BTW Molicare Supers are cool. They are really bulky though for me for use in public or while doing activities.

If you want to come up with something crazy like that to tell them, then you might as well tell them it's a giant case of diapers.

Let them laugh and have a good chuckle at that story.

And then, if they ever do figure things out about your interests, at you could respond, "But I did tell you!"

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well they either come tomorrow or Saturday im hoping tomorrow so we shall see how it goes ill let people know about it im just hoping im home for when they come so nothing will be said and ill just take the dog out or something when the truck comes if im home so thats an update

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Get the tracking number from the shipper.

That way you can watch the package online. It will show on the

wesite when it will be at your door. It will be correct within

a few hours most of the time.

This way you can be home..


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well they came today and i just told my roommate that i won a free Nascar hat one of those things that go over your ears and the white he saw in the package was just the bag it was in lol and nothing else was said for as he knows they just sent it in a bigger box than it should have been ill tell you my thoughts after tonight when i wear them to bed since and if i do wet them tomorrow is trash day so i can get rid of them when i get home and i have a place to keep them from smelling as well .... But i figured id share this im just glad it went as smooth as it did

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