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StarBaby is very very depressed at the moment....after being naughty and weeing on the toilet, I went to pick up my very very favourite dummy from the shelf above the toilet, but knocked it, and it fell. . .INTO THE TOILET. . . .which wouldnt have been AS bad. . .but it was FLUSHING!

My favourite dummy is now no more. . .and floating somewhere in the sewer. . .I was so upset. . .my Daddy had to give me a very long cuddle, some nice warm milky and found me a new one. . .but its not the same :(

Silly me

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That very same thing happened to me a few months ago. I was in the restroom, I leaned over to flush the toilet and my pacifier fell down into the swirling water below. I tried to grab it but sadly I was too late. I've since got a new one from diaperconnection and this time I promised myself I won't be as clumsy.

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i remember my first paci, i bought it august of 04... and in the summer of 07, it finally bit the dust, it was the only paci i had for those three years, and finally it just fell apart i was so sad i cried, and even though daddy bought me like 6 pacis.. none have ever been the same!

i feel ur pain!

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I think Starbaby should keep her dummy in her mouth instead of putting it on toilet shelves. :P


I think we've covered the basics here...#1, baby should be in diapers only and nowhere near a toilet!! #2 dummy in mouth with maybe a strap for it pinned to baby's shirt!

sorry about the dummy, though, even so...

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This is a great example of karma, you naughtily used the toilet, so karma decided that big girls don't need pacifiers and got rid of it for you.

You're right...so tonight I'm scared and have my nappy on, plus have not taken my dummy out, except to clutch it very tightly in my hand whilst having my bottle!!

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I'm scared and have my nappy on, plus have not taken my dummy out, except to clutch it very tightly in my hand whilst having my bottle!!

From one extreme to the other. Careful you don't squeeze too hard and hurt your little hand.

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Tis true. Especially if you use the toilet at night!! :( Starbaby is lucky she only lost her paci, and the toilet monster didn't get her.

Much safer in your nappy Starbaby!!


Yeah, I'm totally scared to go in the bathroom now :(

But on the upside, I bought a nice pink dummy strap, and some new dummys as a treat :D

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