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How To Wash Plastic Pants

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This is a bit embarrassing for me. I accidentally soiled my cloth diaper that smudged the plastic pants with poop. Now I found out that it's hard to wash the poop stain out from my plastic pants. Any ideas how to wash plastic pants properly?

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What's embarrassing ???? Your trying to make us believe you accidentally pooped your diaper??? :P No seriously...depending on the make and plastic of your pants the old school trick was to boil the pants. But I wouldn't recommend that with some of the newer ones out. You might want to try a few things first. To start, don't use bleach!!!! You can try Borax mixed with some Oxyclean. If you don't have any of these around you should with cloth diapers. You can get them both at WalMart. Try to stay with something mild at first. If you have tried a bit before this, you probably have set the stain. But if you soak them for a while in the above solution it may help...best of luck..I hope they weren't your favorite pair!!

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Who is going to see your plastic pants anyway?

When I was fecal incontinent I wore plastic pants over Attends disposables to work.

When an accident occured I would put the disposable diaper and the plastic pants in a plastic bag to take home. Guess what? I had many stained pairs of plastic pants. The stains never came out.

The fecal matter appears to react and become part of the plastic. The stains were not as pronounced with clear pants. It was really noticeable with white pants.

This is a bit embarrassing for me. I accidentally soiled my cloth diaper that smudged the plastic pants with poop. Now I found out that it's hard to wash the poop stain out from my plastic pants. Any ideas how to wash plastic pants properly?

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  • 1 year later...

Not when I saw them from about 1950 to 1969. That was considereed bad parenting.

Rinse in water on the cool side of luke warm. then see if you can find 20 Mule Team Borax and Ivory Snow, I would suggest dreft but it has become one of those "supercharged" laundry detergents so I do not know how safe it is, and soak

Also be sure that the panties are made of smooth material rather than grainy as a rough surface iw harder to clean I also do not know if the material now used is the same as then since we never really heard that discussion. The older baby panties may have been more resistent since it was generall understood that the babies poop their diapers. In the late 1950's and later, many of the companies bragged that their panties were boilable and could lat 200 washings which was all right then because babies did not wair the same size panties throughout their diaper career but it was still the case that layettes were used for 3 babies over the course of about 6 years then the panties and maybe some of the diapers would be given to a little girl for her dolly. Also the panties might be used with some 4-5 year old children to fortify or even replace cloth undies if small accidents were feared

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ProHealth was the last USA firm to offer boilable plastic pants. Their facility burned around Thanksgiving 1991, after which they never recovered.

In some of my "Baby Angel" photos I am wearing semi-opaque ProHealth boilable vinyl panties. They came in lovely vivid colors.

Each sort of plastic has its own ideal washing routine. It is best to pay attention to information from the manufacturer.

Still, the basic principle is like cloth diapers. If you insist on removing every trace of stain, you reduce the useful life of the product. The best way to remove stains is to not get diapers and plastic pants stained.

In the real world of parenting or being AB/DL or incontinent, stains happen. The best approach is to change immediately and then mechanically remove as much of the fecal material as possible very soon. For cloth diapers I keep a plastic pet grooming brush at the laundry sink. I keep another near my nursery toilet. When poop happens, I make sure to soak the diaper in cool water. Then I brush off the poop, rinsing the diaper in the toilet as I make progress.

Once I am sure I have brushed off all the loose poop, I soak the diaper in a solution of cold water, Borax and a splash of either 2% acetic acid (photographic short-stop) or white vinegar. After as little as 2 hours of soaking, or longer if necessary, I run the soiled cloth diaper with the next load of diapers, using DREFT as my primary diaper detergent.

Realistically cloth diapers do not stay snowy white very long. Urine discolors them, so moderate residual poop stains do not reduce the comfort or effectiveness of a cloth diaper.

For the soft vinyl panties I buy from Babykins, the most effective washing agent is ordinary mild liquid dish-washing detergent. I find generics work as well as name-brands.

The best thing is to wash plastic pants immediately after use. Do not wait until you have a batch of them. Use a small soft plastic tub. My favorite is an old PE round baby wipe container vintage 1990. It is just large enough I could wash 2 panties if I want to do so. For a single panty I use about a quart of hot water just cool enough I can stick my hands into it. After I am happy with the temperature of the water, I transfer a single big drop of the dish-washing detergent to the tip of a finger. This is not much detergent. I swish that hand around in the water until it feels clean. Then I gently hand wash the recently used vinyl panty. Next I turn it inside out and wash it again. Without rinsing in plain water I gently wring much of the water out of the panty's elastic. Next I shake it out both inside out and normal. I start drying it inside in on a plastic hanger away from sunlight and direct heat at room temperature. An hour later I turn the drying vinyl panty inside out, put it back on the plastic hanger and let it continue slowly drying.

Increasing the amount of dish-washing detergent will only cause the vinyl to get stiff sooner and it will not make the panty any cleaner. When I do see a stain, I start by swishing the panty in the usual warm water with the drop of detergent. I soak a small sponge in the same water. I wring it out and use it to gently scrub the stain. The stain will either fade or not. I have done what I can. Staining on the elastic or Lycra can be scrubbed slightly more vigorously. Just do not get carried away.

Wash your cloth diapers and waterproof pants with love and care and they will last a long time! Abuse or neglect them and they will be trashed quickly. That is so sad.

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