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That Wet (again) Feeling

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Hey folks, the other day while wearing, I had this weird (but nice) mental image. I was wondering if anyone else has felt the same way in the past.

Say you've wet a diaper multiple times, almost to the point where you feel gross and unhygenic (ie, you wrecked that diaper). You go to change into a nice fresh clean diaper... you get yourself all cleaned up, maybe even apply some powder or lotion. Last but not least, you throw away that old stinky diaper. Now you feel fresh and clean and ready to take on the world.... Only that feeling doesn't last because you *promptly* have to go again. And, since there's no point in holding it in (since you'll probably change into a new one later on anyways), you wet the new one! So here you are... wet... again! At this point you're pissed, not only literally, but also that you're right back to where you started. It almost feels like that diaper change was for nothing. But on the other hand, you couldn't keep that old one on- it was gross.

So where does that leave you? Well, since you already soaked your nice clean diaper once, it doesn't matter when you do it again. If it's 18 minutes later, fine, if it's an hour and a half later, fine. You realize it doesn't matter because it will eventually be wrecked, just like the diaper you just got rid of. When you start to feel dirty and unhygenic, you'll change again - only to soak that new diaper. And it goes on, and on, and on.

But this is where it gets interesting! Although it may sound annoying to the layman, for us AB/DLs it's actually a GOOD feeling to have. Because, when you think about it, when you're wet (again) you are truly using the diaper as it was intended. Diapers aren't intended to be savored or used when convenient for the wearer, they're meant to be used at any time... they're there simply to stop you from soaking your pants - even if that means you don't get to enjoy the feeling of a nice fresh clean diaper. In other words, you can't savor the feeling of a nice clean diaper because you're busy using the diaper as it was intended! And yet, using the diaper as intended makes you appreciate them even more!... Wow!

So there you have it. Pretty trippy, huh? Comments are always welcome.

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I think the original poster was referring to the odd sensation that comes when you need to pee just a few minutes after you've just finished peeing...I think.

If I had just changed out of a wet diaper and into a new one, though, I wouldn't immediately soil the new one. As I'm not incontinent, I'd use the toilet...going right back into a wet diaper isn't a pleasant image, at least to me. Seems like a waste.

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Guest dl_aslee

I only want to saver my diapers as I can only buy a package at a time without risking being found. If I could just buy so I had a supply to wear 24/7 I would just change and so be it if I was wet again right after. The best feeling for me is using them as intended.

If I put on a new one and soaked it I would wear it and saver it for a little as I like wearing a wet one. It reminds me that I am using them as needed, the same as someone who had to wear them would do as they can't always change right away. Once I move out I plan to fully do this even if it is with a roommate.

The biggest thing is my mom knows and disapproves. So it is not possible to wear around her as she is looking to see if I have a padded bottom. I have worn molicare super plus arond friends plenty and never got the slightest reaction. They are not looking to see if I am wearing a diaper though.

So the only reason I don't want to soak a new diaper is when I probably won't get to fully use it, which if I change and I have to go it is usually only a little and I may not get to wear it long enough for me to go pee in it again. So that is the only time I feel like it is a waste as I have only used a tiny bit of its capacity. Also don't really saver a dry diaper it's always best when it is wet, so the best is when you can wet small amonts often instead of one big one. Then you are wet much longer, instead of having to change in an hour or less so that when you have to go again you don't leak. ;) | \O/ |

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This is to dl_aslee.

You wrote "The biggest thing is my mom knows and disapproves." Please don't take this the wrong way because I'm in the same boat. At 25 I would be interested to know when your Mom found out and how she voice her disapproval. What do you tell her for the reason you wear diapers?


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