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Will Future Abdl's Prefer Cloth Backed Disposables?

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Ive thought about this for awhile. I like Disposable Diapers with the plastic backing because those are what I wore when I was a baby. Im not sure had I have grown up with todays cloth backed disposables, if I would still prefer the plastic backing today. So heres my question, will the kids growing up today in the cloth backed disposables (pampers, huggies, luvs) prefer cloth or plastic backed disposables when they grow up to be abdls?

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Ive thought about this for awhile. I like Disposable Diapers with the plastic backing because those are what I wore when I was a baby. Im not sure had I have grown up with todays cloth backed disposables, if I would still prefer the plastic backing today. So heres my question, will the kids growing up today in the cloth backed disposables (pampers, huggies, luvs) prefer cloth or plastic backed disposables when they grow up to be abdls?
Not sure but its plastic backing all the way for me to, i love the feel of them, something very sensual about it & they seem to feel much more babyish to me, the cloth ones don't feel anywhere near as nice x

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Not sure but its plastic backing all the way for me to, i love the feel of them, something very sensual about it & they seem to feel much more babyish to me, the cloth ones don't feel anywhere near as nice x

Right, but thats because most likely you were raised in plastic backed disposables. Do you think kids growing up today would prefer clothed backed disposables because they are growing up in cloth backed dispoables so that will feel more babylike to them??

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I think, broadly speaking, yes, people lean towards the type of nappy they were brought up in, and therefore I think yes, future ab/dl generations will prefer cloth-backed nappies. Of course it's not always the case - I was brought up in cloth / plastic pants, but my preference is plastic backed disposable - I've never used a cloth nappy in the ab/dl scene, though I may give it a go in the future!

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I don't know what I was raised on but I do know that here lately I have been enjoying cloth backed as much as plastic backed disposables. I think it's a preference to whatever draws you to diapers in the first place. The feel or the security or even the total attention from another person. In the end it's all about the experience that made you love diapers in the first place.

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My money would say that an increasing number of AB/DL's would begin to come to prefer the cloth backed diapers. This will be especially true if that is what they remember and think of as diapers. It also may become more and more common as the cloth backed ones become the ones that are primarily available. I would think there will always be a wide variety of what people like. I can't speak as to what kind of diapers I wore as a baby, but I personally prefer the plastic backed disposables myself. I use cloth from time to time (or whenever I where right now due to supply issues) but I definitely prefer my disposables. What one knows is what people tend to prefer in most fields, but definitely in diapers.

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I don't know about that theory!

I'm 47 and I was in cloth diapers and rubber pants as a child. Diapers are a lifestyle now for me but the fetish has always been for plastic.

When I was a teen I finally got the nerve to buy some Pampers, this was maybe 1976. Right now thinking about the first times with Pampers is bringing back such intense pleasurable moments. Besides the incredible rich aroma of the sweet baby powder scent that was in those Pampers the pleasure of that soft luscious white plastic was just awesome.

To this day every time I diaper myself which includes every night, I just have to rub my hand over the plastic like it was the first time. The whiter and the softer the better!

My first diaper fetish memories were at 4 or even younger around the time my younger sister was born, seeing the cloth diapers and rubber pants. I think some of my earliest memories were of that. Then as a young teen using a tee shirt and putting it on like a diaper. But I was drawn to go out and buy disposable diapers.

For me and I think for most DL's who prefer plastic backing, we share our diaper fetish with one or more of fetishes for Latex/Rubber/PVC/Vinyl/Leather, basically a desire for smooth shiny material against our bodies or others.

As mentioned diapers are a lifestyle for me now, if plastic disappears from disposables I will and need to use the cloth back ones, although the pleasure won't be the same. But then when my diaper gets all warm and wet it will feel great. Plastic pants though can't replace the plastic on the diapers. Because they lack the form fitting and tightness of the plastic on a disposable. For me I'm 100% for pictures of women in plastic disposables for that reason, the disposable gives that great form fitting against a beautiful woman's body. To me a woman in a plastic back disposable is more attractive than seeing her in the sexist lingerie!

A side note here, I haven't used Depend Guards for a few years now, When I first started to use them in 1999 they had a plastic backing, a few years later they went to a cloth backing then went back to plastic. I suspect that plastic is cheaper to produce. Keep in mind that under the paper cloth backing is a thin sheet of plastic that is still the waterproof backing. So the paper-cloth is an extra expense that I guess is to make people feel like they're not using a baby-like product. Just like diapers to "briefs" nonsense. So plastic might stay around for a little more then we think!

Thanks phogendpf for bringing up a great discussion that is at the core of the diaper fetish,


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Good question, certainly a tricky one.

Based on my history i'd opt for future abdl's preferring a similar feel to what they were put in when young. Of course everyone's different but the reasoning is that I was brought up in cloth nappies; apparently the plastic-backed disposables at the time gave me nasty rashes and I was one loud, screaming, very unhappy baby

..or as close relatives would say "a miserable little sh*t"

Now I only really use plastic-backed X-plus's or attends special care as the inside nappy, with cloth-backed pull-up types on the outside. Great soaking power and the feel I like.. definitely hits the spot ^_^

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When I was born in July 1964 according to history several firms in addition to P&G were making disposables. Some early disposables did not have a plastic layer, assuming parents would still use plastic panties I suppose. My family was always pinned gauze diaper friendly, and had been for decades when I was born. I do not remember my life before I was toilet trained, but having seen all three of my younger siblings in diapers, I believe our Mom who says she only used pinned classic Curity 21x40" flat gauze diapers and Gerber vinyl panties. Although I was officially toilet trained, and rarely was diapered at home, like my sisters my bladder is small. For trips and special events Mom asked us to wear diapers so sweetly none of us ever objected. Even when I was ten and doing some of the diapering I still assumed all the other kids my age I saw on trips also were diapered.

It was a major deal in 1972, when my youngest sister Missy was 3, that on a trip Mom had to actually buy a carton of Pampers. Might have been out of diapers at home, but the second day of the trip she got sick, with runny poop. Mom, our younger brother and all four daughters were in diapers, so we traveled with a whole lot of Curities. Still, Mom was running out and the poop smelled. Since only Missy was small enough for Pampers, she got to try them. Mom and our oldest sister wasted a few Pampers before they figured out how to put one on Missy. That was a hoot. I think by then Pampers had sticky tapes, but Mom might have also used pins. Of course those had poly plastic.

From age 12 onward I have wet at night. Mom did not think I could wash cloth diapers in a dorm in 1981, so that was when I learned to put on Attends, again with poly layer and sticky tapes. At the time they were called "Small" and have not changed much over 27 years, only now they are called "Youth Briefs" Attends now also makes Breathable Small which are the same size, for hips from under 20 to 30" or so. Breathable have a cloth-like layer and good Velcro tabs, so they are very similar to an enlarged modern Pampers Cruiser, pehaps a Size 9 with more than one tab per side.

Depending on the situation today I still prefer pinned gauze diapers in bed and around the house when I can wear them discreetly. When I need a full diaper while functioning as a responsible adult, I do select the Breathable Small. Generally I can make do with a slip-in pad so long as I am sure of frequent scheduled changes. I make the slip-in by cutting away the side flaps and leg gathers of Size 4 Cruisers.

I save the poly Youth Attends for sleeping in beds away from home and for those times I am sick enough I cannot control my poop. I might be an AB but I dislike washing messy gauze diapers. Sorry to disappoint anyone, but I do not find any disposable helping my AB fantasy, these are functional. My experience is that in bed cloth-like clings to sheets and blankets, pulling gaps at the wrong times, causing leaks. The poly slides on sheets and blankets and can be taped snug with some practice.

Over the years I have communicated with many experts in the disposable diaper industry, especially Carlos Richer, who is considered the Godfather of such manufacturing in Latin America. The expert consensus is that cloth-like was developed because it actually costs less than quality poly. Also, it feels better to mothers who carry diapered kids resting on an arm. The experts believe the kids cannot tell the difference. Perhaps with crawlers there is a slight stretch advantage to cloth-like and it works much better with Velcro tabs. Has anyone found a really satisfactory way of repositioning sticky tapes on poly?

It is no secret I am 44, so I am on the younger limit of ABDL who only wore cloth diapers as a youth in my formative years. When I started communicating with AB in DPF back in 1990 nearly all preferred cloth with pins and accepted cloth with Velcro and disposables only when necessary, disposables usually because they had no washing machine. By 1995 I noticed many new friends asked why I did not wear disposables in my photos. By 2001 the questions were "What is a cloth diaper?"

Today ABDL seem to want thick poly diapers, and complain about the thinner and flexible Attends. Try to remember Attends are designed for hospitals and nursing homes where adult diapers are supposed to be changed every 4 hours. Changed that often Attends are absorbent enough. Would a responsible parent leave a child in a disposable much over 5 hours? From what parents tell me since 1976 baby disposables size for size have been absorbent enough. Super gel allows diapers to be thinner so more can be compacted into the same shelf space in stores.


Ive thought about this for awhile. I like Disposable Diapers with the plastic backing because those are what I wore when I was a baby. Im not sure had I have grown up with todays cloth backed disposables, if I would still prefer the plastic backing today. So heres my question, will the kids growing up today in the cloth backed disposables (pampers, huggies, luvs) prefer cloth or plastic backed disposables when they grow up to be abdls?
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"My experience is that in bed cloth-like clings to sheets and blankets, pulling gaps at the wrong times, causing leaks.

Angela that's another good point you brought up if you only use disposables. There's nothing like the way you can slide around with plastic! Also I find a lot of fraying against jeans with the cloth like backing.

Angela I mentioned this before in another posting. I envy you, you mother embraced diapers as a practical item and not something that should be scorned. My mother used diapers on me once when I was around 4 when I had a small accident, the diapers were use to humiliate and punish.


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Hi Repaid1,

Per your fine suggestion, Mister Moderator, I edited my post to correctly show I was born in 1964. I also updated my profile to show I turned 44 this July.

When worn inside normal clothing, there is much to be said for poly disposables. I am not so sure the cloth-like really ventilate better than poly inside clothing. My reasoning for using Attends Breathable under my clothing is that since I still normally have bowel control, I want to have the option of releasing my diaper to use a toilet. That is so easy with a slip-in and not much harder with a Breathable. This is not an issue when I wear Attends Youth which are poly because when sick I have no control over runny poop. Once I feel it that diaper is ruined and I will change it ASAP after cleaning really well. When that sick I only leave the house to see a doctor, poly disposable and all.

Trust me, I have never been embarrassed wearing diapers at my doctors' offices. When I am sick almost always someone drives me and I carry a large diaper bag with a full tub of wipes!

Edit: Angela's post should say born 1964 not 1994..Figured she could edit it her self. While your at it update your profile from 43 to 44:P
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It is a disposable world now. Only God knows what the economy will bring. Since they are less expensive to use, cloth could come back but it will only be temporary.

I am a child of the 50's. I have used cloth diapers for most of my life.

Ive thought about this for awhile. I like Disposable Diapers with the plastic backing because those are what I wore when I was a baby. Im not sure had I have grown up with todays cloth backed disposables, if I would still prefer the plastic backing today. So heres my question, will the kids growing up today in the cloth backed disposables (pampers, huggies, luvs) prefer cloth or plastic backed disposables when they grow up to be abdls?

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