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How Can I Stop Feeling Horny All The Time?

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I am always horny and because my fetish centers exclusively around becoming incontinent I constantly think about ways on how to damage my body. I am spending six to seven hours a day searching the internet about incontinence and what causes it. It I could find a method on how to achieve total incontinence I would do it knowing full well I don't really want it. I know this because after I masterbaite I don't think its a good idea then 10 minutes later I'm horny really again and will do anything to damage both my sphincters. I mean anything!

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i can help. want me to sever your spinal cord with a sharp knife. this will make you incontinent for sure, only drawback is your legs probably will not work either.

has the urge died down a bit? ;)

If you don't have nothing worthwhile to say don't bother replying. Nasty person.

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erm it was you that was talking about wanting to damage your body, if you cant tell when someone is just taking the piss then your a real bell end.

have a good day.

I'm not going to go down to you're level. If you had read my question probably I was asking how I could stop feeling horny all the time. But I suppose you just wanted to troll around. Stop fishing.

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your always horny as you probably need sex and probably haven't had a fuck in a longgggg time. find a whore or even fuck buddy and your hornyness will get reduced.

also spending 6-7 hours a day searching about incontience is getting totally obsessed and sounds like you haven't got a life.

easy way to get incontinent, wear nappies 24/7 for about a year and make sure you relax totally when u pee. so after a year if you don't wear you will be so used to pee too easy, you will become incontinent.

oh and lay off the constant wanking and do a sport instead or go down the gym, get a hobby etc

I'm asexual. I don't like sex. As for being obsessed perhaps I am but that dose not stop me from living a full life. I can happily search the internet anywhere I go. Thats the main problem if I make myself incontinent I will be unable to enjoy my holidays and wil be confined to boring old Engaland.

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Some serious advise. I would definately find someone to talk face to face with and work this out. Wanting to hurt or damage yourself is never the answer. Believe me you don't want to be dependant on incontinence protection.

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George if you want to be incontenent, just diaper everday and when you feel the need to go just let it go, after awile you body will just go without you thinking about it.

You learned how to stop when you were little, now you have to untrain yourself, and you will become incontenent, check out Gay Baby Diaper Hangout, they have a section there on potty untraining, see if it works for you.

I'm alot like you just older, and in my younger days was just like you...good luck B

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I'm not going to go down to you're level. If you had read my question probably I was asking how I could stop feeling horny all the time. But I suppose you just wanted to troll around. Stop fishing.

I'd suggest asking an endocrinologist. I know they can do something, but will they?

One of the effects of my treatment is my sex drive took a big dive, overnight. Friday night, still horny as hell (body wanted sex, mind did not! Which has been an issue since peuberty), saturday morning, nothing. My dream partner could grind on me, and if I didn't want to be aroused, I wouldn't be.

I'm happy with that, being freed from an oppressive sex drive was something I wanted. Maybe there is something an endo will do for you. I wouldn't recommend the same treatment I'm on unless you have the same problem, which I doubt. However, I'm sure there is something weaker.

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To become temporary incontinent, drink a ton of water, but don't think about it...

If you want to be perma incontinent, yo uwill no longer enjoy diapers...they will become like toilet paper for you.. and all the farting people will hear coming from your stinkin ass...

I thought I was a freak...

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"I am always horny"

Your always horny because your 21! I can't speak for the ladies here but horniness is uber natural for guys your age + or - a few years. Even if your were vanilla you would be horny 24/7. :D

As far as the rest of it goes, don't do any damage to your body. You may regret it later.


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Hate to break it to ya Georgie boy,but asexual beings don't get horny. If you're gettin' frisky,you're still sexual thus negating the asexualness you speak of.

You hit the nail on the head Pete. Asexual people don't get horny as they don't want to have nor feel the urge to have sex......

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Agree, you can't say "I don't want sex" and then say "I'm horny all the time".........it's a contradiction!

George, as someone else said, it's natural for you to be horny all the time at 21. Most guys of your age walk around with a constant erection, it's normal.......especially if you're not having sex.

If you're researching incon for most of your waking hours it's because you don't have a life. You are bored, so you are thinking about your sexual desires. Go and do something to occupy your mind, I'm sure if you were playing a sport you wouldn't be thinking about this.

As some of the others have said, if you really like the feeling that much just wear a diaper 24/7 and use it for it's intended purpose.


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Hate to break it to ya Georgie boy,but asexual beings don't get horny. If you're gettin' frisky,you're still sexual thus negating the asexualness you speak of.

Don't know where you get that misconception from? I'm not sexually attracted to anyone of any gender therefore I see myself as asexual. I never think of sex.,

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Poor george, getting tarred and feathered by the ones who are suppose to be the advice givers.

All I can say george, is never trust a grown-up who likes to be little girls in diapers..

Dude.. seek advice from a serious source... this is fantasy land here, if ya havent noticed.

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I would look into talking to someone about what you're feeling and just talking out what you're thinking inside, out loud.

Your goals and wants take a lot and are really life altering if you were to ever go through with any of that ... your best thing to do is to wear a diaper for half a month straight, never without one on ... or if anything was to ever happen, I'm sure you would be forced to a colostomy bag or something of the sort.

Just something to think about. Talk it out. Unfortunately, everything you've described is not the healthy norm but luckily, it can all be figured out to work for you.

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you can be sexual and not attracted to men or women, asexual people do not have sex drives, which means they do not get horny, or turned on by anything, you obviously get turned on by the thought of being incontinent, which means you are not asexual. People who are only attracted to animals, are sexual, and have a sex drive, but are quite certainly not attracted to men or women.

but i agree with that has been said, you are obsessing over this incontinent thing, i would suggest getting out of the house, join a book club, a sport, go the gym or a coffe shop, and do things that dont relate to diapers and being incontient. Theres a difference between a sexual fetish and an obsession..

coincidentally, the latest issue of psychology today had articles on both the difference between a kink and an obsession and on people who are assexual, you should pick it up and check em out.

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From asexuality.org


For some sexual arousal is a fairly regular occurrence, though it is not associated with a desire to find a sexual partner or partners. Some will occasionally masturbate, but feel no desire for partnered sexuality. Other asexual people experience little or no arousal. Because we don’t care about sex, asexual people generally do not see a lack of sexual arousal as a problem to be corrected, and focus their energy on enjoying other types of arousal and pleasure.

I focus my energy on objects, eg dipers and rubber helmets. I have never participated in any sex with a partner because quite frankly its nauseating. Kinda how people feel when you tell them you like messing you're diapers.

Its perhaps not healthy being this obsessed with incontinence and diapers. I think when I do finally achieve incontinence these strong sexual urges will go away and I can focus again on how wearing diapers used to make me feel before I hit puberty.

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