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Anyone Remember Celebrity Death Match?

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Anyone remember Celebrity Death Match? I think it was on MTV or VH1. Either way, it's a WWF style wrestling match between two celebs. So, Britney Spears v Christina Agulera, or something like that.

If you could watch a wrestling match between two celebs, male or female, who would you choose?


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Anyone remember Celebrity Death Match? I think it was on MTV or VH1. Either way, it's a WWF style wrestling match between two celebs. So, Britney Spears v Christina Agulera, or something like that.

If you could watch a wrestling match between two celebs, male or female, who would you choose?


Ive heard and seen adverts for that, but never actually watched it.

I reckon seeing Eminem wrestle Michael J would be a good one!! Imagine..!!!! :boxing::ph34r::bash:

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Oooooh mans, this was one of my favorite shows in the late 90's and early 00's. It was on MTV, and one of the reasons I always made sure I had cable heheh.

Favorite match I ever saw was just before the 2000 election, Wierd Al Yankovic vs. Al Gore. If I remember correctly Wierd Al won, by a fairly interesting decapitation ;-).

Nowadays......hmmm. A Royal Rumble of superhero actors maybe? How about Toby McGuire vs. Christian Bale vs. Robert Downey Jr. That would be an interesting match.

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My fave was De Nero v Pachino, with Marlon Brando as ref. They had to winch him over the ropes with a crane.

Commentator: "Oh, what does referee Brando have to say about that move?

Brando: "I started as a ditch digger, but my mother was a beautiful woman!"

Commentator: "Surely that was an illegal move, what does referee Marlon Brando have to say?"

Brando: "Bring me a bucket of chicken!"


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My fave was De Nero v Pachino, with Marlon Brando as ref. They had to winch him over the ropes with a crane.

Commentator: "Oh, what does referee Brando have to say about that move?

Brando: "I started as a ditch digger, but my mother was a beautiful woman!"

Commentator: "Surely that was an illegal move, what does referee Marlon Brando have to say?"

Brando: "Bring me a bucket of chicken!"


You and your bloody chicken!!!!!! :roflmao:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to see Nietzsche against St.Augustine or Bataille against Luther. Seeing Luther or Augustine being beaten to a bloody pulp, now that would really be something! Or are we only talking about faces still around? In that case, I would go for Clive Barker giving the Pope a good trashing! :bash::bash::beer:

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I would like to see Nietzsche against St.Augustine or Bataille against Luther. Seeing Luther or Augustine being beaten to a bloody pulp, now that would really be something! Or are we only talking about faces still around? In that case, I would go for Clive Barker giving the Pope a good trashing! :bash::bash::beer:

I'd like to see the Pope beat Barker.......it would be such a turnaround for the books. You could have the Pope reeling on the ropes, he could do that whole thing were he pretends to be out on the canvas, then makes a sudden comeback just in time. I can imagine him drawing his power from the crown, just like Hulk Hogan used to!

Then he could run across the ring and hit barker with a clothes line, taking him out!


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Ok, would have been more original, but I have to disagree there. Barker ripping his ridiculous head-garb off him, giving him a solid punch in the stomach, getting hold of his neck, then by finger manipulation, making the holy vomit come splashing out, and what do you know? Straight into his hat, From head-garb to barf bag. Then, from barf bag back to head-garb. As a grand, ironic, fitting finale, choking him to death with condoms! Yes, I would very much want to see that. :beer:

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