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United We Stand

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Come on people, we have more than enough bigoted oughs out there who want to slag us off, without tearing ourselves apart from the inside.

As has been said many times this is the best site ever !

So lets play to our strenths and pull together to support each other in a friendly, caring and accepting space that is all to often missing out there.

It would cost nothing for all of us(male, female, gay, straight, A/B, D/L, mommy, daddy, black , white) to be a little kinder and more considerate of each others feelings, but the effect would be priceless!

May All Beings Be Well

May All Beings Be Happy.


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Come on people, we have more than enough bigoted oughs out there who want to slag us off, without tearing ourselves apart from the inside.

As has been said many times this is the best site ever !

So lets play to our strenths and pull together to support each other in a friendly, caring and accepting space that is all to often missing out there.

It would cost nothing for all of us(male, female, gay, straight, A/B, D/L, mommy, daddy, black , white) to be a little kinder and more considerate of each others feelings, but the effect would be priceless!

May All Beings Be Well

May All Beings Be Happy.


Strength in numbers, lad. Strength in numbers. And, the numbers do seem to be swelling, day by day. Despite the negativity expressed by some members of the community, concerning certain ABDL activities, it does seem as though we are starting to "Come Together". Dare I "Imagine"? (Thanks, John.)


--heidilynn ;)

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I think you're confusing unity with homogeneity. I'm not going to give up my views to make people happy, especially those who don't plan to return the favor.

Disliking our lifestyle does not make people bigoted oafs. If there's going to be understanding between us and the rest of the world, it's got to go both ways.

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Some of this is natural growing pains from an ever enlarging community. I don't condone it but there are a lot of angry, confused people out there. While I'd rather not have them cause problems, it may be a cry for help. This is not how they should get help, any any stretch.

I'm not an AB. I'm a DL and I'm tolerant of almost anything as long as it doesn't intrude into my life to such a degree that I can't block it out.

Ignore what you can. Forgive what you must. Live your life.

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I salute you mal for your effort, and only hope that the community would gel together as a community to care for and respect each other, and accept the diversity that lives within.

I firmly believe in the axiom 'Before you make up your mind, open it'. It means that one should not judge another from ignorance, but with all known knowledge about the subject. That simple task will eradicate all bias in this world, but some people are too ignorant to know.

Peace and love to all whoever and wherever you are. We are all different and unique, and it is our uniqueness that makes us lovable.

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I think you're confusing unity with homogeneity. I'm not going to give up my views to make people happy, especially those who don't plan to return the favor.

Disliking our lifestyle does not make people bigoted oafs. If there's going to be understanding between us and the rest of the world, it's got to go both ways.

Aleia, I saw the heading on the original post and was concerned about what might be expressed. When I read the post, however, it seems that the 'unity' Mal is asking for is simply " to be a little kinder and more considerate of each others feelings."

I agree that we shouldn't give up our point of view or insisting that others give up theirs. I do think, however, that the sentiment is aimed at how we express ourselves. Can we express a point of view without being rude, nasty, and obnoxious to others? And can we reasonably ask that of others as well, even stepping up and 'politely' telling them they are not welcome IF they insist on being nasty? I don't see why not.

Let's NOT take on the political use of the saying, "United we stand..." since in politics this has come to mean that we are supposed to give up our individuality and our opinions and stand in line behind someone else. I don't hear that being expressed here. I took it as a call to be tolerant of those other opinions from within or without - as long as they are expressed in a decent, respectful way.

I agree...disliking our lifestyle does not make people bigoted oafs. The way they express themselves just might, however...just as we need to guard against expressing our interest in our own particular lifestyle (whatever that might be) in a rude and obnoxious way.

...not unity of thought, but unity in consideration of one another as a person, I think. Babykeiff said it well.


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Tolerance is something that we could all practice. That doesn't mean that I expect everyone to agree with me, but that I would prefer it if I didn't feel (from the way you choose your words), like I'm being judged.

As the good book admonishes us "judge not lest ye be judged". Understanding a persons point of view does not necessarily mean that you agree with it. Being tolerant does not mean that you agree with, or even promote that persons lifestyle, just simply that you're not judging.

If we can be more tolerant of each other I feel that we can avoid a lot of the "flame wars" that seem to pop up here.

After all, we as a community, are all of us very diverse people, and what might work for me does not mean that it's the "right" thing to do.

Many others may find my way of life to not be to their liking. I like punk rock, classic rock, goth, metal, and alternative, and I prefer to listen to this satanic music to watching the boob tube. So I'm sure there are at least a million people out there who wouldn't care for my lifestyle.

Just please, don't slap my face by passing judgement on me.

I for my part, will do my best to keep my replies civil, and do my best to NOT pass judgement on YOU. That said, then in the words of the prophet, "can't we all just get along?".

Peace out,


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We can be united in our difference, i am not asking that we all try and agree with each other and deny what we feel/think/believe for the sake of sameness.

But we are all on this site because we dont fit in the mythical mold of 'normal'.

May all gods forbid that we try and homogonise into some alternative normality.(uurrrgghhh!)


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Reading these posts I agree with their statements. There is nothing wrong with expressing your own feelings but not so much to deliberately debase or upset others. Don't judge a book by its cover and try to be as open as you can about everything possible but its ok to have your own morals as well.

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My view is that like it or not this fetish, kink or whatever you want to call it, makes you part of a community. Why? Because we all have something in common and yes, I might not like quite what you like, but those people out there who don't like what I do won't like what you do either. It's no use spending hours every week reading and posting on this site and then saying 'I'm not part of this community.'

I see it like say, the fishing community. Okay, let's say I like fishing for trout in a river and you like fishing for sharks in the ocean. This means we are very different, we like different types of fish, different locations, we are in different countries and have totally different ways of fishing. I'm sure we would also have totally different views on the rest of our lives too. But, we are still both connected by our love of fishing, we are part of the fishing community! Those people that think fishing is cruel won't like me and won't like you. :fish_h4h::fish_h4h::fish_h4h:

We are entitled to express a different view, you are entitled to disagree with what I say and vice verse. That's a healthy debate. What we are not entitled to do is tell somebody not to say it, shout them down so they go away, or insult them or their family. That's being a bully. :bash:

On a slightly different note, I just wish some people would learn to laugh about this a bit more. Don't take every little comment (sometimes just joking) as a personal insult. :P I also get fed up with the tag thing, DL/AB being over analysed all the time. I call myself AB, simply because by saying that it gives you all a rough idea of what I like. But it is a very loose tag, just like saying I'm white. Too many people I feel worry too much about these tags and what they stand for.


Corpus Non Animum Muto - I Change my Body, not my Spirit

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Amen Preacher Beth!

We are all part of the community when we realized that we enjoyed diapers, in whatever degree we are in. This doesnt mean that we all should conform to the "expected" norm of the ABDL lifestyle. There are those of us who are 24/7 wearers, and those of us that wear only infrequently (for whatever reason). There are those who are strictly DL's and those who are strictly AB's, and there are those that fall somewhere in between. There are those that use their diapers for every designed function, and some that only wear them for comfort and never use them.

Regardless, we are all part of the same community. Even though many of us have baby sides, we ARE all adults and we can talk, rationalize, and debate like adults without having to devolve to low insults and flame wars (like we have unfortunately seen in the last few days). I reserve the right to disagree with someone, but at the same time, if I disagree, it will always respect your right to live your life how you want to live it.

Power to the diaper-wearers!

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