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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Call For Donations

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A $10 donation is nothing, Help the site out people. You spend that much on junkfood or whatever. I know that a lot of people enjoy this site for free. A little help goes along way. Just my $10 worth.

Thanks for the great site DD.

Three Rivers

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Guest Sissy lil Lucy

Well I've resisted posting this for a while now, but I'm worried... I absolutly love DD, now I don't want to make a cause for fuss with everyone, but if bandwidth is the real trouble here (which as the site grows is only going to get worse!!) then maybe some sort of month donation.. with extra privalages could be put in... I'm not talking major stuff but I'm a member on other sites where such things are put in place and it works with no fuss.

Please don't shoot me, but someone had to say it..


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Well I've resisted posting this for a while now, but I'm worried... I absolutly love DD, now I don't want to make a cause for fuss with everyone, but if bandwidth is the real trouble here (which as the site grows is only going to get worse!!) then maybe some sort of month donation.. with extra privalages could be put in... I'm not talking major stuff but I'm a member on other sites where such things are put in place and it works with no fuss.

Please don't shoot me, but someone had to say it..


I actually like that idea. It is sure better than making the entire site a paysite.

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Yes, I'm finally in... sorry it took so long! Look at my "join date"-- I've been riding free for almost 2/half years.

I've seen this site become the PREMIER ab/dl community, while others (you all know which ones) have gone (or started out) pay-to-play.

Think about it: It's pretty amazing that DD is still a free site!

I won't preach to y'all who haven't ponied up yet, cuz I didn't for so long. But I'll tell ya-- DD is a treasure. Nevermind the old-fart stories I could tell of being a DL in the pre-internet days. This is NOW-- and frankly, no ab/dl site (pay or otherwise) has the established member-base, features and bottom-line cred of DD in 2008.

If there was the option to give more than $10, I would!

Rock on, DD. And thanx.

/not kissin ass, just appreciative!


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And if you really want to get anal, it'd be best said a "donor". :D

Curious... All the phone a mommy, ABU, crib, etc., ads all over the site don't amass to $3-4k in ad revenue annually?

I'm betting DD gets paid per click.. so thats one click per person that uses it the 1st time, after that they probly bookmark for conveniance

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:mellow: Here's a drop in the bucket, it's not much compared to the amount of support I've gotten from this website.

I don't understand why some people would have a problem donating once in a while, I guess it takes all kinds.


As usual. Shootin' from the hip, Vic. That's why we love ya.


--heidilynn :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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I'm more than happy to donate...been back for just 2-3 months and hadn't gotten around to it yet. But I've noticed some weird things recently at diapermates.com (if not to everyone, then just to my account) which is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Hoping for a reply to the message I sent over the weekend, to sort this out.

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And if you really want to get anal, it'd be best said a "donor". :D

Curious... All the phone a mommy, ABU, crib, etc., ads all over the site don't amass to $3-4k in ad revenue annually?

Oh Im sure they do, so why the need for donations from all the hard working abdl's? If he didn't have all these ads then I would be happy to donate to keep the site free, but it seems the site is making plenty to keep the site free so the donations are maybe to help pay for DD's diapers? Maybe to Pad his bank account perhaps. Whatever the case, its not to keep the site free or pay for servers because the ads pay for that...

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Bambino pays for my diapers as a big part of their sponsorship "payment" as I am incontinent and can't always afford to buy good diapers.I assure you my bank account is not overflowing. Can't even pay all my bills at the moment. If you don't want to donate you certainly don't have too, but your continued pestering is simply uncalled for.


We updated the diapermates script over the weekend, so hopefully it is working now. If not, send me a PM with the errors you are getting, and what you were doing at the time (IE: What feature you were trying to access) and I will get our sever techs (one of our expenses) to take a look at it.

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Oh Im sure they do, so why the need for donations from all the hard working abdl's? If he didn't have all these ads then I would be happy to donate to keep the site free, but it seems the site is making plenty to keep the site free so the donations are maybe to help pay for DD's diapers? Maybe to Pad his bank account perhaps. Whatever the case, its not to keep the site free or pay for servers because the ads pay for that...

Dude, stop being such an ass. Like DD said, if you don't want to donate, then don't.

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Personally, I have no problem if some of the donations DID pay for DDs diapers.

Anybody who brings this site to me and doesn't even demand that I pay for it deserves to be in diapers.

Like I said, I plan on giving to the cause after I figure out where rent and food come from.

Once I'm all set, I'll help.

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Personally, I have no problem if some of the donations DID pay for DDs diapers.

Anybody who brings this site to me and doesn't even demand that I pay for it deserves to be in diapers.

Like I said, I plan on giving to the cause after I figure out where rent and food come from.

Once I'm all set, I'll help.

That's very nice of you, but if you can't afford it, don't donate! Rent, food and diapers are far more important! Gotten 8 new Baby Bankers this week, and a few more that have pledged, so we'll be fine.

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That's very nice of you, but if you can't afford it, don't donate! Rent, food and diapers are far more important! Gotten 8 new Baby Bankers this week, and a few more that have pledged, so we'll be fine.

Good News!

Lord 'a' mercy! Of all the ABDL sites on the net, this one ranks at the top of the heap. We're getting there, my friends. Nowhere to go, but up! (And, out. :lol: )


--heidilynn ;)

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Personally, I have no problem if some of the donations DID pay for DDs diapers.

Anybody who brings this site to me and doesn't even demand that I pay for it deserves to be in diapers.

Like I said, I plan on giving to the cause after I figure out where rent and food come from.

Once I'm all set, I'll help.

And considering the fact that DD is incontinent makes it all the more justified.

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You might want to look at other options for hosting. I myself have a site with unlimited space and unlimited bandwidth for only $20 a year. I'm sure if I was pulling the amount of bandwidth as this site did they would want some more money. Never hurts to shop around. There are plenty of us here in the community with the technical skills to help out around the site so you don't have to pay the high costs of techs, web masters, etc. I would volunteer my time to do programming, html, site updates, etc. I can send in a couple of dollars as well, but money only lasts so long, skills last a lifetime.

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That's very nice of you, but if you can't afford it, don't donate! Rent, food and diapers are far more important! Gotten 8 new Baby Bankers this week, and a few more that have pledged, so we'll be fine.

Actually, if I actually GET this job I'm offered, I should have enough left over to help. =)


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You might want to look at other options for hosting. I myself have a site with unlimited space and unlimited bandwidth for only $20 a year. I'm sure if I was pulling the amount of bandwidth as this site did they would want some more money. Never hurts to shop around. There are plenty of us here in the community with the technical skills to help out around the site so you don't have to pay the high costs of techs, web masters, etc. I would volunteer my time to do programming, html, site updates, etc. I can send in a couple of dollars as well, but money only lasts so long, skills last a lifetime.

I'm sure you are on a shared server though, and I'm almost positive that DD requires a dedicated server for all the sites and traffic. Dedicated servers are very pricey unfortunately. Though with that said, if you ever need help forum wise, I would be more then happy to give you a hand. I consider myself pretty well off in the IPB department.

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Yep, were on a dedicated server. We started on a shared or virtual account, but none of the "unlimited" services are really unlimited, and once your site gets popular enough that it slows down the server, they kick you off.

Main reason we have to keep a pricey server, is the scripts we have. At this moment, even at midnight, there are 267 active database connections between the gallery, this board and diapermates. Those of you with memberships at imabdl may notice how slowly the site loads sometimes - that's because they are on a shared server, that could have thousands of connections at once between the many sites on the server. That's not a shot at them, just something I've noticed recently and expect they will have to upgrade to a more expensive plan soon.

Generally we have to upgrade every 6 months to a year as we continue to grow. Eventually we will probably have to have a seperate server for diapermates, and multiple servers to handle DD. Hopefully that's a ways off tho, our current host is awesome and helps keep us running quite well.

Thanks for the offer to help with programming; that is an area I could for sure use assistence, and your labor would be a great donation to the community. Please PM me and let me know more about your skills and ideas, and let's see how we can work to make this place the best!

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Guest Sissy lil Lucy

This is just getting silly!

Firstly once again Thank you DailyDi for this wonderful place, but I think its terrible that people are coming and demanding all the details of the ins and out fo the finances. This is a wonderful site and its free... asking for donations once in a while is no crime.

If somebody has a problem with the idea of donating whatever thier reason.. then its simple don't... but theres no need to come here and start accussing DailyDi of asking for donations just to line his pockets!


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This is just getting silly!

Firstly once again Thank you DailyDi for this wonderful place, but I think its terrible that people are coming and demanding all the details of the ins and out fo the finances. This is a wonderful site and its free... asking for donations once in a while is no crime.

If somebody has a problem with the idea of donating whatever thier reason.. then its simple don't... but theres no need to come here and start accussing DailyDi of asking for donations just to line his pockets!


I agree 100%. It is none of our business how much money DailyDi makes from this site. Asking for donations once in awhile to keep this site FREE is not a crime. DailyDi could just as easily make this whole site a paysite and start raking in the dough, BUT HE DOESN'T!!!!!

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