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I'm 2 And 3 Quarters!

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Many of the Adult Babies I've spoken to have had a very definite idea about their AB age, but how do we decide this? For instance, my AB age is 2 years, I decided this because I don't think being 1 year would allow me to do some of the things I like, talking, walking etc. On the other hand being say, 4 years would seem to me like someone about to start school. But am I right? Maybe you will say a 1 year old can't talk, and neither can a 2 year old. In which case I would change mine to 3 years..........hey, I could have a birthday party!!! (on the role play section of course).

So, the question is, what is your AB age, and why?


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Many of the Adult Babies I've spoken to have had a very definite idea about their AB age, but how do we decide this? For instance, my AB age is 2 years, I decided this because I don't think being 1 year would allow me to do some of the things I like, talking, walking etc. On the other hand being say, 4 years would seem to me like someone about to start school. But am I right? Maybe you will say a 1 year old can't talk, and neither can a 2 year old. In which case I would change mine to 3 years..........hey, I could have a birthday party!!! (on the role play section of course).

So, the question is, what is your AB age, and why?


Good thread, Bethany.

I was asked how old I saw myself as, by some old friends who became aware of my lifestyle in the past year. When I visited with them last week, I was asked if I would ever grow past the age of "dis many, (holds up two fingers) and a half!" Heee! They argued, that all babies grow up. I replied, "Not this one." Most two-year-olds are potty trained, but not all. They do have basic communication skills as well as mobility. I think all ABs have a target age they see themselves as being. It depends on the individual. They asked how I was able to reconcile myself to the fact that I smoked and drank. Something you don't see a lot of toddlers doing. I replied, " Yeah, but little babies don't have to shave, drive a car or pay bills, either. I know it's bad for the image. But that's why we call it AB. An advanced or adult baby. "


--heidilynn ;)

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*giggles* Hi heidilynn my names Heidi :D

I didn't grow up til I was about 8 lol. Apparantly I ate 3-6 month baby food as I was starting school at 5 and a health visitor told my mum to try and get me off it and after that all I would eat was jam sandwiches, um I didnt get rid of my dummy and blanket til I was about 7 my parents hid it in the end and said it was lost :( and embarrasing of all lol I wasnt wiping my own bum til about 8 :blush: My evil bro and dad left me sitting on the toilet once with the radio on until I could do it myself!! My mum made my dad come up in the end lol. I dunno why I just wouldn't do it lol. I'm guessing thats how I got my baby and diaper side. I can't think of anything else I had a good childhood n all.

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*giggles* Hi heidilynn my names Heidi :D

I didn't grow up til I was about 8 lol. Apparantly I ate 3-6 month baby food as I was starting school at 5 and a health visitor told my mum to try and get me off it and after that all I would eat was jam sandwiches, um I didnt get rid of my dummy and blanket til I was about 7 my parents hid it in the end and said it was lost :( and embarrasing of all lol I wasnt wiping my own bum til about 8 :blush: My evil bro and dad left me sitting on the toilet once with the radio on until I could do it myself!! My mum made my dad come up in the end lol. I dunno why I just wouldn't do it lol.

Me wikes baby food!

My mummy and daddy used to leave me on the pot for hours, it seemed.

The loo was infested with spiders and I dreaded my exposure there. They knew it and used it as tool to try and get me potty trained. I was scared to death of spiders! I wished and prayed that I could just stay in diapers and not have to deal with the terror. I think this may have had more than a little to do with my early yearnings to stay in diapers.


--heidilynn ;)

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lol, have an image in my head now of an AB smoking and drinking, lol,

I can live with spiders, as long as they don't touch me........it's the long leg flying things that get my Argos book.

I can't stand the taste of baby food, yuk, I don't mind the sweet stuff like rice pudding, or fruit, but the savoury stuff.......YUUUUK!!!! Me don't like the baby milk powder either........not a very well behaved baby am I, lol.

Take care


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lol, have an image in my head now of an AB smoking and drinking, lol,

I can live with spiders, as long as they don't touch me........it's the long leg flying things that get my Argos book.

I can't stand the taste of baby food, yuk, I don't mind the sweet stuff like rice pudding, or fruit, but the savoury stuff.......YUUUUK!!!! Me don't like the baby milk powder either........not a very well behaved baby am I, lol.

Take care


Lol I hate them too the daddy long legs they creep me out. I dont mind some baby food my daughter is on stage 2 now tho and tis mashed n horrible lol didnt mind stage 1 hehe. I can't stand the smell of milk formula yuckkkk I wouldnt even try that, I dont even like ordinary cows milk :P unless tis with cereal. Fussy baby me! ^_^

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Lol I hate them too the daddy long legs they creep me out. I dont mind some baby food my daughter is on stage 2 now tho and tis mashed n horrible lol didnt mind stage 1 hehe. I can't stand the smell of milk formula yuckkkk I wouldnt even try that, I dont even like ordinary cows milk :P unless tis with cereal. Fussy baby me! ^_^

Talking about mashing spiders with the Argos, reminds me of an old "Monty Python" routine about "How To Put Your Budgie Down".

"You can either shoot them, or smash them with a big book, just above the beak, here."

"Mrs. Simpson flushed her's down the loo!"

"Owwww, that's dangerous! For they breed in the sewer. And, eventually, you get huge flocks of evil smelling, soiled budgies, flying out of peoples' lavatories, impinging their personal freedoms!"

As to straight baby formula. I do not like it much, myself. Except when mummy adds a little vodka and coffee liqueur to it. I think they call it a "White Russian". Ahhhhhh. Bottle baby heaven.


--heidilynn ;)

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Talking about mashing spiders with the Argos, reminds me of an old "Monty Python" routine about "How To Put Your Budgie Down". "You can either shoot them, or smash them with a big book, just above the beak, here." Heee!

As to straight baby formula. I do not like it much, myself. Except when mummy adds a little vodka and coffee liqueur to it. I think they call it a "White Russian". Ahhhhhh. Bottle baby heaven.


--heidilynn ;)

*squeals* Eeeek, don't say that I have 2 budgies lol!

Lol! Thats a bad baby tut tut drinking liqueur!

My nappy is going to leak soon :mellow:

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My age is 5 but still has to wear nappies. I don't really know why to be honest. I suppose because really a 5 year old is out of nappies but being the naughty baby I am, I'm still in them. :P

Im ten but cause i wet the bed and my pants and Daddy forgot to potty train me he keeps me in diapers and treats me like a 2 year old toddler lots of times. I have to wear diapers and plastic pants all the time and im always Daddy's lil boy where ever we go or who ever is visiting us! Its way awesome. Im the luckiest boy in the whole world!

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I flow between 2 and 4. 2 when I'm in my more infantile stages, but still old enough to have a personality and awareness. 3 when I'm on the edge of being my own little guy, and 4 when I'm ready to cause all sorts of trouble. :-) I figure some 4yos aren't yet out of nappies.


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I used to think of my "baby age" as around 2.5 or 3. But I wasn't really regressing, or even roleplaying as any special age; I just didn't want to use any babytalk, so I picked an age where you can talk lucidly but still need diapers.

In more recent years I've learned how to regress, at least a little, and I've learned that it doesn't exactly make logical sense when I do. I can use adult language and walk, but my personality isn't really 2.5 or 3--I now think of my baby age as between 1 and 2... crawler or very early toddler, not terrible-twos.

But it varies. Sometimes I'm older, sometimes younger. Sometimes I'm just a plain old grownup who wears a diaper!

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I don't really have a target age. I'm just a 25 year old little kid. I drink, smoke things on occasion, sex is fun... but at the same time, I can't sleep without my wolf, and my pacifier better not be missing. *shrug* Dunno, I'm just mixed.

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I'm probably between 18 months and two and a half. I like the idea of being able to talk and walk and play, but still hopelessly dependent on others for warmth and comfort. If two is when most babies are potty trained (it's when I was) then I like the fact that I'm stubbornly attached to my nappies, and "should know better". I suppose I like the way I have some control over my nappies as well, or lack of control in that I'm resigned to being in them and everything that relates to this (I love the thought of someone shoving their hand down the front of them to check if I'm wet :)), no matter their condition ;)

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I don't think I was fully potty trained until I was 3, but my parents say I changed my own diapers for a while. I remember being scared to crap in the toilet, so I'd grab a diaper for number 2. I think I asked my parents to wipe my butt until I was 5.

My AB age is between 1 and 2. Sometimes I can walk/waddle, other times I have to crawl. I'm always in diapers.

Hey, I'm a Bedwetter now!

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