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Diaper Sniffs

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OK, gay incontinent DL here with a curious question for my pee-pee peeps.

i have seen multiple references here and there about how certain of my fellow pervs rilly enjoy the smell of certain brands of adult diapers when new. We all know that the olfactory senses are said to trigger memories of the past even more than even sight, sound, etc. (and more quickly too!)

That's fascinating, but not exactly what i am curious about.

Gettin gay here--no offense, but: at times i pull certain diapers off of heh, friends' behinds, and notice that even when they haven't been widdled into yet, the odor of male sweat mingled with (i guess) chemicals in the diapers themselves is um, erotic in the extreme for me. It is raunchy beyond belief, especially on a hot day, and i have to fight the urge to wrap them around my head and take a big old sniff.

There's also something about a recently crapped-in diaper too (while still being worn)--it seems to trigger something in the diaper itself that is unforgettable, again i presume chemicals.

Not limiting respondents to comment on these observations, but: have any other male or female DLs had passionate reactions to smelly diapers? Inquiring minds want to know....



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I, for one, can say "yes" I have and often am turned on by the various odors presented by diapers, though I have not experienced the raw sweat and diaper smell, as I have only myself to interact with (I know she's out there somewhere :D )

You are not alone.

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I love when diapers smell powdery, like Pampers. That whisks me right back to childhood. Baby powder and wipes do the same trick.

I don't know why, but my wet diapers never smell the same as they did when I was little. I guess it has to do with the presence of vaginal fluid that wasn't there when I was a baby. I haven't tried pooping in my diaper yet, but every time I remember being changed, I can smell poopy baby wipes.

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No, can't say that the smell of a wet or messy diaper does anything for me other than clue me in on health issues or diet issues.

BTW, to the person who mentioned adult wet diapers not smelling like baby wet diapers...

It is a combination of mostly adult hormone levels, and changes in how your body metabolizes things.

If you were to remove your hormone glands, and not take any supplements, it'd smell closer to what you had as a baby. Don't do that though, it's a bad bad bad idea.

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I was gifted, a few years back, a pack of Attends, and the smell of the fresh nappy express-delivered me back to my first school. I have no idea why, either.

The brand I wear these days just has a "clean washing" type odour.

J&J baby powder (which I use for other things) reminds me of the times when I used to baby-sit when I was still at school.

Baby oil, for no reason that I can figure out, sends me straight back to a trip to the Isle of Wight with my grandfather.

Smell IS the most powerful sense in terms of promoting recollection of times long past.


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Hmmm, this topic ties right into an interesting situation for me, a few years back--

I "came out" in 2002 to my then-gf. She was non-judgemental, but wasn't interested in getting involved in any way. Ok, fine (that's a whole 'nother story).

So a year or so later, she & I were hanging out watching "Talk Sex" on night on tv. Lo and behold, some guy called up to say he liked to wear diapers. I had to smile, and my gf said something (friendly) like "Hey look, hon". But the guy went on-- he was wondering if it was "normal" to like the smell of his wet diaper. That's what got him off.

My gf asked me if that's what I got off on. I shook my head-- not only wasn't that it for me, but I'd never heard of anyone basing it on just that. I explained that certain scents are powerful to AB/DLs-- baby powder most important!-- but getting off on just the smell of a wet diaper was a new one to me. (I didn't want to get into how we all love the feel of a wet diaper, though :rolleyes: )

Dr Sue gave him the usual "harmless fetish/as long as it doesn't interfere" advice, and that was that. My gf didn't ask any more about it.

Anyway... this topic reminded me of that situation... but now, 5 years later, I'm reading posts here that say Yeah-- it may not be the main thing, but the smell does kinda figure in.

Funny... even after years and years of wearing... I'll always be learning new things about what gets other AB/DL's off :lol:


P.S.: A pretty woman wearing baby powder is pretty much the sexiest scent in the world.

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Cant say I disagree with anything thats been said here. Personally I find the smell of a diaper, especially the smell of baby powder, to be extremely arousing. Thats not the only or sole part of diaper wearing that is arousing to me, but it is a part. The smell of the pee in a diaper is really hot to me too. I cant say that I would wrap the diaper around my face and take a long sniff, but the smell is a hot driving factor for me, and has led to some awesome sex with one of my diaper loving friends.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote 'lambcannon' date='Mar 4 2008,

Not limiting respondents to comment on these observations, but: have any other male or female DLs had passionate reactions to smelly diapers? Inquiring minds want to know....

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For the most part the smell as mentioned of Baby powder is really the big thing. It takes on it's own persona when wet too. Both of which I love. I was "fortunate" enough to remember the smell of 1980's Attends.. Now thats a great memory too! I couldn't comment on the smell of sweat as I use powder and don't usally sweat down there, at least not one of any odor. But as Sweat and Urine hold pretty close to the same propertys, it's gotta be close. Still Trying to get the visual out of my head of him walking around with a diaper on his head, taking big sniffs! :huh: But hey...to each their own..whatever gets ya through.


P.S.: A pretty woman wearing baby powder is pretty much the sexiest scent in the world.

I agree, My wife almost exclusivley wears Loves Baby Soft..She know's it drives me WILD!!!! I just sit and sniff her all day! And a little spritz in a diaper is fun too!

I agree with Duck above. The Diaper Pail..Uhhhhhggg that smell. Darn Diaper Genies!

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For the most part the smell as mentioned of Baby powder is really the big thing. It takes on it's own persona when wet too. Both of which I love. I was "fortunate" enough to remember the smell of 1980's Attends.. Now thats a great memory too! I couldn't comment on the smell of sweat as I use powder and don't usally sweat down there, at least not one of any odor. But as Sweat and Urine hold pretty close to the same propertys, it's gotta be close. Still Trying to get the visual out of my head of him walking around with a diaper on his head, taking big sniffs! :huh: But hey...to each their own..whatever gets ya through.


P.S.: A pretty woman wearing baby powder is pretty much the sexiest scent in the world.

I agree, My wife almost exclusivley wears Loves Baby Soft..She know's it drives me WILD!!!! I just sit and sniff her all day! And a little spritz in a diaper is fun too!

I agree with Duck above. The Diaper Pail..Uhhhhhggg that smell. Darn Diaper Genies!

I agree with all of that, the fist couple of years I didnt powder and it alway stunk. When I started using powder it cut down on the stink 80%.

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I agree with all of that, the fist couple of years I didnt powder and it alway stunk. When I started using powder it cut down on the stink 80%.

Is there a thread discussing the best smelling diapers after they get wet? I tried the X-Plus recently, and although they feel great, they smell so bad to me after they've been wet for a while. What do people think are the best smelling diaper brands without anything added to them?

Thanks in advance...

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