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Glow Lightning is surviving through life as a Super, controlled by her employer, the Agency, where she can't seem to catch a break. The Agency, a corporation that has a long known history in manufacturing Supers and employing them for exploitation and profits, is weary of the hot and uprising Super influencer Glow Lightning's hesitation to move into the celebrity spotlight that they keep urging her to step into in the countless movie roles and opportunities they keep pushing her way. Luckily, or possibly unlucky, for Glow, she stumbles into a laced bag of drugs that causes her to overdose with Power X and now is in the hands of a Super revitalization program that miraculously cures Supers of their addictions, mental illnesses, trauma and restores Supers to a 'normal' state. In this program, Glow finds that she has developed weird fantasies she just can't shake and meets a doctor that seemingly isn't who he says he is that she begins crushing on. Throughout the program, Glow discovers new things about herself and uncovers dark secrets of the Agency that she can never look at her job and what she knew about her fellow Supers the same ever again. Will her resistance to the Agency's plans for her ruin her and, consequently, her life? Or, quite possibly, will the doctor she meets along her journey the person who will be responsible for her downfall first? Find out in this multiple book series, the Super Baby Saga. This has certain themes inspired by The Boys and Sky High. Hope everyone enjoys this as much as I did writing it! Warnings: drug abuse, explicit content(AI artwork), topics surrounding suicide and self-harm, sexual scenes, smut, and dark scenes Author's note: Thanks to those who read and comment in support of my stories and this hobby of writing I've taken on now half of my life now! I've struggled with elements of the stories I've written and this forum and community has made life worth living, so thank you to those in this community and DD for hosting this site. ♥️ _____________________________________ Super Baby Saga: The Tale of Glow & Dr. Mastermind Volume 1: Glow Lightning’s Regression 1: Unconscious Glow Lightning pulled out her drug bag and emptied the powder on the counter in her empty makeup room. She stared for a moment, a thought of hesitation bubbling in her head before flaring her nostrils and leaning down. She wasted not one more second in sniffing up the mixed drugs of benzodiazepines and opioids, wishing one would kill her already and take her from the pain of living through another day of plastic reality in front of cameras and acting like everything was perfect being a Super. Unfortunately, as much as she tried in the past, she’d only put herself in comas for a few days or land her in rehabilitation programs. No fatal drug combination seemed to work, as much as her managers would try to cover up her tracks and suicidal ideations. Being a 'Super' was oh-so-romanticized by movies, shows and comic books. Glow was bred into the culture from a young age with a group of other mutt children who were raised in either adopted by rich or wanna-be rich families to have children with supernatural powers and one day, if having the right mix of powers, beauty and intelligence, could become real Supers that were idolized and looked up to like celebrities one day. With that type of influence, they were easily pushed to Hollywood to become childhood actors, shown on TV shows, the news, movies, and talk shows. Was it ethical? Hell no… yet with the new advancements in science and genetic altering, the Super Agency wanted to capitalize on Super children, along with a few other corporations that profited off of creating super heroes and villains. If you were hired by the Agency, it was the same as selling your soul to the devil if you still had one after going through the realization that your whole childhood was a lie and that your parents bought you to only sell you to the slavery of the Agency. As much as TV brainwashes people that supers were aspiring and at celebrity statuses like musicians and actors, it didn’t mean Supers were coping. Take Irwin Godwing for example, one of the infamous supers who went crazy and tried killing innocent bystanders during a setup news report that he was supposed to save a cruise ship that was taken hostage by a villain. Little to the publics knowledge, villains were only outcast supers who didn’t make the cut and were offered high paychecks to stay in hiding but perform malicious acts for a living. They were good people, but with politics and all the Agency needed to keep their sponsorships right? If their sponsors wanted to cause fear mongering and prove a point, if they paid enough to the Agency they would make it happen while still causing hundreds of innocent people on one cruise ship to go through a fake hostage that was completely real to them to only be killed by the hero that was supposed to save them. Irwin, who supposedly was hopped on 10X the normal dose of fentanyl and Power X, flew into the cruise ship where people were kept in the auditorium. As people clapped, he swooped in with his wings and murdered hundreds. The villain, Darius the Grey, had to incapacitate him, causing a huge upset with the Agency as they needed to send more Supers out. The other Supers Harrow, Captain Thwart, and Dogman Jones came out to stop Darius and saw that Irwin was on the ground. He was taken into questioning afterwards on what happened and, luckily for Darius, one hostage had a video on their phone of Irwin. If not, Darius may have been sentenced to be chemically executed. It was rare for Supers or Villians, but it did happen if you stepped out of line. The rules were simple: you can’t kill Supers. Villian's murders, on the other hand, were excusable... along with innocent civilians or hostages. It was fucked up, really. Glow put away her drugs quickly and fixed her makeup, looking up her nose to make sure that she had nothing up her nostrils. She heard a knock on her door, “Glow, are you ready? We only have like- 3 minutes!” Glow rolled her bright green eyes to herself in the mirror as she heard her manager, Theresa's, voice. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” Glow murmured as she fixed her dark brown hair, framing the front of her pixie shaped face. While she didn’t need much makeup, her face had a fresh caking from the KCBS news station makeup artists. Glow cracked open the door and the KCBS production team came in, rushing Glow to the couch where her dark grey jean jacket was adjusted and her hair was fixed in front of her. “Hi Glow, how are you before we begin?” Jane Stransberry of KCBS asked with a plastered magenta lipstick smile that matched her bright magenta dress. Glow felt a bit of the high beginning with the drugs she snorted a few moments before, “Just peachy.” She said, without smiling. Jane’s mouth fell in a line, obviously feeling the negatively that she was warned about from the Super they were interviewing. “On air in 60 seconds.” The production crew member said as Glow nodded, feeling a whoosh of light headedness as she sat there. She blinked under her fake eyelashes, looking to the lights that seemed a bit too bright at the moment. Her finger twitched and she felt a current pass through her as the lights dimmed a bit. “Uh, our lighting is dimming!” One lighting person murmured in a slightly stressed tone. A corner of Glow’s mouth went up and Theresa’s blue eyes narrowed to Glow, as she walked up and whispered in annoyance, “Knock it off!” Glow sighed and let go of the light energy, clasping her hands as the production team began counting down. Jane straightened out and the screen before it flashed ‘live’ with a red glow, “Welcome to KCBS, today we are joined by our special guest Glow Lightning. Thanks for coming on our morning talk show, Glow!” She nodded courteously to Glow who awkwardly nodded back with a plastic smile she had learned to give through many years of being on stages. Glow could feel another whoosh of light headedness that was followed by nausea. She swallowed as she shifted, the bright lights bothering her progressively more. Glow usually felt light and bubbly after taking the opioids and benzo combo... not like this. Jane said something to Glow, but Glow didn’t hear it, beginning to get concerned that maybe she had too much of her special mix of opioids and other drugs. It took a lot to get her to this state of feeling the drugs as it took 5X dose that of humans to get Supers feeling anything, but it was quite possible she could have overdosed. There was an awkward pause as Jane blinked to Glow who was staring at the floor, looking to be breathing raggedly. Jane could tell something was wrong and heard recent stories of this Supers loss of movies, shows and brand deals due to her lack of care and rudeness. Jane looked at the camera as she heard her producer to talk about the recent rescue of an orphanage that Glow was a part of. “Glow Lighting was featured in the recent tragic story of an orphanage on fire and saved over 50 children. Let’s watch the clips of the rescue and a few interviews from that day.” Jane nodded to the camera as they cut the visual of Glow on the couch from the live footage. Glow felt like the lights were starting to hurt her head as she squinted and lunged forward, hand going up towards the lights and feeling her hands glow as the lights flickered off and everyone in the room began panicking. The producers gasped in annoyance to see the celebrity Super shatter their lighting and electricity in one motion. Glow could barely hear producers cursing along with her manager as her head began pounding and she was disassociating, slowly losing consciousness. “I-“ She shook her head, thinking about the mixture of her drugs and knowing it wasn’t that much, not enough to cause this reaction. Before she lost consciousness, the thought that maybe her bag got laced with Power X from her last transaction. She had heard of Supers recently getting laced drugs, yet she didn’t think it’d ever be her. She knew Power X was the good stuff, but she didn’t want to get addicted nor ever try it. Sure, her opioids and benzos were fun and harmless like weed for non-Supers and are nonaddictive, but the Power X was potent, drive one crazy or, worse, kill a Super. All this to say, Glow had fallen down rabbit holes of drugs, but never the Power X. She wasn’t that stupid to ever get her hands on the drug. Well… until now.
Boom. Glass and brick shoots out from the side of the Central City Research Institute, showering the surrounding yard with debris, hitting nearby skyscrapers and busting out further windows with the aftershock. Outside, civilians scream and run, scattering in all directions, fleeing in terror from the smoke that billows from the institute’s rapid unscheduled exit. A coiled metal hose shoots out, four claws at the end slamming down over the nearest fire hydrant. Water sprays, and is then consumed, pumping into the hose at an incredible pace. Another hose launches out and stabs into dirt, a point of leverage. From within, the creature releases a sloshy, sucking bellow, and drags itself out. Forty feet tall, with a dozen such hoses extending from its base, it’s made of steel and pristine white porcelain. Without legs or wheels, it can only drag itself forward with the hoses, leaving deep furrows in the ground behind it where its weight tears up dirt and pavement alike. Resembling nothing more than an enormous mechanized toilet, the creature rampages free out into the streets of Central City. Most people run. One man, tie flapping in the wind, is caught by the hoses. The mecha’s lid opens, and he’s thrown inside, screaming until it slams shut, flushes, and he’s lost beneath. Only two people aren’t fleeing. One–a girl named Kelly–has stopped, confused, staring at the other. She frowns, uncertain what she’s looking at. The other is a young woman, dressed in a business casual top and loose skirt, half-moon glasses hiding bright blue eyes. She’s crouched by the sidewalk, knees spread, face screwed up and cheeks puffed out as she pushes. Noticing she has an audience, she puffs and grunts, “Do you–mind?” “Um…” Kelly says, distracted as another flushing bellow echoes a hundred feet away. “What are you doing?” The crouching woman shoots her a glare. “Pooping myself, what does it look like?” Kelly stammers a moment longer, then her attention is stolen. A hundred feet away, the mecha seizes a car and flings it with no particular aim–it skips and skids over the pavement, bouncing off a parked bus, and careens straight towards her. She can only stare, a deer caught in the headlights, until– Wham! A blur of pink interjects itself between her and the car. The vehicle stops, bouncing off like the tide against rocks. Standing where the car just hit, wielding a baby rattle with a head as large as a basketball and shield reminiscent of a pacifier guard, stands the woman–her glasses are gone, and her hair has billowed out into long pigtails, but he recognizes her anyways. She’s suckling a pacifier that matches her shield, and her clothes have vanished, replaced by a pink top and a skirt barely four inches long, doing nothing to hide the drooping diaper between her legs. “Who are you?” Kelly asks. Her eyes glow as she responds, floating slowly up from the ground with every word. Though she has a pacifier in her mouth, it makes her voice no less clear. “With the might in my Moonbeam Rattle, and the power of my Baby’s Guard, I am Starlight Boom-Boom–Champion of Earth!” She drops back down, stretching out her arms. “You should run.” “Did you–are you–” Kelly stammers. “Why’d you poop your pants?” “I had to fight,” Starlight replies, simply, before turning and lunging at the mechanized toilet. Rotating, the monster points one of its many hoses at Starlight, blasting her with a jet of water powerful enough to cut through steel beams. Starlight raises her shield, deflecting the blow, but the force of the aqua jet throws her back into a nearby hot dog stand and she collapses through it. She stands up, bloodied but–no, wait. She stands up, covered in ketchup but ready to get back into the fight. Kelly stares. The street has cleared, but she can’t help but watch as the poopy-pampered superheroine goes to battle with the colossal commode. She slips under its next water jet, dodges around a swipe, and yells out a shrill battle cry: “Massive Rattle Blow!” She brings her toy down on its porcelain body, sending a spiderweb of cracks across its body before jumping up and grabbing the toilet tank cover. She flips it over and dives inside, seizing the unfortunate businessman who’s sodden but still breathing. Setting him off on the sidewalk, she runs back towards the fray. Uninterested in her, the toilet drags itself forward, seizing another fire hydrant and pumping water away from the city, into itself. As it does, the hydration seals the cracks that Starlight just opened, healing from the damage she inflicted. Starlight leaps at it again, but this time, the monster is ready–a hose arm lashes out, seizes her immediately, and pounds her into the ground repeatedly, flinging her back and forth like a ragdoll. Her rattle goes flying, and she’s ultimately tossed aside, slumping against a nearby wall. “Starlight!” Kelly calls, running towards the , but before she can make it ten steps, Starlight is standing again, knees wavering. Kelly hesitates, stride catching, wondering aloud, “What is she…doing…oh.” With a blrrttch that echoes across the open city street, Starlight Boom-Boom fulfills her namesake, her diaper expanding to the size of a swollen beach ball beneath her absurdly short miniskirt. The mass stains her padding a deep brown and it falls with a fwump, drooping to the tops of her knees, but something in the act seems to energize her. She stands taller, if bow-legged, and extends her hand. Kelly catches the shucka-shucka sound and ducks as the rattle whizzes over her head, flying into Starlight’s hand. Reinvigorated, the heroine charges at the mecha again, moving so fast that she leaves blurred air and a faint green puff of smell behind her. “Lightning Potty Strike!” Expecting the fight to turn, Kelly watches, but it seems futile–every blow that Starlight rains down, the monster seems able to effortlessly heal, soaking up water from the city’s many fire hydrants. It continues wailing at her, jets of icy water and flailing hoses trying to swipe at the heroine, but though its many attacks miss, it just doesn’t seem to care–it continues dragging itself across Main Street, moving with purpose, tossing cars and ripping up hydrants in its wake. So, Kelly does something the heroine can’t–she turns and runs towards the Central City Research Institute. The smoke has mostly cleared by the time she picks her way through the broken wall. Inside is chaos–shards of broken toilets are everywhere, and shelves of toilet paper, tissues, and even golf balls have been strewn aside, making the space a tripping hazard to navigate. Beneath one of those racks, a man coughs, reaching out weakly. “Help…” Kelly runs to him. She’s not imbued with any super strength, and loading up her panties won’t help her do any heroic feats, but with a bit of grunting she lifts the shelf. “What is that thing?” “Forgive us,” the scientist stammers, crawling out on hands and knees. His faint German accent seems faded by time in the US, but still comes through ever so slightly. “We…we knew not the forces with which we meddled.” “I don’t understand,” Kelly says. “Why did you make this… thing?” “We were blinded by ambition,” he whispers hoarsely, fumbling to pick up his glasses from the ground. “We desired only to create the world’s most advanced toilet, but we pushed the limits of morality and science alike. Our hubris was our downfall–we taught it to fix itself, and to flush, but never morality.” Fearing at his words, Kelly asks, “What is it? What is it?” He swallows. “It’s the Potty Monster.” Grabbing him by the shoulders, Kelly demands, “Do you know what it wants?” Eyes huge behind thick glass, he can only speak the answer in a whisper, “Water.” Kelly understands. “The treatment plant–it’s going for the treatment plant?” “You must stop it,” he says, nodding quickly. “If it gets there, it’ll be unstoppable!” Kelly turns, running out into the street to warn Starlight, but she’s met quickly with a streak of pink and brown, soaring through the air and crashing into the dirt next to her. Starlight stands up, wiping away drool from her chin and under her pacifier guard, mumbling, “Meaniehead caught me napping–won’t happen again.” “It’s trying to get to the water treatment plant!” Kelly warns. “It’s using water to heal,” Starlight adds. “I can’t let that happen!” “What are you going to do?” Starlight turns pink. “Um…Could you not watch for this part? There’s not much left in the tank, but…erm…” Kelly nods, politely averting her gaze, though she can’t avert her sense of smell or turn off her ears. Starlight’s grunts of effort are obvious, trying to get out every last bit of muck, and the blrrrch and blorts rumbling in her diaper are hardly subtle. When Kelly looks back, the abused garment is so full and heavy it’s well past her knees, and Starlight’s steps squelch like she’s waddling through waist deep mud, but her stride seems to only have gotten quicker. Lunging forward into the air, she dives at the Potty Monster once again, crossing a full city block in a single smelly bound. Huffing and puffing, Kelly runs to the side of the street, unable to keep up with the super. After half a block, she gives up, resting her hands on her knees. “Too… much… running.” Two blocks down, Starlight brings her rattle down, swiping away. Where she hits, porcelain cracks and chips, shards scattering into the street, but water surges out of those cracks and heals them as quickly as she can deal damage. And, though she’s stronger and more agile, Starlight is weighed down, dragging her swollen diaper behind her. She evades, blocks, and parries the hoses and claws lashing out at her, readying for an almighty attack. “Ultimate! Tantrum! Forever!” Discarding her shield, she takes the rattle in both hands, raises it, and prepares to bring it down, but the intelligence behind the Potty Monster gets wise–lashing out from behind her where she can’t quickly see or react, and instead of going for an arm or a leg it grabs her by the diaper. Starlight swallows. “Oh, no–” Wham! The Potty Monster flings her down, so hard it leaves a crater in the pavement. Before she can stand, it strikes her again, knocking her against a brick wall, then seizes her by the leg and flips its seat up. Swinging her rattle wildly, she tries to bat away the claw holding her, but it grabs her with half a dozen more, rips under her skirt, and with a loud, splorchy, fwump, her diaper falls off and lands inside the toilet. The seat slams shut, and with a floosh, Starlight’s power is flushed away. Her outfit bursts into light, and her weapons vanish. Now harmless, the woman is tossed aside, thrown into a row of hedges out in front of a cafe. She stands, staggering, trying to fight again, but her strength is gone, and even when she balls up her face and tries to push, nothing comes out. “Starlight!” Kelly calls, pedaling furiously on a borrowed bike to catch up to the . “Are you okay?” Starlight looks at her, terrified and helpless. “I can’t–it changed my diaper! I can’t fight!” Ditching the bike, Kelly runs up to her. “Can’t you go again? Just…go on yourself, like before?” Shaking her head, Starlight lifts her skirt to show that her stained panties have returned. “I’m…empty. Can’t keep going.” “Gotcha.” Kelly looks around. “Then…is there someone else? We can’t let the Potty Monster reach the treatment plant.” “There’s…” Starlight hesitates. “Er, there’s one way.” Kelly nods. “What? Do you need something?” Reaching into her blouse pocket, Starlight hands Kelly a chocolate bar wrapped in aluminum foil. “Eat this. The whole thing.” “Okay,” Kelly says, acting on impulse–there was no time to question. Chomping down on the bar, she chews and swallows. “What was that?” “Laxative,” Starlight explains, producing a small pacifier clip from her purse. “Clip this to your shirt.” “L–laxative?” Kelly says with a start, blinking. Starlight just shakes her head. “Hurry.” Kelly pins on the clip, nodding. “And?” “Congratulations, you’re a temporary member of the Boom Boom force,” Starlight explains. “Pick a name, and then…squat down.” “Oh,” Kelly says, realizing. She feels her tummy gurgle, the laxatives already working their way down in her system. “Um…name. Name… how about just ‘Mega’? That’s got a classic feel to it.” “Alright.” Starlight pats her on the head, in something between a gesture of affection and a knighting. “I pronounce you Mega Boom-Boom.” Blinking and shaking her head, Kelly starts to say, “Wait, I get the last name too? But–” Before she can finish her thought, the laxatives kick in, and she feels her panties suddenly swell with an impossible tidal wave of mush. And, in that same moment, she changes. Her hair doubles in length, braiding itself into pigtails, and her outfit vanishes–fabric transmuting in seconds from pants and a t-shirt to a billowy, heavily laced green dress that only comes down slightly further than Starlight’s skirt, white frills keeping the hem line poofy. And, of course, her panties changed too, thickening, becoming absorbent, becoming protective enough to deal with the sudden catastrophe between her legs. The expanding mess pours out of her, bloating her diaper until it’s at least as impressive as Starlight’s had been; a mud bath taped around her waist. Above all, though, she suddenly felt strong. Powerful, surging with adrenaline like she’d never experienced. “Do I get a weapon?” she asked, noting her empty hands. “Pick one,” Starlight says. “Name it, and it’ll come to you.” “Okay,” Kelly says, the mudslide into her diaper ceasing. Turning, she says, “I already know what I want.” With that, she dashes forward, kicking off the pavement so hard it left a pothole. Crossing a city block in a single bound, leaving a stink trail in her wake, Kelly–Mega Boom-Boom–soars at the back of the Potty Monster, hand outstretched. It was only a block away from the treatment plant now–too close. “My weapon is–” she calls out, grabbing the top of the tank, “A plunger! In her hands, a plastic and rubber tool as long as she is tall, with a plunging head two feet wide, appears. Suddenly full of terror, the Potty Monster shrieks, hoses lunging at Mega, but she bats them away, wielding the plunger like a polearm. One hose manages to whack her on the butt and she tumbles forward, landing on the seat, but with a thrust she sticks the plunger head to the toilet seat and–with a handhold to grab onto–she flips back into the air. And, coming to her as naturally as breathing, she identifies the names of her attacks in the same breath that she unleashes them. “Suction Love Strike!” she calls, using the leverage to pry the lid open, though the Potty Monster fights her. Whipping around and grabbing the open lid with a free hand, she keeps it open, raises her plunger, and thrusts it down into the Potty Monster’s open bowl. “You’ve gone far enough!” The monster shrieks and sloshes, water backing up suddenly as her plunger seals the hole, preventing any water flow. Its hoses try to spray her, but they fizzle out without pressure and hiss harmlessly at her, water trickling from the nozzles. “Mega Plunge Forever!” Squatting so low her diaper touches the rim, Mega Boom-Boom ensures her plunger isn’t going anywhere, then lunges up, driving her fist into the porcelain of the Potty Monster. It cracks thunderously, and this time, though it shrieks and tries to bat her away, nothing heals the wounds. Raising up her free hand, a hairbrush large enough to serve a pizza on appears, a secondary weapon for which only one move could be possible: “ONE THOUSAND SPANKS JUSTICE!” Bringing down the flat of the brush, she unleashes an infinity of lightning attacks. Blow after blow, raining down spanks against porcelain that can no longer repair itself. In desperation, the Potty Monster drags itself towards the water treatment plant entrance, but Mega stops it once and for all. Jumping up, she hits the handle, and with a floosh, water floods into the bowl, and with nowhere else to go, starts spilling over the top. Drained of its power and energy, the Potty Monster shrieks, shudders, and stops. With a final, almighty blow, Mega Boom-Boom leaps up, brings her messy, diapered butt down in a finisher move, and blasts the potty into porcelain powder. In the debris, all that’s left is a small terminal and an array of wiggling hoses, disconnected from the monster’s body. Mega picks up the terminal, turning it over in her hands. ‘Property of Central City Research Institute’, it read, written on the side in white marker. ‘Proprietary–if found, return to Doctor Stein Von Kindchen.’ She looks around. Overhead, news helicopters have their cameras directed at her, and from the surrounding buildings, civilians come out to see if the coast is clear. Diaper on full display, stained and smushy, Mega Boom-Boom blushes. From the side of the street, though, Starlight limps towards her. “You did it.” “I did,” Mega says. “My face–I don’t look any different, even if my clothes–” “Don’t worry,” Starlight promises, stepping up and squeezing her hand. “Nobody will recognize you. I can help you change, that’ll return you to normal.” Mega smiles, a bit of Kelly shining through. “Thanks.” Nodding to the terminal, Starlight asks, “Doctor Stein von Kindchen? Who’s that?” Looking down, Mega Boom-Boom crushes the terminal in her hands, destroying the research once and for all. “Just someone who needs to work on his Potty Training.” ... I hope you had fun with this creative indulgence in tropey, shlocky, stinky fun! If you want to support my writing and get early access, bonus content, and my gratitude, you can do so here! Or if you'd rather do SubscribeStar instead of Patreon - the services are the same, so it's down to platform preference - click here!
Hey everybody! So excited to bring this chapter to you all! This story was inspired by an RP that is just so much fun, I just had to share it! Please feel free to leave a comment or review! The Misadventures of Thunder Bunny (Chapter 1) by Panther Cub As Jessica zipped up her suit, she couldn't help but beam with excitement. She looked into her full body mirror to see a grey-furred bunny in a pink and black leather jumpsuit, complete with a pink and black domino mask. "Thunder Bunny is here to save the day!" She said with a giggle, before taking a second to compose herself. Not wanting to waste anymore time, she opened up the window to her apartment, and leapt out. She channeled her ability and fired off a sonic boom that propelled her towards her destination, Zeta City's First National Bank. With a soft thud, Jessica looked up, now standing in front of Zeta City's First National Bank. So far, she had arrived before any law enforcement, but she knew that they wouldn't be too far behind, what with the Hero Association having deployed her first to deal with the supervillain inside. Jessica had read the file on the individual known as Mother Goose. The villain was pretty new, with very scarce info on her. Just that she was a female white-feathered avian. So Jessica approached the front doors with caution. She entered, looking around with her guard up. She saw the hostages, what appeared to be all of them. They were all unconscious... and she noticed a few of the sleeping bankgoers sucking their thumbs. Jessica moved in further, smelling the faint scent of baby powder. Before she could do anything about them, she heard a voice behind her. "Well now, aren’t you the cutest little thing I’ve seen." Whipping around, Jessica saw Mother Goose, dressed in her iconic light green Victorian style dress, complete with a green felt hat and large white ribbon, and parasol, and a black domino mask. Standing next to the large goose was a rather short tan-furred mouse woman. She was dressed as a maid with a pair of glasses over her own domino mask. The mouse was checking her clipboard. "We have some time in the schedule to allow for some witty banter with the superheroine, around two minutes." The mouse then returned to grabbing the duffel bags, resuming stuffing stacks of cash into it. "Thank you very much," Mother Goose nodded to her apparent side-kick. She turned to face the rabbit. "Before we begin our 'witty banter', I believe we should introduce ourselves. I am Mother Goose, and this is my faithful associate, Nanny. And who may you be, young lady?" "I'm Thunder Bunny. Now, are you gunna give yourselves up, or are we gunna have to do this the hard way?" Jessica smirked as she cracked her knuckles. Mother Goose tut-tutted and wagged a feathery finger in Thunder Bunny's direction, before glancing to the mouse maid. "Think we can schedule giving her a lesson on proper etiquette?" "Absolutely, ma'am, but we'll have to make short work of her." "You can stop speaking like I'm not even here," Jessica said, placing a paw on her hip, "For someone speaking about proper etiquette and all that noise, that's pretty damn rude of the both of you." "Please don't interrupt, dear. The grown ups are talking." Furrowing her brow, always having hated it when people treated her like a child, especially prevalent due to her younger-looking appearance, Jessica huffed and said "The hard way it is then," before raising her left paw and firing off a sonic boom at the two. Getting knocked to the ground as it hit the wall, Mother Goose looked at her assistant and nodded, reaching into her outfit and pulling out a gas mask and tossing a canister to Nanny. With a nod, Nanny pressed a button on the side of the canister and lobbed it at Thunder Bunny, donning her own gas mask. Jessica was about to blast it back, when it went off in a massive white puff of smoke. Jessica started to sneeze and cough, squinting her watering eyes in the direction of the two. The goose stood back up, walking over to the bunny as the powder cloud did its work on her. "Well, this wasn't how I imagined tonight would end, but on the bright side..." She leaned in as Jessica began to get weak in the knees, her head starting to spin. "... I nabbed me a little cutie like you." Jessica mentally cursed herself for letting herself be caught off guard, feeling oddly weak in her limbs. She then had a sudden thought, and clapped her paws together, creating another boom, this one clearing the cloud around her. Shakily, she tried to stand up straighter, but her legs buckled and she sank to her knees. "That's the last of the money," Nanny said, carrying three duffle bags over her shoulder, stopping down and grabbing another two, not showing the least bit of strain. Mother Goose smiled while she removed the mask, as she saw the hero was struggling to stand. She knelt down to her level, looking the hero in her eyes as she put her wings on her shoulders. "Aww, is someone getting sleepy? Don't worry, we'll take good care of you from now on, Thunder Bun." Out of reflex, she tried to shake off the wing-hands and tried to fire another sonic boom, but was quickly blacking out, still coughing. Mother Goose chuckled and rummaged through the big pink purse she was carrying, pulling out a white rectangle, which she quickly unfolded. Thunder Bunny's eyes went wide as she saw that it was a diaper. "Just relax, sweetie. You don't have to worry, you're in good hands," She said as she began to unzip the superhero's suit, getting the bunny ready. Jessica tried, desperately, to remain conscious, especially when she felt her suit being removed, exposing her sports bra and white panties. She squeaked after her legs came free from the leather, and then felt her panties being pulled off. She certainly did NOT like where this was going. Mother Goose rubbed the bunny's back as she soothed her, gently making her lie down. "There, there, sweetie. Just let me handle this from now on," She said, putting the suit and underwear in a pile next to her, in front of the Nanny, who pulled out a blue vial that she quickly uncorked. She poured the liquid on the pile of clothes, blue smoke coming off it immediately. Soon, it had all melted as a hole started to burn through the floor. Jessica whined and tried to kick her legs free from the goose's grasp, but was far too weak. Just as she blacked out, she felt something being shoved into her mouth that she tried to spit out, but found she wasn't able to. Mother goose smiled, popping a pacifier in the rabbit's mouth as she finished taping the diaper around her waist. There were little cartoon money bags and dollar signs on the diaper. "There you go, honey. Now you're properly dressed," she said, rubbing the padded hero's tummy. She looked up to the mouse. "So, think we can make a schedule for her?" "Of course, Ma'am." Jessica heard the words as though they were coming from far away, as everything went dark. Please don't let the news get video of me in a diaper... she thought, before the darkness swallowed her. * * * Jessica slowly started to come to. There was something in her mouth, but she wasn't sure what. She opened her eyes and blinked, letting the darkened room she was in slowly come into focus. She looked around herself, seeing what looked like bars. She wondered if she was in some kind of a cage, but wondered what kind of cage doesn't have a top. And there was something dangling above her, slowly rotating. Jessica faintly recognized the object above as a mobile, with plush carrots, slowly rotating. Jessica sat up, it taking all of her effort to do so, still feeling out of it, and felt something squishy between her legs. Before thinking to investigate underneath the soft pink blanket that covered her lower half, she looked around the room. She saw what looked like a set of drawers with a large padded table on top. She spotted some kind of a night light in the corner, where there was a surprisingly large rocking horse. The walls were all a soft pink. This looks like some kind of giant nursery... Jessica thought to herself, unaware that she was absentmindedly sucking on the pacifier still in her mouth. She threw off the blanket to reveal that she was wearing a pink t-shirt with some writing on it, a pair of childish pink booties, some pink mittens that appeared to be locked on her paws, and of course, a large and soaked diaper. Not a medical adult diaper. No, her eyes started to go wide at the sight of the baby diaper with baby-block letters spelling out "Little Stinker" across the waistband. Before Jessica could properly react to anything that was going on, be it where she was, what she was wearing or even the fact she had apparently wet herself, her train of thought was cut off by the distinctive sound of a door opening. Jessica, wobbly, stood up in the crib, holding onto the top of the rail, and looked towards the sound of the door. She was still sucking her binky, completely unaware. The door creaked open all the way, and two figures, a familiar goose and a mouse, stepped in. "Aww, hello there, sleepy head. Did you have a nice nap?" The goose asked in a condescending voice. "Modew Goof!" Jessica lisped due to her binky, pointing an accusatory finger at the goose. Hearing herself, she crossed her eyes, saw what she was sucking on, and spit it out. "You are under arrest!" Unable to help giving off a chuckle, Mother Goose simply put her wing on her hip, a smile on her beak. "Oh? Miss puddle pants is taking me to jail?" She asked, pointing her free hand between Jessica’s legs. "Now, it's not playtime yet, sweetheart. We need to get you changed." Jessica looked down, and let out a squeak, seeing the yellowed front of the droopy diaper. She pulled up the blankie to try and hide it. Nanny entered, smirking, and with a dry tone asked "Would you like a diaper change, Thunder Bunny?" "That's it!" Jessica said, taking a fighting stance and summoning her power. "Ah, ah, ah," Mother Goose said, wagging a finger. "Aren't you forgetting something, Thunder Bunny?" At that, she glanced to her assistant, who grinned. Before Jessie's eyes, she reached into that bag hanging from her hip, and pulled out something, letting it hang from her index finger. After a few moments, Thunder Bunny realized what she was looking at. "M-my mask," Jessica said, falling back on her padded bottom with a light squish, stunned, and feeling her face flush. The goose nodded, and approached the crib, stopping at the gate and looking down at the padded hero. "That's right, Thunder Bunny. It's your mask. And you know what that means, right?" She said, giving a smile. "W-what?" Jessica asked, sounding small, unaware of the Nanny approaching from behind and quietly lowering the bars. Mother Goose just kept smiling. "Yes, sweetie pie..." She paused, just long enough for the Nanny to reach into the crib, grab Jessica under her arms and pick her up. "We need to get you a clean diaper right away!" Mother Goose finished with a cheerful smile, as Nanny turned her in her arms. Jessica let out another surprised squeak, amazed at how easily the Nanny could lift her up, like she was an actual toddler, and then immediately tried to resist and squirm out of her grip. The mouse simply shook her head. "Don't squirm." She turned to a large changing table in the corner. "All you'll do is make yourself more uncomfortable." Giving a small grin, she added. "And we don't wanna let Thunder Bunny get a diaper rash." "I don't need this diaper, you sicko! Now let me down before YOU make this arrest worse for YOURSELF!!!" "Oh my," Mother Goose interjected, following close behind the pair. "Seems like she's getting fussy." Smiling, she held up another pacifier similar to the one Jessie spat out earlier. "Don't worry, I have exactly what you need!" And before the bunny could say anything, the goose shoved the rubber into her mouth. Jessica's grunts were quickly silenced as some strange instinct kicked in. She instantly began suckling. Her struggles tapered off, and her body went limp, a sense of calm spreading through her body. "Awww." Mother Goose cooed, as Nanny placed the rabbit on the changing table. "There we go, don't you feel better sweetie?" Jessica knew that what was happening was wrong, but couldn't bring herself to fight against it. "I'm a big giwl." Giggling, the motherly villain booped Jessie's little pink nose. "Of course you are, honey." She reached down, and gently gripped her ankles. "But for now, just suck on your paci, Thunder Bunny." She lifted up her legs, and the Nanny reached up and gripped the tape on the front of the plastic. "You'll be clean before you know it." Jessica weakly tried to struggle as her diaper was opened and removed. She jumped a little at the feeling of the baby wipes, but could do nothing. She teared up a little as she smelled the baby powder, and felt herself being lowered on the fresh diaper. Mother Goose hummed as the new fresh diaper was brought up, the big baby bunny's fluffy white tail being brought through a tiny tail hole in the back, and finally taping the soft plastic in place, securing it to the hero's waist. "There we go, honey." She brought a feathered hand up, cupping it against Jessie's cheek, looking into her eyes. "Now was that so bad?" Jessica wanted to jerk her head away, but could only obediently shake her head no, confirming that it was not so bad, instead of what she really wanted to convey. Nanny gave a smile, and reached up to rub Jessie's tummy. "See, Thunder Bunny? A diaper change was exactly what you needed." "I down need diapews," Jessica insisted, sucking on her binky still. "No?" The nanny asked, standing next to Mother Goose while holding up the now balled up used diaper. Mother Goose was reaching down for the big baby. "Then why were you so soggy when we came in, hmm?" "You dwugged me!" Jessica said, struggling as she was scooped into the wings of Mother Goose, who carried her out of the nursery, beginning to bounce the distressed bunny. Walking down the hall with her charge firmly in her arms, Mother Goose looked down. "Sweetie, you needed to take your medicine, so that you could get all better." "Wiar!" Jessica said before spitting her binky back out, unaware that the Nanny deftly caught it, tucking it into her apron pocket. Mother Goose simply shrugged, opening the door into another room. "We can talk about that later. But for now." She brought Jessie up, looking her in the eyes. "Are you hungry, sweetie?" Jessica's stomach rumbled, just as she started to struggle. "This is humiliating! And you will let me go right now!" Ignoring her protests, Mother Goose sat the bunny down in a chair, which the Nanny swiftly brought a little table in, attaching it to the chair and locking Jessie's arms to her sides. "I heard your tummy rumbling, cutie pie. Let's get you some num-nums!" Jessica tried to summon her powers, but her humiliation kept throwing her off and preventing her from concentrating. She didn't notice the pink bib gently tied around her neck. Nanny smiled as the bib settled nicely against her shirt, and went to the cabinets as Mother Goose pulled up a chair in front of Jessie, sitting down so she was eye level with the bunny. "Now, be honest with me, honey," she said in a serious tone, before just as quickly shifting back to that friendly one. "What's your favorite food? Any flavor you like?" "I'll never talk!" Mother Goose tilted her head, glancing over at Nanny, who was returning the look, her hands over two green jars as she waited. She returned her gaze to the fussy rabbit. "Sweetie, it's a simple question. What do you like to eat?" Jessica bit her lip, loathe to tell her enemy anything. Weighing her options, she rolled her eyes and relented on this insignificant detail at least. "Strawberries." Nanny nodded, putting the green jars back and instead grabbing a soft red jar, closing the cabinet. Mother Goose smiled, and softly pat Thunder Bunny on the head. "There we go, was that so hard?" "Yes..." Jessica said, petulantly. The goose just giggled in response, as Nanny prepared the food, pouring it into a bowl. "Let's just get you a full tummy, okay sweetie?" "Let's just have you two surrender peacefully, and I will go easy on you!" Mother Goose once again ignored her comment, as a small bowl was placed on the high chair table. Mother Goose gave her assistant a smile as she took a spoon from the mouse. "Thank you, miss Nanny." The evil assistant simply nodded and curtsied as the motherly villain returned her attention to the hero, who was looking at her food. "No way am I eating that," Jessica said defiantly. "But it's strawberries, honey." She put the spoon into the mush, scooping it up and holding it up. "Nanny got this just for you." Jessica clamped her mouth shut, blushing at this infantile treatment. The spoonful of strawberry mush slowly began to approach her mouth, as Mother Goose said. "Open up, sweetie. The choo choo train needs to get through the tunnel!" Jessica turned her head away, determined not to give in... yet, when the spoon, smearing some of the mush on her cheek, touched her lip, her mouth opened up and accepted it. Her body quickly swallowed, much to her surprise. It was strawberry and tasty, but felt gross. Yet, she couldn't stop herself. "That's a good girl," the avian praised, as Nanny started making something behind her. The goose scooped up another spoonful of the mush, and playfully made more train noises as she once more approached the hungry bunny's mouth. Once again Jessica tried to resist, smearing some more on her face... and still accepted and swallowed the baby food. She was blushing as she started to accept spoonful after spoonful. This interaction continued for some time, Nanny watching with a bemused expression as she poured a warm substance into a bottle, and attaching a rubber nipple to the glass. Finally, after what seemed like forever to the bunny, the last scoop was made, and for what was hopefully the last time, it approached her mouth. Feeling oddly full, Jessica didn't try to resist, and obediently accepted the spoonful of mush, her body still automatically swallowing it. Mother Goose was practically beaming as Jessie swallowed the last of her baby food. "There's my sweet baby girl!" Setting the spoon and bowl on the actual table, she undid the latches, put the highchair table down and picked her up. "But you did get awfully messy... oh well, we can fix that soon. For now, I think you wanna wash down your yummy food with a nice drink, right?" she asked, taking the bottle from Nanny, who gave the bunny a smile and a wink. Feeling lethargic, Jessica turned her head away as the rubber nipple of the bottle approached. Once again, when it touched her lips, her mouth opened and accepted it. Her body latched down and started nursing it, while also relaxing, despite her trying to fight it. Both of her hands grabbed the bottle, but simply to hold it securely, not throw it away. Mother Goose beamed, cradling the bunny as she suckled on the bottle, gently grabbing the back of her head and rocking her back and forth. "That's it, sweetie..." she said in the gentlest voice possible. "Drink your baba. You love your baba." Jessica gulped down the liquid inside. It was creamy and sweet and, as much as she hated to admit it, it tasted pretty good. Soon, she suckled down the last drop, and felt herself being shifted in Mother Goose's arms. She was looking over the large goose's shoulder, noticing a folded hand towel over said shoulder. She felt a pressure in her stomach and lower stomach and groaned a little. Then came the gentle back pats. After a few pats, Jessica unleashed a massive burp, spitting up a few drops of the milk. Despite the humiliation of being burped like a baby, she was at least glad that the pressure was gone, completely unaware that she had simultaneously burped and filled her diaper. Both of the villains gave a knowing smile. Mother Goose gave the bunny a gentle back rub, from between her shoulders all the way down to just above her tail. "There we go, honey-bunny. Don't you feel better now that you had your num-nums?" "When I get free, I'm gunna take you both down," Jessica said, trying to sound as dignified as possible. "They're so cute when they commit so dearly to their pretend superhero games," Nanny said with a wink. "You may have dressed me like a baby, and be treating me like one, but I am still Thunder Bunny, and I will bring you both to just--OMPH!" Jessica started with her heroic speech, only to be silenced by the rubber nipple of a binky. Just like with the bottle, her body was working against her will, and sucking on it as well as physically relaxing. The Nanny made a faux expression of realization. "Oh, that's right! You're Thunder Bunny!" Her face eased into a more smug look as she pointed at their captor's rear. "That would explain why you've made such a big boom boom, after all!" "Huh?" Jessica said around her binky, only now becoming aware of the smell. She teared up in frustration, before noticing that she was being carried somewhere. She saw the bathtub... and started to piece together what was about to happen. She couldn't fight back or voice her displeasure, however, due to the relaxing binky in her mouth that she greedily sucked on. "There, there, sweetie pie..." Mother Goose's comforting voice returned, continuing to rub her back as the maid went to start the tub. "Mama will get you out of that stinky diapee, then we'll get you nice and squeaky clean," She said, approaching a countertop in the surprisingly large bathroom. "Mmmmrrrr, nomama," Jessica managed to mumble out around her binky as she was laid down on the countertop, the mushiness in her diaper making her whine. Soon, her shirt was removed, leaving her in just her full diaper. "Hush now, baby, let Mommy and Nanny get you all squeaky clean." Mother Goose then hummed as she undressed Jessie, who only managed to weakly struggle, while Nanny began filling the tub with soapy water. Jessica couldn't believe it, here she was, having her messy diaper opened and her bottom wiped, about to be given a bath like a baby. It went quicker than she was expecting, but it was still humiliating. Being set in the water, scrubbed all over with shampoo for little kits, praised for being such a good girl. "Yow can't dow dis! Imma awwest yow!" she said around her binky as she was thoroughly scrubbed. Both of the villains giggled as they continued to scrub away at her. "For what? Making you act your age? For doing what a mommy should do?" Asked the goose. Jessica then found herself being rinsed off as the tub was drained. "I'm notta baby!" "Hush sweetie, just let Mommy and Nanny work." Jessica tried to speak, but instead squeaked as she was wrapped up in big fluffy towels, being rubbed down all over. She was then scooped into Mother Goose's arms, cradled in the towel. "I think another nap is in order," she said, looking to Nanny who simply nodded. "I think you're right, Ma'am. Maybe some more time listening to her special lullabies will do Thunder Butt some good," Nanny giggled, reaching over to pat Jessie on her toweled bottom, making her growl. Jessica's fur floofed out and was as soft as a little kit's, probably from the shampoo. She was then laid down on the changing table in the bathroom, despite her struggling. The nanny held down her arms, while Mother Goose took out a diaper looking identical to the messy one Thunder Bunny was taken out of earlier. Unfolding it, she lifted up her legs as she said, "Now, let's get you padded up again before you have another accident." "I'm gunna make yow pay fow dis!" Jessie insisted, trying to struggle. The bird looked her in the eye as she slid the padding under her rear, and lowered her legs down on it. "Sweetie. There’s plenty of time for you to play hero in a bit. Let mommy dress you up." "I'm nowt pwawin'!" Jessica tried to struggle and managed to spit out the pacifier.The nanny deftly caught the pacifier, but oddly enough, refrained from giving it back to her. Mother Goose simply gave a sly grin as she pulled the diaper up between Jessica's legs. "Sure you aren't, honey." Jessica struggled some more, sneezing from the scent of the baby powder. She then found herself being lifted up, her arms and legs pinned, in a cradled position in the Nanny's arms, as she was carried back into the nursery. Giving the bunny a smile, the mouse lightly tickled her tummy as she said, "Let's get you dressed, and then you can go right back to dreamland." "You monsters better enjoy this minor victory while it lasts, because too soon, you'll be sitting behind bars!" They both ignored her words, as the Nanny gave her back to Mother Goose. The bird sat down on a chair, placing the hero on her lap, wings on her hips keeping her in place, as Nanny held up the shirt she was wearing before her bath. "Okay, Thunder Bunny. Arms up, please." "I can dress myself!" Jessica insisted, before suddenly giggling and lifting her arms in response to having her sides tickled. Holding out the shirt, she lowered it over the giggling bunny's head, her ears poking out of the small top hole before her head finally fit through. Keeping her still, the mouse guided her arms through their respective holes, before the tickling finally stopped. Now taking out the bonnet, the maid asked as she began to tie it around Jessica's head. "There we go. That wasn't so hard, was it?" "Knock it off!" Jessica said as Mother Goose ceased the tickling, immediately trying to take the bonnet off. The mouse reached forward, picking her back up off the motherly bird's lap as she asked. "Do we need to give you mittens, hmm?" Jessica growled and continued to struggle. Giving her a look, the mouse said. "Right, missy. You asked for these." Passing her back to Mother Goose again, the mouse reached into her bag, and pulled out two bright pink, fuzzy mitten-like gloves, each with a little strap at the wrists. Just as Jessica realized what was about to happen, the goose gently, but firmly, grabbed her wrists, and held them out for the Nanny. Jessica whined and tried to break free, but the goose was too strong, and soon, the mittens were slipped over her paws, and locked into place. "There. Now, Ma'am, I say that we put the fussy little princess down for another nap, at least until she calms down." Mother Goose nodded, looking a little sad. "You're right." Mother Goose, cradling the fussing Jessie, hugged her close as she stood and walked over to the crib. She planted a gentle kiss on Jessica's forehead, which like her binky, had an immediate calming effect. Jessie, now limp, was laid down and tucked in, the mobile above starting to slowly spin. "See you in an hour, princess," Mother Goose said, looking down over the rails with Nanny. The mouse reached in and popped Jessie's binky back into her mouth. Jessie didn't resist, instead just suckling. Jessica sniffled and wiped her teary eyes, hating the idea of being put down in her crib for a nap, she listened intently to them exiting the room and shutting the door behind them. Once she got herself back under control, she checked to make sure that she was truly alone. Now that she wasn't thrown off her guard, she could focus. Internally, she felt her powers, and smirked, still sucking her binky. She let her power build in between her padded paws. Pointing up at the ceiling, she let loose a massive sonic boom ball that ripped her mittens to shreds, and smashed the entire ceiling and roof outwards, revealing the afternoon sky. Without waiting, and hearing an alarm bell start blaring, Jessica focused, and leapt, each leap a sonic boom, until she was outside, in the air, and booming away. Mother Goose entered the now roofless nursery of the old abandoned warehouse and smiled while looking up. "Phase one complete. And now on to phase two." She chuckled as she exited out of the nursery, pressing a button by the door. A side of the pink wall opened revealing a giant digital clock, counting down. Mother Goose calmly walked out of the building and climbed into a black limo that had been idling out on the street. Once the door was shut, the limo started driving off, just before the building exploded in a fiery ball. Inside the limo, Mother Goose removed her domino mask and smiled into her hand mirror, beginning to apply some blue eyeshadow. "I just cannot wait to have my cute little bundle of booming fluff come home with me. She's going to have so much fun in her real nursery," she said with a chuckle that slowly morphed into a classic villainous laugh. WOOO! And that was chapter 1! I really hope that you folks enjoyed it, and tune in next time to see what next shall befall our courageous and adorable heroine!
Any other little boy addicted to superheroes when little? if so which is your favourite and which universe DC or Marvel. I am a batman mad 4-7 AK. Anyone else?
Author's Note: Hello there, and welcome to the second entry in a series of ABDL-themed superhero stories. This is meant to be connected to my previous story, Real Heroes Wear Diapers: The Diapered Avenger. ..... To be perfectly honest, I'm still not entirely used to this. Recently, I've been through some... changes, for lack of a better word, and I'm not sure how I feel about them. On the one hand, I've been able to do some great things, and I feel like I'm making the world a better place. The only problem is the downsides are kind of... okay, they're really embarrassing. My name is Katie Mystikerin, and this is my story... An Unusual Magical Girl: Princess Padding I guess it all started three weeks ago. I'm just your average girl with dark skin and curly hair, and I had just started my senior year of high school. It was in the afternoon, and I was in the middle of some homework when I heard my little sister Alice come into my room. She had a few tears in her eyes. “Sissy, I had an accident...” She mumbled, pointing to the faded print on her Pull-Up. Alice had been potty training for a while, and even though she was almost four, she was still struggling. I got out of my desk and went over to comfort Alice. “Hey, don't worry. It's only one accident. You've been doing a lot better with staying dry and making it to the potty.” I said reassuringly as I took her to the bathroom. “You'll make it to big girl underwear like me someday.” I added while I tore off the sides of Alice's Pull-Up and cleaned her up before taking out a dry one for her to step into. Alice smiled as soon as she was in a fresh Pull-Up. “Thanks, Sissy!” Even though she was having trouble with it, she still didn't want to give up. It was kind of admirable of her. And dealing with her wet Pull-Ups was still better than changing her poopy diapers. Before I could get back to my homework, I noticed a faint glowing outside in my backyard. I made sure Alice stayed inside while I went to check on it. I followed the light and saw it was coming from a... baby rattle? Specifically, a baby rattle being held by a white teddy bear wearing a bow. Looking at the rattle, I noticed some kind of pink rock or gemstone on top. I decided to pick them both up, before I walked back to my house. I was planning to post a picture of the bear and rattle on social media to see who lost these, thinking their kid would be worried sick. I realized it was getting late, so I decided to go to bed. I had to get up early for school tomorrow. Although the rattle kept letting off that bright pink light, I still slept peacefully through the night. When I woke up the next morning, I noticed something was... different. For one thing, the room smelled like baby powder, which I only recognize thanks to Alice and some of the other kids I've babysat in the past. I got up to see if anything else was different, but I noticed something underneath my legs. I thought I had a pillow underneath me, but when I reached underneath my covers, I felt something... plastic instead. I took off the covers, and gasped when I saw what I was wearing. Instead of the panties I was wearing last night, I was wearing a big pink diaper with baby block designs on the front. Why the hell was I wearing this? Was this some kind of prank? Who would do this? I looked at the front of the diaper and noticed a yellow spot. I poked the front and... yep. I had used this thing. I had so many questions to ask. I brushed that thought out of my mind as I got out of bed and walked (though it felt like more like I waddled) over to my dresser for another pair of panties. When I opened the drawer, my eyes widened as I only saw pairs of socks and bras and not a single pair of panties to be seen. Before I could think about my situation any more, my dad came into the room. “Morning Katie.” He said as he walked over and placed a hand on the front of the diaper I was wearing. I naturally slapped his hand away. “Dad, what the hell?” I asked, understandably pissed. My Dad just looked confused by what I did. “I'm just... checking your diaper, like your mother and I do every day. Are you okay?” “Why am I wearing a diaper?” I asked the obvious question. My dad still looked confused. “Because you need them? This wet diaper sort of answers your question.” He added as he poked the front of the diaper, only making me feel more uncomfortable. “Let's get you changed.” He said as he pointed to a changing table in the corner of my room. I'm honestly surprised I didn't notice that earlier. Before I could really protest, my Dad managed to pick me up and laid me down on the changing table. He untaped the diaper and I instinctively covered my... you know. My Dad simply moved my hands away before he took out a couple baby wipes to start cleaning me up. I was caught off guard by how cold the wipes were. It really made me realize why Alice used to squirm around a lot when I had to change her. My Dad then took out a container of baby powder and started to sprinkle it all over my rear and privates. I really didn't get why he was being so casual about this. All I wanted was for this whole process to be over. My Dad took out a new diaper with unicorns on the front and unfolded it before sliding it underneath me. He soon taped it up and ran his finger through the legholes to check for leaks. After that, he playfully patted the front to signify he was done. “Alright, go get ready for school. Breakfast is almost ready.” He said as he left the room. With that, I was left alone, naturally confused by what just happened. So somehow, I'm wearing diapers again, and my Dad thinks I need them. I really couldn't think this would get any weirder. And that's when the teddy bear I found yesterday started to talk. “Hello there, Princess!” “WHAT THE FU--” ..... What did you think of the first chapter? I wanted to start with a different approach than my last story, which is why there's more focus on the diapers to start with. Next time, there will be more exposition by the talking teddy bear in question, and it'll definitely be longer than this chapter. Any kind of feedback on how I can improve is welcome. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Welcome! This is a heavily edited version of a story that I had previously been working on. Hope you enjoy! Read at your own discretion. All characters are 18+. Contains gay sexual content, diapers, incontinence, violence, strong language, and more. Chapter One: The sky started to lighten as dawn’s first light stretches toward the horizon. Typhoon, the young hero of Triton City was perched atop the tallest skyscraper in the city. He listened to the police scanner that he’d stashed up here. He had been waiting all night, but hadn’t heard what he’d been hoping for. Standing atop this skyscraper was his favorite spot, because from here, Typhoon could easily glide to wherever trouble was. His control over weather allowed him to do what others couldn’t; stop the villains of Triton City. He could create gusts of wind powerful enough to erode stone, summon powerful rainstorms, and call down lightning from the sky, among other things. Typhoon had begun his hero work several years prior. A freak accident had given him his powers. And after only a few years, most of the city’s worst villains had been locked up. Typhoon had become a legend in the city almost overnight, and became the beacon of hope that the city so desperately needed. His feats were legendary: he was the only person to ever stand up to Mega-Colossus-man and live, he pulled two-hundred people out of a falling airplane as it fell to earth, and many other incredible acts. Now, he was waiting to hear of any activity from a new foe, a man known only as Sap-man, whose crimes had made him notorious. Unfortunately, tonight, the scanner was mostly silent. The only things that were coming in were run-of-the-mill disturbances, nothing that needed Typhoon’s help. The hero sighed, disappointed at his bad luck. He sat down, his feet dangling off the side of the skyscraper. “Well, I guess I could have some breakfast.” He said to himself. He reached behind him to where he had stuffed his backpack. Inside were his normal clothes, his phone, keys, and everything else he needed to return to his average citizen persona. Typhoon started to strip out of his skin-tight super-suit. At first, he had been hesitant to wear something so revealing, but the suit had been custom made for him by his eccentric friend, Iggy. Iggy was a genius, whose inventions were paramount in Typhoon’s success as a hero. The suit included several useful features that always helped in a pinch. It was flame resistant, bulletproof, and most importantly, it hid his identity. The drawback of the suit was its color. Iggy was very flamboyant, and for whatever reason, would rarely make anything that wasn’t pink. The super suit was a soft, pastel pink with black and silver trim. Iggy and Typhoon had argued for a while about the design of the suit, and eventually came to an agreement. Iggy agreed to remove some of the more extreme things in the design, as long as he got it in pink. It was form fitted to Typhoon’s slim and muscular body, leaving very little to the imagination. The suit came all the way over his head, covering every inch of him. It also included a wingsuit that could be activated at a moments notice, which greatly increased his ability to glide. The suit had nearly as much to do with Typhoon’s success as his powers did, so he’d resigned himself to the color long ago. Unfortunately, the color led to the creation of an embarrassing nickname for the hero. The name was usually only used by his enemies, but Typhoon still hated it: The Super Sissy. Since there was no sign of any action today, Typhoon stripped out of the suit. Another drawback of the tight suit was that he couldn’t wear any normal clothes underneath. The suit was powered in part by his body heat, which meant that underneath, he was naked, save for a pair of briefs. Typhoon kept a few bags with a change of clothes stashed throughout the city, in case he needed to quickly change back to normal. Each stash had a pair of jeans, socks, tennis shoes, and a plain white t-shirt. It was as average an outfit as he could think up. As he stuffed the super suit into the backpack and donned his normal clothes, Typhoon reverted to his normal self, the quiet, well-mannered college student known as Gale Greene. Gale slung his backpack over his shoulder and walked to the rooftop entrance. For Gale, it was easy to blend in. He was average height, had a fair complexion, and short dark hair that let him blend in almost anywhere. The only thing that could make him stand out was his muscular body, but with the baggy jeans and t-shirt, even that was hidden. He quickly ran down a few flights of stairs, and then quietly walked into the hallway, making sure he wasn’t seen. One quick elevator ride later, and he was back on street level. Gale’s phone rang. It was Iggy. Gale stopped in front of a bus stop, waiting. He answered his phone. “Hey Iggy, what’s up?” Gale said. “Hey cutie-pie!” Iggy responded, his flamboyant voice cutting through the phone. “C’mon Iggy, stop calling me stuff like that. We aren’t dating.” Gale responded, reminding him of that fact yet again. “Oh, if only. I would definitely know what to do with that beautiful bubble-butt of yours, cutie-pie.” Iggy said. “Stop. Iggy, seriously. I’ve told you a hundred times. And please, for the love of god, stop calling me cutie-pie all the time.” Gale said, annoyed. Gale appreciated Iggy, but sometimes, it was too much for him. “Fine, how about I call you what those other guys do?” “Don’t-“ Gale started, before being interrupted. “The Super Siss-“ Iggy began. “DON’T.” Gale said, more firmly this time. Another person at the bus stop glanced up and made eye contact with Gale. He turned away and whispered angrily into the phone. “You don’t know who could be listening.” “Oh, come on, I encrypted our phones ages ago.” Iggy said, as if it was obvious. “The only thing any NSA agent can hear right now is some serious hardcore gay porn.” Iggy laughed. Iggy had always had a hobby of trolling the government. He’d caused some serious trouble several times, but Iggy was too smart to ever get caught. Gale laughed as well. “I should’ve guessed.” “Yeah, so no worries. Anyways, I am calling because apparently, Sap-man was up to something last night.” Iggy said, more business-like. “What?” Gale responded, surprised. “But the scanner didn’t say anything about it!” “Well, that’s because nobody found out until this morning. He stole a sample of di-tritanium from the University of Triton City. It’s one of the strongest metals on earth, impervious to almost anything. Apparently, a professor had it sitting on his desk as some sort of knick-knack.” “On his desk? Why wasn’t it at least locked away somewhere?” Gale asked, annoyed. He only had so many chances to catch Sap-man, and if the crimes didn’t get reported, there was no way for Gale to find out and stop it. “That’s the strange part. It hadn’t been refined. It’s essentially useless in its current state. And there are only two places on earth with enough sustained heat generation to refine it. Honestly, I’m not sure what he would want with it. Right now, it’s just a useless rock. And it’s not even that much. Less than a kilogram.” “Hmm… wait, how do they know it was Sap-man then?” Gale asked. “Well, there was a campus janitor that heard noises and went to investigate. Sap-man took care of him the same way as the others that he’s encountered. Same symptoms as last time, like all of the strength was sapped from his body. He was stuck laying there for hours until the professor finally showed up this morning.” Iggy reported. “He’s in pretty bad condition at the hospital, but he should pull through.” “So how did you find out about all this then?” Gale asked suspiciously. “If you must know, I keep tabs on all the most fantastic things that the city has to offer. I’ve wanted to use di-tritanium in your suit for a while, but even I can’t refine it. I’d known that unrefined sample was there, but never bothered to take it, since it would be useless to me. Apparently, not for Sap-man though.” “Well, thanks Iggy, but I gotta go. My bus is here. Gonna grab some breakfast now then I’ll take a quick nap and head to class.” Gale said, stepping onto the bus. “Alright then see you later, cuti—." Gale hangs up the phone before Iggy can finish. Gale stared out the window as the bus pulled away, determined to capture Sap-man. That evening, Typhoon was back on the prowl. He was perched on an apartment building opposite the Westmount Museum. He was already in his suit, and had stashed away his change of clothes on the rooftop. Now it was simply time to wait. Typhoon watched the museum diligently, looking for any signs of his enemy. He was by the museum because they had a new exhibit that had just arrived. A collection of rare antiquities, worth untold amounts. It was just the kind of thing that any villainous figure would be interested in. Clouds started to roll in, obscuring the full moon. A heavy darkness fell over the city. Typhoon glanced up and raised his hand, concentrating momentarily. The clouds started to dissipate, revealing the moon again. He would need as much visibility as he could get tonight. An hour passed. Then another. It seemed such a waste to spend all night camping out at a one place. Sap-man could appear anywhere, or not at all, but he didn’t have anything else to go on. This meant that old-fashioned stakeouts were his only option. Typhoon started to hum quietly to himself from his perch. The biggest issue that the young hero had about his super suit was that it did not lend itself to stakeouts. The bright pink color meant that he was very easy to spot. Thankfully, right now, the lip of the building gave him plenty to hide behind, and the suit did have a feature that allowed him to move around more stealthily. A color-shift mode could change his suit from pink to black. The drawback, Iggy had told him, was that it used up quite a bit of the suit’s power, and so it had to be used sparingly. So Typhoon had not activated it yet. The night was quiet, but around midnight, Typhoon finally caught a glimpse of someone suspicious. Someone had walked up to the front of the museum. The figure was just standing there, staring at the building. Typhoon was pretty far away, but he could tell that they were tall. They stood there for what seemed like an eternity, and then walked back down to the sidewalk and toward the corner of the building. Afraid that he would lose sight of the figure, Typhoon stood up and jumped off the building, activating the color-shift mode. Using his powers, he formed a pocket of wind underneath him and started gliding above the road, trying to keep the person in sight. They were quick though, and walked around the side of the building. Typhoon flew above the building, but in the brief moment that he’d lost eyes on them, the person had vanished. There was no one there. The sidewalk was empty. No one across the street, and no cars either. Cursing his bad luck, Typhoon quickly dove down. He landed quietly on the pavement, and inspected the area where the man had been. He had only lost sight for a moment, so he could quickly narrow down the places that the man could’ve gone. As he saw it, there were two options: the sewer, or a staircase that led down to a basement door in the museum. Typhoon’s heart was pounding. Had the man really gone into the museum? This could be it. Typhoon took a deep breath and walked down the staircase. The building obscured the moon, so the steps were completely shrouded in darkness. As he reached the bottom step, Typhoon’s eyes adjusted. At the bottom, a heavy metal door was lying on the ground, completely crumpled. Typhoon reached down and touched the metal. Typhoon was surprised. The door didn’t seem like metal at all! It was as if it were made of wet paper, bending easily against his touch. Typhoon was almost certain that this was the work of Sap-man. His senses heightened. Silently, he walked into the building. The only light illuminating the room was a green ‘exit’ sign, located right above the door he’d just entered from. All the other lights were off. The dusty basement was filled with strange crates and boxes. He could tell that the room was massive. It was an underground warehouse filled to the brim with unknown objects. “This must be the storage room. I wonder what kind of things are in all these crates?” Typhoon thought to himself. He carefully made his way through the mazelike warehouse. The silence was deafening. Something was definitely not right here though. Typhoon had checked out the security before coming. This museum had several night shift security guards, and there was no sign of any sign of them. A green ‘STAIRS’ sign that stood out like a beacon in the darkness. Typhoon quietly made his way towards it. As he got closer, he could hear footsteps coming from above. Quickly he made his way up the stairs into the display rooms. Typhoon entered the main hall. He glanced around and then saw them. Two motionless bodies were sprawled across the ground near the main entrance. Typhoon hurries over. Security. Bending down, the hero checked if they were still alive. Both had heartbeats. Typhoon sighed in relief. “Iggy. Iggy, you there?” Typhoon said quietly. The suit had a built-in comms system that he could use to contact Iggy in case of emergency. Iggy’s voice came through the comms. “Hey darli-Oh my GOD, Jessie! Why do you- ugh! Sorry hon, I’m just watching The Bachelorette. Jason really needs to get gone. He’s awful. I don’t know why Jess likes him so much. I mean, he doesn’t even have that good of a body. These muscle guys really don’t have a clue abou—” “Iggy.” Typhoon interrupted. Iggy didn’t stop. “—and he’s like, ‘oh, I was a wrestler’. Like, yeah, we get it, you like to grope other dudes, nothing special there. I did that yesterday, and do you see ME going around, acting all high and mighty! NO! Because I have a sense of prop—” “IGGY!” Gale raised his voice a bit, causing a slight echo in the large, empty room. “I need you to—" Now it was Iggy’s turn to interrupt. “What is it? And by the way, use the code name please, hon.” Iggy replied. “Fine.” Typhoon gritted his teeth. “Unicorn, come in.” “Unicorn here, what can I do for you?” Came Iggy’s self-satisfied reply. “I need you to contact the authorities. It’s Sap-man. He’s at the museum. There are two guards just inside the main entrance that need medical attention right away. Probably more injured deeper inside. I think there were supposed to be three on the shift tonight. Tell them I’m on the case and not to use sirens, understand? I don’t want them alerting Sap-man before I can get him.” “Will do.” Came the reply. Iggy was much more serious now. Iggy goofed around a lot, but when it came to this stuff, there was no one else that Typhoon would rather have. “And keep the comms open. I don’t know what might happen.” “I can, but you should know, that building is a nightmare for these comms. I swear, the walls are made of lead. You said you were at the entrance? That’s probably the only reason I can hear you at all.” “Fine. Just get the police here quietly.” Typhoon replied. Typhoon turned around and walked back into the museum. Sap-man would still be here. He had to be. Walking further in, he found another guard leaning up against a wall near the entrance to the main exhibit. This one looked better than the other two. He was breathing heavily, still conscious. He was clearly in pain though. His eyes were closed and he was clutching his chest painfully. Typhoon leaned down next to the guard, gently touching his shoulder. The guard let out a gasp his eyes bulged open fearfully, then relief washed over him as he recognized the hero. Quickly, Typhoon covered the guard’s mouth and motioned for him to stay quiet. Typhoon looked up and listened for a moment, hoping the sudden sound hadn’t alerted the invader. Typhoon confirmed no new sounds. He let his hand off of the guard’s mouth, who seemed to have calmed down a bit, though was still breathing heavily. “What happened?” Typhoon asked, in a whisper. The guard was able to speak coherently. “That man. He just walked in. I yelled, pulled my stun-gun, but he didn’t stop. I shot it at him with it. When it hit him it did nothing. There was a flash of light, and all of a sudden, I just collapsed!” He explained quickly and quietly. The guard raised his hand, which was shaking violently. “It’s like my muscles don’t work anymore!” He sobbed. “That’s Sap-man.” Typhoon said solemnly. “You should count yourself lucky that you can even raise your hand right now. Sap-man is a strength stealer. Don’t worry, ambulances are on the way. Now, do you know where he’s headed? Did he already steal something?” “I don’t know, I couldn’t tell. He must be heading to the main exhibit though. The Jade Princess Idol, it only just arrived.” “Thanks. You’ve been a great help. Now, let me go catch this guy. Stay here and stay quiet. Just pretend you are still unconscious or something. I already called the authorities, so they should be arriving soon. Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” The hero pats the man on the shoulder and then walks away, following signs for the main exhibit. “Unicorn, come in. Unicorn, did you get all that?” Typhoon spoke into the comms. No reply. “Hm.. Guess I’m on my own.” Typhoon arrived outside the main exhibit. The doors were open, but there were no sounds coming from inside. He took a deep breath, summoned wind at his fingertips, then hurried in, ready for a fight. But when he got there, the Jade Idol was still there, sitting in a glass case in the center of the room. Typhoon glanced all around. “Oh, well hello.” Sap-man’s deep voice fills the room. Typhoon turned and saw him standing in the corner. Typhoon felt fear. This man was a giant. He was at least 6’5” (2 meters), and his shoulders were broad. He was wearing a pair of tattered, dark-green army pants, a dark shirt, with an aviator jacket. He wore huge black boots, and had a pair of goggles obscuring his eyes. Over his left hand was a black glove, with orange, glowing stripes leading down the fingertips. He took a few relaxed steps towards Typhoon. “You are caught! Surrender yourself!” Typhoon demanded, raising his hands threateningly. “Hm… no thank you.” Sap-man responded, shrugging nonchalantly. “That wasn’t a question.” Typhoon said. “I’m sorry, my boy.” Sap-man began. His voice was sympathetic, relaxed, and kind. “You won’t like what happens next.” Typhoon took his chance, summoning lightning at his fingertips. The electricity jumped from finger to finger, building power in an instant. He shot his arm up at the man and let the electricity beam out. As soon as the electricity left his hand though, Sap-man darted to one side, dodging it completely. The lightning explodes into the wall behind them. Sap-man jumped forward and kicked at Typhoon’s chest. Typhoon summoned a gust of wind around his body, softening the blow. Still, Typhoon is launched backward, back out into the hall. Typhoon landed on his feet, wincing. He stood strong, blasing gusts of wind at Sap-man. Sap-man dodged and weaved, moving incredibly quickly for someone of his immense size. Sap-man wove his way past Typhoon, heading back towards the main hall. Suddenly Typhoon heard something. He glanced away for a moment, listening. In the distance, Typhoon heard sirens. He sighed. They were supposed to come quietly. Cops would only hinder Typhoon against someone as strong as Sap-man. He looked back down only to see Sap-man rounding the corner, disappearing from sight. “Surrender now, Sap-man!” Typhoon said confidently, giving chase. He summoned wind behind him to move faster. He barreled around the corner. Suddenly, Sap-man’s gloved hand appeared, grabbing at Typhoon’s face. Energy crackled from it. Typhoon barely bent back in time to avoid the grab. He ducked under the glove, and launched himself into Sap-man’s legs. Sap-man spun around in the air a his legs were pushed from under him. He landed on his back, gasping painfully. Typhoon whips around and jumps on top of Sap-man. He summoned lightning at his fingers, pointing them directly as Sap-man’s neck. “Don’t move!” Typhoon yelled, straddling the massive man tightly, his muscular legs wrapped around Sap-man’s thick waist. Sap-man laughed at the suggestive position that Typhoon had taken. “I’m flattered, truly. But unfortunately, I’ve got places to be.” He said threateningly. A burst of light roared from Sap-man’s glove, sinking into the marble floor beneath them. In an instant, the floor to turned to liquid, and the two men fall through, directly into the storage area. As they fall, Sap-man grabbed the hero’s wrist and twisted him around, using Typhoon to break his fall. They landed hard, and Sap-man’s knee crushed down onto Typhoon’s back. All of the air was knocked from Typhoon’s lungs, and he heard a crack sound from his ribs. He gasped painfully. Sap-man kept the knee pressing down on Typhoon’s back. He was pinned! Typhoon heard Sap-man’s glove crackle to life. Typhoon was being crushed into the floor. He had to get away! He couldn’t get hit by the glove! Acting in fear, Typhoon summoned a gust of wind at his feet, pushing himself forward along the floor, out from underneath Sap-man. Typhoon managed to avoid the glove, but hadn’t looked where he was blasting himself. He barreled headfirst into a wooden crate. Typhoon’s skull broke through the wood, then hit something hard and metal. The crate exploded into a pile of packing material and splintered wood, revealing the thick metal object that Typhoon had just crashed into. Typhoon saw stars. He stood up slowly, wobbling on his feet. Each breath was a painful labor, his ears rang, and his vision was popping in and out. Suddenly, Typhoon saw a fist barreling towards him. He had no time to react. It connected with his chest. Typhoon screamed in pain, then fell forward onto his hands and knees. He coughed blood. He looked up. Sap-man was standing directly in front of him, just looking down. Rage filled Typhoon up. He could not lose! “I’m not done yet.” Typhoon said bravely. He pushed himself up onto one knee, nearly falling over as the world spun around. “Yes. I’m afraid you are.” Sap-man said. Typhoon felt a hand around his neck. He was lifted off the ground entirely. Typhoon desperately tried to blast himself away with a gust of wind, but his consciousness was fading as he gasped for air. Typhoon was raised high into the air. Fear filled Typhoon as the glove crackled to life again. Was this the end? Typhoon feebly clawed at the hand around his neck. His feet kicked through the air, hitting nothing. Typhoon watched, gasping, as the glove made its way towards his abdomen. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to kill you.” Sap-man said. His voice was still soft and deep. “This won’t even hurt.” Sap-man’s gloved hand slowly pressed onto Typhoon’s abdomen, just below the bellybutton. The energy crackles through Typhoon’s body. There wasn’t any pain at all, just a buzzing sensation. Typhoon’s legs shook as the energy coursed through his core. His body goes rigid. A warmth starts spreading in the Tyhpoon’s crotch. He was wetting himself! Typhoon’s arms and legs went limp. “There. That should do the trick.” Sap-man muttered. He let Typhoon’s limp body fall to the ground in a heap. Sap-man kneeled, smiling at Typhoon. “Trust me, kid. This is for the best.” He said. Typhoon glanced up one more time at the huge man, trying to say something, then he slipped into unconsciousness, pee still flooding into his supersuit. Chapter two Typhoon awoke with a pained gasp. He was covered in packing material. His muscles were sore almost everywhere, but he was able to move. Each breath he took was painful. His ribs were definitely broken. He stood up slowly, wincing from the pain. Sounds echoed down from upstairs, as dozens of police officers had begun working their way through the building, but the warehouse was still empty. Typhoon determined that he had only lost consciousness for a few minutes. The hero started to limp towards the door, and it was then that he realized that his suit was wet. A dark stain in the material started at his crotch and went all the way past his knees. He’d wet himself! Embarrassment flooded into him. If someone saw, his image would be ruined! There was lots of activity from above, but Typhoon knew he could still get away without being seen. It would not be good for him if it got out that he’d wet his super suit. He already had a hard enough time with his image, considering his unfortunate color scheme. Typhoon slowly made his way to the back door. It was still very dark outside, but Typhoon wanted more cover than that. Painfully, he used his powers, sending a dense fog rolling through the streets. Satisfied, he began climbing the steps. The lights of several cop cars flashed through the fog. He took the final step up to street level, and, taking a deep painful breath, Typhoon launched himself out of the fog and into the sky. The pain was immense, and through gritted teeth, he started gliding. All of a sudden, Iggy’s voice popped through the comms. “Oh my god thank goodness.” Iggy said. “Hey Iggy.” Typhoon said, his voice rasping in pain. He was in no mood for codenames. “Are you ok, Gale? Your vitals are all over the place.” Iggy said, abandoning the code names as well. “I thought the worst when you stopped responding. “I’m ok. Broke a few ribs. Maybe a concussion too.” Typhoon’s head was still quite fuzzy. “Well get back here and I can fix you up. I’ve got something new that’ll get you feeling better in no time. I lost signal with your suit for a while though. For a minute, I thought you might have died.” Iggy admitted fearfully. “Not dead, but I was out of it for a bit. That guy is strong.” “Did you get him?” Iggy asked. “No. He got away.” “Damn. Well that doesn’t matter right now. I’m just worried about you. Hurry back and let me take a look at your ribs.” “Will do. Be there in twenty.” Typhoon said. The hero grabbed his backpack from his rooftop stash and slung it around his shoulder. He was too injured to change back into his normal clothes now. He looked back down towards the museum. The fog was fading. Even more emergency crews had showed up. He also saw a man who he recognized as the museum curator running into the building yelling something at the police officers. He saw the guards being carried out on stretchers. For Typhoon, it was an utter failure. As he looked at the unconscious guards, he wondered why he was still able to move so easily after being hit by Sap-man’s power. Everyone else that had been hit by it had taken weeks to recover. Sometimes longer. “Maybe it was Iggy’s suit protecting me.” He thought to himself. “Or maybe my powers have something to do with it.” He pondered his fortunate fate as he weakly launched into the air again, gliding his way towards Iggy’s. Iggy’s lived in the basement of an industrial complex on the wrong side of town. Thankfully, it wasn’t highly populated, and there was an elevator that Iggy had installed, the only two entrances at his apartment, and on the roof. It was a great setup, built just so that Typhoon didn’t have to worry about being seen. Flying in, he landed and quickly made his way to the hidden elevator that led down to Iggy’s. As he descended, he removed the wet super suit completely. Typhoon now became Gale, the boring college student. He removed his wet briefs, stuffing them in a pocket of his backpack, then grabbed the single pair of clean underwear he had in it. He slid the fresh pair of briefs on. Gale didn’t want Iggy knowing he’d peed himself either. The elevator doors opened and Gale walked out, in just his briefs. Iggy called it his playhouse, filled with his ‘toys’, the dangerous and incredible inventions that had gotten him deeply in trouble with many different people. The basement was mostly dedicated to Iggy’s workshop. But, there was a livable area tucked away in there. It had a kitchen, two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a living room with all the high-tech electronics that Iggy could get his hands on. Gale walked in, dropping his backpack down and slowly limping towards a medical bed, surrounded by strange equipment. He coughed a bit more as he slumped down onto it. Iggy came running over immediately, in his hand, a strange homemade medical device. Iggy was a small guy, only about 5’ 5”, and quite skinny. He usually wore large, square-framed glasses. His head was topped with a messy head of light pink hair. His ears were pierced in a few places, and he was always wore some sort of tight and revealing clothing. Gale never understood why though, since Iggy had very little muscle to show off. The outfits always made him a little uncomfortable. Today, Iggy wore a black mesh shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. His large glasses hid the dark circles under his eyes. His voice matched his flamboyant personality. However, at the moment, his usual flirtiness was gone, replaced by concern. “Ok, let’s see.” Iggy said. He had a grim look. Every time Iggy had to fix Typhoon up, he remained completely serious until he knew that Gale would be ok. This was no different. Gale laid back on the medical bed. Iggy grabbed some bandages, and started wrapping them over the few cuts on Gale’s body, which had started to bleed more, now that the suit was off. Iggy and Gale’s relationship was a strange one. Gale’s powers had awoken when he was only fifteen, and by sixteen, he became world-famous. Or at least, his alter ego, Typhoon, had. It had been only a few days since Gale’s sixteenth birthday, when Iggy showed up at his door. Gale still had no idea how Iggy had found out who he was, and Iggy would never tell. So, there Iggy was, demanding to be the person that got to design his super suit. Gale, had no idea what was happening, but was afraid that Iggy would tell someone his identity. He agreed almost instantly. Iggy was two years older than Gale, but, to Gale, he rarely acted like it. Gale found Iggy’s outfits and flamboyant personality to be immature, though Gale would never say that to Iggy. And so, their relationship had begun. At first, Gale had found it awkward, this scrawny older kid, designing things for him. But after a while, their dynamic had found a rhythm. Gale was twenty now, and Iggy was twenty-two. They had built a strange synergistic relationship together. Gale got the best tech, all custom-made, and Iggy got to see his inventions in action. Iggy also got to admire Gale’s bubble-butt in his suit, and was able to flirt relentlessly with the repressed hero. But Gale allowed it. That was just how Iggy was. “It’s really not the cuts that are bad Iggy.” Gale said, wincing in pain. “It’s my ribs.” “I know, just let me get these taken care of first, ok?” Iggy said. “Don’t want you bleeding out while I look at your ribs. It’ll only take a second.” “Ok.” Gale responded, allowing Iggy to finish. It was never a good idea to argue with Iggy. “Alright, there.” Iggy said, securing the last bandage. “Not quite so bad. Remember when you fought scissor-girl? You had so many cuts that day I thought you had gone through a paper shredder.” Gale laughed, wincing. “Yeah she was a tough one. Good thing I have the best medic in the world to fix me up.” “You sure do.” Iggy said. “No one else gets this kind of treatment. Not that anyone could afford it anyway. I do this for you because I owe you. Now, let me take a quick x-ray and see what the damage is.” Iggy grabbed his phone and took a few pictures. Gale gave him a confused look. “What are you doing?” He asked. “I’m looking at your ribs!” Iggy said. “Now stop moving.” Iggy took a few more pictures from multiple angles. “Your phone has an x-ray on it?” Gale asked incredulously. “Of course it does!” Iggy responded, as if it was obvious. “Anyone’s phone can, with a few small adjustments. Do you want it on yours? I’d do it for you if you want.” “No of course not, that’s ridiculous. Plus, I don’t want you anywhere near my phone.” Gale said. But Iggy had stopped listening, examining the pictures. Gale sat in silence, waiting for the verdict. Iggy whistled. “Wow. You really got knocked around. Five broken ribs, bruising on the lungs, but, other than that, no damage to any other organs. Hmm… could be a lot worse though. I’ll get you fixed up in a jiffy.” Iggy said. “I’ve been working on these medical nanobots for just this sort of thing. I should be able to get you back up and running in just a matter of minutes.” Gale groaned. Another experimental treatment. “Have you ever tested it before?” He asked. “Well, yeah! Of course!” Iggy responded. “I mean, this will be the first time doing it on something that’s still alive, but don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Iggy smiled and patted Gale on the head reassuringly. “C’mon Iggy, no joking around now. I don’t want you messing me up, ok?” Gale asked. “Don’t worry, Galey! It’s safe. You are in good hands.” Iggy said, returning to his normal flirty attitude. Something about that comforted Gale. Knowing that Iggy was confident enough to joke about it and call him by those embarrassing pet names gave Gale the reassurance he needed. Gale laid back as Iggy got everything ready. A few moments later, Iggy had a syringe with a small amount of strange purple fluid. “Ok, this part might hurt a little, but don’t worry.” Iggy said, quickly injecting the syringe directly over Gale’s ribs. Gale felt the pinch as the needle went in, but almost immediately after that, it was as if all the pain was being released. It felt like something was buzzing inside of him directly over the injured area, and within a few minutes, he felt almost as good as new. “Wow Iggy. That is incredible.” Gale said, sitting up and stretching. His muscles were still sore, but overall, he felt alright. “I would ask you how you did it, but I’m sure it would go over my head.” “Yes, it would.” Iggy responded, smiling happily. Gale shivered, still dressed in only his briefs. “Man, it’s chilly in here. I’m gonna get dressed.” “Well… If you want to, I suppose.” Iggy responded, sounding a little disappointed. “I’m all finished with you. Although, I definitely don’t mind if you hang out in your undies for a while.” Iggy winked, glancing down at Gale’s underwear bulge. Gale’s face went red and he quickly grabbed his backpack. He grabbed his jeans and t-shirt. It wasn’t even all that cold. Gale just felt uncomfortable around Iggy when his clothes were off. Iggy never tried to hide his stares at Gale’s tight and muscular body. And the suggestive comments never stopped. Gale put on the jeans, surprised at how quickly the pain had gone away. “Aww, well I guess that’s all the time I get with you vulnerable in front of me, huh?” Iggy smiled, winking. Gale ignored him. Iggy grew serious again. “Ok, so, now that you are feeling better, what the hell happened? You actually lost a fight?” Gale gave Iggy a look when he said the word ‘hell’. Gale didn’t like swear words. Iggy just used them to get reactions out of Gale. Gale’s pulled his shirt over his head, and zipped up his jeans. “Yeah. I know. It’s never happened before, but this guy is good. He’s huge, and really fast. He has some weird glowing glove that lets him change the composition of things somehow. There was a huge metal door that he basically turned into paper, and he turned an entire section of marble floor into liquid in an instant.” Gale started to explain the entire encounter from beginning to end. He had arrived at the part where he was talking with the guard, when he felt a strange warm feeling at his crotch. He looked down in time to see a wet spot growing on his jeans. His story stopped as he looked down confused. “What’s happening?” Gale thought to himself, not realizing what was going on. “Gale! Are you… peeing?” Gale stared down at himself. He was peeing himself! And he didn’t feel a thing! He couldn’t stop it or slow it down. It was just… happening. Gale’s face turned bright red and he ran through the workshop to the bathroom. His soaked jeans dripped pee down onto the floor, leaving a little trail of droplets as he went. He ran into the bathroom, jeans soaked. He shut the door behind him. He had finished peeing by the time he got there. Gale took off his wet jeans and underwear and stared down at himself. What had just happened? A quiet knock echoed from the door. “Hey. You ok in there?” Iggy asked from outside. “Umm…” Gale hesitated. “Well, great. I don’t know what’s going on. I just peed myself… again.” “Again?” Iggy asked. “When I lost consciousness before… at the museum. When I woke up, I had… you know.” Gale admits, embarrassed. “In the super suit?” Iggy asked. “Well, yeah.” Gale responded. Iggy was quiet. Gale spoke up. “Is that going to be a problem? I thought you said it was waterproof.” “From the outside, yeah! I didn’t design it for THAT though.” Iggy said. “Oh.” There was a pause for several moments as both of them absorbed this information. “Do you need some new pants?” Iggy asked, finally. Gale felt his face go hot with embarrassment. “Well…” he paused for several moments. His jeans and underwear were totally soaked. There was no way he could put those back on. “Yeah. I do. Underwear too. If you have any that’ll fit me” “I’ll look for something. Back in a sec.” Iggy said. Gale tossed his wet clothes on the floor. He hopped in the shower to clean off. The warm water felt relaxing. Gale washed his muscled body, allowing the soap to wash away his shame. A few minutes later, he was drying himself off. Another knock on the door. “Ok, I think I have something for you to wear… but, well, you are way bigger than me, so it’s really all I’ve got that’ll stretch enough.” Iggy said. “Anything is fine.” Gale responded. Gale was only a few inches taller than Iggy, but with his toned muscles, and bubble butt, Gale’s waist was much bigger than Iggy’s. Gale hid behind the door and opened it a crack, extending his hand out through it and grabbing the fresh pants. He opened them up and looked at them. Gale sighed. In his hands were a pair of white spandex pants and a pink mesh thong. He knew that Iggy wasn’t playing a joke either. This was basically all Iggy had. Gale had never seen Iggy in ‘normal’ clothes. “In your dreams, Iggy.” Gale thought, staring at the thong. “I’ll never wear something THAT embarrassing.” He set it aside. Gale stretched open the pants and slid them up his toned legs. He pulled and strained until he finally had them over his butt. Gale grimaced. They were really tight. Embarrassingly tight. He glanced in the mirror and immediately regretted it. He looked ridiculous. The pants had squeezed so tight that they were essentially see-through. The crotch had an extra piece of fabric to hide his package, but the pants were so tight that nothing was left up to the imagination. He turned a bit, glancing at his butt in the mirror. Gale grimaced. His butt was stretching the back even worse than the front. Gale was afraid that if he bent down, the pants would just disintegrate, ripping to shreds. “I don’t suppose you have literally anything else that would fit me?” Gale asked through the door. “Or like… even just a pair of boxers or something?” “Um… no, not really a boxers guy. As you can see, I’m more of a ‘pink thong’ type.” Iggy said, laughing. “Did you put that on?” “No!” Gale sighed, exasperated. “Come on, Gale, you know I’m not lying when I tell you that those are all I’ve got.” Iggy responded. “I know.” Gale sighed. He believed Iggy completely. They would have to do for now. Gale grabbed a plastic bag and stuffed his jeans and underwear into it. He tied it up and walked out. Iggy was sitting at his work bench, examining Gale’s super suit. He looked up at Gale as he walked by, then down at Gale’s crotch. For the first time, Gale saw Iggy blush, then look away. Iggy had the super suit in his hands. “So…” Iggy said awkwardly. Gale was surprised that Iggy wasn’t making any suggestive comments. Then Gale saw Iggy reach down to the front of his skinny jeans, pushing down something that was growing at his crotch. Gale blushed and looked away, pretending that he hadn’t seen it. “Listen… It was a long day, ok?” Gale said, continuing to speak, trying to act normal. “Yeah, I get that, it’s just… Well…” Iggy paused. “What?!” Gale said, annoyed. “Your super suit is going to need some work.” Iggy said. “What exactly happened again?” . Gale points down at the wet super suit. “It happened when I was unconscious, ok? Right after he grabbed me with that weird glove. You know, the one that saps people’s strength?” Iggy got a concerned look on his face. “He hit you with it?” “Well yeah. I hadn’t got to that part yet.” Gale responded. “After we fell into the basement, I… everything gets really hazy. I just remember that I couldn’t breathe. Everything went black. I woke up in a pile of packing peanuts, suit soaked right through.” Iggy sighed. “Well, I am going to have to do a lot of maintenance on the suit. The micro-wiring is totally fried. I might have to start from scratch altogether.” “I did feel some weird buzzing going on. Um, down there… where he grabbed me.” Gale gestures broadly at his crotch. “Was that the wiring? It was like, some sort of weird energy or something. I don’t know. It felt… weird.” Gale said. “That was probably from the glove, not the super suit.” Iggy said. “How are you still standing, though? Walking around? When he’s hit other people with that glove, bad stuff happens. Most people take weeks just to start moving around again. Some of them never fully recovered. You flew out of there in only a few minutes.” “I figured it had something to do with my powers.” Gale said. “like, they blocked him out or something.” “I don’t think that’s how it works, Gale.” Iggy said doubtfully. “Maybe the suit absorbed some of the energy.” “Yeah or that.” Gale admitted. “You said he hit you in the dick?” Iggy asked. Gale blushed. “No! Not right on it! I mean, ugh, maybe? I don’t know! his hand is really big! And I was barely conscious at that point anyway.” Gale was uncomfortable talking about this. “Can I look?” Iggy asked. “Purely for medical purposes of course.” Gale sighed. Of course. “C’mon Iggy, I’m fine. Trust me, there isn’t any damage there.” “Yeah yeah. It’s just, if there are marks, I can potentially trace the origin of his weapon.” Iggy said. Gale suspected that Iggy wasn’t being totally forthright. Gale hesitated for a few moments. If there was a chance, however slim, that they could figure out who Sap-man really was, it would be worth it. “Ugh, why me?” He complained. “Fine, but…no touching. Looking only. And I would really really REALLY appreciate it if you didn’t say anything gross, ok?” Gale asked, severely annoyed that he was being forced to do this. Iggy nodded sincerely. “Cross my heart. I won’t say anything inappropriate.” Iggy watched as Gale lowered the pants, revealing himself fully in front of his friend. Iggy’s face went red. Gale looked up at the ceiling as Iggy bent down in front of him to get a closer look. Gale was of average size down there. He had nothing to be ashamed of, but this was not a situation that he would ever have imagined could happen. The area below Gale’s bellybutton had a very faint outline of a large handprint. His skin was still smooth though, no cuts, or any other adverse signs. Iggy got a little closer, only a few inches away. “Does it hurt now?” He asked. “No, it doesn’t feel like anything.” Gale said. Iggy’s face grew very concerned. “Gale, I’ll be right back, ok? I have a bad feeling.” Gale grew concerned as well. “What do you mean?” He asked. Iggy didn’t respond, briskly walking away, and rummaging through a drawer. He came back holding a strange looking camera. “Just a feeling. Don’t move.” Iggy said mysteriously. He held the device up and looked at Gale through it. Iggy furrowed his brow. “What?” Gale asked, worried. “There’s some sort of radiation there. The hand print. Ok, you can pull them up now.” Iggy said. Now, he was in work mode. No comments about girth, or pet names anymore. Iggy set the camera down. Gale pulled the shorts back up, glad to be covered again. “What does it mean?” Gale asked. “I don’t know.” Iggy said. “What do you mean, you don’t know?” Gale asked, growing more and more concerned. “You always know!” “I mean, I don’t know! I need some time to think, ok?!” Iggy snapped, clearly annoyed at himself. “Ok I’m sorry, it’s just, I want to know what is going on—what he did to me.” Gale said. “I know.” Iggy said. They stood in silence for a few moments. Then Iggy said, “I think it would be best if you stayed here tonight.” Gale hesitated for a moment, but then conceded. If Iggy needed him there, Gale would stay. “Ok, I’ll stay, but under one condition.” “What’s that?” Iggy asked. “I want some real clothes.” Gale said. Iggy smiled. “Sure. I’ll go buy you some.” “Thanks. Now, I think I want to go lay down for a bit if that’s ok.” “Of course. I’m sure you’re tired.” Iggy showed Gale to a bedroom. Gale stripped out of the tight clothes and laid down, naked. Normally, he’d wear his underwear and his nighttime t-shirt to bed, but since he wasn’t at home, and didn’t have any other clothes, naked would have to do. Gale exhaled deeply, trying to put the day’s events behind him. Within a few moments, he was fast asleep.
- 2 replies
- 2
- gay
- incontinence
- (and 4 more)
Hello everyone, and welcome to the first in what I hope to be a series of ABDL superhero stories, similar to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is also my first ABDL story, so any kind of feedback and suggestions on how I can improve my writing is more than welcome. With that, I hope you enjoy. ..... When you think of a superhero, what comes to mind? A muscular paragon of courage willing to defend all that is good in the world? Someone with cool powers and a dynamic costume with bright colors? I'm both of those things, but what makes me different from other superheroes is the fact that I can't keep my pants dry. My name is Nick Windel, and this is my story... Real Heroes Wear Diapers: The Diapered Avenger Chapter 1 But first, let's go back a few days. I'm a sophomore in college, and a pretty average looking guy with red hair and skin so pale, people assume I'm a leprechaun. I was currently on Summer Vacation, staying with my family for a few months. My big sister Amanda was also visiting, planning a party for her son Issac's first birthday. I was looking for a present to get for the little guy. While walking around town, I noticed a strange store I had never seen before I left for college. It was called “Hidden Magic”. Seemed a little on the nose, but I still went in to check it out. When I entered, I was greeted by a nice man at the counter. “Hello there. Thank you for finding Hidden Magic! Is there anything you're looking for?” He asked. “No, I'm fine. Just browsing around. I don't think there's anything for an infant's birthday here.” I replied as I walked around, looking at the various trinkets like crystal balls and necklaces, probably all fake. Suddenly, my eyes turned to a strange object on one of the shelves. It looked like a pacifier, but much bigger than the one a baby uses, almost as if it was big enough for me. On the center was a red jewel that looked pretty expensive, and on the clip was some strange language I couldn't decipher. I decided to pick it up and take it to the front. “Hey, do you know what this is?” I asked. “Ah, the Soother of Justice. Good choice.” The man said. “It has been said that the gemstone embedded into that has magical properties that can give the user incredible abilities.” “Okay... How much is it worth?” I ask. The man smiled in response. “It is usually a lot more expensive, but for you, only twenty dollars. I sense this belongs to you.” I realized this was pretty much a steal, so I decided to pay for it. I didn't know why, but something compelled me to get it. So I thanked the man and headed back to my house. My mom and sister were out, probably shopping for the party in a few days, so I was alone for now. I went to my room and took out my purchase. I noticed the gemstone on the pacifier was glowing faintly in my hands, and for some reason, I moved it into my mouth. I didn't even think about it, it just happened. And as soon as it did, the gemstone shined brightly, letting out a flash as the clip attached itself to the side of my shirt. As soon as the light faded, and my eyes adjusted, I noticed my outfit had changed, and I said to myself... “What the hell am I wearing?!” For some reason, instead of my usual red polo shirt and camo shorts, I was wearing a bright red and blue onesie with a red cape on the back, and underneath the onesie, was a thick diaper which stuck out like a sore thumb. Even my normally reddish orange hair was bright red, almost like an anime character. I was naturally confused as to what this pacifier did to me. I tried to reach for it, but it wasn't in my mouth. Instead, it was almost like a badge on the side of the onesie. I pounded the side of my desk in frustration, but amazingly, it almost broke in two with the crack it caused. “What the...” I pondered for a moment. That guy at the store was telling the truth about the stuff this pacifier could do. Granted, I can only do it while dressed like a giant baby, but I guess I can live with that. I decided to head out to the backyard to see what else I could do with this. I went out to a forest outside of town and did a little stretching to prepare myself. I started by running for a little bit, but I noticed a ran several meters in a matter of seconds. So I had super speed, that was cool. I decided to run around some more to get the hang of it. It was really exhilarating until I was stopped by a nearby rock, causing me to trip, forcing my eyes shut to prepare for the pain. The strange thing is that... I didn't hit the ground. I opened my eyes and found I was floating in midair. So I can fly too, that's even cooler than super speed! I moved around in midair, getting used to flying around, but I was getting the hang of it. I wasn't exactly Superman in terms of skill, but I just need more practice. I also remembered how easily I broke my desk, so I decided to see how strong I was by punching a nearby tree. A few seconds after my fist made contact, the tree fell over easily. I tried it with a few more trees, even cutting one in half with a karate chop. I had never felt so alive in my life! So it was all the more jarring when I transformed back. For some reason, the pacifier badge on my onesie (The fact that I actually said that sentence is making my rethink my life choices) started glowing again, and it let out another flash of light. Suddenly, I was back in my regular clothes, and the pacifier was back in my hand. Okay, so this thing follows Ultraman rules, I guess. However, I noticed something carried over from the costume, something I can't believe I was still wearing. Underneath my shorts was a diaper, which I could tell from the waistband sticking out a few inches from my pants. To which I responded... “You have GOT to be kidding me!” So, what do you think so far? This first chapter is mainly here to provide setup an insight into the main character, so things will get more interesting next chapter. Is there any area I can improve on this? If so, I welcome any kind of feedback. I'm fine with either a reply to this or a direct message. Either way, Chapter 2 is coming soon,
Hello! This will be my first post on this board! A friend of mine who is a regular suggested that an on-going story I have been working on might be a good fit for here, so I figured I would post the parts that I have so far. I hope you like it! Lily didn’t see the point of Math class. Well, not all Math classes universally, she didn’t feel remotely qualified to make such a sweeping claim. Somewhere out there could be a future Robert Oppenheimer or Mileva Maric who is seeing their first isosceles triangle and furiously scribbling in their notebook the first figures in a formula that will completely change the way humanity views the laws of reality, and that will ultimately carry us to the stars and all of the wonders contained therein—but that person was not Lily. And that class was not Mister Shigeki’s Intro to Differential Equations. Oh well. At least he was nice to look at, even if his accent was unexpected. She had always thought Scottish brogues were supposed to be sexy, but his just felt frustrating. Then again, the gods don’t give with both hands.As she began dissecting why that idiom doesn’t translate to polytheistic beliefs, a nub of pink chalk bounced off her forehead. Mister Shigeki had hit her right between the eyes from across the room, and now stood leaning against Marissa Adam’s desk in the front row. His beard was perfectly manicured to compliment his jawline, and the smirk on his face betrayed his frustration. “Miss Celeste. I don’t suppose you can tell me the answer to the question on the board?” Lily blinked several times as she processed his request. Her eyes darted to the question on the board and she sighed. There weren’t even any numbers in it, just random letters representing imaginary ones. “You know what Mister Shigeki? I really can’t. But it’s my fault, I thought this was going to be a Math class. If I realized this was linguistics I would have brought my other notebook.” She punctuated the last word by picking up the little red notebook and tapping it on her desk for affect. A murmur of exasperated snickers rustled amongst her classmates and Mister Shigeki rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. “If you don’t plan on paying attention, why don’t you just go home early?”Lily raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you supposed to teach me?”“You can’t teach someone who doesn’t want to be taught. I have fifty minutes three times a week to teach a first year Math class to a room of students, the majority of whom do not care. If you decide that you want to get caught up, my office hours are always open. But I don’t need you setting precedent for people day-dreaming and getting away with it.” He paused. “Although I suppose half of the room only shows up to ogle you while you’re staring off into the void. Blood flushed to Lily’s cheeks, but the rest of the class was busy either grumbling indignantly of stifling laughter. She blacked out for a moment, and the next thing she knew she was standing outside the door to the Math room with her backpack slung over one shoulder. She started down the hallway to the stairs, feeling extremely self-conscious about how short her skirt was. She threw the front door of the STEM building open with both hands and galloped out into the sun, her ballet flats clicking on the pavement as she did. Lily hated everything about the STEM building, how stiflingly warm it was, how the third and fourth years seemed to linger everywhere like Gollum looking for a fish—she prided herself on how quickly she could get out of it. After such a mildly embarrassing experience she needed to not be around anyone, let alone leering engineering students. Thankfully the University campus was built alongside a dense greenbelt, and she made for the trees. While the edge of the trees was a popular hang-out spot for students, walking just ten minutes into the scratchy underbrush and decomposing autumn leaves virtually guaranteed her solitude. To her, the smell damp detritus was comforting.She kept walking until she couldn’t see any sign of the campus through the woods before finally leaning against a tree. Lily carefully lowered herself down onto one of its roots and took a deep breath. She thought back to what Mister Shigeki said. She didn’t want to be there. That was about all she did know. Halfway into her first semester of University and she still had no idea what she wanted to study, as well as having befriended a paltry two people: Marissa Adams from the Math class after she lent the other girl a pencil on the first day prior to moving to the back of the classroom; and Lily’s assigned roommate, Annie.Realistically, Annie was the only reason she had not dropped out yet. She actually felt like she could trust the other girl. Annie was in her second year and she had the confidence to show it. She had her whole daily schedule planned out, which fit into a weekly schedule, which fit into a monthly schedule, which fit into her five year plan. She colour-coded everything too, and prepared her meals in advance. She prepared her meals in advance! Lily didn’t even feel like an adult most days, and next to Annie she felt like a gods damned toddler.A noise nearby drew Lily’s attention. It sounded like a rabid housecat, then a desperate squeaking. She got to her feet and slowly slunk towards it, holding her bag in front of her as a shield. She peered around a tree into a clearly. A white rabbit with little purple wings was slowly backing up into a tree trunk, having been cornered by some kind of black lynx. The winged rabbit looked injured and terrified. The wildcat coiled as if it was about to pounce, and before she could so much as think Lily broke from cover and hurled her bag at it and prayed the weight of her Math book would be enough to scare the creature off. The bag struck with a heavy thud that knocked the cat off its paws and Lily shouted at it as she moved towards the rabbit. She still didn’t know what prompted her to act. She had never heard of a winged rabbit, so it was probably an endangered species and she couldn’t have extinction on her conscience. Her eyes went from the rabbit to the lynx and she froze. It had three eyes. Three red, angry eyes. And maybe it was because she was closer to it, but it seemed a lot bigger now. Panther big. Lily imposed herself between the ever-growing cat and the injured rabbit, wishing she still had her shield-backpack to maybe buy her thirty seconds more of life.“You are the one I’ve been looking for.”“Wha—“The voice was coming from inside her head, and despite the danger of her present situation it filled her with courage. A brilliant light erupted from the rabbit and she turned her head just in time to see it leap towards her. At the same time the enormous wildcat pounced at her. As the rabbit made contact she was enveloped by light and an invisible force erupted forth from her body and the wildcat was blasted away from her like a shot from a cannon.In her mind Lily saw a pink crystal star encapsulated by a green gem. She saw the star inside her own chest, in her heart, and felt power flow out from it and into her, transforming her. The light faded and Lily was left in the clearing. Her skirt and blouse had been transformed into low-cut tutu-like uniform with a bright purple blow emblazoned on her chest, with matching bows now tied into her hair. Her ballet flats had similarly been changed into knee-high boots, her knee socks had become pale pink thigh highs, and elbow-length frilly gloves had manifested on her arms. A weighty scepter with a pink star atop it was in her hand. But in all of this, the part of her outfit Lily noticed first was what had appeared between her legs: an impossibly large pink diaper, complete with bows and frills that matched the rest of her outfit. The padding was so thick that it descended to halfway down her thighs, and the frills of her new skirt did nothing to hide it. But she had no time to question the ensemble as an enraged yowl from across the clearing reminded her of her predicament. The wildcat pounced again, but this time she reacted faster—faster than she ever thought possible. Lily hopped aside and the three-eyed beast buried its claws into the tree roots in the spot she had stood a moment before. Moving on instinct more than anything else, she thrust her star scepter towards the beast and pink and green light erupted from it. The cat yowled again, but this time in pain as it was thrown into a tree trunk. It hit with a crack and it slumped to the forest floor.Lily stood her ground, not dropping her guard for a moment as she watched the cat’s furious red eyes. It blinked at her as it breathed slowly. Then its form began to change, the heavy black fur seeming to fade away into smoke. All that was left were the three glowing eyes, and then they were gone too. Lily sighed. Then she re-examined her new outfit. What the Hell was going on? And how was she supposed to get back to residence? *** Lily pinched the baby fat of her bicep. Ow. She pressed the bramble of a bush of fuchsia flowers against the inside of her thigh.Ow.She bit down on her tongue until tears welled in her eyes.Oooooooow.Okay. She was now reasonably certain she was not dreaming. Though the only other possibility was that she had lost her mind. Maybe the cat had pounced on her and was actually in the process of disemboweling her as it snapped her tiny neck and everything after the point of impact was an elaborate fantasy her mind had created to cope with the agony. Maybe she stepped on a hidden pressure plate on the forest floor that released a hallucinogenic gas that was developed by the government and she was actually rolling around on the forest floor tripping out like those kids in the DARE not to do drugs after school specials. Drugs seemed like the more likely option, because despite nearly dying a handful of minutes ago and being stuck in the most embarrassing outfit she could possibly imagine, she could not remember ever feeling better in her life.And oh yes, she was stuck. Once the shock of fighting (killing?) a wildcat the size of a small car faded, that was the first thing she tried. Everything was stuck in place, from the headband and ribbons, to the gloves and stockings, to the impossibly skimpy dress, to the diaper that hung almost to her knees. It wasn’t like any of it restricted her at all, beyond needing to waddle whenever she took a step. But the especially weird part of it was that even though she had next to no desire to go anywhere dressed this way. . . She also didn’t exactly have any desire to take it off. These clothes felt good. Safe. Like she was powerful.No amount of powerful-feeling ridiculous outfits were enough to give her any desire to stay in the woods once it got dark out. At night the University’s heavy metal club were known to go out into the forest to drink and blast music and those were the last group of people she wanted to run into. She squeezed her star scepter in both hands as if praying for courage and started in the direction of the campus. At least if she peed herself in fear she was properly equipped for it.Lily’s heart skipped a beat at the thought and she pushed it from her mind. There would be time to figure out whatever she was feeling once she was back in her room. Then maybe she could figure out how to change. Her first problem was making it to the safety of residence, which was located at roughly the opposite side of the campus.The walk to the edge of the forest was surprisingly quick. She had expected her padded predicament to slow her considerably, but the exaggerated sway of her hips didn’t appear to have any such effect. She even found herself smiling, and skipping once the underbrush thinned. The air had an enticingly sweet scent to it, probably from the fuchsia flower bushes coiled amongst the trees. Were they always there? For all of the time Lily had spent in the forest, she could not recall ever seeing them before. She considered stopping to examine them for a moment. . . Then glanced down at her frilly dress and bulging pink diaper and decided it was better to come back later. She was close enough to the edge of the forest that she had to be conscious of running into students sunning themselves between classes. She could make out the concrete of the STEM building through thinning trunks, and the forms of people moving. Classes must have just let out, which meant in a few minutes people would either be off to their next class or in the cafeteria for dinner. This was perfect. If she just waited for that to quiet down she could stealth her way clear across the quad and slip inside before anyone noticed her brightly-coloured ensemble. Just watch and wait. Watch and wait.Watch and wait.She blinked. As her eyes opened she realized how heavy her lids felt. Maybe waiting for a few more hours was a good thing. People less likely to see her in the dark. She could take a nap. The adrenaline was probably wearing off. Her body needed to rest and recover. Lily felt her body begin to sway gently. She could sit down. Just had to keep watching and waiting. Watching and waiting.Keeping her eyes forwards, she squatted down and let her padded rear touch down on a fallen log. She blinked again. Her head nodded forward once, twice, three times. One of the fuchsia flowers was between her boots. She hadn’t noticed it before just now, but it must have been there. Flowers don’t move on their own. Their vines don’t coil around your ankles and travel up your legs and—Lily leapt up from the log and to her amazement flew twenty feet vertically. She flailed her arms and legs in her surprise and managed to snag the branch of a yellow spruce. Lily hung there, one hand on the tree and the other gripping her scepter so hard it trembled. She looked below. The flower was still there, its vines coiled around the log and immobile.No waiting. She wanted out of these woods. Lily swayed her legs back and forth and on an upswing released the branch, sailing forward. She stuck the landing with only a slight stumble and transitioned into a nervous jog towards the edge of the woods. The moving forms through the trees had tapered off. Now was her best shot. As she approached the edge she picked up speed as much as she was willing with her waddle and bolted out onto campus. She made for the shadow of the STEM building and crouched low the way she did when she was playing hide-and-seek tag as a child. If someone looked out the window of one of the nearby buildings for more than a moment they would certainly see her, so she kept moving. She hugged the corner as she rounded it and the campus quad lay before her. It was empty, which is better than she possibly could have hoped. Taking a deep breath she broke out in a sprint diagonally across the field, aiming her trajectory so that the fountain in the centre could shield her from the greatest possible number of windows. As long as no one saw her face, no one would have any reason to suspect her. She passed the fountain, and the glass library, and the English and the art buildings. She crossed the road separating them from the residence and used the enormous and ancient trees that dotted the grass as cover as she skirted past the cafeteria. She could hear people nearby, possibly arriving late or finishing early or just wandering amongst the maze-like grey residence buildings, but it didn’t matter because she was almost home-free. She could see the door to her building, and she forced herself to contain a squeal of delight. She reached out to pull the door open and—She didn’t have her key. She froze on the spot, petrified by the realization. Her key had been in her backpack. Her backpack was still in the clearing, if it was intact at all. Lily had made it all this way only to be locked out. The voices were getting closer. Her legs trembled. Her throat felt tight, like she was on the verge of tears. Her reputation on campus was about to go from lazy smartass to diaper girl.The front door opened under someone else’s power. Annie stood in the threshold, one arm leaning against the metal from and the other propping the door open. She looked Lily up and down and raised an eyebrow.“So I see you finally found your Catalyst. Come on, get in here before anyone sees you.” She stepped back to allow Lily in.What? *** Lily had never been so happy to see her shitty cramped residence room. The hallways and stairwells leading up to their room had been mercifully empty, and Annie had not so much as snickered at her predicament before whisking her in.Lily dove straight for the covers of her bed and rolled herself into a comfortable little burrito. For a moment she hoped that she could forget that she was trapped in an enormous pink diaper, though that did not end up being the case. Annie locked their door and then went to sit next to Lily. She placed a comforting arm around her friend and began to stroke Lily’s cheek. Lily flinched, but then allowed it to happen. She realized that she had been running on adrenaline and not much else since the fight in the woods, and now she was too exhausted to even stand. She opened her mouth to speak but the words felt like mush.“Hush now, baby. Er, sorry,” Annie said, then shook her head with a chuckle. “I can only answer a few of your questions, but I will help however I can.”Confusion prodded at Lily’s mind, but she nodded and waited for Annie to continue.“Okay. The short version is that you are a magical girl.”“What. You mean like Sailor Moon?” “Yes! Sort of. These powers work differently, and there isn’t some team uniform.” “How do you know any of this?”“Well, because I’m one too.” Annie half-smiled and tilted her head to one side.Lily’s brow furrowed and she looked from Annie’s face to her waist.“Wah— No, I don’t have a diaper when I transform. That’s just you, at least I think it is.”“Well why do I look like an enormous child then!” Frustration tinged Lily’s voice.“Calm down, it’s okay,” Annie stroked Lily’s cheek. Lily’s eyes were still wet with tears on the verge of falling. “Okay. There are a few of us all over the world, at least as far as we can tell. We all have different powers and costumes, and generally we’re pretty spread out but occasionally we team up. As near as we have figured out, all of our powers were awakened when we came in contact with an unnatural animal.”“Unnatural like a dragon?”“For one of us, yeah. Mine was a snake with ram horns.” Annie used her hands to mimic curled horns on the side of her head for descriptive effect. “What was yours?”“A—A bunny. With wings.”“I’ll add that to our google doc.”“There’s a google doc? You started all of this organization stuff, didn’t you.”Annie suppressed a blush. “Maybe. We needed to organize to maximize our effectiveness! None of us even know what we’re fighting, just monsters that seem to prey on humans. Someone needs to start piecing it together so we can start to win.”“Alright, alright fine. But why can’t I change back? And, not to sound like a broken record, why am I wearing a diaper?”Annie sighed and took Lily’s hands in hers. “You can't change back because you didn't kill whatever you were fighting.”“The Hell I didn’t! I knocked that giant pussycat against a tree and it didn’t get up!”“Did it fade away like smoke?”“Yeah.”“Yeah. You didn’t kill it. You have to deliver a finishing blow. It’s still in the area, and it’s going to prey on the vulnerable to regain its power.”A cold shiver ran down Lily’s spine. It was still out there. “I have to go stop it.”Now Annie laughed. “No, you need to stay here and rest. You’re weak from your transformation and you don’t know how to use your power yet. I’m going to go finish it off.”Lily opened her mouth to argue, then closed it. Annie made sense. She knew how this stuff worked, so it was better to leave it to her.“Good. As for why you’re wearing a diaper: when we all came into contact with our animal, our Catalyst, they didn’t give us these powers. They just unlocked our potential. As near as we can figure, that’s why we all look different.”“So that means—““—that your potential is related to your youth or innocence or—““—or I’m a giant baby.”The girls let silence hang over them. Annie hugged her friend in what she hoped was comforting. For Lily it was impossible for it not to come off as being babied.Annie stood up. “Look, I’m going to go track down the monster. We’re going to get you turned back, and then we’re going to figure this out. Whatever is going on here, you aren’t alone, Lily. You’re part of a team now.” She offered a smile, then folded her hands over her breasts and closed her eyes. Green light enveloped her in a flash. When it cleared her tank top and short shorts had been replaced by a green bodysuit that looked like it had the same texture as a lizard’s scales. The suit completely covered her chest and neck, and formed a cowl with a set of horns that pushed back her red hair. She had thigh-high heeled boots, elbow-length gloves, and a domino mask. On her hip were a set of twin curved short swords.Lily was simultaneously in awe and painfully jealous. Annie looked like she had stepped straight out of a comic book. She was right, Lily would be no help in hunting down that monster. Annie shot her a wink and skipped to their window, pushing it open with one hand. “We’ll get you fixed up in no time, sweetie. Get some rest, I’ll grab you something to eat on my way back.” And with that she slid out into the night.Lily curled up on her mattress, still cocooned in her sheets. Sleep was a good idea. Just stay here and rest until Annie gets back. Just rest. Just rest. Just rest. On some level Lily became aware that the voice telling her to rest was not her own. In fact, it was the same one she had heard at the edge of the forest. She made to sit up but couldn’t. She couldn’t move anything. Panic began to set in and she tried to struggle, but something had coiled around her body and restricted her movements. She could feel it writhing around her arms and legs, beneath her dress and in her diaper.“Wha—“One of the magenta flowers from the woods came into view in front of her. How had it followed her? Did it stow away? The flower took up her entire field of vision, and the centre of it began to ripple like a mirage. Lily tried to turn away but it followed her every move, and the longer she looked at it the less she wanted to fight it. Everything was fine. No need to scream. This was fine. Just sleep. *** Despite the situation, Annie couldn’t stop herself from smiling. The evening air was growing colder and bit softly at her exposed cheeks as she descended from their shared window. She landed on one knee, then leapt with extraordinary power and grace back into the air. She had orchestrated being Lily’s roommate when her serpent eyes identified the magical potential she held. Annie had been piecing together documents on these Magical Girls since her own awakening and had done her best to establish a support network. She also took it upon herself to ensure potential candidates had a guardian until they found their Catalyst, and these measures had both helped their numbers to swell and kept young girls safe from the corruptive power of their enemies (whoever they were).Annie made contact with the side of one of the residence buildings and immediately bounced off, then ricocheted again and again from building to building. It was still light enough that she had to be quick and quiet, and stick to the periphery of people’s vision as she hunted to the creature. Lily’s reaction, to go with her and help hunt, was an admirable one. But she was tired, exhausted, and had only just acquired her new powers, to say nothing of her unorthodox outfit. Annie didn’t have time to babysit tonight.She gripped the edge of the campus observatory’s domed roof and vaulted onto it; it was the highest point that gave her a clear view of the surrounding area, and a clear view was what she needed to hunt. Annie closed her eyes and focused on the power deep within her. It was coiled around her heart, binding her while protecting her. It was a snake constricting her so tightly that it was impossible to discern where one began and the other ended. The snake opened its eyes and so did Annie, and now they saw the world as one predator. Colours of mundane objects, of buildings and students, were a muted grey. The tainted trail of the creature that Lily had fought was magnified to an unnatural vibrancy. Annie looked towards the woods, to where the cat had entered the campus and to the clearing where Lily had fought it. The trail had a brilliant green aura to it that shone through the trees. There was another glowing colour too, but this one seemed to be spread at random throughout the forest; pink lines woven throughout the underbrush like a hastily-woven web. Annie squinted and her view magnified and zoomed in on one of the neon pink strands. They looked like . . . Vines? With bulbs or flowers. Were they a new weapon? Annie had never seen them before. She would have to examine them more closely after the hunt, and inform the others to beware of strange plant life. A flash of green at the far end of the woods caught her eye. The creature must have reformed, and it was moving fast around the outer edge of campus. Annie took a running leap off the rooftop and aimed to intercept the beast if it stayed on its current trajectory. It was dark enough now that she didn’t need to do this quiet anymore, but the beasts were more powerful at night. She had to stop this now, before it found a staff member or student to feed on.She landed on the ground a dozen stories below in a forward roll and immediately transitioned into sprinting, her heels clicking on the pavement in such rapid succession that any casual observer would see a blur of green and red and hear a constant, steady noise. In the span of a blink she was in the woods, and in the span of another she had closed in on the panther-like creature. Annie drew her blades and wove through the trees to come in low from its flank. With one blade in a fore grip, she jabbed it between the beast’s ribs with enough force to take its paws off the forest floor. Then in a smooth spin she flipped the other blade into a reverse grip and aimed a vertical cut at its meaty neck. The speed of her attack, combined with the speed she had been travelling, was more than enough to part the beast’s head from its shoulders. There were a pair of thuds, one light and the other much heavier as its now two parts landed several yards away, in the direction it had been running. Annie alternated spinning her knives in each hand as she strode over to the beast’s three-eyed head. It still snarled at her despite what would have been a lethal wound to any normal animal. With clinical precision, Annie sunk the tip of her knife into its third eye. It shrieked as rays of light erupted from every orifice and it imploded in the spot. Annie checked over her shoulder just in time to see the beast’s body fade out as if it were sketch being erased by a frustrated artist. That was easier than she had expected. She turned and walked in the direction of vines she had seen before. At this rate she would be finished here before Lily even woke up. *** Lily felt like she was floating. Everything was heavy, as if her perceptions were moving through water. Warm fluid swaddled her, filled her nostrils and covered her eyes. It embraced her inside and out. She didn’t know how she got here, or even where “here” was for that matter. She could see, but she could only see nothingness. Deep down part of her knew this wasn’t real, or it was but that she was really still in her dorm room. Whatever this place was, it was very real, just not in the way her bed or the campus or the trees or Annie were. Annie had gone somewhere. Would she be able to find Lily? Was Lily findable? She became aware of a ripple passing through the fluid that suspended her. The fluid reoriented her in the direction of the source. Something formless, like the void that surrounded her while simultaneously being much deeper. The formlessness shifted almost imperceptibly, then it began to move. It accelerated faster and faster; Lily could feel the velocity tearing at her, and yet she also didn’t move. She screamed but there was no sound, or maybe there was a cacophony all around her and it all became the same thing as the pressure grew to be unbearable—Light burst forth from her chest and formed a field around her. Lily could see colour, and the weight all around her receded. The void rumbled again like angry thunder and then it too was gone and Lily was lying in her bed.The vines of the magenta flower still bound her tightly, and its petals formed a tight mask around her face. She screamed and an omni-direction energy blast burst forth from her, forcibly stretching the vines and the flower squealed like a wounded animal. It released her and slithered away from the bed like a cephalopod on the ocean floor. Lily threw back her blanket. Her Star Scepter appeared in her hand and she fired a series of blasts, but the flower skittered them. It seemed to flatten itself out and slip through an air vent.Lily sat on the edge of her bed, stock-still and arm still outstretched. Slowly, she forced herself to take deep breaths. Her heartrate slowed. It was gone. Maybe she wasn’t safe (she was still transformed afterall), but she was safe-er. It was dark out her window. How long had that thing had her trapped? Annie should have been back by now, right?Annie had gone out to hunt the creature she had failed to kill. The last time Lily had seen the creature was in the woods. The woods were full of those flowers. Annie might not know about them, or if she did she didn’t mention. If they trapped her out there then she could be in serious trouble.Lily gripped her knee until her knuckles trembled, then stood up. She examined her outfit: elbow length gloves and stockings, uncomfortably short and low-cut baby-dress, ribbons and ruffles all over, and a comically large diaper that she could not hope to conceal. Annie carried herself like someone who knew what she was doing—heck, apparently she was the most organized Magical Girl on the planet! She probably knew all about the flowers. And if she already knew about them then Lily would being risking social suicide for nothing. She closed her eyes, then walked out into the hallway. Her best bet was to start where she had last seen the creature. *** With the exception of a handful of late-night study groups and some intoxicated individuals near the campus pub, the campus was relatively deserted. Lily considered that one of her first real turns of good fortune all day. Though, she supposed the ease with which she was able to move in her transformed state could also be counted as lucky. If you had told her yesterday that she would be faster and more poised than ever before while wearing high heels and an impossibly thick diaper she probably would have laughed politely, then backed away slowly and made a note to avoid you in the future. Then again, she wouldn’t have believed very much about what had happened to her today. In fact the only thing that made a strange amount of sense was that Anna was a superhero. Something about the way she had carried herself in the brief time that Lily knew her just had a certain nobility, righteousness even in the mundane. Anna’s fastidiousness and reliability was such that Lily was already second guessing going after her roommate at all. She had not even left the shadow of her residence building, and truthfully was huddled behind one of the exterior bushes. Even if Anna didn’t know about the flower, surely she could handle it. She seemed beyond ready to handle the beast that had nearly killed Lily in a straight fight, and while the flower had posed a threat when Lily was asleep it didn’t seem particularly dangerous once she awoke. Though, the feeling of the vines crawling all over her, of the flower’s hypnotic stare—Lily shivered and shifted her weight from foot to foot. No, she couldn’t let her fear control her, whether it was fear of being attacked or fear of being seen. Anna wasn’t the only superhero now, and it was time for Lily to do her part. She inhaled deeply, held her breath, and exhaled. Then she tensed her legs and leapt forward with all her strength, flying several stories up and into the air. Her breath caught in her lungs for a moment in surprise at her own strength, but there was no time for that now, since she still had to stick the landing. Her toe set down ever so lightly on the lawn and she kicked off again, into the air and covering ground faster than she could have ever imagined. She held her breath for an instant as she saw she would land within eyesight of a group of drunk college bros out for air and she fought to keep the redness from her face. She leapt again, and if any of them had seen her she was gone before she heard the reaction.In a fraction of the time that her absolutely terrifying run home in the afternoon had taken she reached the edge of the woods and was barely even winded, though the next problem quickly became apparent: she could not see in the dark. But she wasn’t worried now, as if something brave and sure deep within her knew what to do. Not really knowing what she was doing, Lily raised her wand up like a torch and a soft pink light emanated forth from its star and as the light washed over her she became absolutely sure that she had chosen correctly. She started off in the direction that she had seen the flowers in earlier that day, trusting the light of her scepter to guide her. And it wasn’t long before she found exactly what she had been worried of: a tightly wound mass of green vines and pink flower, approximately the size of a person. The curved knives Anna had carried lay nearby in the underbrush, forgotten and evidently useless.“Anna—“ Lily cried out and started forward, but her voice and momentum died as quickly as they began as she found those same vines tangle her ankles and wrap around her mouth. One of the flower slithered over her shoulder, and trembled as if in satisfaction. Had the one from the residence building hitched a ride on her? Her cry was muffled, and she struggled in vain as it reasserted it’s earlier control over her, it’s hypnotic center taking up her entire field of view. She felt the inky void calling out for her, comforting. It missed her and wanted her back. Someone in it wanted her back.She wouldn’t go so easily. An omni-directional wave of magical energy burst forth from her chest and ripped the flower away with a piteous squeal. Lily scrambled upright leveled her scepter at the flower nearest where Anna’s face would be and fired. The kinetic blast ripped it away from the mass of vines and revealed Anna’s still-dazed face. Momentarily surprised at the effectiveness of own attack, Lily continued with a flurry of at the heads of the various flowers trapping her friend.“Anna!”Lily’s roommate blinked at the sound of her own name and seemed to come to, quickly tearing the weakened vines away before retrieving her blades. She dashed towards Lily and the two stood back to back.“I told you to wait in the room.”“Bet you’re glad that I didn’t.”“My ass and I are both very grateful for your poor listening skills, but perhaps we can continue this later.” The flowers, though still injured form Lily’s assault, had abandoned any semblance of camouflage and now moved like enormous knotted spiders to surround the two. “I’m not in great shape right now, so I don’t suppose you have a plan?”“More of a hunch.” Lily seized Anna around the hips with one arm, aimed her scepter towards the ground, and fired. The blast lifted both women into the air like a rocket, launching them clear of the trees just as the flowers were about to close in. She angled the stream of energy to carry them away from the forest and back to the relative safety of the campus. They landed in a twisted heap of limbs, sore but safe.As the two extricated themselves from around each other, Lily helped Anna to her feet. “So I think I need to know a little more about this whole magical girl thing.” *** The two exhausted magical girls made their way back across campus, hopefully for the final time that day. Lily still carried a fragment of her earlier anxiety at being seen, but it was much diminished. Perhaps it was because of the terrifying battles with an eldritch blackness on another plane of existence she had experienced twice now today, but she suspected that having her arm around Annie was also a big factor. Something about her friend being there was comforting. Even if her friend seemed the worse for wear.Annie’s eyes were distant, unfocused. The speed and power with which she had moved earlier that night was also diminished. She barely focused on where they were going, instead letting Lily lead her. How could she have let herself be captured so easily? She knew how to fight these monsters and how to smell a trap. How did flowers get the drop on her? And why could she not shake this feeling; it was like the vines were still present, still tangled around her limbs. She felt some weighty darkness pulling at her, something that she had never known before and yet that felt uncomfortably familiar. The night air gave her a sense of unease that she simply could not shake.Despite their physical state, they made it home together without incident. This time Lily was especially cautious of being followed, as she was not about to let the same flower trap her as easily again. Back in the safety of their room, they slumped to the floor, leaning against each other for support in the process. Lily still gripped her scepter so tightly that her knuckles trembled, but the fight was over. At least for now.“Annie. Annie,” Lily stroked her roommate’s hand gently.“Mmm.”“Annie.”“I’m okay, I’m here.”“What is going on?” Lily placed special emphasis on each word, letting their significance impress itself.“We’re magical girls—““Not that part, I got that.” She gestured at the way the two of them were dressed, from Annie’s latex-like catsuit and horned cowl, to Lily’s enormous pink diaper and uncomfortably short dress. “What were those things? Where did they take us?”Annie blinked slowly as if she did not understand the question.“Annie. . . You felt it, right? When the flower trapped me it. . . Brought me somewhere. I felt something.”Annie said nothing.“I’m not crazy, right? That happened, right?” The agitation in her voice was audible.Annie still said nothing.Lily put her hands on her friend’s shoulders and turned her so that their eyes met. “Annie!”Annie gripped Lily’s wrists firmly. “I’m here.”Lily recoiled slightly, but allowed herself a slight smirk as she felt her friend returning."So?”“I don’t know what that was. I don’t remember.” She shifted into a more comfortable sitting position. “Each one of us have different strengths and weaknesses. If whatever those things did was magical— I’m highly vulnerable to magic attacks. I think if you were able to break out it means that—““—It means that I’m not.”“Right. Which means you could be the best person for fighting whatever that thing you sensed was.”The bottom of Lily’s stomach fell out and the emptiness in her gut chilled her. How could she possibly face that thing again? Annie stroked her friend’s cheek as she had earlier that night. “Don’t worry, hun. That doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. You’re part of a team now.”Lily could feel her friend’s words. They warmed her heart, and the complicated font of emotions within her caused her to tear up. “Okay. One more question?”Annie wiped the tears from Lily’s face with her finger. “Yeah?”“How do we change back?” *** Lily yawned and stretched her arms above her. She blinked groggily and grunted as she felt the stiffness in her neck. Why was she sitting up? She had fallen asleep in front of their bedroom door, in the same place that she and Annie had slumped over yesterday when—Holy shit was it real?“Annie!” Her voice came out in a sleepy rasp. She sprung to her feet and immediately regretted it as the stiffness in her neck blossomed into a cramp.“Good morning, sleepyhead.” Annie called over from the far side of the room. She was seated at her desk across the room with her computer open. Two mugs, one shaped as Winnie the Pooh and the other with a My Little Pony logo on it sat next her, steam coiling off of them. “Coffee?” Lily took one of the two mugs and sipped from it—strong black coffee—and let her eyes linger on Annie for a moment longer than usual. The green catsuit was gone. She was dressed in her pajama pants and a white t-shirt, the set she wore every Thursday night. She checked herself too. She was wearing the enormous pink sweatshirt that she slept in every night. Most importantly was what she was not wearing: a diaper. She opened her mouth to vocalize the thought perched on her tongue.“So—““Yes. Yes it’s real. Everything. The monster, the flowers, the bunny, the magic. . .”“The costume?”“The costume.”Lily sighed and leaned against the desk as she gripped the mug in both hands to leach off its warmth. She felt Annie grasp her thigh reassuringly.“I know this seems like a lot right now. I mean, it is a lot.” Annie jiggled the high-end mouse hooked up to her computer to bring the screen to life and opened a file titled ‘Crystal Magic.’ “I’ve seen several first transformations, and it’s never easy. Lord knows mine wasn’t.”“What, did you used to have a giant diaper too?” Lily spat the words. She knew she would regret the venom behind them later. But while she was glad to have her friend here for this, there was a very small, very nasty part of her that resented her roommate.Annie tilted her head in recognition of Lily’s point. “No, that was a first for me.”“Oh good, I’m special.”“But you are special,” she said as she grasped Lily’s hand. “Each of us is. We all went through our own struggle when we met our Catalyst. You remember how fast I can more, right?”Lily paused. “Yeah,” she said sulkily.“The first time I changed, I couldn’t control it. I was completely disjointed from space and time as you recognize it. It was—Invigorating, to say the least.” Annie’s eyes took on a far-off look, one that equally reflected fascination and pain.“Oh. . . How long did that last?”“Three days.” She put special emphasis on each syllable. The two girls let the weight of the words fill the room for a time. Lily tried to imagine her own experience lasting that long. The terror at every new predicament, but also at the power that filled her up unlike anything else she had ever known. “I’m sorry.” Lily looked Annie in the eye for the first time since the night before. “I didn’t know. I’m just—““Scared?”Lily sighed. “Yeah. I’m scared. Not even just the monsters and the plants and whatever that. . . Blackness was. I’m scared about what this means for me. What does this say about me?”Annie smirked. “It means you’re a hero. Anything else is just a side dish.” She then opened a blank document with shocking speed and formatted its margins with minute precision. She titled it ‘Lily Celeste,” and her fingers flashed across the keyboard as she filled it in. “We’ll have to think of codename for you soon. Hey, you don’t have any classes today, right?”“Yeeeah, why?”“Because you have class now.” Annie drained her still-hot coffee in a series of gulps, wiped her mouth, and got to her feet. “Get dressed.” She paused. “And don’t wear anything you like.” *** Lily shivered in the dawn chill. She wrapped her hoody more tightly around herself and leaned against the wall next to the front door of their building, just on the edge of where the light fell. The hoody was two sizes too big, a “boyfriend hoody” according to some, but she didn’t feel right calling it that as she had never actually had one (a boyfriend, that is), not unless you counted high school mistakes that ended before they even began. She hoped that it and the two pairs of leggings she had layered would be enough. Training meant physical activity after all, and that meant they would be moving around. Probably. The expired packet of instant oatmeal she had foraged from the common room sat like a brick in her stomach. Maybe the sad, grey paste could have been appetizing if she had more than a shoddy microwave and tap water available to prepare it, but she did not and thus it was quite bad. Lily already regretted eating it at all. But the cafeteria wasn’t open this early, and neither she nor Annie had been to get groceries for the past few days. She had meant to after Math class, on the day when her whole world went crazy and she fought hypno hydrangeas and a fairytale monster while wearing a giant pink diaper. Ever since all that she hadn’t felt much like going outside. Not alone at the very least.Lily examined her own body. She ran a hand across her thigh. It was the same thigh it had been last week, the same as it had been for as long as she could remember. And yet not the same. It felt different. Her whole body felt did.At that moment Annie bounced down the stairs, a duffle bag slung over one shoulder.“Ready to go?”Lily dropped her hand with a start and did her best to make it look like she had not just been feeling herself up. “Yup, so ready. Just lead the way. I am very, very ready.”Annie gave her a look somewhere between maternal care and condescension. She held out her hand as if she wanted Lily to take it, which she did. Then with a flourish of her other hand Annie summoned one of the two curved blades Lily had seen her use before. There was a blur of motion and light and the air itself opened into a narrow slit, like Annie had made a gash in space itself and the guts of the universe were about to be laid bare. Annie winked at Lily then stepped through, pulling Lily with her.Lily was a petrified by panic and wonder and she was certain that for a moment her heart stopped and the breath froze in her lungs and then the apartment was gone and Lily was standing next to Annie, still clutching her roommate’s hand and standing in a meadow that she had never seen before.Annie tossed the blade and it did a neat spin in the air before vanishing. She coughed once and glanced at their still-clasped hands.“Do you mind?”Lily released her death-grip and the motion broke her form her stupor. “What just happened!”“We warped,” Annie said as she set about unpacking her duffle bag. She extracted a stack of clay disks and a small pneumatic device with a slit on one side and a plastic cylinder on top that looked roughly the same diameter as the discs. “Well warp, teleport, instant transmission, whatever term you like really. Most of us have some ability that serves a similar purpose, but it kind of varies depending on the specific powers.”Through the haze of the day of her first transformation Lily remembered Annie mentioning others. She wondered for a moment where they were and when she would meet any them.“But we can talk about my powers later. Right now we’re going to focus on yours.” Annie loaded the disks into the cylinder and clicked a switch on its side. The device breathed to life. “Let’s see how your aim is.” She pulled a remote control from her pocket and clicked a button on it. The device revved and one of the clay disks shot out up into the air—And kept going off into the horizon.Annie glanced at Lily from the corner of her eye. “You were supposed to shoot it.”“Shoot it with what? I don’t even know how to transform.”“Ah! That’s an excellent point. Okay. We should go over some basics.” Annie pulled out a well-loved notebook with the words ‘CM BASICS’ written on it in careful calligraphy. She opened it to a page and held the book up to Lily. There were a series of graphs and numbers, some of which she could recognize from sight but others so complicated that even trying to process them made her head hurt. “Don’t worry, we’re gonna go slowly,” Annie said. She pointed to the first graph, one that Lily could understand. It was a scatterplot. “This graph represents a hypothetical two dimensional reality. Those two dimensions are the two axes of the graph,” Annie said, indicating it with her finger. She pointed to the one next to it. “And this one represents our three dimensional reality. It has a third axis, so the same data we had represented on the previous graph is going to look different by virtue of adding that in.” Sure enough, upon closer inspection the two graphs did contain the same information. The new metric of measurement took the handful of datapoints and cast them adrift from what had been their point of origin.Annie pointed at the final graph, the one that made Lily’s brain hurt to look at. “And this graph represents a reality that has four dimensions. It changes that same data even more, so that it is virtually unrecognizable from before.” Lily tried yet again just to process the thing she was looking at, but looking at it longer brought the graph from merely painful to totally confounding. She couldn’t even imagine a way to sensibly present it in three dimensional space.Lily closed her eyes and rubbed at her temples. “Okay, I guess I’m following you. But I don’t see what this has to do with me.”“Well, you remember how I called that animal you touched your Catalyst? It created a reaction in you with components that already existed, and it was specific to you. As far as I know, the catalyst of one magical girl could not activate another. The one thing that we all have in common, though, is that we all appear to be pieces of a fourth dimensional reality.” Annie paused to let her words sink in. “Your Catalyst reintroduced your fourth axis. From the moment you touched it you have been transformed, changed into your true form. Even right now you are transformed.”Lily blinked several times, then looked down at her body in confusion. Same hoody and leggings she remembered putting on this morning.Annie rubbed her chin with one hand. “I’ll try to break this down even more. You know those shows like Power Rangers or Sailor Moon where they have a transformation sequence every episode?”Lily nodded.“We don’t have that. Our physical form just changes when we use our powers. And when we don’t use them we appear, at least to most people, as we would in this three dimensional reality. We appear the same way we did before we changed.”“I still don’t really get it,” Lily said deliberately. “But I think I get the important part? There’s no ‘Morphin Time.’”“Yes.”“But how do we turn back?” Lily paused for a beat. “Well not turn back but you know.” She gestured around her hips.“The short and horribly unhelpful answer is practice,” Annie said with a shrug. “You just have to figure out what works for you.”Lily sighed in frustration. “Alright, fine. But this all seems pretty. . . High-concept for basics.”“Ah,” Annie stammered. She blushed and looked intently at a spot on the ground. “I don’t get many chances to share my theories with anyone. I guess I just got excited.”Lily stared at her for a long, unbroken second. Then she burst out laughing, so hard that tears formed in her eyes and her abs ached, so hard that she felt like she might pee, which honestly would be the perfect thing to happen since apparently she was a big old magical baby at heart. This was the first moment in the entire time she had known Annie that the veneer of fastidious perfection slipped. Annie was just as confused and alone as Lily was. And at some point Annie started laughing too, until the two girls were exhausted, sweating, and slumped against each other on the dry grass. The two sat in silence, enjoying the emotional release of everything they had both been through over the past few days. Lily looked out into the sky, and the smile that lingered on her lips began to fade slightly.“So if I’m understanding your theory,” Lily said. “I’m always transformed. But when I use my powers that becomes, uh, apparent.”Annie nodded vigorously, pleased that Lily had followed her explanation.“So I’m actually always wearing a diaper.”Annie stopped nodding and squeezed her eyes shut as if Lily had just hit on something she hoped would go unnoticed. “Yeah. According to my theory, at least. That is your true form, or at least as close to your true for as can be conveyed in three dimensional space.”Lily felt around her hips again, searching for any sign of the padding. “Are you okay?” Annie asked hesitantly.“Yeah. Honestly the part that scares me is how okay with it I am. It’s like, I never would have described myself as being uncomfortable in my skin before. But then I experienced that change and I can’t imagine wanting to go back to how I was.”Annie’s eyes sparkled. “I felt the same way about my change.”“I mean obviously it’s still going to take some getting used to but. . . I think I can do this.”“Yeah,” Annie said, squeezing Lily’s hand in her own. “I’m pretty sure you can.”Pieces of another reality. Lily had always felt like she didn’t really fit in, like she was one small fragment of a mosaic that was not meant to be, a piece of coloured glass whose hue and texture clashed with those that surrounded it. But she had decided long ago everyone probably felt that way, that disillusionment was standard. It was the only way she had found to survive. But now, apparently, there really was more to that feeling. She belonged to a space and a time and an existence beyond the one she had always known and that thought filled her with equal parts warmth and sheer terror. And that terror caused a thought to percolate in her.“So those monsters from before,” she said. “They must be from the same reality as we are.”Bewilderment crossed Annie’s face. “I suppose it’s possible. I haven’t had the chance to study them.”“Wait, you mean you didn’t immediately catch one and dissect it?” Lily nudged her in the ribs.“I guess I got caught up in the whole ‘fight evil’ thing. I mean it’s not every day you find out you’re a superhero.”“Okay, well. When I started walking through the woods, I didn’t see any of those flowers. Maybe I’m just kinda dumb—don’t say anything—but if we go by your theory—““—Then you only started seeing them when they became apparent in this reality,” Annie’s eyes lit up. “Lily you’re brilliant. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. If we’re pieces of another reality then it stands to reason that there could be other pieces too.”“If we can figure out what they’re doing and why they’re here—““—then we can figure out where all of this is coming from. Including us.” Annie looked ready to explode from pure elation. She sprung to her feet and offered a hand to help Lily up. “But first we’re going to get some use out of this launcher. Do you have any idea how upset the phys. Ed. Department gets when I take this thing?”“Annie—you stole it?” Lily’s brow knit together and her mouth gaped, the face of someone who had never stolen anything since she had been punished in elementary school for taking Macey Johnson’s eraser because it was shaped like an ice cream cone. Annie raised an eyebrow at her.“What? Did you think they were going to let me sign it out for magical girl practice?” ***
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The plane ride had been about four hours, and to make matters worse, once again, it wasn't her father that picked her up, but rather her grandmother and her grandmother's driver. "How was the trip, baby?" her grandmother asked. Grandmother was a bit old fashion, and to some degree still saw the little girl as a young child even though she was a thirteen year old girl. While they drove towards her son's house to get her granddaughter set up at home, granny starting thinking about what they might need for her granddaughter to be happy....
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Wonderwoman Back to Diapers Chapter 1 Wonderwoman walked to the transporter on the Justice League Satellite. Supergirl had been kidnapped by a villain known as "The Nurse". It was Wonderwoman's job to rescue her and put The Nurse behind bars. Wonderwoman closed her eyes and instantly appeared outside a small building, where they suspected was The Nurse's lair. She walked inside and took a look around. She noticed rooms on each side of a long hallway. Wonderwoman looked inside the rooms and noticed people in them who appeared to be sleeping. The rooms looked like hospital rooms, but there were cute little duckies and birds painted on the walls that made her think the rooms were for newborns. She didn't see Supergirl in any of the rooms. Wonderwoman went to the end of the hallway and took the stairs up to the next level, which was largely the same as the first. Wonderwoman searched around further and discovered a secret passage underground. She went down the steps and walked into a large room with multiple cribs in it. Standing over one of them was The Nurse. The Nurse turned and saw Wonderwoman almost immediately. "Ah, there you are Wonderwoman." The Nurse said, smiling. "What have you done with Supergirl?" Wonderwoman yelled, getting straight to business. "Come and look!" The Nurse said as she gestured to one of the cribs. Wonderwoman ran to the crib and looked down. There Supergirl was, laying in the crib clad in nothing but a visibly dirty diaper and a tight Supergirl shirt. She had her thumb in her mouth and was sleeping soundly. "What have you done to her!?" Wonderwoman said, horrified. "I've simply given her a small dose of my medicine, she doesn't have a care in the world." "But, why would you do this to her? What do you have against the Justice League?" Wonderwoman asked. "I believe that humans are more relaxed when they're innocent and carefree, just like a baby, so I've made a medicine to reduce an adult's mind back to that innocent state, sure it has some drawbacks, like incontinence, but nothing that won't be hard to deal with. As for the Justice League, well I had to make sure it worked on people from other planets such as Supergirl." Wonderwoman thought of what this could mean for the world and decided she must stop the Nurse before it was too late. Wonderwoman took out her lasso and threw it towards the Nurse, but it got caught on one of the beams and wouldn't budge. Wonderwoman desperately tried to yank the rope down, but it was no use. Wonderwoman then let go of the rope and ran towards the Nurse. The Nurse was expecting this and had installed a contraption in the floor that dropped victims into the prison below. Wonderwoman walked over the trapdoor as it opened and fell down into the cell. The Nurse looked down to see an unconscious Wonderwoman lying inside a giant crib cleverly positioned under the trapdoor. Then the Nurse's machines went to work. Giant arms came down from the walls and undressed Wonderwoman, leaving her naked. Then the arms shaved Wonderwoman's pussy and powdered her. An oversized baby diaper was then taped up under Wonderwoman. A pacifier was then placed in her mouth and a small needle injected the Nurse's precious medicine into Wonderwoman's adult body. Inside Wonderwoman's body the medicine was beginning to work. First the bladder muscle was severely weakened until it could no longer control itself. The first outward sign that the medicine was working was the yellow wet spot that formed on Wonderwoman's diaper. The Nurse smiled when she saw it. Then the medicine worked its way into the bowels, making it impossible for Wonderwoman to control them. A brown bulge formed on the back of the diaper to accompany the soggy yellow in the front of it. The medicine wasn't done yet, it traveled up to Wonderwoman's brain and pleasure centers.The medicine made Wonderwoman less nervous and all-around happier with something in her mouth, in this case a pacifier. It also made Wonderwoman's arms and legs hard to control, rendering her strength almost useless. The medicine had been perfectly engineered for superheroines and normal women alike and worked perfectly. In a matter of seconds Wonderwoman's body was brought back to, in terms of control, that of a baby. The Nurse pressed a button and Wonderwoman's crib moved into one of the hospital rooms and the doors were locked shut. Wonderwoman lay there for awhile before gradually regaining consciousness. The first thing Wonderwoman noticed when she woke up was that she was definitely not in her room on the Justice League Satellite. The next thing she noticed was the bars surrounding her bed, or as she would soon realize, crib. Wonderwoman felt sort of groggy and her head hurt. She wrinkled her nose at the smell she just discovered was all around her and moved over. A distinct crinkle told her that something was wrong. Wonderwoman looked down at what she was wearing to find that she wasn't wearing a shirt or bra. She was completely naked from the waist up! And not only that, she didn't feel like she was wearing her typical panties or costume on her lower half either! Wonderwoman reached down to feel what she was wearing, but what she felt wasn't cotton or cloth like she though it was, but something different. She moved her hand along the garment and heard it crinkle. She then realized that she was clad in a baby diaper. Wonderwoman's eyes widened when she realized that not only was she wearing a diaper, she was wearing a wet one. Her cheeks blushed bright red. "I must have…wet myself in my sleep or something…" She said to herself, thoroughly embarrassed that as an adult she couldn't control her bladder. Her nose wrinkled again at the smell of - what was that smell? She realized she also felt a strange squishy mass clinging to the back of her rump, secured in place by the diaper. Then she put the two and two together. She got out from under the covers and looked at the diaper and saw the brown lump in the back. "Gross!" she thought as she realized she had messed herself as well. She moved her hand to the straps on the diaper to take it off, but for some reason her grip wasn't there. She just could not get the diaper off! She tried to plain tear it off but she wasn't strong enough to. She found it strange, and then looked up at the room around her to try and figure out what happened. She didn't remember much, only that she was on a mission and somehow ended up in a diaper that she couldn't take off. She was stuck in an oversized baby room in an oversized baby crib. Wonderwoman was then aware that there was a pacifier in her mouth and that she was sucking on it. She was able to take it out, but as soon as she did she felt upset, like she wanted to cry. Wonderwoman decided it was best just to leave it in her mouth. She lay their for awhile trying to remember when the door opened and a nurse came walking in to the room. Wonderwoman quickly hid herself under the blanket. If anyone saw her like this her career could be over. "Oh, it's ok Wonderwoman, I'm just here to change you! Even big girls need help sometimes." said the nurse, smiling. Wonderwoman looked up and her covers were torn off. The nurse then pressed a button and the bars in the crib came down. The nurse untaped the diaper and threw it away. The nurse reached down and took out a baby wipe. "You're a messy messy girl Wonderwoman!" the nurse said as she wiped her down. Wonderwoman didn't really remember how she got here or why she suddenly couldn't control her bodily functions, but she did know that somehow she got here and until she knew what was going on, she shouldn't do anything she might regret. Plus Wonderwoman wasn't so sure she had the strength to do anything about her situation. She decided to rest up and try to get her strength and memory back. She blushed and allowed the nurse to change her diaper without saying much. She was powdered and a brand new diaper was pulled up under her and taped in. Her mother always said she had trouble getting potty trained… Of course, at the age of thirty you would think she would have learned. "There you go! All set for breakfast in a brand new diaper!" the nurse said, patting Wonderwoman's diaper. "Thanks…" Wonderwoman said softly, she was still sleepy and confused (and a little embarrassed). Wonderwoman's crib then transformed into some kind of high chair. Wonderwoman was surprised by the level of technology this place had, but of course if she was somewhere on the JLA Satellite... She was fed a disgusting pulp and then put in an adult sized playpen. Wonderwoman soon realized something wasn't normal. If she did indeed have a medical condition, that would explain her weakness and inability to control her bodily functions. It could also explain the pulp she ate, as she might not be able to process solid foods. But the one thing that didn't fit was the playpen. Wonderwoman heard her stomach rumble loudly. "Ugh." Wonderwoman muttered as she put her hand on her abdomen. Her stomach wasn't handling the "food" very well… She looked around the playpen and noticed stuffed bears and horses. She reached out for the bear and looked at it. Perhaps they were monitoring devices? Why else would they put the animals in there? As Wonderwoman thought harder she realized it was becoming increasingly more likely she was in an unfriendly place. She could be in big trouble right now. Perhaps she had been given some sort of drug to weaken her and make her a prisoner? If she really was in enemy territory, the Justice League would surely come to her rescue. She had a tracker on her in case something happened. But then Wonderwoman came to another conclusion: In the state I'm in right now, do I really want to be found? She could never live it down if the word got out that Wonderwoman wasn't potty trained… "Blart!" Wonderwoman let out a loud fart into her diaper. She just couldn't hold it in anymore. Before she could think to try and call a nurse to get her to the bathroom, her bowels were pushing out the load. As Wonderwoman blushed bright red, a brown mass burst out of her and into the back of the diaper. She gasped as the back of the diaper was loaded with the remains of her breakfast. She reached down and felt the added bulk to the diaper. She couldn't believe she had messed herself. She was an Amazon! She wasn't a baby! She looked down at the fluffy diaper around her bottom and saw that she had wet herself as well without noticing. As if on cue the nurse came in to change her. "Did someone make a stinky?" The nurse asked, smiling. The nurse pressed a button and giant arms came out from the walls, picking up Wonderwoman and laying her onto a changing table. The nurse took off Wonderwoman's dirty diaper and wiped her down. Then she began powdering Wonderwoman. Wonderwoman was still shocked about what had just happened and didn't have much to say, but she was able to mutter a few words. "W-what happened to me?" Wonderwoman asked, worried. She was, after all, an adult woman and shouldn't be having incontinence issues. "Oh nothing Sweetie!" The nurse replied. "Some Amazons like you are just big babies on the inside. All I had to do was bring that out." The nurse had just finished taping up the diaper when Wonderwoman jumped off the table. Wonderwoman knew something was off, and she just realized what. She was in The Nurse's lair, and most certainly was being given the Nurse's "medicine". Wonderwoman felt a little stronger and was able to stand up and move her arms. The medicine was wearing off no doubt and The Nurse was probably about to give her a second dose. Clad in nothing but a diaper, Wonderwoman made a break for the door. The Nurse pressed the button to lock the door, but Wonderwoman had already opened it. "Damn, I knew I should have given her another dose earlier." The Nurse muttered, running after Wonderwoman. Wonderwoman ran as fast as she could, and picked up her costume on the way. She hurried down the steps and put on her bra. She ran towards the entrance of the building and ducked into the weapons room to retrieve the rest of her gear. The Nurse wasn't far behind, but she knew she wasn't fast enough to catch up to the incontinent superherione. Wonderwoman got on her suit and dived out through the door. She still didn't have the energy to fly, but she could run. Wonderwoman ran towards the city and ducked into a nearby restaurant. It was only then that she realized she didn't take off her diaper. Wonderwoman went into the restroom and reached down to take the diaper off. It was wet. "What?!" Wonderwoman exclaimed when she realized she was still incontinent. She began to think that maybe the medicine, having fully worn off by now, left her permanently incontinent... Wonderwoman decided to leave the diaper on. She looked in the mirror and immediately noticed the bulk it added to her crotch area and around her butt. It was obvious she was wearing a diaper. She decided that it wouldn't matter. All she had to do was teleport back to the JLA Satellite and make some sort of medicine to combat the incontinence. "Computer, teleport me back to the satellite." Wonderwoman said and she was immediately placed back on the JLA Satellite. Wonderwoman then began hurrying to the lab to find a cure for her incontinence. She got into the lab to be analyzed and the doctors there examined her. They took a blood sample and looked at what Wonderwoman had been given. "It seems to be some sort of muscle debilitating parasite. It targets the bladder and bowels specifically." The doctor explained. "It should wear off in about… six months or so." "Six months!?!" Wonderwoman exclaimed. "I can't wear diapers for six months!" "I'm afraid there isn't anything we can do." said the doctor sympathetically. "Feel free to come in here for changes if you like." "I can change myself thank you." Wonderwoman said, frustrated and annoyed. She stormed out of the lab and got into her room before anyone could see her. So she was back in diapers for six whole months. How was she going to fight crime when she couldn't even use the potty? And Supergirl was still in The Nurse's lair… What was Wonderwoman going to do? Chapter 2 On the Justice League Satellite Wonderwoman is sitting in her room wearing a rather bulky diaper. Wonderwoman wasn't sure what to do about this change of pace. She needed diapers for the next six months until the formula the Nurse had given her wore off, but she had no idea how to go about fighting crime in this bulky "protective undergarment", as the lab people called it. As she sat there thinking she noticed one of her older costumes hanging up in her room. Suddenly a solution came to her: A simple costume change would do! If she changed her costume that she was wearing a skirt, then perhaps she would be able to hide the diaper she was wearing underneath. Wonderwoman got to work converting her costume. When she finished she slipped it on and checked the mirror. The diaper was barely noticeable, only someone looking for it would notice. She began thinking of what to do about the Nurse. She paced back and forth inside the room. She wasn't used to the thickness of the diaper. She vaguely remembered wearing diapers when she was first created, but it was a distant feeling she had, for the most part, forgotten. As she looked in the mirror she noticed that the diaper was so thick it made her waddle a little bit when she walked. She silently hoped no one would notice. After much thought Wonderwoman decided that she should talk to Jon, or Martian Manhunter, about the Nurse. She silently crept out of her room and headed towards the center of the satellite where Jon was. As Wonderwoman approached Martian Manhunter sensed her. "I notice your mission to bring back Supergirl has yet to be completed." "Jon, you know I don't give up easily. Originally I was counting on breaking her out and, together, taking down the Nurse." "What happened?" "I've underestimated the Nurse. She has the capability of sapping powers. I barely made it out myself." "Perhaps if you had help you could accomplish your mission?" "Possibly…" "I will send Superman with you. He has just finished his last mission. We need you to go get Supergirl out. We need her back here before we make any other decisions." "What should we do about the Nurse?" "If you can capture her, then do so. But the number one priority is Supergirl. Get onto the transport beam and I'll send you down to where Superman is waiting." "Bye Jon." "Farewell Diana." As Wonderwoman left Martian Manhunter thought he heard a small crinkling sound, but dismissed it, thinking it absurd. He watched Wonderwoman beam down and wished her luck. She was going to need every bit of it… Wonderwoman arrived near the Nurse's lair in an instant. As she looked around she noticed Superman standing outside of a small shop. They were in a small city late at night and very few people were awake. Superman was looking around for a hospital that might contain the Nurse, having no luck. "Clark, it's over here." Wonderwoman told him, gesturing towards a deceptively small unmarked building. "This building looks almost the same as all the others. Are you sure this is it Diana?" Superman said, doubtful. "I've been there Clark, I think I would know where it is." Wonderwoman retorted. They walked over to it. Superman opened the door and glanced inside. It was dark and there was no movement. "That's odd, these walls contain lead. The Nurse was expecting us…" Superman said, disturbed. They silently walked down the hallway and down the stairs. Wonderwoman and Superman proceeded to search the rooms, all seeming to be vacant. Wonderwoman thought she heard a noise coming from a room at the end of the hallway. She quickly walked/waddled over while Superman was searching another room. "Great Hera! Clark come in here!" Wonderwoman yelled, shocked. Supergirl was bound to a crib with Wonderwoman's golden lasso. She was struggling with the magical rope when Wonderwoman entered the room. Supergirl was clad in only a diaper, with a pacifier in her mouth. Supergirl tried covering herself up to no avail. "What! What happened?" Superman said, running across the hall. "It's Supergirl, she's here!" Wonderwoman replied, pulling out the pacifier and covering Supergirl with a blanket. Superman walked into the room. "Kara! Thank goodness you're okay! I was worried about you." Superman said, seeing Supergirl. "You two took your time getting here. Supergirl said, annoyed. "Wonderwoman, can you help me with this stupid lasso of yours?" Wonderwoman began untangling Supergirl and Superman persisted with his questions. "So now that we have Kara, where is the Nurse?" Superman asked. "The Nurse knew you both were coming back to get me and left." Supergirl replied. "Do you know where she went? Did she mention any plans to you at all?" Clark asked, hopeful. "No, not to me at least, although perhaps something was mentioned to Diana." Supergirl replied, gesturing to Wonderwoman. "Yes, the Nurse said she had developed some sort of special formula that well," Wonderwoman struggled for words, '"debilitates" people."' "What exactly does it do?" Clark asked, a little confused. Supergirl had a good guess that Wonderwoman had also been given the "treatment", but Superman was most likely unaware of the situation. Supergirl was still covered by the blanket and quite thankful that Wonderwoman found her before Superman did, sparing her further embarrassment. She was untangled and let out of the oversized crib. Her clothes were found in the room's closet, and Supergirl went inside the bathroom to change, leaving Wonderwoman and Superman to talk. "The Nurse's formula reduces adult's minds to a more infantile state. It weakens the muscles and debilitates its victims, even super-humans." Wonderwoman said, answering Superman's earlier question. "So if the Nurse used it on the general population the people wouldn't be able to survive…" Superman reasoned. "Not exactly Clark, the formula is strange. The formula debilitates yes, but only for a short while. It must be administered again and again to maintain that effect, so it's more of a temporary thing." Wonderwoman explained. "So the Nurse would have to find a way to suppress people enough to be able to reapply the formula." "Yes, but that's not all. The formula has some long term effects as well." "How long term are we talking?" "I'm not sure. Six months at least, maybe longer." "So what is it?" "Well, some muscle groups don't really hold up as well against this formula as others do." Wonderwoman guessed, "For example, some of the more nether regions…" "What do you mean Diana?" "I mean, more specifically, the bladder and bowels…" "So every citizen who is given a dose of this formula becomes… incontinent?" "Yes, it would appear so." Supergirl came out of the bathroom at that moment as if on cue. Wonderwoman and Superman glanced over and Superman gave her a weird look. Supergirl was wearing her normal costume with the skirt cleverly concealing the diaper underneath. It was apparent by the odd look on Superman's face that he now knew what Supergirl was wearing. Fortunately, Superman had yet to notice Wonderwoman's new choice of undergarment, and Wonderwoman wanted to keep it that way. Supergirl was given no such privacy. Superman turned back to Wonderwoman. "How very strange. Why would the Nurse want this? What's her motivation?" Superman asked. "From what she told me. the Nurse believes that humanity is better off in a more innocent, infantile, state." Wonderwoman answered, "She'll do anything it takes to get that. If she can weaken the population through this formula… may the gods help us." "Then we need to find her and stop her before it's too late. Search the rest of the building, see if we can find any evidence of where she's gone." Superman said, motivation in his eyes. They split up and Wonderwoman searched throughout a lower floor, finding only empty rooms. Soon she reached the last room on the floor and, ready to give up and reunite with the others, she almost missed a clue. In the room, there was a small note on the wall. "Clark! Kara! Come down here! I think I found something!" Wonderwoman yelled. Superman and Supergirl hurried down to meet Wonderwoman. Wonderwoman held the note up for them to read: Hello Justice League members! I have very good news for you all! Soon you, and the rest of Metropolis, will be in utter bliss. A state of pure innocence and happiness that will leave you more joyful and carefree then you could possibly imagine. It will be a sweet way to end your adult lives and start a new, better life. A couple of you have already gotten a taste of this bliss I speak of and, if you're smart, you won't try to stop me. Best Wishes, The Nurse Chapter 3 Martian Manhunter was at his post, watchful as ever, when he received a message from Wonderwoman. She mentioned that there was a note left by the Nurse in the building and that they had rescued Supergirl. Martian Manhunter thought about this for awhile. He knew that there was no way for the Nurse to evacuate so many people in such a limited amount of time without leaving evidence. But how was the team going to find such evidence? What they needed was a detective, and he was more than willing to provide them with the best he could offer… Wonderwoman looked at the note a little longer before sealing it in a plastic container. It was evidence, it had to be kept safe. Her earpiece was picking up a call from Martian Manhunter: "Diana, I am unconvinced that the building is all that it appears to be. Something more must be there to use to find the Nurse." "Look Jon, We've done everything we can. Clark can't see anything rather unusual about the rooms. It appears that the rooms are simply oversized nurseries. We need someone down here that actually knows what to look for." "I understand. I have sent down Bruce for a more thorough investigation. He should be there within the next three minutes." "Has he been briefed?" "Yes. Inform me of any information you receive. Good luck." "Thanks Jon." Wonderwoman headed towards the front of the building to meet up with Batman. As Wonderwoman was walking she reached down and felt the front of her diaper. Sure enough, it was soaked. She took a quick duck into the bathroom to change. Taking off her skirt she untaped the yellowed diaper and threw it away. Getting onto the adult changing table, she noticed the necessary changing equipment in cubbies in the wall. Wonderwoman realized that she would, in the future, have to find a way to fit a diaper bag into her costume. She had never changed her own diaper before, and was rather unsure as to how to go about it. Reaching towards the wipes, Wonderwoman wiped her crotch down. Then she took the diaper and laid it down underneath her. Taking baby powder, she powdered herself and then reached down and taped the tapes in place. The diaper fit snugly around her butt and crotch area, exactly her size. Pleased with herself, she put on her skirt and went out to meet Batman. Wonderwoman left the bathroom to find Batman walking into the building. "Hello Bruce." "Where are Clark and Kara?" "Right upstairs, last room on the right." Batman walked ahead of Wonderwoman and went up the stairs and into the room. Upon entering the room he paid almost no attention to Superman and Supergirl, but merely walked to the crib and began looking underneath. "What are you looking for?" Superman asked. "I'm looking for some sort of crevice or break in the floor. In order to evacuate paralyzed victims out of this building within an hour or two, the Nurse would have to have some sort of way of transporting victims while leaving them in their cribs. Judging by the thickness of the ceilings on the lower floors, I believe the victims were transported through a contraption under the floor." Batman answered. Finding no such crevice or break, Batman took out a laser and cut around the crib. "I could just use my laser vis-" Superman was cut off. The laser cut full circle around the crib, caving in the floor. The ground fell away as if it was made of glass. Batman's reflexes were instant. He grappled up onto the ceiling and watched as Wonderwoman and Kara fell in immediately. Superman grabbed onto a door handle next to him, avoiding the fall, before flying down to see what happened afterwards. "You could have warned us that was going to happen!" Kara exclaimed, scrambling out from the rubble. "The floor was weaker than anticipated." Batman replied, smiling. Wonderwoman landed in an awkward position, inadvertently flashing her diaper to anyone watching. Trying to regain composure, she got up and quickly pulled down her skirt. But Superman had seen enough to know that both Wonderwoman and Supergirl were heavily padded, victims of the Nurse's formula. To spare them the embarrassment, Superman said nothing. Batman had no look of shock or disbelief on his face, he simply jumped down from the ceiling and into the hole in the floor. Superman wondered if he had even seen it. The hole gave way to a dark tunnel. "This tunnel goes on for miles." Batman stated after a quick scan. "It looks to have been here for a long time. It should be already in our database." Batman brought up a map of the area using one of his gadgets. The tunnel itself was an old subway track that had long since been abandoned. The track split in two, one headed for the center of Metropolis, and the other to a rural area further away. "It looks like the only way to find which route the Nurse took is to split up and search them both." Superman said, "When we find where the Nurse has gone we can call it a night and head home." Wonderwoman and Supergirl both agreed on this, while Batman simply began walking down the tunnel. "It's about half a mile until the tunnel splits." Batman said, "We can figure out who's going with who when we get there." As they were walking there (though it was more of a waddle for Wonderwoman and Supergirl) Wonderwoman gave Batman the note. Batman scanned it for fingerprints, but found none. "She knows what she's doing. She left no evidence when she wrote this." Batman said. "So you can't identify her?" Wonderwoman asked, disappointed. "No, not yet. But I'm sure by the end of this we'll know who this "Nurse" really is." Batman replied, a hint of motivation in his voice. They arrived at the fork in the tunnel and it was decided that Wonderwoman and Superman would take the tunnel to the rural area, while Supergirl and Batman would head towards the center of Metropolis. Wonderwoman and Superman flew down the tunnel. A couple of minutes later, they reached its end. It opened up into a small rural area, with only one house, barely visible, nearby. "If the Nurse went here, there's a good chance she's staying in that house." Superman pointed out. Wonderwoman flew over to the house with Superman and opened the door. It was an old cottage with a small animal pen on the side of it. The inside of the house looked like it hadn't been used for years. "I'm not sure, but I think I see something." Superman said, using his x-ray vision. "Some kind of contraption in the fireplace." Wonderwoman got on her hands and knees and looked up the fireplace. She reached up and felt for any kind of lever and, finding one, pulled it. A cool wind swept through the empty house. Wonderwoman felt a draft up her back and quickly backed out from the fireplace and stood up. Realizing her diaper was on full display, Wonderwoman's cheeks blushed bright red. She decided to go with a longer skirt next time. "I pulled a lever in the fireplace." Wonderwoman said, "There must be another lever or something near here." Superman pushed in the mantlepiece on the fireplace with a "click". The fireplace turned 90 degrees revealing a staircase leading underground. Wonderwoman walked inside first. "What do you think she has down here?" Wonderwoman asked Superman, but before Superman could answer the fireplace turned back around. Instantly the steps folded up and became a ramp. Wonderwoman fell onto her padded bottom and slid down into a dark room. Landing on her ample chest, a thick wall slammed down behind her, sealing off the way in. "Clark! Help! I can't see anything, I'm stuck in here!" Wonderwoman yelled, but there was no response. Wonderwoman looked around for a light switch. She reached over to a nearby wall and ran her hand along its side. Finding a protrusion in the wall, she pressed it down. The lights went on all around her, illuminating the area. Wonderwoman was trapped in a small empty room. The ground was a soft, mattress-like material, while the walls were a hard metal. The room was empty but for a large screen on the far wall. The screen flickered on revealing a video of the Nurse. "Welcome test subject to my experiment room! Here I test my latest and greatest formulas on unsuspecting subjects like you! Today's test will be a dose of one of my many formulas, Formula 2. Let the experiment commence!" The Nurse's image flickered away and the screen went blank again. The screen was then lifted away revealing a vent concealed behind it. Wonderwoman watched helplessly as a strange gas was released into the room. "Diana are you there?" Superman yelled, "I can't see through these walls." "Clark! I'm inside a room near the far wall. Don't go inside until I say it's safe, I don't know what's going on in here." Wonderwoman replied, nervous. Wonderwoman made a valiant attempt to hold her breath, but she was unable to do it for very long. Wonderwoman gasped, taking in much of the gas at once. "Hera, give me strength." Wonderwoman said, closing her eyes and fearing for the worst. She lay there for what felt like eternity. Wonderwoman waited for what the formula would bring her, but nothing happened. She got up and walked around. She seemed to be just fine. "Come in Clark!" Wonderwoman said, "The gas in here has cleared." Superman broke through the wall and came inside. "Are you okay Diana? What happened?" Superman asked, worried. "It's strange, nothing seemed to hap- " Wonderwoman tried to answer, but she stopped. Suddenly Wonderwoman buckled over and fell down. She clutched her stomach and groaned loudly. "What! What's going on?" Superman said, running over to Wonderwoman. "Nghh!" Wonderwoman replied. Wonderwoman's stomach was churning furiously. Wonderwoman realized the formula must have been some sort of powerful laxative administered through the air, but the realization came too late. Wonderwoman clenched her butt cheeks together, but was unable to stop the massive surge of poop into the seat of her diaper. The diaper bulged outward, making it quite obvious under her skirt, and became discolored. Superman watched with disbelief as his friend and colleague filled her adult diaper. Wonderwoman gasped for air, but her bowels weren't done yet. Another massive movement added to the load in her diaper, but signaled the end of her messy ordeal. "Ugh…" Wonderwoman groaned, exhausted and embarrassed. With all her strength Wonderwoman tried to get up, leaning against the wall. Her legs could barely close with the huge load in her diaper, and she herself was tired. Wonderwoman collapsed down onto the soft floor. "Diana, let me help you." Superman said, his eyes showing sympathy. "You don't have to Clark… I can change myself." Wonderwoman said, shamed and embarrassed. "Tell Batman the Nurse isn't here. Leave me." "Diana, you can't stand, let alone change yourself." Superman replied. "I'll go and get supplies you just stay here, Batman can wait." Wonderwoman lay there, disgusted by the smell of the mess now plastered to her bottom. She lay there wondering how she was going to stop the Nurse when she couldn't even control her body. She felt something she hadn't felt in awhile; A feeling of being powerless, of being unable to help the League like she should. They had to stop the Nurse quick, before anything more embarrassing happened to her (though messing herself in front of a colleague was about as embarrassing as it could get). Wonderwoman was worried she was just weighing her team down. Most of all, she worried about the word getting out, but Superman was someone she trusted, and he wasn't the kind of person that would tell anyone about this incident. She knew it. "I'm back Diana. There was another one of those nurseries downstairs." Superman said, walking into the room with supplies. Superman walked over to Wonderwoman. She lay there and closed her eyes as the diaper was untaped and pulled out from under her. He silently wiped her clean with his soft, gentle hands. She blushed furiously, but still trying not to think about her embarrassing situation. Her mind wandered as Superman powdered her. She hoped Batman and Supergirl had been more successful than she had been. Superman taped up another, thicker diaper around her crotch. "All done." Superman said to her, smiling. "Ready to go home?" "Yes. I most certainly am." Wonderwoman replied, relieved. "Jon, beam us up." Superman said, pressing on his earpiece. Superman picked up Wonderwoman and they both disappeared from the room. They reappeared on the JLA Satellite, with Superman carrying a exhausted and sleeping Wonderwoman back to her room. He laid her down on her bed and shut the door. "What a night." Superman said, walking down the hall to his room. Chapter 4 Wonderwoman slowly opened her eyes. She was back in her room on the Justice League Satellite. As she woke up she noticed that she had her thumb in her mouth. Wonderwoman quickly pulled it out and sat up. The she remembered what had happened. She looked down at her diaper. She could feel that it was drenched. She was going to need thicker diapers… She looked in her closet and found a stack of thick and dry diapers. The lab people must have put them there in the night. But how would she be able to carry them in her suit? "Wonderwoman? You there?" A voice said at the door. "One minute!" Wonderwoman replied, hurriedly pulling a diaper out from the stack. She took off her wet diaper and changed herself quickly. Wonderwoman then waddled to the door. It was Supergirl. "We know where the Nurse is. Superman and I are going to catch her today and we need your help." Supergirl said. "I'll meet you down there." Wonderwoman replied, "I should only be a minute." Wonderwoman went back into her room. She examined the stack of diapers more closely. They looked like they could be easily folded. Wonderwoman folded one of them up and fit it into a small pouch. She slipped the pouch on the belt of her suit. She thought it fit in with her suit rather nicely. She went out the door and to the teleport pad. Meanwhile Superman and Supergirl found themselves at the end of the tunnel from yesterday. "I take it you and Batman found the lair?" Superman inquired. "Yes, at least he thinks he did." Supergirl replied, annoyed. "He saw traces of her fingerprints or something stupid like that." "Wonderwoman and I didn't have such an easy time." Superman said, pushing out the memory. Wonderwoman appeared behind them. "Glad you could join us Diana!" Superman replied, showing no memory of their previous encounter. The tunnel opened up into an alleyway formed by two buildings. "Batman said that the building on the right is where she is now." Supergirl said, pointing to a large skyscraper. "That's one of the tallest buildings in Metropolis!" Superman said, "How could she get there?" "I guess we'll have to find out." Wonderwoman replied, waddling over to the door. The building had a new paint smell and boxes lay on the floor. It looked as if the building was being moved into. They decided to check out the other floors for evidence. There was no evidence of the Nurse, only mysterious boxes on each floor. They stopped at one floor that had a large number of these boxes. "What do you suppose is in the boxes?" Wonderwoman asked, looking at one of them. "If this really is the Nurse's new hiding place, I'm not sure I want to find out." Supergirl replied. "Clark, can you see what's in this box?" Wonderwoman asked. "Hmmm…" Superman stared into the box, "Nothing strange, just a bunch of plastic." "Why would the Nurse have boxes of plastic?" Wonderwoman asked, almost to herself. They continued to search each floor until they finally arrived at the last floor at the top of the building. This floor, unlike the others, contained no boxes. Superman walked into the room cautiously. Nothing seemed odd at first, but when Wonderwoman and Supergirl had walked inside, the ceiling began to change. "Clark! Look up!" Wonderwoman yelled, "Something is coming out of the ceiling!" A platform was slowly decending from the ceiling. The floor underneath them began to change as well. An opening was being created in the floor, right near where Wonderwoman was standing. Wonderwoman fell forward, but Superman quickly grabbed her skirt to pull her back. A ripping sound was heard as Wonderwoman was pulled back to lie on the floor. Her skirt had been partially ripped, falling down to reveal a now sodden diaper underneath. But it appeared as if no one was paying any attention to Wonderwoman, as the Nurse stood on the platform now level with the floor of the room. "Hello Justice League!" The Nurse said, welcoming them with a devious smile. "I'm afraid you are too late to stop me. You see I have already distributed my formula to Metropolis. All the women in Metropolis will soon be reduced to mindless infants, a blissful state few can remember." "You couldn't have possibly distributed your formula to the entire Metropolis yet!" Superman said in disbelief. "Ah, but I have! I was able to get massive doses of the formula Supergirl and Wonderwoman have recently received into the water supply. All I have to do is press this button and the formula will be activated." the Nurse said, gesturing towards a button on the platform she was standing on. "Only women are affected by the formula?" Supergirl asked, curious. "I have specifically used them as a test group, soon the men will meet the same fate." The Nurse replied, sneering. "Soon I will welcome all into this building to serve as a nursery for those gifted with eternal bliss and there's nothing you can do to stop me." The Nurse reached down to press the button, but not before Superman lunged forward at her. Immediately Superman bounced backwards. "It's some sort of shield!" Superman exclaimed. "I always take precautions..." The Nurse replied, pressing the button firmly. Wonderwoman watched as Supergirl collapsed to the floor next to her. Then Wonderwoman felt her body betray her. Her arms and legs flew helplessly about her. She tried to suppress them but she only managed to get her thumb in her mouth. Wonderwoman felt the formula attempting to take over her brain, but she fought back. Wonderwoman struggled and saw that Supergirl had already given up, a wide smile slipping onto her face as she filled her diaper. This only made Wonderwoman fight back harder, forcing the formula out of her brain, using her willpower against it. The Nurse's platform dropped down through the now opening floors below her. The boxes opened, revealing diapers and changing equipment. Some boxes released a foggy substance into the air, allowing the Nurse to get away. But Superman was determined, having recovered he dived down after the Nurse. A hot pursuit ensued, the Nurse reaching the bottom floor with Superman on her tail. She pressed a button in her pocket, revealing a small opening in the floor for which to escape. The Nurse almost made it inside, but Superman tackled her, knocking her away. Superman bound the Nurse's hands and called for a teleport back to the station. "You're not getting away this time. We'll find a cure, you just wait." Superman replied, vanishing with the struggling Nurse. Meanwhile Wonderwoman was having troubles of her own. She struggled with the effects of the formula, but her strength was dying out. She felt her body begin to push a load into her diaper. She felt the gooey mass slip into the seat of her diaper, squishing itself against her bottom. She tried to keep her mind together, gagging at the smell. Wonderwoman felt the diaper become warm, the feeling felt…good. She closed her eyes, ready to give in to the bliss. Superman reappeared beside her, picking her up and transporting her back to the station. He took her to the hospital on the JLA satellite and laid her down. "What do you want us to do for her?" one of the nurses asked. "She needs medicine to help her fight the formula. It might be already too late." Superman replied. "Come this way." The nurse said, "We'll put her in the nursery." "Good, I'll go get Kara." Superman replied, laying Wonderwoman down on a bed. Superman left to go get Supergirl. Wonderwoman felt medicine going into her body. The formula stopped trying to take over her mind. She would remain conscious. She would not slip away like Supergirl did. But as she lay there, sucking her thumb, she realized that if no cure was found, she would remain an infant for the rest of her life. She, unlike the other women, would remain aware of what had happened to her. Wonderwoman smelled her diaper's stench, she felt the mess squish along her butt, the warm feeling fading away. She didn't want everyone to be like this forever. There would be a cure, Wonderwoman knew it.
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