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  1. Jackson is a young man fresh out of high school. He is finding that a job is harder to come by than he would have previously assumed and is getting tired of searching. Just when Jackson thinks there is nowhere else to look he spots an opportunity and decides to take the plunge. --- This story, like all my other ones, has been available on my Patreon page for the last week. The lovely people who pledge at the $5 level get to see all my public story updates one week before anyone else and those at the $10 tier also get acces to TWENTY exclusive stories. There are other tiers and rewards available and they can all be found on my Patreon page. https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 I wish to give a big thank you to all of my beautiful patrons: DannyDazzler, Jerry J, Craig G, Steve, LetsMakeAgithaGreatAgain, C Dom, J Onyx, Dre, Pat M, Sierra C, Kris, Miss X, Ali T, PF, Georgia C, Joe, Camilo H, Jason M, Seamus B, Jeffrey G, Charlie S, Martijn de J, Phantom Sonic, Vivi L, Mike S, Dr J, Bojack D, Blipp, Duncan G, Jake W, Brandon G, LuvsSissy, DreaR, Alex B, Malcolm E, Pete W, Cless, Frank S, PatheticABDL, Joshua M, NunyoBC, Kim, S Miller, Britnee L, Tim F, WillNotWill, Orion F, Tom H, Sterling W, Jens B, Whatsnot, Justin152, Charles L, Trenton M, Bask25456, MagmaLord, Diapering Daddy, Pierry L, Trish C, Curiosity24, Peter C, ReiofLight, James K, Anne Mette B-H, Kirk H, Mikkel L, Eric D, Bruce D, Alice W, Findlay, Bob S, Timothy A W, Erik P, Ben F, Steven H --- Carter’s Correctional Care By Elfy Jackson kicked a can down the sidewalk as he slouched along with his hands in his pocket. He was in just a shirt and pants thanks to the hot summer sun that was relentlessly beating down on him. As he walked along he passed people going in the other direction, they were much happier than he was. Jackson didn’t want to be out of the house and doing this stuff. He had only graduated from school a week ago and already he was being hounded to get a job by his parents. Jackson wanted a few weeks just to unwind after all his effort at school. He didn’t think it was fair that he was expected to go straight from classwork to proper work. He wasn’t ready to give up the life he had enjoyed for one that seemed relentlessly full of work. The eighteen-year-old was armed with a backpack full of CV’s as he walked through the town looking for any windows advertising work. Jackson was growing increasingly tired and annoyed as he handed out all of his resumes. The thing that really annoyed Jackson was that these were jobs he didn’t even want, most of the jobs were things he considered beneath him. “This is so stupid.” Jackson muttered to himself as he walked down a side street and away from the main shopping street. It was nice to get out of the sun for a few minutes. Jackson had covered the whole of the main town and didn’t feel like he had made any progress at all. He stepped out of the side street on to a quieter road lined with warehouses, most of them were full of stock for the larger shops. Jackson took a moment to stop in some shade and watched as some trucks drove out of the nearby gate. Thinking he would’ve had more luck sitting at home and going on to the internet to look for jobs Jackson crossed the road and slowly ambled along next to the large metal fences protecting the factories and warehouses. Jackson checked his watch. It was nearly midday and his parents had told him not to come home until the evening. It was ridiculous in Jackson’s mind that he was forced to be out and doing this. He had handed out a dozen resumes and had covered the whole town centre, he didn’t know what else he was expected to do. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t just do all this online. At least there were less people back here and Jackson felt less of the hustle and bustle. Most of the noise was produced by the huge trucks that left the large buildings and rumbled off down the road. Jackson watched one turning into the factory area and as he followed it’s progress he saw a poster on the metal fence. “Volunteer needed!” The poster had written in big and bold lettering, “Product testing. Payment on completion. Enquire within.” Jackson looked through the chain link fence at the large warehouse just beyond the large concrete car park. The car park was half full and Jackson wondered if he should walk up and volunteer for the opening. It was all rather mysterious and he couldn’t see any branding on the brick building that might give him a clue as to what product might be being tested. Checking his watch Jackson was reminded that he was expected to be out of the house for a lot longer. He didn’t see what else he could be doing so with a few tentative steps he walked through the open gate where the truck had gone, in the distance he could see a large metal door open and the truck backed into the building. A couple of large men in white coats quickly pulled down the metal shutter after the truck had disappeared inside. Jackson felt very out of place on the driveway towards the car park and he averted his eyes as he passed a couple of very burly guards. Jackson was very aware of his lack of stature, he was only 5’5” and just 130lbs. He was used to being smaller than most of the people around him but the workers he passed seem to tower over him, they stared as he walked past and Jackson looked the other way. The door to the reception area was in front of Jackson behind a small fountain. The public facing area of the reception was all glass but the bright sunlight made it impossible for Jackson to see inside. As he approached the door he saw that there was a side door that the workers were coming out of, maybe they weren’t even employed at the place Jackson was heading too. As Jackson stepped up to the sliding door it automatically slid open. Jackson stepped through the doorway and felt the air conditioning blowing on him from the ceiling. The cool air felt wonderful on the sweaty man’s forehead. As he looked around he saw a rather small carpeted area that was very quiet, the only sound was a ticking clock. A receptionist’s desk sat against the wall opposite the door. A young woman was sat at a desk typing diligently on a computer, she didn’t turn to look at the new entrant and there was no obvious signs that she even recognised that someone had just walked in. Jackson nervously stepped forwards and looked at a large painting on the wall. The painting was a portrait of an older gentleman, he looked very stern and the eyes seemed to follow Jackson around the room. It gave Jackson the creeps. “Ahem.” Jackson cleared his throat as he reached the desk and smiled at the woman sat in front of him. The receptionist didn’t look away from the screen or say anything. She simply put one finger up to tell Jackson to hold on a minute. Jackson waited and glanced at some of the forms on the desk. It was very clean and tidy, there was a disarming picture of a small dog sitting facing the receptionist. He didn’t really get a chance to read anything written on the pages but it all seemed very important. “Hello and welcome to Carter’s Correctional Care.” The receptionist said, “How may I help you?” “I saw your advert on the fence.” Jackson said, “About the volunteer position. Is that still open?” “It sure is!” The receptionist’s face lit up as he said he was here to volunteer, “Let me just get you the forms. Please take a seat.” The receptionist quickly stood up and indicated the table and chairs to the side of the room. Jackson watched her go through a door behind the desk before turning to the glass table. There was a large leather chair that Jackson sat down in, he had some second thoughts about doing this but he decided to stay to at least ask some questions. The receptionist was only gone for a minute before returning with a nurse. Jackson watched them walk over to the table with a nervous smile, he had no idea why a nurse was required and it did very little to make him feel better. “We’ll need you to sign these permission forms and waivers.” The receptionist said as she placed a pile of papers down on the glass table along with a pen. “I don’t want to be rude.” Jackson said nervously as he picked the pen up, “I just wonder why there’s a nurse?” “There’s nothing to worry about.” The nurse stepped forwards to say, “I’m just here to make sure everyone stays safe.” “I’m… Not sure I feel comfortable.” Jackson said as he looked at the paper. “The process is very simple and will be completed in just a day or so.” The receptionist said, “You can leave a contact number so we can tell your next of kin where you are. It is all above board and there is nothing to worry about.” Jackson took a moment to think about what he was doing. He looked out of a nearby window at the car park he had walked through to get here and wondered whether he should leave. If he went home without any money or employment he knew his parents wouldn’t be happy. The nervous young man turned to the receptionist and nurse who both stood in front of him, their smiles were very disarming. “We can promise that they pay is more than adequate compensation for your time.” The receptionist said in a way that seemed rehearsed. Jackson took a deep breath and put the pen to the paper. He signed his name and put the date in the appropriate boxes. Almost as soon as he had finished the receptionist leant down and took the paperwork away from him, she checked the signature and then gave the nurse a small nod. “If you would like to come with me.” The nurse said as she indicated the door she had come through just a minute or so ago. Jackson stood up and picked up his bag. He hadn’t expected things to suddenly start moving so fast but he walked forwards behind the nurse anyway. As they walked past the receptionist’s desk he saw the phone and was suddenly reminded of his own phone. “Don’t I have to give you guys my home number?” Jackson asked, “So you can call my parents?” “We’ll get it from you later.” The nurse quickly replied without turning around. “Oh, OK…” Jackson said quietly. Once through the doorway Jackson was led down a small corridor. He heard the door behind them close and lock. There was a pair of double doors at the end of the hallway, they looked heavy and imposing. “Through here please.” The nurse said as she opened a door to the side. There was a plaque on it that read “Preparation Room.” Jackson walked through the door that the nurse held open and entered into a room that looked like a nurse’s office. He stood awkwardly in the middle of the room as the nurse closed the door behind them both. “I just need to take a few quick measurements before you go through to the testing room.” The nurse said as she put on some gloves and looked through one of her drawers. “What will I be testing?” Jackson asked as he watched the nurse pull out a clipboard. “I’m afraid I can’t tell you that.” The nurse replied, “If you could just step on to those scales over there for me.” Jackson didn’t like the non-answer but he did as he was told and stepped on to the scales near the wall. The nurse peeked down at the result and wrote it down. “OK, that’s a good and healthy weight.” The nurse said with a smile, “Now if you could lay down on the bed for me.” Jackson rather warily climbed on to the surface. He would’ve described it much more as a table than a bed and he laid back on the thinly padded table. The nurse quickly came over with a tape measure and began to take all of his sizing information. Jackson allowed the tall woman to move his arms and legs to take every measurement she needed. “You can leave your jacket and bag here.” The nurse said when she had written down her final measurement, “You won’t need them for the testing.” The nurse watched and waited for Jackson to drop his bag and take off his coat. Then she opened the door to let Jackson back out to the hall. “Through these doors you will find the testing area.” The nurse said as she indicated the double doors now directly in front of them both, “I must ask you to comply with all instructions and you will receive your reward at the end.” Jackson was just about to ask what the reward was actually going to be but was cut off as the door was opened and he was quickly shepherded inside. He was rather shocked as he watched the nurse give him a small push and as soon as he was on the carpeted floor inside the door was closed behind him. There was a small click as the door was locked. Jackson slowly turned around to look at the room he was in and felt his breath being taken away. The room was very large and the startled young man estimated it to be the size of his old school gym. The first thing Jackson noticed was the furniture of the room, it was like a giant nursery or maybe even a day care. There was a crib placed against the wall, a changing table in the centre of the room and more toys than Jackson had seen in one place. Everywhere he looked he saw things that reminded him of a nursery and even the walls were full of small star charts and other posters tailored for an infant. The second thing Jackson noticed was that he was not alone. Standing around the room and looking his way as if they had been waiting for him were around half a dozen men and women in white coats, they were dressed very similarly to the nurse Jackson had just been following. There was an eerie silence in the room as everyone looked at Jackson. Jackson was more confused than ever before and he wanted to leave the room right away. He turned back to the locked door and knocked on it hoping the nurse from before would still be there, maybe she would let him back out. “I’ve… I’ve changed my mind!” Jackson called through the door rather desperately, “I’d like to go home now!” There was no response from the other side of the door and after a few seconds of waiting with baited breath Jackson knocked again. A few seconds later he hit the door much harder but there was still no response, he was almost scared to turn his head and look back into the room but before he even had the chance to do that he felt a hand on his shoulder that made him jump. “If you would like to come this way, sir.” An older man said as Jackson turned around.
  2. First story pure smut. I apologize in advance for the bad grammar and punctuation! It was inspired by ABDL_Zexion1337's little witch picture. If I can get permission I will add the pic later. So I was out at a party last Halloween. Looking for my next quick fuck. Halloween was one of my favorite nights cause it was easy to spot the slutty girls as it was the one night of the year they could get away with dressing like a slut. I had gotten a bit of a reputation as I would say anything I had to to get the girls to fuck me and then would ghost them(pun intended). Well little did I know my life was about to change. I was drinking a beer and checking out who my next conquest was to be! This place wasn't my normal scene since not to brag but I had exhausted most of my normal haunts. And let's say the pickings were slim I thought the night might be a bust. But then I seen her a cute girl dressed as a witch. She hat a witches hat on and a cute orange shirt with ghost and such it was tight enough to show off her perky breasts and below that a little black skirt. Her outfit was more on the cute side than the normal slutty outfits I would normally target but the choker she wore around her neck screamed fuck me. Time to go to work I thought to my self as I purposely bumped into her causing her to spill her drink. I apologize and offended to buy her a new one wich she accepted. When I came back with her new drink I introduced my self and she told me her name was Scarlett. Things were going great we chatted and flirted back and forth and she insisted on buying me a drink when I finally accepted she happily scampered off and came back a few minutes later and put this insane looking drink infront of me. It was green and effervescent and bubbling. She told me it was a special Halloween drink and I would love it. So in the name of getting her in bed with me I tried it. And it was actually pretty good. After our drinks were finished I asked her if she wanted to go somewhere quieter and she agreed and grabbed her purse well it was more of a bag and said we could go back to her place as she was wet! I thought to my self fuck I'm good as I started to get hard thinking about what was gonna happen next. We took a Uber back to her place. It was a short ride where I did kiss her and it was electric. We kissed and groped each other all the way to her couch. And groping turned to heavy petting she grabbed my cock through my jeans and gave it a gentle squeeze. A little moan escaped my lips as my hand went under her skirt. I put my hand on what I assumed would be her panties but it didn't feel right I was expecting to feel damp panties instead they were dry but felt soft and squishy. I took my hand away and said what the fuck. Scarlett calmly replied what I told you I was wet as she pulled her skirt up. And what I assumed were her panties was infact the bottom of her ghost onesie that was practically bursting trying to hold back her very soggy diaper. I said fuck this stood up and said I'm out of here this shits to fucked. She waved her hand and said on your knees and I fell to my knees infront of her my face practically infront of her diaper. Freaked out I yelled what the fuck why can't I move. Again she flicked her wrist and said silence. I instantly couldn't make even a peep. She said let me explain what's going on. She said you see I am a witch and I heard about you from a few of my girl friends who you fucked and ditched. Well tonight that changes you see that "Halloween" drink I gave you was infact real wishes brew one I made up just for you. As I speak your body is changing becoming more femin you will become more like me she explained as she popped the snaps of her onesie and started to undo her very wet diaper. Once undone she let the front of it flop onto the couch cushion. Right infront of my face stood a 6 inch dick. My jaw dropped and she laughed and said no not yet. I quickly shut my mouth. With another quick hand jesture she said to stand and strip and as my body instantly followed her command I noticed my clothes were alot baggier than before and were practically falling off me as I easily pulled them off. I instantly noticed that gone were my big muscles I was now very slender and looking at my chest that had pec muscles that would make most guys jellous now had cute little b cup titties with big hard nipples as I looked lower my hips had grown much wider and more girly and my butt was well sexy if it was not on me! But what caused me to drop back to my knees of my own accord was my once 9 inch cock was now barely 1 inch. As tears ran down my cheeks she said don't be sad Terry I will help you with a little attitude adjustment. Now listen to me carefully untill you come see me next Halloween you are now Terri the cute little cock sucking sissy baby. You LOVE sucking cock it makes your tiny little little girl dick hard. And when you suck a cock while diapered as you swallow there tasty cum you will start to pee in your diaper but the hole time you pee it will feel like the most intense orgasm you have ever had. You will love it so much you will suck any and all dicks you can. You will be the best little cock sucker you can be all for the reward of wetting your cute little diapers. She waved her hand and said you are free to speak. I instantly asked in my new much more high pitched voice if I could please suck Scarlett's cock as I hungrily looked at it. Well I don't know are you sure you want to suck my pissy cock? I had a literal line of drule running down my chin as I nodded yes. I don't know she started as I began to beg her to teach me how to be a good little cock sucker. She finally agreed and coached me through the most magical experience in my life. My tiny little wee wee was hard the hole time and grew to 2 full inches. After a few minutes of doing what Scarlett instructed me to do I felt her cock get a little bigger in my mouth and it erupted string after string of wonderful cum into my mouth as I swallowed every last drop. I thanked her for letting me suck her pretty girl dick. Scarlett said let's get cleaned up and diapered. She proceeded to lay me down on a change mat she pulled out of what I know know is her diaper bag not her purse. And slid a big puffy pink rearz princess diaper under me. She powdered my and brought the front up and taped it tight. It felt heavenly soft. Once she got me up. She then layed on the mat and had me return the favor. It took all my will power to not end back up with her cute little dick back into her mouth. Once she was cleaned and rediapered she stated let's find you something to wear and go back out the night is still young. She dressed me in a cute little pink baby dress and we headed back to the bar. I sat with her at the table in the bar sucking on my pacifier as a couple of guys came and hit on us. One of the guys said you like sucking on your little pacifier little girl. I popped it out and said why do you have anything better for me to suck? He took my hand and let me to a booth in the back corner and I happily crawled under the table and hastily got his big treat he has for me. With all the tricks Scarlett taught me I had him blowing his load in my mouth in mear minutes. Being this was the second dick I sucked but the first I had while diapered. I started to pee as soon as I tasted the first of his salty load hit my tongue. I was practically screaming in pleasure around his erupting dick. It was the single greatest feeling I ever felt. Once I was done I went back to the table and sat down with a squish. I looked at Scarlett and said I know you said I would be like this for one year but can I stay this way for ever please I don't want to go back to being an icky man ever again. She smiled and said if I wanted to stay and be her play thing that might be possible and asked me if I had ever heard of a witches familiar before? But that's a story for another night for now I see alot more trick or treating that needs to be done after all this diaper is supposed to hold 1100ml I know right must be magic 😉
  3. Never fear, I'm still working hard on my current story, but I thought I would post this timeline of the stories I have written so far. A few matter less with their placement in the timeline, but a few needed to be placed before I made any further progress. As this timeline contains some small spoilers for some of the future stories, just be warned. Additionally, as there are events that I have yet to write about but have made reference to, some stories have been whited-out for the time being. I noted once that I have several stories in the works and these are only a few of those that I was talking about, so as long as everyone still like what I'm writing, you'll see plenty more from me in the future. Like the DD Reference Guide (which I promise to update after I'm done with my current story), this will be updated as more stories are finished. On that same note, as this universe is wide and there could be an infinite number of these types of dimensions out there, this timeline does not have to be adhered to by anyone if they don't wish. This is mainly to help myself keep track of certain events and which characters may be able to cross over to other stories in the future. Use it if you wish, but this is by no means a hard timeline that everyone must follow with their own stories. Finally, these dates will serve similarly as the Star Trek way of timing. For those of you who don't know, Khan should be ruling Asia right now, but the Star Trek timeline is basically a divergent path from our own. As such, as this is the internet and what you put out there, stays out there... these times are fixed starting in 2023. So, basically, if soceity doesn't collapse in 2038, this timeline will still stand. If society does collapse before then, then I doubt anyone would be still reading these stories...
  4. A/N: IMPORTANT TO NOTICE Hey all! I hope you're all doing well! Do not worry! I am still working on my other stories but had started this a while ago and felt like I should post it! Just a warning in the beginning that this story will contain a lot of non-con, sexual content and humiliation. If this makes you uncomfortable than I suggest you don't read it! I love seeing comments so I'd love to see everyone's comments! ooOoo Summary: When a young new independent journalist decides to write about something other than the typical run of the mill stories, she is introduced into a new life, just not in the way she expected. ooOoo Chapter 1: MommyslittleBiggurls.com 22 December 2021 Hello Friends! It sure has been a while! I hope you’re all doing well on this frosty morning. Here in Montana, we’re certainly going to have a white Christmas. Sugar and Cookie sure are excited to see Santa and have been extra careful to be good girls; always asking for the potty like good little girls, eating all of their veggies at dinner and making sure to drink all of their babas full of yummy milk! I’m sure you all are experiencing the same with your little ones at the moment, even the disobedient can’t ignore the happy cheer of Christmas. I really can’t believe it’s only been three months since we first adopted our newest little girl, Honey! Of course with new littles, it’s always an adventure and Sugar and Cookie are being the best big sisters they can be! It can be hard, especially around the holidays to deal with an un-regressed, naughty little so that brings me to the topic of today’s post: Punishments. If you're like me or are a new caregiver, it’s never easy training a new little and before they can be our sweet little babies, they will be literal demons! It is never fun but in order to nip that naughty behavior in the bum, punishment is required and it is not always as simple as quick spanking. Listed below, you will find three different punishments to try if you, like me, were at a loss. Punishments: Punishment 1: Corner time with a twist Depending on the severity of the naughty behavior, instruct your little one it's corner time for a certain amount of time. While many, if not all, will just find this incredibly boring and whine, there is a small twist. Listen carefully to these five steps: Take littles’ clothes away (that means no diapers/pullups/or undies as well!), Give a nice soapy cold enema to their bum-bum and insert a buttplug to ensure no dribbles Administer a firm spanking (I’ve found different objects such as a belt or hairbrush to be most effective!) Little will bend down or kneel in the corner with their bum-bum high in the air for everyone to see After a certain amount of time, if the little has not moved from their position, you will instruct the little to tell you what they did wrong and have them beg to release their bodily functions. If you are unsatisfied with their response, even more minutes will be added to corner time Punishment 2: Potty Time with Horsy Let’s get real, we’ve all struggled with littles refusing to go potty in their diapers or on the training toilet and it’s a pain to have to insert enemas and suppositories into screaming littles. That’s how I came up with horsy time. The rocking horse, while meant to be an object of amusement during playtime, can just as quickly be turned into an object of torture. What you need to do is listed below: The little will sit on the rocking horse in only their bottoms, whether that be a diaper or pull-up Place earphones on little and set to the wet diaper hypnosis Instruct the little to rock back and forth and do not stop no matter what and not to mess or wet themselves Plan a certain amount of time and come back when the time is up If the little is still rocking and is dry, they have earned the privilege to go potty. If not, horsy time is extended and the dirty diaper stays on another several hours The constant rhythmic motion combined with hypnosis at the same timing will put the littles right in the mood to have to relieve themselves. How they do it will no longer matter. The added pressure to keep a constant rocking in order to avoid further punishment will take a heavy toll on their mind as well and increase the need for positive behavior. Punishment 3: No Playtime with Teddy If you choose to allow your little to have any sexual release, this punishment can have a rewarding effect. As a human race, we are sexual beings but not everyone deserves or should have such an experience. Littles have gotten it into their minds that they should be allowed to have such experiences, but what do they know? They’re just littles. It is our job as caretakers to instruct and control their urges. If we leave them to their own devices, who knows what will happen? My little girls are allowed one play session a week with Mr. Teddy Bear to release all of their icky cummies by the hand of mommy and daddy. While Rosie and Cookie know being a good girl will lead to happy feelings, Honey is still learning. Orgasm and cum denial or “the tickles and ice cream dance” as we call it, are an excellent way to assert dominance and make them quickly realize who the real grownups are and who is in charge. Mittens or restraints are a must for untrained littles! You never know where their wandering hands will end up! Chastity belts are also a great device, especially if they get a little too excited during playtime and try humping (which is extremely discouraged!) IMPORTANT: It is important to enforce anything sexual is not allowed without the approval, observation, and act by grown-ups because you never know when littles might accidentally injure themselves! I hope you all enjoyed my little list and hopefully it helps you on your journey to having a regressed little! It may seem tough at times but we’ve all gone through it before (I currently am!) Stay tuned for next time and meanwhile, have a Merry Christmas! Love, Mommy Bree ooOoo The sound of the ding signaling the post had been successfully posted was a happy feeling to say the least. Unknown outside the world of ageplay, Bree Hawthorne was as famous as could be within the community. With over ten thousand followers and readers, people tuned in from all over the world to read about their simple little family. Being a blogger on top of a mommy had become her full time job and she didn’t regret a single second of it. She always knew she wanted to have a family and her love for blogging couldn’t have been a more perfect combination. There were so many who envied to fill the role of a Hawthorne little but only so few could actually meet the requirements. That’s why they had taken to unique means of obtaining their little girls. Kidnapping was a bit too harsh a term. They preferred adoption. Did the public need to know that? No. Would they ever find out? Probably not. Looking around outside the large glass windows, the only view for miles was farmland with snow capped mountains in the background. Bloomington, Montana was the perfect place to go to if one didn’t want to be found. They had the freedom to be who they were without any nosey neighbors disrupting their lives. Her husband, coming from old money, allowed them to own lavish homes around the country, buy the newest high-tech adult-baby equipment and pay off those they needed to stay quiet. Everything was as it should be. Everything would soon be perfect. They were our babydolls. Sugar, Cookie, Honey and- “Another post?” Jasper. At the sound of his deep voice, she spun around in the swivel chair. Face to face with her blonde, strong-jawed, blue eyed handsome husband. He was everything she dreamed of in a man. Strong, smart, caring, loyal. A great daddy to their three wonderful girls. What more could a person ask of a spouse? “Yes. I’ve finished just in time for… lunch!” she exclaimed, glancing at the time and shutting down the macbook. “Today’s post was about punishments and I gave the best examples of Honey. How is she doing this morning actually? The baby monitor on her end has been awfully quiet.” she asked, having been in the office the entire morning working. “Sleeping.” was his only response, scowling with his hand over his face. “Do I want to know what happened?” “No.” It was always a struggle to tame the girl and her rebellious behavior and silly dreams. Most often then not her bum was black and blue, littered with marks and bruises. How a five foot, one-hundred-twenty pound girl with not an ounce of body fat had managed to give them this much a fight, they did not know. While the little blonde fought they pushed back just as hard. She would break eventually. They all do. “Sugar and Cookie are in the playpen writing letters to Santa,” that made them crack a smile. “I can feed them while you handle, Honey? I may just take her over my knee again and that’s not what she needs at the moment.” Bree reached out, wrapping her arms around his neck as his face burrowed into her kinky black hair, placing a trail of kisses upon her chocolate colored skin. “So it’s my turn to play the bad mommy,” she mused. “Precisely.” her husband cracked a smile. “It feels so much longer than three months since we got her. Remember?” Oh, how could they forget…
  5. before the story starts, this is a spin off of my story Tinny Intruder. it was originally written for "the little theif" but since i no longer want to be a part of that, i had to delete the original and edit it slightly. this story was written by Redwelch and given to me when he stooped writing. as such it is my story to do with as i like. this story is a short 3 parts. but will tie into the last chapter of Tinny intruder and its sequel. Preas is a genetic disorder that seemingly stops a person's body from maturing. Some see it as a gift, always looking young. Some see it as a curse, rarely looking older than 12 at best and 6 at worst. No one really knows when or why Preass first appeared. Genetic mutations? God? Who knows. As a Preas, you'll typically have a few problems. The biggest problem is weak bladders, meaning most Preas wear diapers or pull-ups for protection. Because of their appearance and disability, Preas are forced to have many troubles. A Preas cannot order or buy alcohol despite having an ID. While they are allowed to drink in the privacy of their own home, they just can't buy it, The main reason is that kids would make fake IDs and try to buy alcohol. Many other minor problems like that exist, and many Preas don't know what to do with themselves. Some even have mental shutdowns and never grow up. But for one Prea, she wasn't like that. When Zoeandra was 5, she learned she had Preas and would never look older than 6. At ten, she researched Preas and all of their problems. It was here that she decided to devote herself to helping Preas. But how? Zoeandra not only studied but also worked very hard to save money. By 18, she got a small loan and started her Preas supply company. A company that makes all types of supplies for Preas. From better and more absorbent diapers to custom wardrobes that aren't from a kid's section of a story and are sold at an affordable price. By 25, she had greatly expanded her company and became number one in Preas merchandising. By 32, she had expanded to more parts of the world. "WILDA!" Zoeandra screamed from her office as she looked through her paperwork. "Yes, ma'am?" Wilda, a tall, busty woman with brunette hair, asked as she walked into the office. Wilda was Zoeandra's 12th secretary. As Zoeandra's secretary, besides regular office work, you must also help care for any of Zoeandra's particular needs. Such as driving her to and from work, changing Zoeandra's diaper, and sometimes having to calm Zoeandra down when she gets overly stressed out and starts lashing out. Of all the secretaries, Zoeandra had 3 quit because they couldn't handle the diaper changes. 3 were fired because they were constantly late to pick her up for work, 2 quit because they couldn't bear the responsibility, and 1 was fired because they tried to find something to blackmail Zoeandra with but failed. Two were really good and were with Zoeandra for a few years before Zoeandra prompted them to run one of her companies. But Wilda was different. She was with Zoeandra for the last five years and has gone beyond what was called for. Wilda arrived early to pick up Zoeandra from her home every day. Sometimes even coming in to make breakfast for Zoeandra before bringing her to work. She always made sure to map out a schedule for Zoeandra so that she was always on time and had lunch on time. Sometimes, making Zoeandra a homemade lunch. Zoeandra had to admit she loved Wilda's homemade chicken strips. When Zoeandra would get overly stressed, Wilda knew what to say or do to calm her down. Only once, two years ago, Zoeandra had a massive tantrum. One were she was threatening to fire everyone, which caused Wilda to force Zoeandra over her lap for a spanking before sticking her nose in the corner for a timeout. 30 minutes later, Zoeandra had calmed down and apologized to Wilda for how she was acting. But threatened to fire her if she ever spanked her again. Finally, the big thing Zoeandra loves about Wilda is that she always takes care of her. Somedays, Zoeandra would be so swamped with work that she would stay extra hours and tell her old secretaries to go home and call a cab. She worked so late on those nights that she slept in her office. But with Wilda, when Zoeandra told her that, she clocked out and waited for Zoeandra to finish her work before taking the small woman home. On days like that, Zoeandra would be so exhausted that Wilda would take her inside and put her to bed at first. Then, she eventually started ensuring Zoeandra ate something, showered, and was put to bed. As soon as Zoeandra found out Wilda had done that on her own time, Zoeandra tried to promote her right then. But she turned it down. "If I were to leave, who would care for you when you need it?" Wilda asked. So instead, Zoeandra offered to make Wilda her personal assistant who would help her with anything she needed at work and out and offered an excellent wage. And despite the occasional slip where Wilda would slightly baby Zoeandra, she was very respectful to Zoeandra. "WILDA! Where is document 3327!?" Zoeandra yelled as she frantically searched her desk for the document. Wilda didn't say anything as she walked beside the desk, lifted a piece of paper that fell to the floor, and set it on the desk. "T-thank you," Zoeandra said as she looked at the paper and started to sign it. While leaning forward, Wilda went behind her boss and pulled the back of her diaper to check her. "Wilda!" Zoeandra yelled and blushed as she was checked. "Zoeandra, how long have you been in a dirty diaper?" Wilda asked her boss with no reaction. When Zoeandra gets focused on her work, she forgets her diaper and could be messy for hours without knowing. Zoeandra just blushed and turned away from Wilda. So Wilda picked up Zoeandra and laid her on the changing table in the office. "How much work do you have left?" Wilda asked as she removed the diaper and started cleaning the mess. "I'm almost done. Just need another 20 minutes." Zoeandra told her as she let Wilda do her job. "Good, because this weekend is your "Relax" weekend," Wilda told Zoeandra, who couldn't help but smile as the new diaper was taped on. As soon as she sat back at her desk, Zoeandra quickly finished her work in 12 minutes to get out as soon as possible. As Zoeandra and Wilda walked through the company, most greeted her with the utmost respect she deserved. Some even approach their little boss and ask for advice or help. "Hey boss, how many Preass does it take to screw in a light bulb?" one of her employees asked as Zoeandra walked past. "none. We cry until someone does it for us." Zoeandra finished the joke. This was the type of environment Zoeandra had wanted for her company. One where everyone joked and respected one another. Were anyone could make a simple joke without offending someone. And where people were reworded not on what they looked like but their work ethic. But as Wilda opened the back door to her car for Zoeandra to walk into, she also knew there was more to her company than the happy parts. As Wilda began to drive, Zoeandra grabbed her black "special" bag she had Wilda hold onto. Inside was everything she needed for her weekend. Owning a big company has been one of the most stressful things in Zoeandra's life. Hence, she needed someone constantly around for the times it just gets too much, and Zoeandra starts freaking out and needs someone to calm her down. But it is not enough even with Wilda and all the help she gives Zoeandra. Zoeandra needed something to help relieve her stress. Something that didn't involve alcohol or expensive spa weekends. But Zoeandra couldn't think of anything until Wilda suggested something two years ago. As Wilda pulled up to a nice-sized apartment building, she got out and opened the back door of her car. "You ready, sweetheart?" Wilda asked. "Yes, mommy!" Zoey cheered as a little girl in a bright yellow sundress, and pigtails exited the car with her Princess backpack. As Zoey took Mommy's hand, they walked to the door and knocked. A few moments later, a young man about 19 came over and opened the door. "BIG BROTHER!" Zoey yelled as she rushed over and hugged the boy's leg. "HEY ZOEY!" the boy said happily as he picked up the small girl and gave her a hug. "You ready for this weekend?" "YA!" Zoey cheered, and Wilda giggled. "Remember, she needs a nap here soon," Wilda told her nephew. "And don't go overboard on the snacks this time." "AWWWW!" Zoey pouted upon hearing that but giggled as Wilda kissed her cheek. "You be good now, you hear?" Wilda told Zoey before giving her nephew a kiss as well. "You too, I'll return to pick her up on Monday. Ok, Danny?" "Don't worry, she's in good hands," Danny told his aunt. "Bye! Love you!" Zoey yelled as she waved goodbye to Wilda before she was brought inside. Two years ago, Zoeandra had to throw a big dinner party for people who would possibly work with her company. But some complications happened at Zoeandra's house, so she couldn't hold it there, and no restraint could squeeze them in on short notice. Thankfully, Wilda offered her home for the night, and the party went off without a hitch. But Zoeandra soon found herself bored as most of the conversations were about work, and many of the guests tended to talk with each other. Because of Zoeandra's size, most forgot she was even there. So, bored out of her mind, she decided to look around Wilda's house. It was a lovely house; this was the first time Zoeandra had been there despite knowing Wilda for years. Zoeandra noticed a slightly opened door with stairs leading down and strange noises from below. Zoeandra was curious and went down. That's when she met Danny for the first time. "Oh, didn't know someone was bringing a kid here," Danny said, not knowing who Zoeandra was. "Is it getting boring up there?" He was 17 and sitting on his bed playing video games. His aunt asked him to stay down here while the party was happening. His aunt already got him a pizza and snacks to keep him occupied while the party was upstairs. "Would you like to have a turn?" Danny offered his controller to Zoeandra. Zoeandra took the controller and thought, why not. Play a game for a few minutes, then return to the party. Wilda went looking for her boss 20 minutes later to find her eating a slice of pizza and yelling at Danny to do something on the game before cheering as they beat a level. Wilda couldn't help but smile as she knew Zoeandra hadn't had fun upstairs and didn't mind letting her boss stay down there with her nephew to have some fun. Wilda even returned and gave Zoeandra a sippy cup of juice before returning and dealing with the party. No one else seemed to notice Zoeandra was gone, and as everyone left around 11, Wilda went back to check on her nephew and boss. Her son was still playing his game at a quieter volume while Zoeandra was passed out on his lap. "Hi, Aunt Wilda. Are her parents picking her up?" Danny quietly asked as he helped his aunt lift the sleeping girl up. "No, she's going to stay the night here with us," Wilda whispered. "Why?" "She's my boss," Wilda told her nephew with a small smile as Zoeandra stuck her thumb into her mouth and started sucking on it. Zoeandra woke up the following day wearing one of Wilda's smaller t-shirts as a nightshirt in a guest room. Beside her were her clothes from the night before, already cleaned and folded by the bed. When Zoeandra saw Wilda, Wilda asked how her night was. "That was probably the best night's sleep I've had in a long time," Zoeandra told her. Upon hearing that, Wilda asked her boss if she would like to make a new business deal. Zoeandra didn't want a "mommy" or "daddy." No one would ever replace her real ones. She was only okay with a caregiver because she was still paying for them. And each one had to show Zoeandra with at least a decent form of respect. But after that night, Wilda figured out the best way for Zoeandra to relax was to turn off her Adult side and not worry about anything. But if she didn't want a mommy or daddy to look after her, what could she use to help? Why not a big brother? Danny was already about to start college, and his part-time job sucked. Wilda was worried her nephew wouldn't be able to concentrate on his school work and have his part-time job that gave him crazy hours. So Wilda offered Zoeandra and Danny a beneficial business relationship. Danny would be Zoeandra's "big brother" every other weekend for a set amount of money. Here, she could play, be a kid, and relax for two and a half days. At the same time, Danny got paid and could focus on his schooling. At first, neither liked the idea. It just seemed too weird. But after a while, it just clicked for them, and it became a natural thing. Every other weekend, Zoeandra would become Zoey and stay with her "big brother." "Ok, Zoey, you ready for your nap?" Danny asked as he walked into the living room. "NO!" Zoey yelled, not wanting a nap yet. She wasn't even sleepy yet! "Are you sure?" Danny asked. "Ya! I don't want to nap!" Zoey told him. Danny knew just what to do. "Then why not a story real quick? Then we can play some games." Danny offered. "Ok!" Zoey told him. She really did enjoy being read, too. Still carrying Zoey, Danny grabbed a book and sat on his couch as Zoey nestled right in to enjoy the book. Danny turned on some lullaby music before he started to read the book. Zoey was none the wiser as she slowly started to nod off from the music and story. Soon she was asleep in Danny's lab, covered up and sucking on a pacifier while Danny got on his laptop and worked on a school project. About an hour and a half later, Danny gently shook Zoey up. "Hi, sleepy head. How was your nap?" Danny asked. "Cood," Zoey said behind her pacifier as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Danny lifted her up and took her into the kitchen, where he sat her on a booster seat and got her a snack. After having some chocolate pudding and making a little mess on her face that Danny had to clean up, it was time to play. Zoey had her own toy box, where she got a few toys. But many were stuff Danny and Wilda had gotten her to play with. But what Zoey liked was to play on Danny's PlayStation. She loved playing Persona 5 and Kingdom Hearts 2. Or just sitting next to Danny as he played one of his games and just watched. This time, she watched him play a game about giant robots fighting each other. Gundam Braker, something or other... After 2 hours, Danny made a simple mac and cheese dinner with hotdogs before checking Zoey's diaper. She was very wet. "Zoey, why didn't you tell me you were wet?" Danny asked. Zoey just blushed and looked ashamed. She was having fun and didn't notice. "I sowey," Zoey told him. Danny just signed. "It's ok. At least it's time for a bath now," Danny told her. Hearing this made Zoey's eyes light up. She lived bath time! Dan didn't need to say more as Zoey was already getting undressed and bouncing excitedly for her bath. Dan laughed as he started the bath and added some bubbles to it. The tub wasn't even full when Zoey jumped in and splashed Dan. HEY!" Dan yelled playfully as he splashed her back. Zoeandra didn't have a tub at her house, just a shower (specially made for her), so she never understood how fun a bath was. That is until Zoey's first bath, where she could play in the water with her toys. Part of her wanted to get her own bath for her house but decided against it as it would take away from the magical feel of coming here. Dan helped get Zoey clean before he rinsed her off and let her play in the water for a while. When it was time to get out, Dan had to forcefully drain the lukewarm water to get her out, much to her pouty displeasure. Next came the thick nighttime diaper and pink bunny footie pajamas. Zoey giggled as she hopped around in her bunny outfit and played for another hour before it was time for bed. Dany cradled the little girl in his arms on the couch while one hand held a bottle of warm milk and the other a book. This time, Zoey managed to stay awake through the book and bottle, but her eyes were very heavy. "You sleepy?" Dan asked. "nowww." Zoey slurred sleepily as she rubbed her eyes, trying to stay awake. Dan picked her up and patted her back as he walked her into his bedroom. Zoeandra had to use a special crib because she rolled around in her sleep so much, but Zoey didn't have a crib here. His apartment was too small for one. As Zoey let out a burp, Dan placed the little girl on his bed by the side of the wall and put a long pillow between her and him. Dan was a little worried at first about sharing a bed with her, but after some time, they both liked it, and Dan found it cute some mornings when he would wake up to Zoey hugging him in her sleep as she rolled over the pillow. As Dan got into bed, he gave Zoey a good night kiss on her head. "Good night, baby sis," Danny said as he turned out the light. “Coo mifh bwig bworfer!” Zoey told him, “I wove u.”
  6. I am wishing to hang out with anyone who lives either in Oak Creek or South Milwaukee just to be little and get away from my house
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