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Everything posted by Squidgy

  1. I prefer lying down, and depending on which nappy it is depends on the angle of the bottom tapes - for example Abena Xplus tapes are quite far apart, so I put the bottom one's pointing downward slightly (otherwise a little gap can open up and because I sleep on my side, leaks have happened). On the other hand Tena Slip tapes are closer, so both sets are pretty much straight from the wings. I think the angles depend on size preference too - because even though Medium fits me just fine, I prefer Large, so the tapes extend much further in from my hips and if I pointed the bottom set up, the nappy would just feel like it was wide open. Similar to what Idatsea said though, just experiment and see what works for you By the way, that PDF is great.. *yoink* I'm the guy on the left, except I don't have pubic hair on my head
  2. I think there's different stages which were based on my understanding of the world, what I was doing etc. Dunno when I was potty trained - never asked my parents - and I still have no idea why but at the age of around 8 I took a pampers nappy from a just-opened pack when a relative's toddler came to stay one weekend. The years after that consisted of home-made nappies using socks, towels, even plastic bags to get the crinkle! But because they weren't the real thing I never "went" in them. The only nappies I'd get during my teenage years were the one's taken from relatives changing bags when they came to visit.. I know.. but the shame wasn't a factor then, my needs were overpowering . I was a bedwetter until about 17 years old, and didn't get any choice in how it was handled; just plastic undersheets all the way. I longed for something other than waking up to smelly, cold wet sheets and bedclothes every day, but being young and naive I wasn't aware they made nappies to fit older kids & adults until about 15. By that time the frequency was becoming less and less. It wasn't until I could drive at 18 that I occassionally plucked up the courage to buy the largest size pampers & huggies available. Then once I got a bank card at 21 I started buying adult nappies online. Since then things have just escalated, and since getting my own place, even more so. Up until 3 or 4 years ago I never imagined it would be possible, but here I am now, spoilt for choice on which nappy to wear
  3. Either direct from Abena UK by phone/email/fax order form etc. (no online shop tho); bear in mind they send new mail order catalogues in the post every year or so. Or my preference is online from bambonature.co.uk because the prices are cheap, delivery fast and I've never had any marketing material from them. Then there's always this great list of shops but only one so far stocks Abena. Other than that, Dorset Nursing Supplies are quite highly rated by several people and their site shows they sell a wide range too.
  4. ..dreamed about watching Inception the other night eh eh, geddit? *slumps over in shame
  5. Little kid: *nneeowmm.. *chug chug chug "hey look at my Tonka toy, isn't it cool?!" Guy: "Pah! That's nothing.. bet you can't do this - *carves deep trench next to the kid with one sweep from his JCB digger
  6. Yep they are very good and were my nappy of choice for a couple of years, although my experience of the two you mentioned was the opposite (as in I've had Abena's long before Tena). It seems they have some kind of yin/yang thing going on with the pro's and cons. For instance I find Tena Maxi fit me better than X-Plus, but then the X-Plus holds more. Then there's the X-Plus tapes which are bigger than Tena's so the waistline feel is more pleasant but they don't stick as good as Tena. To prevent the dilemma of which one to wear I just cycle* through my stash *and no, not with a bike
  7. Anywhere with a soft enough surface.. usually the master bedroom. Tried the living room/lounge before but the cold & hard wood floor was too uncomfortable. There have been times when I've been tired and lay on my bed to change, then fell asleep right there! Fortunately that's not happened with a powder tub still in my hand or anything
  8. hehe thanks, that's much more accurate
  9. Nice work on the PC laptop! If only Mac's were as straightforward People neglect to tell you in the guides but you'll need the fingers of a 5 year old, the patience of a saint and a headband to stop the nervous sweat dribbling into your eyes I've replaced parts & cleaned their innards a few times but always end up with battered hands
  10. As much as I like online gaming, nothing is more off-putting than hormonal teenagers screeching into my ears.. thank dev's for Mute! Also the amount of racism is quite shocking, especially when most of it tends to come from fellow UK players Personally I think first person shooters are much more enjoyable with a mouse on PC's than consoles with their accuracy-inhibiting sticks (hence why GTA4 et al have snap-aim mechanisms), so my sexbox is usually limited to racing games. However since there will neverTM be a PC version of Red Dead Redemption, it's such a fantastic game I had to give in to that one.
  11. I really regret not wearing & taking nappies with me when travelling abroad last year. Isn't hindsight a bastard! Next time.. Anyways with certain airlines looking to (and some already do) charge people to use the airplane facilities, I wonder how many people will look for alternatives? I mean take Ryanair for instance, they're on about a £1 charge per visit. To avoid paying that it's unlikely you'd get away with using a bottle or those P-bag things, and being arrested for exposing your genitals would be a tad embarrassing to say the least. Whereas decent nappies like Abena, Bambino/Cuddlz work out to around £1 each and you can use them multiple times for that single £ - this makes good economic sense to me If only more people could ignore the whole "social taboo" thing.
  12. The secondary school I attended cocked up my college choices and by the time I'd found out it was too late - I'd originally chosen the subjects I really enjoyed; I.T., Physics and Geography (and a few other things), but they left me with Drama, Physical Ed. and Religious Ed. Given that my family couldn't afford to do anything about it, and my not wanting to becoming a buff dancing preacher I decided to skip the debts and go to the University of Life - been in the same job for the last decade, I'm good at what I do and it's enjoyable. Yes, I got lucky. Sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I'd have took the higher education route. I'd imagined eventually being a Geologist travelling around and studying volcanoes, earthquakes etc., get to see some awesome sights. Anyways, I've always been interested in aircraft and just flying as a passenger in a friend's microlight gives me an amazing buzz, so to have a pilot's licence would allow me to take to the skies and fulfil some dreams (like flying friends and family round New Zealand springs to mind).. whatever courses that requires would be what I'd go for.
  13. As a self-proclaimed Cuddlz[.com] evangelist, they get my vote
  14. It must be a shape thing, as in Cuddlz fit round my fat "office jockey" rear and thighs better than anything else, and only ever had a couple of leaks wearing them which were both my own fault.. drinking too much before going bed (water and tea, I might add ). On the other hand X-Pluses have leaked many times. Put side by side it would be difficult to pick out an XL next to an L if it wasn't for the fact that the XL has blue re-fastening tapes
  15. They're called Cuddlz in the UK, same as Bambino Bianco in almost every way and the best you can get next to Abena X-Pluses
  16. How long have you been trying to go sleep while wearing? Personally it took about 4 months of wearing one nappy every night before I could sleep properly, and after a while added another one, and so on. After a year or so later I was able to sleep wearing 4 thick nappies. I'm sure other people have managed more than that too. But yeah I'd agree it's probably down to excitement, and the obvious like avoiding caffeine at least a few hours before bed. And like many others have said, charming the snake works wonders (sidenote: thanks babykeiff.. i'll definitely try what you said.. it's been several years since I started wearing in bed and I still can't pee at night without waking up)
  17. Think I need a new scriptwriter for my diaper dreams.. they always involve getting caught by a relative. It's worse than a low-budget drama series
  18. As a fellow CL (Cuddlz Lover!) I'm on the border between Medium and Large, but prefer Large since they reach further up. Also tried XL and I agree they're not much bigger, but it's enough to make a difference when having an XL as the outer layer in my usual overnight setup of 2 nappies and 2 stuffers. Sometimes I'll wear an Abena X-Plus Large as the first layer because from the 6 different brands I've tried, they are the longest. Came to this conclusion using the Rib Test - try different nappies and see which rib from the bottom they reach to Anyway as for leaks I can't imagine there being a problem as long as you make sure the sides next to your legs are tucked up properly.. unless you run marathons in your sleep! And I've always found the tighter a nappy is, the more likely it is to leak (or is it just me?)
  19. Spent a sh-load of wedge the other week re-stocking.. thing was each place used a different courier, so I had like 4 different deliveries turn up in one day. The neighbours probably thought I was doing some kind of courier speed test or something I do tingle every time though.. and curse at those brick-size PDA's some of them use - them things could hurt someone!
  20. I upgraded recently from a cupboard in my bedside cabinet.. ..to a drawer in/under the bed.. That's just my "quick access" stuff; the refills are kept separate in their bags and boxes at the moment - once I've executed my master bedroom plan hopefully a cupboard will then house everything plus more variety edit: yeah i'm a neat-freak.. infact seeing the ripples in the mattress cover is making me twitch!
  21. hmm could they be made out of Dark Matter - so nobody can actually see them, but you know they're there? (.. and no, not the smelly kind of dark matter )
  22. Just had the week off work and all the time to myself, so I decided to have a trial 24/7 run which started last friday night, and has been very successful. No bad experiences/rashes or anything but it was only a week so I'd imagine wearing full time that eventually something would occur. It's certainly opened my eyes to how many nappies I used, how different foods affect me and so on. So while free nappies would help reduce costs (still have to buy wipes, powder etc.), the only way I'd go 24/7 is if all my work colleagues, friends and family knew what I'm into
  23. If you still dream of becoming incontinent I'd have thought you'd be looking forward to old age!
  24. Only ever dealt with FedEx (UK) once and had no problems so can't really rate them, but if you're outside the UK then you've probably not experienced the epic drama of dealing with City Link.. widely regarded as the worst delivery company here. They have a habit of "modifying" things before they reach their destination. To them, Fragile means kick it harder, and "Top" with an arrow translates to any way but that. Or even with a neighbour.. that was quite common until a few years ago, even if something needed signing for. Now it's just pot luck
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