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Posts posted by Clr224

  1. It’s way too early for you to be concerned about that.  Your attitude toward diapers will undoubtedly change over the years.

     I’ve been in diapers or wanted to be for nearly 70 years. There were times that I was embarrassed by my psychological need to wear diapers and use of them long after I was toilet trained.  I wondered what was wrong with me and unsuccessfully tried many times to give them up.  Later, when I was in my 40s I became more comfortable with this aspect of my life and stopped fighting it. As I adjusted, diapers became more normal underwear and I allowed myself to use them more openly. By the time I was getting close to retirement, my conscious voluntary use of diapers was becoming more like incontinence.  These days, I am incontinent and am not embarrassed by it.  Should the time come when I can no longer change my own diapers, I suspect that I will be more embarrassed or uncomfortable that I can no longer care for myself than the fact that I am uncontrollably wetting and messing my diapers  

    You parents were in a different situation; they were progressively losing control of their lives and becoming more dependent on others for even the most basic of bodily functions. I don’t doubt that they were embarrassed and angry at that situation. How you react to your physical or psychological need for diapers and becoming dependent on others 40, 50, or 60 years in the future is anybody’s guess. 

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  2. I would have to disagree with that statement.  Inmates with mobility difficulties are diapered because the staff can’t respond to their needs fast enough to avoid accidents.  My father had no continence issues before he had to go to a rehab facility after heart surgery. He was diapered on arrival and pretty much ended up using them the entire time he was there. 

  3. Mahleed is right.  Only pants that seal against the skin will contain the odor.  It must be a complete seal, including along the spine in back.  If you can sit in a filled bathtub for at least half an hour, then get out and not have your diaper any wetter than what your bladder emptied into it, you have a diaper cover that will contain the smell of a dirty diaper. 

  4. I wear the Gary Active fit PUL pants over the Adult Cloth Diaper Company’s daytime Leakmaster diaper.  Personally, I use a PUL pant one size smaller than recommended. That keeps the diaper in close to my body and reduces the bulk somewhat.  While diapered, you may need to wear jeans one size larger than you would otherwise.  Wearing a polo shirt or t-shirt not tucked in will help conceal some of the bulk.  

    ‘Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to gender.  My recommendations work well for males.  However, the general concepts should be applicable to females, too.  Looser clothing can help considerably when trying to conceal the bulk of a cloth diaper. 

  5. Getting a urologist involved is also a good idea because incontinence is only a symptom.  There is an underlying cause that needs to be diagnosed.  Sometimes doctors can’t point to a specific cause, but they can eliminate some possible ones with life threatening consequences by thorough examinations and testing. 

  6. I notice that marking the site as read and acknowledging the action no longer clears the unread content list; it just un-highlights the item titles.  To actually clear the list, it’s necessary to hit the unread content link again.  A new feature or software bug?

  7. What helped me come to terms with being a DL was understanding why I was one.  My recommendation is to think back to when you first wanted to wear diapers as an older child or an adult.  What was going on in your life at the time?  What were you thinking at the time?  

    In my case, I’d been wearing diapers nearly all the time until I started grade school.  I had been toilet trained, but wearing diapers was more convenient for me and my parents because the trailer we were living in did not have indoor plumbing. So, I became comfortable wearing diapers.  While not diapered, I worried about embarrassing  accidents.  Wearing diapers, I felt safer and less likely to embarrass myself. It helped that many of my friends still wore diapers, too.  For me, diapers were just normal underwear.  As I got older and circumstances changed, I realized that other people didn’t see things that way, but my feelings persisted.  So, I had to suppress my desires and secretly wore diapers when I felt I wouldn’t get caught.

    Have you thought about why you like wearing diapers?  Until you understand that and understand yourself, it’s will be difficult to break the cycle and be comfortable with who you are.

    When asking for help, it’s counterproductive to react negatively to the people you are asking to help you and dismiss their suggestions.  Also, you should consider that a conversation is typically a two-way communication.  It helps if you can help the other members understand your feelings and situation so that they can provide more helpful information and suggestions.  

  8. If you don’t listen to suggestions from others, why are you asking the question?  Just continue what you’re doing.  After about 20 years of binges and purges you’ll either get comfortable wearing diapers and break the cycle or you’ll give them up entirely.  That’s about how long it took me to admit to myself that I needed diapers and wasn’t ever going to grow out of that feeling.  It also cost me a few thousand dollars of cloth diapers and plastic pants being thrown in the trash over the years. 

  9. My recommendation would be to get a gym bag or something similar; stock it with several diapers and whatever supplies you need for changing; and leave it in your vehicle.  It’s there for just those sort of emergencies. If pull-ons don’t provide adequate absorbency, use regular diapers. 

    In this sort of situation, doctors and their nurses are going to see you wearing the diaper.  There is no avoiding that unless you prefer wearing regular underwear and taking the chance of having an accident. 

    ‘My first visit was mostly an information gathering meeting, but he also performed a cystoscopy to look for any obvious problems in the bladder.  He also filled my bladder with sterile water and had me pee into a container that measured the rate and how much my bladder emptied.  This was done at a private urologist’s office.  I can’t really say how the VA does business. 

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  10. It depends on your BP medication.  If you’re taking Lasix or its generic equivalent or another medication with HCTZ, then you’re taking a diuretic which will definitely increase your kidney output. If this is a new prescription, you’ll have much increased output for a couple of days.  Kind of like squeezing a sponge.  Once past the initial surge, output will track with input. 

  11. The first time I remember purposely messing my pants happened when I was about 3 years old.  After that, I was punished by being put back in diapers. The result of that was that I regressed to using the diapers all the time instead of the potty chair.  Later, I would mess my pants whenever I thought I could get away with it.  Sometimes I was caught, but each experience only taught me to be more careful about cleaning up and concealing the evidence.

  12. This is the first Keeperverse story I’ve seen and I have some questions/observations.  It’s obvious that the bonding process starts neurological changes in the pet.  Does the pet ultimately suffer a loss of intellect in addition to the loss of voluntary bladder and bowel control control and emotional bonding with its keeper?  If pets retain all their intellectual faculties, I would think they would rebel or be driven crazy.  The sudden forced inhibition of verbal interaction would be particularly infuriating and difficult to accept.

    Why are pets forced to get around on all-fours?  The human body isn’t designed for that kind of locomotion; the knees would initially become bloody if forced to go any significant distance; the shins and toes would suffer a lot a abrasions; and, unlike quadrupedal animals humans cannot move very fast on all-fours. Basically, this aspect of the story seems to be very impractical.  Do pets ungo physical changes in addition to the mental ones and become four-legged creatures?

    I realize this is all fiction, but I prefer stories that conform to practical rules within their fictional universe. 

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