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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by PhilDL

  1. Hi Angela, Thanks for your memories! I was born in 1961 and as I was reading your story I was thinking about my youth and diving in the family station wagon when life was so simple. Unfortunately my Mom believed in getting us kids out of diapers right away. Reading your story I imagined how nice that would have been if my family were diaper friendly. My mother used diapers as a punishment, I was about 4 when I had a slight accident at night, it was still early in the night and she took me in to the bathroom and pinned a diaper on, I remember my brother laughing at me when I was going back to bed. I always thought that this might been the cause of my fetish. About 15 years ago I realized that I must have done this to get diapered since diapers were around for my baby sister. It's been 31 years now since I bought my first Pampers as a teen. I've gone through the purging and guilt. I'm long past that and I now fully embrace diapers as an adult just like how your family embraced them years ago. I feel sorry for adults who can't just accept diapers for their convenience for long trips, exams or whatever. At this point in my life I don't know what I would do without diapers, mentally and physically. Thanks, Phil
  2. Hi, Anyone in middle TN? Phone, e-mail and in person. Phil
  3. Can anyone shed some light on how much this test cost? I believe my Doctor wants me to go for the full night test. Phil
  4. I have to call my insurance company and see if they cover this test. The blood results came back today and there's no indication of a problem with that. My typical scenario at night is waking up 2 to 3 hours in a deep sleep then frequently waking up before the alarm. It would be nice to sleep 7 hours straight. And with a diaper on there should be no need to wake up to wet! Phil
  5. Thanks for the info. I usually wear a Tranquility with a Huggies stuffer during the week and Molicare with a Huggies stuffer on the weekend. I also have a bed protector. I guess I'll wear a Molicare with a Depends Boost pad. So most likely since the Molicare is a full size diaper they will see it. I hope I get a woman to hook me up, I'll tell them. The camera sucks, I don't know what I do with my hands and diaper at night? Phil
  6. Has anyone taking a sleep disorder test and wear diapers? My Doctor wants me to take one. I wear diapers every night and I trained myself to be about 70-80% asleep while wetting. I've been wearing them for over 2 1/2 years now. Ten years ago I wore them for 2 years straight. When I stopped I then would have accidents. As an older child, teenager and then as an adult I never had bed wetting problems. It was when I trained myself to be diaper dependent is when I would have occasional accidents when I stopped the first time. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to be diapered dependent! So if I take this without a diaper I stand a good chance to wetting the bed or at least to interrupt my sleep since I'm not diapered and I'll worry. Even though I've worn them for so long, I wonder if part of my sleeping problem is caused by them, you know, feeling your diaper during the night! So if you have taking this test what did you do. When they hook you up will they be able to tell, should I just tell them? My Doctor doesn't know anything about my diapers. I'm sure the report will mention the diapers. Do they have cameras on you? Thanks, Phil
  7. "Keep us informed with how you're doing PhilDL. I wish you the best of wishes in life." Hi Everyone, thanks for your comments. Over the past few days I have read everyone's posts and I appreciate your input. Now that it's the weekend I 'll have some time to think some more without the real negative feelings of dealing with a job I can't stand. I'm going to print out all of the posts so I can properly reply to some key points. I understand how some might feel, again I didn't want this to be a place to "cry out" but to get some thoughts of how I could manage the unmanageable. Thanks, Phil
  8. Having explored other DL’s & AB’s online for 13 years and meeting with face to face I thought this might be a good question to bring to this forum. I’ve found that my experiences from childhood to adult hood are very common with others. So the dark side of life for those who are also suffering too might be having these feelings. I don’t want you to thing I just want to get sympathy or a shoulder to cry on, I’m hoping to learn something about myself through others. I’ve been dealing with depression and suicide thoughts for over 15 years. The depression comes and goes but is always an underline issue. If you meet me you wouldn’t think this since I have an outgoing personality yet this mask I wear doesn’t help too much since no one seems to really like me. The suicide thoughts come and go too. Years ago the thoughts of suicide were more an emotional response where now it’s more something I feel will happen in the future and not be a reaction to severe depression but to the doom of reality. I’m 46, I know that in the coming years, maybe 5 to 20 years from now, things will be bad with finances, family and health to be specific. I’ve never been married or even past a 3rd date and I’ve gone out with only about 8 women in my whole life. I’m a loner and yes, a loser! Problems with my immediate family keep on getting worse. I can’t find a job that I’ll stick with. I complain too much and basically I feel that my personality seems to be an acid personality and I believe that I’m ugly. I see the option of suicide as the emergency handle on a train. I’m a passenger on a train and I visualize the emergency handle and although I know I can’t just pull it at anytime I know it’s there and when it gets unmanageable I will get up and pull it. I wear diapers every night, I have over the years diaper trained myself to the point where I wet my diaper every night. On the weekends I’m in diapers about 90% of the time. During the rest of the time I’m in a trim diaper {Depends Velcro shields}. Even though I wake up in the morning depressed over the idea retuning to a job that I despise, I look at and feel my wet diaper and find that this is what really brings me any happiness! I think if I kill myself that this is what I will miss {I’ll be dead and won’t be missing anything though.} Currently I’m not going to a therapist, the cost is too much. The first therapist I went to, I got up the courage to tell her one day about diapers, she didn’t freak out but never brought it up again. I never mentioned it to the second therapist who I went to for 5 years or to the other 2 more recent ones. When I go back to a therapist it will be obvious that I need to make it on top of the list. So the main question is this, diapers seem to be the only real thing that brings me happiness. But could it be that the diapers are part of the problem or does it just seem to be that way since it’s something that need to be kept private and feared if found out by others? Or maybe the diaper fetish is innocent and has nothing to do with my problems and yes I’m lucky, I have something to bring some happiness?
  9. Last night on Bill Maher's Real Time, Bill was commenting how American society is getting too lazy. He remarked about what would be next, "wearing diapers to the Mall." I smiled and yelled back to the TV "I do!" Now I don't consider myself lazy, I wear diapers to the Mall and pretty much everywhere else. I don't consider it being lazy more common sense and practical, especially when you need to be on long lines or going to a movie. It's also fun and of course kinky! All of this wasn't said as an attack on DL's or AB, it was more to society in general, in which he does have a point. Phil
  10. That sucks! I buy my Depend Diapers from Eckerd, typically they run a sale for $10.99. I use the Depend diaper for daytime use. I also buy Depend Velcro Belted, I call that product a "trim diaper" I use that whenever I'm not wearing a full size diaper. Phil
  11. Does anyone know if wearing a Microprene Dive Short {http://www.spearfishinggear.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?page=SG/PROD/C/N205UN}over a diaper will keep the diaper dry from the pool water. It drives me nuts going into the pool and having to pee. What I should say that really drives me nuts is having to take off my diaper to go in the pool! If this short would keep my diaper dry then I could wear regular swimming trunks over the Dive short since it's very thin and would reveal the diaper. I basically go in the pool to clean it so I just want to be able to do this and not be uncomfortable with a full bladder. Phil
  12. On the smoking gun website http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years...3astronut1.html They have the official police report, if you go to page five you'll read on the bottom that the police identified the diapers as "baby diapers". What I find odd is that as an Astronaut, she's used adult diapers. Plus traveling a long distance even if she fit into a baby diaper she would know it wouldn't hold as much. Anyway as on another posting about this topic, this worries and scares me. This is an individual who flipped out and diapers have to be associated with this. This doesn't help us at all! Not that adult diapers would ever be accepted by the public but this will be something that is joked about and hardly forgotten by the general public. Luckily this wasn't a man, a man would be accused of so much more and most likely still in jail. I feel like my personnel space has been invaded. Phil
  13. I'm wondering if the diapers that she had were from NASA. Maybe they give them some to wear to get use to wearing diapers and using them. I'm serious, wouldn't it make sense to let adults get use to using diapers. I'm sure we would all agree it's something that you need to get use to using. Phil
  14. Goes to show what we all know, Diapers are practical! Plus being an Astronaut maybe she realized she liked them, maybe she's a late blooming DL! Phil
  15. Hi, Okay last night I put one on with a Huggies stuffer. I love the plastic landing strip for the tapes, this tape system works great. No worry about re-positioning the tapes or just tearing the plastic. Last night I drank a lot of water and was surprised this morning to find that I didn't wet that much. Anyway today has turned into a snow day so now I can wear my diaper longer. As mentioned before, on weekends when I can wear a diaper longer in the morning, I'll wear a Molicare with a Huggies. Right now I have plastic pants on as I usually do in case of wicking from sitting. Currently my diaper is significantly wet and I'll test it till failure Again as mentioned earlier, I love white plastic! But then I'm very excited. Over a year and half ago I diaper trained myself to need diapers at night time. So I have transfered this fetish to a lifestyle, it's a strong enough desire/need that I'll continue to me diapered even though the Tena is a cloth green cover. I want to spend the rest of my life needing diapers at night time. I've expanded my desire/need during the day and one benefits of getting older is the sometime assumption of accepatance that diapers might be needed to some. Anyway getting back to the Tena Super, the other advantage of this tape system is that in the morning while sitting the leg tapes don't start popping like Attends. I am concern about only having 2 tapes on each side. I like to get a tight fit around the legs to prevent leaks, with the Tena I can't, but they do have nice elastic around the crotch. Also one downside to cloth-like backing that I don't see mentioned is that when laying on a bed protector, I can't slide around the same way I can with plastic. Bye, Phil
  16. Just got my samples today of the Tena Super. Nice and thick! I'll be wearing one tonight with a Huggies overnight. I'll give my thoughts tomorrow. Bye, Phil
  17. Sorry about your losses. Thanks for the help. Phil
  18. Hi, Yeah I would say they all lack the proper padding on the sides but I thought through the illustration that it seems to be less side padding compared to the Molicare and Attends. Since I'm tucked in downwards I guess that the side leakage will only be a concern if I'm on my side and heavily wetting. I'm so happy that I trained myself to need diapers and move this towards to a lifestyle. Hopefully the Tena's will be able to handle more wetting along with the Huggies. Bye, Phil
  19. Thanks RMS and t baby, Aren't these diapers though lacking padding on the sides? Phil
  20. Can anyone give feedback on the Tena Super {Overnight} diapers? Currently I use Attends and Molicare at night along with a Huggies size 5 overnights with these diapers. I'll use Attends during the work week and Molicare during the weekend when I can sleep a little more. Sometimes when I feel I might soak my Attends I'll add an Attends pad along with the Huggies. So I'm looking to replace the Attends, mostly because PaperPak really sucks now with customer service. When I called in October it was suggested that I try some of their other products. After two more calls and an e-mail I never heard back from them, screw them I'll take my business elsewhere, so that is where I am now. I like the cosmetic part of Attends with the full cut and white plastic, unlike the horrible green and paper like backing of the Tena Super. Anyway since I have diaper trained myself I need to find a really good diaper and try to keep the cost in consideration. I choosed Tena Super based on Magic Medical website stating they were better than Attends but less absorbent than Molicare. Thanks, Phil
  21. Hi, Years ago when I first started to diaper train myself for night time I found that everything fell in place when I rest assured my subconscious that I wouldn't get the bed wet by using a good bed protector when the diapers might leak. Phil
  22. Has anyone tried the belted shield with the Velcro? I'm wondering how well they stay attached to the garment over the course of the day. I'm wondering if I should just stick with the buttons? It would be nice to get away from the pressure points of the buttons. Phil
  23. Hi RMS, That wasn't Carla, this is JD and his girlfriend, the cute blond from the 40 year old virgin. She's the one that works in the bookstore showing her thong. Super cute! She mentioned something about him getting kicked there. I guess with Elliot it came into the story line because she's feeling maternal. I think that today's younger folks growing up with the internet and social websites like myspace are being exposed to all of this. Maybe one good thing is that they may grow up to accept that there are so many things out there to float one's boat! When I search myspace for diapers, I just look at profiles of those 18 or older and I'm finding many women who are into at least pull-up's. Also what about this recent popularity with celebrities wetting their crotches! Bye, Phil
  24. Do they have padding and a waterproof barrier up to the waistband like the Depends refastable undies? Phil
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