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  1. Thanks all for your replies. I will work on something to lessen the noise. My wife who knows I wear, can hear my nappies even the quite ones. She is aways concerned about our kids hearing them. So she is very sensitive to it. I have worn Clemens nappies which have a cloth lined plastic backing. They crinkle a little. My wife picked it up. I think I need to talk to her to get some me time sometime soon. I think that's the best thing for now.
  2. Hi. All I need some advise. I got myself for the first time ever some LFB nappies. But the problem i discovered is that they are seriously noisy. Which means I can't wear them around my family like I can with the boring medical nappies I can get where I live. For those who where noisy nappies be it the AB type or medical type and have constant family or friends around and I mean all the time besides working during the day. How do you wear them with out your nappy making noise and that no one finds out. I am very good at hiding my cloth backed nappies. Because they are clotch backed and thin. But I have no idea how to hide my new AB Nappies. I really,, really want to wear them.
  3. I have had baby formula in the past and liked it as well. I haven't had it for years now. But my thoughts would be. Have baby formula but have it as a supplement to your normal food. Otherwise, the other thing I have is warm milk with some honey in it. Absolutely delish.
  4. I have been sleeping with a teddy. I'm a side sleeper. He lays right up against me with his head just under my chin. I love the fluffy feeling under my chin. I also love the soft fluffy feeling on my chest when I sleep with no shirt on. I also usually fall asleep holding his one arm and the over my arm. Almost like he is cuddling my arm. Unfortunately he is not allow off the bed unless my family is put and about for a few hours l. Then he comes upstairs with me. He then sits in my lap and we watch TV. The other day I had a sucker I was sucking on and he just had to have some too. Hehehe.
  5. Thanks Guys for the replies. I have decided to shave mine off. I can always grow it back. For me it just doesn't feel the same. I don't call myself AB but more DL but have some AB tendencies. So when those tendencies come round I want it to be as good as I can make it. Having a beard just doesn't fit in.
  6. To all the AB men. Do you have a beard? If you do, how does it effect your AB side. Does. It interfere with getting into little space? Does it hinder you going into little space? Did you shave your beard when you discovered you are AB? Have you ever grown your beard back? Why I ask this is that I have never grown a beard. But a fewinths back I decided to to grow my beard for the first time since I started shaving. My little space has shown itself for a very long time, but yesterday I needed a bit of little time. So I went to my bedroom and had little time on my own. As always. It was a weird felling having my dummy in and feeling my beard. I wasn't feeling tired but I was laying in my bed sucking my dummy and cuddling my bear, the next thing I know I am being woken by my wife. My little side is still around today and just don't know if I want to shave my beard because of my little side or find a way to be little with a adult man's beard. Mmmmmmm.
  7. So it's been a week of 24/7 and finding it so strange that the more I wear the more comfortable I am in a nappy over normal underwear. I have been getting better sleep as I don't have to get up to go to the toilet. Speaking of which, the other night my wife woke me up and told me to go change my nappy because it smells. I mumbled something and went back to sleep. Oops. But then she woke me again about 2 mins later saying not to worry, it was the way she was sleeping. So promptly back to sleep I went. But it did get me thinking, what can I do to reduce the smell in bed to make it better for my wife. So for the rest of the week I have been searching the internet to find a nappy that would control the smell a little better. I also tried to sleep with a nappy cover but that lasted about 10 mins because they feel way to tight around my legs. I need to order some bigger ones. Anyway the search was very frustrating. My thought was a plastic backed nappy would do the trick as I have read a lot on the site as well as other sites how they block the smell. Come the end of the week and I have found absolutely nothing in South Africa that is plastic backed. They have all moved to cloth backed. So today I decided while the family is out to go on a mission to try find something and try get hold of some brands I haven't tried yet. I came home with two types of Clemens. The one I am wearing right now is cloth backed but just. It has a crinkle that I have never heard from a nappy before. Which tells me it is mostly plastic backed. So now I'm testing driving it and hopefully it will be my. New night time nappy. My wife will have to just put up with the crinkle noise. Which by the way I am soooo enjoying. I now understand plastic backed nappy wearers what you are talking about the crinkle factor. It really does remind you of what you are wearing. So here is to another week of 24/7.
  8. Hi Just seen these nappies from Molicare. I wanted to find out if anyone has used them before. If you have what are they like? Are they worth it? If no one has seen or used them before, I might just get them and try them out and let you know.
  9. Hi Agent I wouldn't say my wife isn't happy with the situation. She just doesn't want to be involved 90% of the time.. I test this every now and then. I will get to a point that I want to wear more often. I will then message my wife and tell her how I feel and what I would or going to do. Then I ask if she would be willing to help me by putting me into a nappy a few times. Normally I don't get a response in any format. The last time I did it, when I got home from work. She said to me I must call her after my shower. That all I got from her. I then went to shower and chickened out. When I got back to the living room my wife was in her office with her door closed. So calling her would have been useless and questionable to my kids as to why I'm calling her to our bed room. Messaging my wife has become sort of my safe way of telling her what I'm upto when it comes to wearing nappies. We have had some bad verbal confrontations in the past. So I either communicate by message or letter. Don't get me wrong, our relationship is solid. My wife tolerates my nappies, but that as far as she goes. She has put me in a nappy once or twice. But it wasn't in a caring manner at all. It was lift up, down. Front of the nappy up and tape. I would always have to redo the nappy because she didn't fit it properly. She would then almost sprint out the room. However she now can be in the same room when I'm putting on a fresh nappy. I can sleep in nappies if I want. But it's me that stops myself as I still get embarrassed sometimes or I feel I don't want my wife to feel uncomfortable. At the moment I'm back on with 24/7 and I don't have a problem having a nappy on when going to bed. But I always try get it all done before my wife's gets to the bedroom. I also feel like she delays coming to the bedroom knowing that I am changing my nappy. It's a weird situation. A lot of tiptoeing on my side a lot of precaution taking to ensuring my nappy isn't exposed so my kids don't see it and anyone else for that matter. As for the bed wetting incedent, it didn't happen again at all. I didn't wear a nappy for the rest of that week just as a test. But I was having to go to the loo once or twice a night. Really annoying. But as mentioned already I'm back on 24/7 and enjoying it for now. I thought well I'm here, I may as well tell you all about how my incontinence training is going. Well not really training as in "I'm training to become incontinent". Rather, I think I have said in the past on this thread, just allowing my body to do as it wants. I have always found it fascinating that when I am not wearing nappies that my continence is perfectly fine. But as soon as I have a nappy on its almost like I have always been incontinent. Most of the time all I feel is something happening and then the. Warm feeling. There is no build up, no warning nothing. Just the warm feeling happening in my nappy. Most times I don't feel anything only know my nappy is getting wet. I literally put no effort in to wetting. It just happens whenever it needs to happen. It's really a good feeling and sometimes I ask myself why am I not in nappies permanently. I'm so much more comfortable in a nappy.
  10. Thought I would update this thread of mine. It's been sometime since I posted here. Lock down for me has been interesting. I have been wearing nappies on and off, to the point it's sometimes frustrating. Some days I want to wear but at the same time I don't. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. But lately I have been wearing more often than not. I always have nappies available. Now last night something very interesting happened. I have been wearing for over 24 hours. But when I got home from work I decided not to put a fresh nappy on after my shower. When it was bedtime I thought about putting my usual night nappy on but decided against it. At some point during the night (it felt like I had just fallen asleep but can't say for sure) I semi woke to me starting to wet the bed. I can remember feeling it start and thought I have a nappy on but then realized I didn't. I didn't get a fright at all. I just stopped it, lay there for a minute then realized properly what had happened but again didn't get a fright or wasn't worried. I proceeded to get up and went to the loo. I then remember feeling the back of my sleeping shorts just to make sure it was real and sure enough it was. I got a towel and dried the area as best as possible and then jumped back into bed and fell asleep again. I think from there I was semi conscious keep an eye out but at the same time I slept well. Now I don't know if I should be worried, happy or excited about this unexpected event. To be honest for a very long time now I have had the mind set of what happens happens and I'll deal with it. I am still of that mind set. But it's almost surreal. Also what do I do tonight. Should I wear my night time nappy or not and see what happens. I also should note that when wearing at night, I normally semi wake up, wet and go back to sleep. I don't wear every night. Only on the odd occasion. Or when I'm feeling brave enough to wear to bed with my wife around. Thats a while other story. My side not My wife's. I must say it's an interesting cross roads to be at.
  11. HI Blake I have read some of your other posts on here You are very insightful and I respect that. Thank you for your comments. I wouldn't say my muscles have atrophied, it's more like as you say conditioned incontinence or as another mentioned functional incontinence. I think more so the first instance. I think I may have said it already but having that type of conditioning is enjoyable. It's already hard to be Nappy Lover and wearing nappies. Even though I have fully accepted that I am a nappy lover. Now having to put a lot of focus and effort into using nappies for the intended purpose to in a way justify wearing nappies is even harder. Getting to the point where I wet my nappy with either no effort at all or not even noticing the wetting makes it so much better and easier. It sort of makes me think and admit to myself that I am incontinent in some way or the other. On a side note. I find that when I am in a nappy I feel more thirsty and drink a lot more. Probably a conditioning as well.
  12. Thanks all for your responses. It sounds to me that it's the natural route that ones body goes through over a long time. I haven't actively trained to become nappy dependant. I have been of the opinion that if it happens it happens. I have not wanted to force myself to become nappy dependant in any way. But I will admit the thought has crossed my mind many, many times. When I go 24/7 I really do enjoy it. When I am 24/7 I consider myself incontinent. I suppose thats one of the many reasons as someone put it I'm functionally incontinent. Also when in the 24/7 frame of mind and changing my nappy or going for a shower and I feel the urge I just let it happen. The reason for this is that I feel if I truly want to experience Incontinence then it must be full on. If I'm out of my nappy for what ever reason and the urge happens I must wet myself. No excuses. This will probably overtime become more frequent and end me up in nappies permenantly, but as I said before I am taking things as they come. Yes I have had the fantasies all nappy lovers have of being permenantly in nappies. And yes I have wanted it at times but there are other times I don't. This is the reason I have taken the relaxed way of saying whatever happens, happens. Which makes me happy.
  13. Not sure if this is the right forum to post this. But I'll soon find out. What I wanted to find out from other is this. I am a DL I go through 24/7 and then nothing and then on and off. I suppose in a way it's the binge purge cycle in a way. Not that I like to think of it like that. I just have times I enjoy wearing nappies and fantasize going completely 24/7 and then there are times I just want to wear. But my point is. I have noticed for a long te now that whenever I have a nappy on its almost like Im Incontinent. Sure I feel the need to go but as I feel it I wet. I don't wet in floods. It's small amounts often. There are other times I only notice I have wet when I feel my nappy is wet and can't remember wetting. Not often but it happens. When Im not wearing everything is normal. How would one class this? It not Incontinence of any type as far as I understand. I thought it was functional Incontinence. But it's not that either. I would love to hear from you if, 1. You experience the same thing as me and 2. Do you think it's a type of Incontinence? For the record at this stage I'm not at all worried about it. In fact it's rather enjoyable not having to put any effort into making myself wet.
  14. I have just order two pairs of the pull up type. Can't wait to get them and try them on. I still have to go get terry toweling. But for now they can go over my disposables.
  15. I have been on a break for a while now. I have had the odd day that I put on what I had left for a few hours then that was it. I have now run out as well and just have the interest in going to get more nappies. I have been tempted for a while now to get some plastic pants that I have now found in my country, then go to my locat fabric store and get some Terry toweling. But I just haven't made that commitment. Probably will do something about it soon.
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