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Everything posted by JenAndTonic

  1. "I can do it." Jen whimpered, melting into Katie's arms.
  2. Time zones still were affecting Jen. She had tried to cycle before coming to England, but the natural difference in the six hour time change and her nap early in the day on the plane, meant that while Katie proceeded to go to bed for the night after putting Jen to bed, Jen woke from her nap two hours later to find herself sitting in a small, wet circle. Midnight, in a strange room, in a new country, and after the day she had, she was beaten down. It was all her fault.
  3. I have two more stories I'd like to add that could be good RPs or stories for anyone who wants to claim them. I really do want this topic to become something of a creative writing freecycle. Writers need to help each other out after all. It would be great to have more people add on as well. Ideas that might be boring to us might catch fire with someone else, so lets submit our more 'meh' ideas in the hopes that someone can turn them into something special.
  4. "No, I didn't get a look at it. Thanks for bringing my clothes to me though. Yeah, I guess it might be fun to get out tomorrow." Jen didn't pay much attention to the movie, she passively watched it while cuddled up to Katie. Katie handed Jen her bunny and she took it, but after thirty minutes of cuddling with Katie, her eyes were drooping and she was actually holding her onto bunny. Katie, for her part, rubbed Jens back while the younger girl nuzzled into Katie. 'Lets get you up to bed Jen', Katie said as picked me up right before I finally dozed off in her arms.
  5. Jen, thoroughly water logged and wrapped in a towel, met Katie downstairs. When asked if she wanted to change into her pajamas and relax Jen just nodded, she didn't want to look Katie in the eye. What a baby she had been, wetting herself, using a kids potty, and crying like a child in the shower. Katie extended her hospitality and this is how I acted. I know I must have disappointed her today. I acted more grown up when we first met each other six years ago.
  6. 'grown ups don't cry, grown ups don't cry, grown ups don't cry', Jen chanted in her head like a mantra as she held back tears.
  7. "I'm fine" Jen said, completely aware that was in no way fine. "I can hold it, just- we need to hurry up!"
  8. "Yeah, ha ha Katie, I don't think it will come to that. I'm just ready to get back to your place is all."
  9. Jen hadn't cuddled with anyone for the longest time. Years of no one wanting to do it with her caused her to imagine she didn't ever enjoy it anyway. But Katie, a cuddle from her surrogate big sis sounded pretty OK. She leaned over and let Katie put her arm around her. Jen didn't really understand it, but she felt so tranquil being held, despite the craziness in the road ahead. Jen caught a view of the soothers, a small wonder went through her mind about what it would be like to use one. She banished the thought as quick as she could. Why would she feel drawn to something for babies? She was a mature young lady, a college student and a life long over achiever. What could interest her in a pacifier, if even for a moment?
  10. "You're kidding! That would be great! You're the best Katie! I'm glad your so nice to me, I don't think any one back home would take a trip just for me to look at some old castles." Almost as soon as I gushed that out to her, I felt embarrassed, spilling my guts like that.
  11. "Thanks, but you don't have to, they were right. It is a silly kid's movie. I really appreciate it though. I don't think I've ever had someone be so nice to me."
  12. "Wow, that takes me back. Sorry, haven't watched a kids show since maybe after you left us. Wouldn't want to monopolize my three scheduled hours of free time on Sunday or my free hour before bed." Although she tried to say it as a joke, there was an audible bitterness there.
  13. "They did offer some food, but one look at it and I decided I'd do without. The food was really good, thanks Katie. Maybe when we go out to the next place I can buy? I'll at least cover the tip so you don't have to. I can't wait to get out and see the city some day with you. It be great for you to show me all the nooks and hidden spots you don't find in the guide books. Yeah, I guess I'm ready to get a move on if you are". We disposed of our trays and made for your car. I buckled myself in the front seat and soon we were clearing air port traffic.
  14. Jen knew she was just trying to be nice, but Jen needed to get moving. There were things to be done. Time settling in meant time other people were making progress and she was falling behind. Katie did have a point about the clothes, that money was for school. Jen compromised with herself, Katie could buy her a few things, but only a few. It would make her friend feel like a good host and it would give her some more clothes. But Jen didn't want Katie breaking the bank to take care of her, Jen was supposed to take care of herself.
  15. "No, I had another with me. It had over half my clothes in it! I can't believe this!" Talk about starting everything off on a bad foot, I was crestfallen. While most of my personal possessions were in the case that made it through and my laptop was stowed in my carry on, I had maybe five full outfits that wouldn't fit in my main clothing case to my name.
  16. Jen ran across the terminal to meet Katie and tossed her arms around her friend. Katie had grown quite a bit since Jen last saw her in person, pen palling and facebooking didn't really convey the height difference until now.
  17. Jen had never had more free time in her life than she did on the flight to BHX airport in Birmingham. From the time she could walk she was always doing something. Swimming classes, piano lessons, pre-k, kindergarten entrance exam classes. And that was just before she turned five. 'School is your job!', her family had never let her or her sister Michelle forget that. Classes were augmented with tutoring by a private tutor for gifted youth. Weekends were taken up with gymnastics, dance, and aikido. They even accepted a foreign exchange student six years ago to give the girls some culture. While Michelle and Katie never got on, Jen took to her quickly. She was so different, so relaxed, so easy going and happy. Plus she stuck up for Jen whenever Michelle started being mean. Every 12 hour day moving toward one goal. College. Graduating two years early with solid A's and a 4.0 Jen could go anywhere. Writing with Katie about college convinced her to give studying abroad a shot, after all, her best friend was willing to host her. What did she have to lose?
  18. Funny enough, I think my earliest memories are from the same year. I remember getting scolded for not making it to the toilet in preschool, kissing my first boyfriend (we had to both be sat down and told why that was very, very wrong) and asking my step-dad to dance with me. I remember them like I'm watching them happen to someone else though. I don't remember whats going on in my head. I don't remember much of my kid years, I was a sullen kid, and I had major anger problems. It seems, looking back, that a pretty obvious reason was being forced into a gender role I didn't want.
  19. It occurs to me I'm not good at titling. Renamed my last story. Originally titled "Octopus" because the animal is a recurring motif in the greater work. But it's not really a good title and doesn't capture the spirt of the work as much as it captures the spirit of what sounded good at 1 AM after writing the last scene. So now it's retitled 'Still Me', which I think sums everything up much more nicely.

    1. cute baby katie

      cute baby katie

      It is a good short story I enjoyed reading it thank you for sharing

  20. A full twenty pages in tonight. Abena M3's are a writer's best friend.

  21. Not much can be more frustrating that telling your crush, 'I love you' and her saying 'I know.' Then I try, 'I've had a crush on you for a few years now, and she's like 'I know'. Not sure how to take that. I really want to be her little girl. It just...it just feels like history repeating itself, like I'll never get to be someones darling daughter.

    1. DiaperBoy37


      Dont think that! You will one day. I have hopes for you! *Hugs*

    2. cute baby katie

      cute baby katie

      Please keep your hopes up I am sure there is the right person out there for you

  22. Busy tonight, but I would really like to get into role playing on the forum. Not really sure how this works, but hit me up if you're interested in an RP partner.

    1. cute baby katie

      cute baby katie

      Hi if you have any ideas for a rp let me know I have a few myself feel free to pm me

  23. Working again! Short story/one-shot/excerpt. Regressed girl goes to the aquarium with her surrogate big sister. I love it, zoo's always bring out the biologist in me, but aqquarium's never fail to let loose my little. Oh, chracter development and stuff is there too. It's part of whole but I hope it stands on it's own.

  24. I'm sure many of us have ideas that we know are so for at the end of our writing queue that we will probably never get to them. So, I want to start this topic. Stories, free to a good home. I hope that ITT we can offer up stories that may not be the most compelling to us and have other writers find something in them and turn them into something special and new.
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