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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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  1. i have been woundering a ton of questions about incontinent people lately and other thing i hope a incontinent person can better educate me and others who see this thanks in advance
  2. follow up post it was everything i expected it was my type of movie for sure it definitely lived up to the high standards and i really enjoyed it i felt they both tried very hard and it seemed at times there acting wasn't top notch but in those funny moments they hit the mark i like it its kinda slow between laughing periods but when those occure its awesome. i'd recommend it for sure. 3.5/5...
  3. om gosh people its flippin here im 21 i waited my whole life for this to come true i remember laying in bed with dad we spent so many nights laughing over and over to this movie yeah i cant wait who going to see this??? i know i am!!
  4. my name on here shall be peter so hello everyone of whom i'm nervous to expose myself to hopefully we can find common ground and i can be a great addition to the community. let me introduce my self and expand into how i became attached to diapers. it started at age 3-5 i was a emotional train wreck with sever insomnia some times awake 30+hours asbergers,autism,bipolar,anxiety and mood swings because of these mental issues at a young age i was put into a level 5 school setting where my behaviors got me put into a 3by3 foot room with 12 foot cealing brick walls and steel magnetic doors and if that didn't work they took you laid three been bages down laid you there and sat on you. i became emotional and mentally attached to diapers and also because of my emotional state i wet the bed till i was 10. i was severerly bullyed in all k-12 years i always sat alone in the lunch room and
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