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Tuxedo Oryx

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Everything posted by Tuxedo Oryx

  1. Hmmm, Ying-and-Yang, you say... Well, it would be nice to talk to someone who's questioning their gender. I've been racking my brains over whether I'm a FTM transgender or genderqueer. On the other hand, I try to not to mull too much over this since there's more to life than labels.
  2. Similarly, I'd wish to be masculine or androgynous in appearance, but resemble a female As for the poll, my chromosomes are double X, but I'd say mostly male (about 85%) in gender.
  3. What is a nosy agoraphobic's favorite pastime? Peephole watching! Did you hear about the heart who attended folk dancing classes? ...its arteries became clogged! What do you get when copycat murderers imitate Psycho? Batesian mimicry!
  4. Here's a couple of jokes I made up (though I'll bet someone somewhere on this planet may have a similar sense of humor and "made these up" as well... ) What was engraved on Mendel's tomestone? Rest In Peas. Who are the most egotistical knights in Camelot? The Knights of Me! How did the ornithologist reply to his confused assistant? "Elementary, dear Hoatzin!" Why do woodpeckers have flexible schedules? Because they can always Picidae! What do you call an adolescent turkey? A peeping tom!
  5. Okay, this might be tricky to identify: I live it to the matter want it to be better. I can only fake it when I am sitting naked on the floor. I wonder what I would be doing if there weren't four walls. I'm sitting in the box and watching it all talk and making up all my minds up is it finally times up no matter what the facts are, it is anti-matter. I'm waking up and blind. (4X) I'm feeling like a dog. And that one's "Mr. Roboto" by The Styx.
  6. It's "I Wanna Be Sedated" by The Ramones.
  7. Cool! I'll be sure to check out the skies if they are clear on those dates. Thanks for the heads up, Repaid1.
  8. Awesome, another tomboy! Don't worry; there's absolutely nothing wrong with you, and you aren't the only one (though, I understand that to feels that way sometimes). I also enjoy roleplaying as a little boy, along with other male roles (e.g. an urbane gentleman, knight-in-shining armor, mad scientist, ect.). What activities do you enjoy when play as a boy? I love playing with action figures like dinosaurs, bugs, aliens, and robots; the outdoors, catching bugs, frogs, and snakes; videogames, and reading comic books. Have fun at Daily Diapers, and I hope to see you in the chatroom and/or the forums! BTW DIAPERPHANTOM, sorry I haven't been chatting here much lately. I've been trying to finish up PreCalculus and get my A.A. Degree. I think I have one more week until I'm free for the summer...
  9. Hello, littlegirl4. I've also been trying to find another woman to baby me. Aside from searching for mommies, I'm also looking for butch and androgynous women to play as daddies. Though I would imagine that female "daddies" would be harder to find than mommies. Although I'm usually a toddler in AB roleplaying, I've been looking into the parental role as either a mother or even a mild-mannered daddy. I think I'll ask around for the board for ideas on how to roleplay as a parent. Good luck on your search!
  10. Pardon my ignorance, but who is Doctor Dill? And by "he," do you mean me? (If so, look at my profile on the left side of this message for my true gender. *Nudge, nudge. *)
  11. Count my vote in for YES as well. Your idea for curing the mundane masses almost reminds of a website called The Institute for the Study of the Neurologically Typical: http://isnt.autistics.org/ . It's a parody of the propaganda sites that negatively portray austistic people. Indeed, the epidemic of normality is quite alarming!
  12. I enjoy Monty Python's Flying Circus, The Marx Brothers, Benny Hill, Naked Gun, The Three Stooges, Spaceballs, Hardware Wars, Closet Cases of the Nerd Kind, The Addams Family, Triplets of Belleville, Aardman Animations films like Wallace & Gromit, and Mr. Bean. Has anyone seen Tank Girl? It looks like a fun movie to watch...
  13. Here's a couple of my ideas for torturing barbie dolls: 1. Using the doll as a paint brush. 2. Sticking the disjointed limbs or head up your sleeping sibling's nose. 3. Using the disembodied head as a fishing lure, especially fly-fishing. 4. Playing fetch with your dog. 5. Covering the doll in honey and drop her near an ant hill. 6. Using the severed legs and torso as candles (great for birthday mudpies). 7. For culinary uses, the legs can sticks for popsicles, caramel apples, or shish kebabs; butter knives for spreading peanut butter and jelly for sandwiches, or throw them "on the barbie" and serve them with herbs and garlic (like frog legs). You are more than welcome to use my ideas, Arrscarvi.
  14. The first time I plucked up the courage to buy diapers was last mid- or late December. That evening, I left the Star Video store, and entered the neighboring Rite Aid drugstore. When I arrived at the incontinence aisle, I carefully surveyed the different brands and varieties. A package of small sized Depends which folded and taped like baby diapers! Unfortunately, I wasn't ready to purchase them yet; there were too many people in the store. Until then, I browsed through the other aisles for items I might want in the future, particularly the baby and medical supplies. When it started to quiet down, I seized the evening, and took the Depends package to the counter. Between the aisle and the cash register, I mentally braced myself for potential jeering and questioning by planning excuses and retorts to defend myself. Fortunately, all the cashier spoke was the total price, asked whether I wanted to pay debit or credit, and thanked me for my purchase. He didn't even prod me into small talk---thank god! Relief washed over me after I left Rite Aid. Giddy tides of exhilaration and joy washed in as I walked back to my apartment. I could elaborate little on my emotions of wearing my first adult diaper, but that's another tale. From then on, I'm a little more comfortable buying diapers, but rather shy about waiting in line with my new package. I also tend to prefer buying them at night. Not really for the sake of privacy, but more for building up my enthusiasm (like renting your favorite movie(s) for the weekend).
  15. Awesome! Another tomboy! The name's Tuxedo_Oryx. I also have tomboyish tendencies, including playing outdoors, wearing unisex/boys' clothing, reading comics, getting dirty, enjoying science, and prefering toy dinosaurs, bugs, robots, aliens, and superheroes. Dissecting barbies! That's priceless! Never liked those prissy pieces of plastic... Anyways, welcome to Daily Diapers! Hope you have fun here. Oh, and please share your mudpie recipes...
  16. Reminds me of the "running vs. walking" debate amongst zombie fans. The thought of slow zombies sounds more farce than frightening. Imagine a racetrack with zombies shambling after a mechanical brain (like those ersatz rabbits used in greyhound racing). Has anyone thought about intelligent zombies (as opposed to the drooling, incoherent variety)? Though the ponderous, dimwitted corpses might function as a social commentary about the masses.
  17. Somehow the chef almost reminds me of Uncle Sam declaring "I want you!" Try to say "Dyslexic devil worshippers sell their souls to Santa" five times fast. That would make a great tongue twister! "Dyslexic Devils Worshippers" sounds like a campy exclaimation (think Batman).
  18. Or in case of those close-minded, stuffy psychologists and psychiatrists, don't demonize us as mentally ill! Reminds of me of a psychology instructor who taught a intro course I enrolled in. One day, he was describing sexual paraphilia. According to him, people with quote "unusual attractions to objects or activities" were considered mentally disordered since they don't fit the norms (e.i. infrequent amoungst the human population and goes against what the culture finds acceptable), and interferes with human relationships. He even lumped the examples of sado-masochists, shoe fetishists, and cross dressers with pedophiles! Inspite of my blood boiling, I calmly tried to point out other variations of being involved in a fetish, such as being completely satisfied with the fetish and not needed a partner, between consenting adults, and if a "vanilla" couple wanted to add a little spice in their sex lives. But he cuts me off, and stresses the point about it getting in the way of "normal" human interactions! I view fetishism as simply the strong attraction to a particular object, body part, or activity; not needing a prerequisite of being mentally ill, traumatized, or even sexually aroused. The "spice rack" is the model I use to focus on human (and in some cases, animal) sexuality. Everyone has their favorite spices, herbs, and extracts. The imagination is the limit as to how many "flavorings" can be combined. True, there are those that are either too strong for our tastes (e.g. curry powder for some people), can cause complications in excess (too much salt causing hypertension), and in a few cases, dangerous (high doses of nutmeg being toxic).
  19. Very interesting, Necare. While I do agree with modern horror focusing more on gore than psychological terror, I haven't though about the correlation between expressionism and surrealism and "repression of the human mind." I suppose this is where I become unnerved after reading fiction like George Orwell's 1984 and the ending of Ray Bradbury's "The Pedestrian." While not classified as horror, the notion of society condemning, brainwashing, and even executing the harmless characters who don't conform to a "T" is just downright scary!
  20. My favorite horror movies include Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs, Saw, Ring 0: Birthday, The Ring, Rose Red, Hellsing (the anime series), and High Tension. Favorite female characters in horror include Sadako from the Ringu trilogy, Marie from High Tension (Yummy! ), Integra and Ceras from Hellsing, and Amanda from Saw (whether in the "reverse beartrap," and short hair from Saw II). Speaking of Ringu and The Ring, I seem to share Samara Morgan's height (4'11") and long dark hair. Now if I could just get the shambling and her voice. Don't mean to boast, but I think I can do a pretty mean impression of Jigsaw's voice. Does anyone in here watch horror films to help defuse anger? Somehow watching (fantasy) bloodshed and in some cases, viscera aids in settling my nerves; though I would also prefer good plotlines to "flesh out" the disembowelment.
  21. My star sign is Virgo. Virgoan traits that relate to my personality include being meticulous, observant, modest, shy, and strongly focused on visual details. Though I consider myself a non-conformist (I'm a strong opponent against the status quo! ), outside the internet, I'm considered "rude" due to my strong preference for solitute, and will lash out at anyone trying to goad me into a (frivilous) conversation; my public appearance is often sober/sullen, can be expulsive, and I'm not afraid to get dirty, literally and metaphorically. I think I'm a little closer to being a rat, my Chinese zodiac sign: passionate, practical, intellectual (don't mean to boost), stubborn, honest (to being as blunt as a blackjack), and secretive. Squeak, squeak!
  22. LOL, indeed!!! Funny you should mention Satan. One of my favorite shirts is a black t-shirt with five red forks arranged in an inverted pentagram and the phrase "Praise Seitan" printed across the parodied symbol. For those who aren't familiar with seitan, it has nothing to do with the Anti-Christ. Seitan is actually wheat protein often used as or in meat substitutes.
  23. Lately I've been listening to songs by Thomas Dolby. At the moment, "Armageddon." A sweet techno track along with a nifty computer-animated music video.
  24. I apologise for the gender confusion; should have took a better look at your brief profile. BTW, I didn't know that "warlock" translates to "oath breaker" and "liar." No wonder you avoided that title. Though I've read somewhere that "witch" refers having wisdom. Cool! Okie-dokie!
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