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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by lilme`

  1. Another poster mentioned local mom and pop joints. I agree with that though it can be hit and miss. Some of the best food I've ever had are at the old school diners and dives.
  2. Nothing is fool proof to a sufficiently talented fool.

    1. Creepymouse


      “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

    2. lilme`
  3. I've also been on the other side of the counter. I worked for a few years in a pharmacy. I've wrung it all up (including adult diapers) and strange combinations of personal items. Like yourself, I always played it like they were buying a pack of gum. A warm smile and have a nice day.
  4. I had a Honda Civic hatch back that was 10 years old and had 375,000 miles on it and ran like the day it was made. It died a horrible death when it was borrowed and an oil change was done to it and the oil cap was left off by accident. Yea... a cylinder seized. What a shame.
  5. I started out with nothing and I still have most of it!

  6. Best rendition of this story... EVER
  7. Act of Valor had a bit of a Call of Duty vibe to it, but I thought it was good to watch. Lots of action. Good looking Navy Seal guys
  8. yea, I know he's not the greatest looking, but the show is SO worth watching if you have the time. just wow.
  9. Breaking Bad.... seriously. And season 5 JUST came out on Netflix
  10. Actually my "landline" isn't. lol. I have Verizon Homephone Connect (acts like a landline but uses cell towers, but you connect your regular phone and answering machine to it). I love it too. Unlimited local and long distance for 25 and some change a month after taxes and it's flawless service.
  11. I just let my mind wander... and it didn't come back!

    1. Valisia


      Welcome to my world ^_^

  12. I still don't even own a cell phone. I told that to some kids I work with and they were like HOW DO YOU LIVE!?
  13. I wouldn't trust you with a plastic toy phone
  14. I'm sure I'm stating the obvious here, but while my service provider may be giving me 30 down, and I get those speeds... the bandwidth from the place I'm downloading from may not have that bandwidth available... in other words i can only go as fast as the site I'm downloading from. Also there's at least a dozen switches and hubs your going
  15. what on earth do you need with that kind of speed? lol. Are you hosting servers or providing internet? I'm just curious. The average user doesn't even need a connection like mine, I pay for 30mb down x 5mb up and that's overkill for any residential service. I was
  16. So, lets test our connections just for the heck of it. Go to
  17. If I could afford it, I'd get permanent hair removal from the ears down
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