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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Kaidus last won the day on January 24 2017

Kaidus had the most liked content!

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  • Diapers
    Diaper Lover
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    Virginia in the USA
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Diaper Royalty

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  1. "It's alright, but please don't do that again" Michael requests.
  2. Kaidus

    New RP

    (OK; I wasn't sure because I attempted to post this morning before I left for work, but the site was cut off for some reason)
  3. Kaidus

    New RP

    (Is my recent reply visible to you both?)
  4. "If you just told the truth, I wouldn't have been" Grace says while gently carrying you to the bathroom; "However, you owe your brother an apology for also lying to him (seeing him come upstairs) speak of the devil; you can talk to him after you go potty." She sets Willow on the floor to lower her shorts and panties before setting her on the toilet.
  5. "That's your choice as long as you remember that you're not getting let out of diapers any time soon" I remind you; "Besides, even your most loose-fitting pants won't hide your diaper; you've must've realized that before now."
  6. Abigail checks the time to find it's only 9:45, so there's no need to worry about much for a while.
  7. Tyler feels that it doesn't matter who rides with who as long as they don't get separated without a means of meeting back up.
  8. Jane welcomes help from April and Joyce
  9. I pick up the remote and make sure it's not broken before leaving you to your tantrum to rejoin Jasmine; "Mandy tried to deactivate the lock on the TV, but failed all allotted tries" I tell her.
  10. Frank gives Chloe a silent nod so she can say something she's been wanting to say: "(Chloe) Now you know how I feel baby boy" Frank then gives everyone the okay to dig in
  11. Kaidus

    New RP

    "Very nice" Chase says commending Olivia on her masterpiece before feeling the need to speak up; "I should apologize to you both for rattling your nerves; it's never my intention to do so.
  12. I see you trying to unblock whatever channel you're trying to; "I changed the code to something you won't figure out" I tell you with a smirk.
  13. "Sure" Peter says happily.
  14. Kaidus

    New RP

    Chase can tell he's rattling Nicole's nerves, so he decides to move on; "You okay Livie?"
  15. "Skirts only for your lower-waist" I say sternly acknowledging that you'll be even more uncomfortable than you already are.
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