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Everything posted by Gennie

  1. Fantasy is one thing, reality quite another. How many people on here have wished, quite vocally, to be totally incontinent? How many people who are even partially incontinent wish they weren't! The fantasy of being babied full time is just that, fantasy. Hey, 24/7 for a week, or two, yup, I'm down with that. A month? I don't think I could last that long. A year? I wouldn't make it, at all. People wish they could have their adult responsibilities taken away, and replaced with something else. While that is appealing, it is those same responsibilities that make us who we are. Gary
  2. I"m not sure, either way. The AB side of me looks to the adult side of me, and both shake their head in wonderment on this one. I'm not familiar with RAD, but I do know that if a child is not 'in touch' with the adults in their life that they are going to grow up disenchanted, distant, and without a capability to connect to others. This is, and continues to be amply demonstrated by the current generation of children in the U.S., and I'm sure in the U.K. as well. Would a program like this, if instituted at an early enough age, give a child the opportunity to bound with the 'adult world?' I'm not sure. I do know that if the adult in the program is not close kin or parent, then when that person is gone, the contact is gone, and the child will fell more removed then they were before. Children, latch key kids, who have single parents, or both parents working, need to have extra attention from Mommy and Daddy when either or both are available. Failure of mom and dad to give the child, or children, attention will lead to a lot of the problems we're seeing now. With mom and dad getting home, and tired, and neither wants to 'parent' anyone, then the gap widens. Stresses of the day at work are often brought home, along with short tempers, anger, and downright hostility. Sometimes the parents even notice it, too. So, if a counselor, at an early enough age, can help a family reconnect, it may establish that child as a person of worth. On the other hand, how many bullies are in school taunting these kids about 'baba and nappy time?' Yes, I know that no mention of diapers, nor do I believe they would use them, but it's got to follow that those kids who would bully someone would add that to the taunt. How does that affect the child's self esteem and self confidence. It's an interesting concept, I'm not sure, either way. The funny thing, though, is that after following the link in the original post, and then following the link to Theraplay, and reading on their website, this is very similiar to something I wanted to do back in the late 80's, which if I had sufficient funds, I might have embarked on. I wanted to create the InnerChild Playcare Centers, a place where you could go, as an adult, and allow yourself to become a child again. The play, interaction with others, and behavior of a child would have been encouraged. I thought of having trained staff there to help people with various mental and emotional issues, as well. But, I wanted adults who were overtaxed and stressed with the adult world, to have a place to come where they could shed their adultness for the safety and playfullness of their childhood once again. A place that would not ridicule, or demean the individual because they wanted to get small again. While I was an AB at the time, this was not designed as an AB playground, but a safe haven for 'normal' people who wanted to get 'small' again. Gary
  3. While still looking for a relationship for myself, I can't believe that this guy is totally missing the point, and that is that both people need to have their particular needs met. If she wants vanilla, or suger coated cayenne hot sex, it doesn't matter, he better stand to attention, and get her taken care of. Anyone who doesn't is going to lose their partner, and rightfully so! Even relationships where both are babies, or Daddy/Baby Girl and one partner is not getting their fair share is likely to end up in the dumpster. Both need their needs met. Someone once said that marriage is a 50/50 proposition, but that's actually incorrect. In fact, marriage is 100/100 proposition, and if both partners aren't giving it 100% of themselves to the other, and that includes each others sexual needs, then it's going to fail. If I was the wife, he would be so cut off, it would hurt him. I would burn his diapers in front of his eyes, just to make a point. It plays both ways. If she isn't getting hers, he doesn't get his. And since he isn't really a baby (none of us ABs are!) he needs to act in a responsible, grown up way, if he wants to keep what he has. Gary
  4. Only time heals pain, and there is no pain like losing a family member, i.e., your mother or father. The only worse feeling is losing a child. You will get over your pain, and in time your grief will subside, too. However, you will always have something missing in your life, and there is no replacement for that. Memories, good memories of your mom and you together will help to line the hole in your soul, and make it a softer place to visit, but nothing makes the gap go away. If it did, I would wonder very much about that individual. You have the solace of your family and close friends, and they will be there for you, as you will be there for the others that have lost their mother and family member. Giving to others also helps you to relieve your own pain, and is a cure for all. Your suffering will seemingly pass farther and farther from you each day, as you cope with the loss, and your grief will not cause as much pain as you move on. Your mother now only lives in your memories and you need to find inside of you, those perfect memories that do her honor. With those memories, those rememberences of times when your life was brightened by your mother, you will move forward through this life. Remember to pass the same kind of memories on to those who, one day, will go through the same thing as they grieve over your mortal body passing. Gary
  5. This thread was brought to my attention earlier today, and I decided to come read it. I am appalled at the attitude 'heidilynn' has, not only for himself, but for all people, AB, DL, or otherwise 'normal.' However, it is the mentally ill who are the last to see their own illness, if they ever do. You talk about resistance, then you make this comment. However, what *I* see is a 'soldier' is being blatantly warned by comrades about the precipitious dangers ahead, and blindly walking into them, with no regard for his own life, or those of his comrades. It's like someone being warned repeatedly about the edge of the cliff, but not caring, and prancing over the edge, full of their own visions of a bridge that does not exist. Delusional, actually. While not a trained professional, I would suspect that heidilynn meets multiple axis' for schizophrenia from DSM-IV. While others have, at the beginning, and just recently, brought up a growing awareness of the NEED of incontinent products with the aging of the largest population segment, that still would preclude any knowledge of AB or DL lifestyles. Nor, I suspect, would that knowledge be welcome, either. The greater population of the U.S., and I suspect the world, is uncomfortable with the ideas espoused in many 'alternative lifestyles.' As Tigger said, there are even things within our own community that members of this community find hard to grasp. How can we expect non members to understand? As to the 'Baby Boomer' generation, their need for incon products is one of a medical nature, and must be seen from their point of view as something they'd prefer not to have to deal with. It most certainly is not something to be embraced. I will agree with heidilynn that our lifestyle is becoming more public, and more people are becoming aware of it. However, awareness does not constitute acceptance. Something that heidilynn does not seem to grasp. While people in his neighborhood must know of him, and his 'antics', surely they must be laughing behind his back. I'm sure on multiple occassions, there had to be some child, pre teen, or teen ager who has flat told him that he's mentally ill, or some phrasing of that sentiment. But, yet, from his position, he can either not hear those words, or more likely, refuses to acknowledge that they exist. From reading his posts here, it is clearly evident to all but heidilynn that he suffers from some mental disorder, but unfortunately is unable to seek the help necessary. I do not believe that AB, DL, or infantilism is a 'mental disorder' as much as it may be mental damage. I speak from my own position, and do not speak for others here, this is my opinion. However, in a mentally damaged mind, there are still parts that function 'normally', and those parts are aware that it is not in the individual's best interest to parade around in such a manner as heidilynn does. Obviously, he is incapable of functioning at that level, because he finds it 'proper' and 'normal.' As to his comments on the legality of doing what he does, he is probably right, although there are laws on lewd behavior, and he might be prosecuted under those laws in a different jurisdiction. But, even so, his comments show only rationalization for his behavior, to make it 'right' and 'acceptable.' By the way, I don't believe I've ever seen heidilynn in the media, nor am I interested in such a thing. To me, he is indeed doing more damage to our cause than most anything else I've heard of. Since almost every person who has responded to his posts here has made that same comment, the majority seems to speak. Heidilynn, being the minority, seems to be saying what he must say the loudest, not only to be 'heard', but more likely, to support his own ill-conceived ideas about the rightness of what he is doing. I believe that on some level he must be aware of the damage he is creating, not only to himself, but to all of us, but refuses to acknowledge it. Either that, or he is incapble of doing that. Lastly, it is possible that he has no such knowledge, which indicates that he is truly 'insane' and a reprobate. If that is the case, I do hope that he receives the help he so desperately needs. Gary
  6. Virgo. Virgo the Virgin, an earth sign, is the sixth sign of the tropical zodiac. The Sun on his annual journey shines in Virgo between Aug 22 and Sep 21, though it can vary depending on the year. The Sun in astrology stands for our inner nature, the stamp of our true character. A mutable (fluid and changeable) sign, Virgo governs critical analysis, intellectual subtlety and service. Virgo people are inclined to be practical and industrious, yet adaptable, with a remarkable eye for detail. Virgo is an intellectual and discriminating feminine sign ruled by the magical trickster Mercury, the messenger of the gods. True, and I like the 'feminine' part The emblem of Virgo, a virgin holding sheaves of wheat in her hands, symbolises wisdom, garnered in the fields of experience. Like the true virgin, most Virgos are shy and, like a virgin waiting to give herself to the perfect lover, Virgo is also idealistic. Probably also true. Disappointment, however, can harden you into a cynic and a skeptic. Virgo consequently becomes quite critical with self as well as circumstances, due to the effect of such disappointments on a sensitive and discriminating nature. Very true The planet Mercury, governing our intellect and communicative faculties, rules Virgo, where tradition also places the house of its exaltation, so Virgins have a truly intellectual, critical and analytical approach to life. Communication is important and you love books, magazines, and writing. Yes I do A Critical Eye A critical eye for detail, combined with your ceaseless pursuit of perfection, endows you with an irresistible urge to improve everything and everyone (whether they need it or not!). Service-oriented Virgo seeks to improve the environment, by pursuing careers in health-related fields, or in other structured areas such as teaching, labour relations, or counselling. Intensely personal situations can be somewhat inhibiting, but other circumstances can produce a very dynamic Virgo indeed. Hmmm. Sounds familiar Although you often have altruistic motives in helping others, you do have a teensy tendency to act the martyr when your offerings are ignored. It is not unheard of for you to use guilt as a weapon. Helping others to improve is one thing, my dears, but pushing them toward goals of perfection they cannot hope to accomplish is quite destructive, as well as impossible. Maybe Health Conscious Health-conscious Virgo makes an effort to stay physically fit and you don't mind repetitive exercise routines, if you can see achievable outcomes. You enjoy tennis, racquetball, swimming, sailing, fishing, and biking, even though athletically you are not overly competitive. It's just that you always seek to perfect whatever skills you may have, primarily for the sake of doing a thing well. Talented in various crafts, dressmaking and designing, you may also take a particular interest in such things as cartography, travel, and philately. I hate excercising, but I need to. Virgo rules the the sinuses, respiratory system, and bowels. Colds, flu, allergies, problems with intestines and constipation are common Virgo complaints. You are also subject to black moods and despondency from time to time, which can adversely affect others in your vicinity. Especially the foul moods and despondency Your colours are blue, yellow, grey, tan, navy, and lilac and your birthstone is the sapphire, a variety of corundum. This gem was considered by ancient societies to be a love charm. Though they come in a variety of colours and can even be transparent, the most valuable sapphires are blue. Blue is also the principal colour associated with Virgo. Flowers and plants for Virgo include the aster, chrysanthemum, ivy, and fern. Hmmm, I prefer pink! Gary
  7. Flew for over a year, and never crashed my airplane. Oh, I ran it off the runway once, into the high grass, but never broke it. Well, never broke it FLYING it! I broke the stabilizer once getting it out the door! Now, as for MY INSTRUCTORS airplane....that's another story! We were flying his Zagi wing one night, and I had it inverted, and it was low to the ground, and I didn't realize I was inverted...it's a flying wing!...and I yanked back on the stick. Oooops! Hee hee hee. Broke some plastic, dislodged the battery, but those Zagis are designed to be taped back together, and fly an hour later. So, no big deal. Besides, we shouldn't have been flying after dusk! Gary
  8. I have an R/C airplane, but it's been sitting for two years, because there is no place to fly it, really, in the Pacific Northwest. Too many trees. I used to fly in Valley Forge National Park, which was nice. A friend of mine, a couple of years ago, had a turbine helicopter, that was awesome to watch fire up and fly. And, yes, it really does sound like the real thing, too! There have been some big R/C airplanes, however a quarter scale B-52 is a little hard to imagine. At 185' wingspan, that would be over a 45' wingspan in quarter scale, and that's bigger than a real life Piper Malibu! There was a scale -52 that crashed a few years ago, it was less than 1/10th scale, but still had eight jet engines. Very sad to see that go in. I wish I could find a place to fly my plane, as I'd like to get back into it. Gary
  9. "Hmmm, as soon as I get these 'big girl' clothes taken care of, I can go play with my baby toys!" Gary
  10. From the Kama Sutra, the Diapered Version. Position 88! Gary
  11. "You're going to put that WHERE??? Ooooooooooooooooooooooo la la!" Gary
  12. Actually, even before I saw Autie's reply, I knew I would be taking all five books in the totally misnamed Hitchhikers Guide Trilogy series. If I'm going to be stuck on an island, I want something to make my laugh. Of course, if Dolly is going to take them, maybe I can borrow hers. So, with *that* in mind... Robert Aspirin's 'Myth Adventures' (the whole series) My "Sleep Like A Baby" CD I was *going* to say a generator with unlimited fuel and my music keyboard, but Chloe's bringing a piano. Maybe a bunch of sheet music to play. Gary
  13. No. My suggestion would be to download Microsoft's Defender Anti Spyware, and run a complete scan of your computer. You probably have some serious adware/spyware on your computer that could be reporting a whole bunch of stuff to people you have no idea about. I would also make sure that Microsoft's Firewall is engaged, if you don't already have a different firewall (I use Zone Alarm). Also, make sure you have a good anti virus software and that it's up to date with the latest definitions. I use Avast for that. It's free for personal use. Gary
  14. Capt. David I. Stanley was the C.O. of Los Angeles for a while. He was also the former X.O. of Omaha, a boat my step father served on at the time. From what my step father tells me, there was a lot of mutual respect between the two. You've heard of 'six degrees of seperation,' I was wondering if this was our six. LOL. I have three sisters, and my mother, and all married sub sailors. My one sister is divorced from her husband....cheating on his part. My two other sisters are still married to theirs, one long out of the service, the other out, and then back in, and now serving on Pennsylvania out of Bangor. My step father served, as stated above, and also on a boomer. My brother was on Albuequerque (sp). I was the black sheep, I went in the Air Force. Of course, I didn't find out about diapers until after I had gotten out of the service, but I knew I wanted to be a baby from the time I was six or seven, but never understood the significance of how I felt. Right now, being in this area, we have Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Keyport, and Bangor within a stones throw, so I'm hip deep in submariners. I respect them, and want to make sure that people know that I appreciate the sacrifices they made, and continue to make, in defense of our country. Tommy Cox put it best in his song 'Boomer Patrol.' The sacrifices on land and under the sea are great, but so is the duty. I always try to thank those who make the sacrifice, and those, like you, who have come before and showed the way. Thank you! Gary
  15. I don't know that I asked you, I don't recall. I have such a crappy memory. May I ask who the C.O. on Los Angeles was when you served on her? Gary
  16. Senior Chief, Currently I live in Silverdale. What boats were you on? Gary
  17. Of course, I don't advocate 'getting rid of them,' either, as when one leaves, another replace them. The line is long, and seemingly endless. In open chat, I'll go ahead and usually very nicely, try to explain to them, in open chat, that what they've done is unacceptable and by the vast majority, undesired. Then, I'll go ahead and explain that joining in a conversation is as easy as posting. About half the time, they leave, and the other half of the time they say 'I'm sorry, I didn't know that.' and often times continue to post here and become a nice person. Gary
  18. Fortunately for me, I don't get PMs in here, except for a couple of people who are concerned for me. For those, they already know me, at least somewhat, and I have no objection to that. Unsolicited PMs, usually in chat, for me, are a total turn off. Needless to say, I've made it quite clear to many people that PMing me is not the way to get on my good side. Witch, I often equate unsolicited PMs not as a chance at conversation, but more akin to the homeless alcoholic or drug addict coming up to me and asking for change, or money, or something. Most of them lie to you, you know they're lying, and they know you know they're lying, but still do it. At least one guy in Seattle is at least straightforward about it, he says I want money to buy booze. I think he has the highest results. If someone PMs me and says "Hey, I see you have a girls name, so there's probably two of you, and I want to have sex with her, or at least have sex fantasizing about her." then I'll at least be aware of where he's coming from. I rarely ever get PM'd by a girl, although it has happened. But, the unsolicited, or uninvited PMs in chat just annoy the hell out of me. Most times, I'm chatting with others, and it's obvious I'm chatting with others, and someone interrupts me with a PM. To me, that's like I'm in the middle of a conversation, and someone butts in and says "I'm more important then they are, talk to me, tell me how old you are, where you live, and what sex you are, and oh, by the way, I"m wearing a wet and messy diaper, and I want you to change it for me.' No! It's rude, and we've allowed people to get away without manners for so long that we've actually come to believe that it's alright. It isn't. To me, this whole thing is just further proof of a dead and rotting society. Gary
  19. The Perfect Balance You scored 67% Playfulness!!! You walk hand in hand with your inner child. You are not entirely consumed by childlike wonder, but you recognize it and still enjoy it to a high degree. You take your inner child out for regular playdates, and this makes you a lot of fun to be around, if a little unpredictable to those around you. But that's okay, it keeps them on their toes! (Now rate this test if you love me! Or even if you don't hate me, that's good enough too!) I dunno. Gary
  20. I am probably going to regret doing this, but oh well, here goes. In fact, I do regret it. So much for trying to help people. Good bye Gary
  21. Sergio Mendes and Brasil '66, So Many Stars. In fact, I've just finished burning 10 different Herb Alpert and The Tijuana Brass albums, and I'm in the process of downloading thirteen Sergio Mendes albums. Those will probably get burned on Saturday and Sunday. Have to play each one through completely to create a .wav file that I can make my CDs from. Gary
  22. If I can get over to my Mom's having the cat sitting in my lap in front of the fire while she gets petted is a wonderful relaxant for me. If I can't, then I need to do something else. Nothing is nicer than punching .45 calibre holes EXACTLY where you want them (usually envisioned with somone specials head as the target) at a range of 25 yards. Requires skill, determination, concentration, and hearing protectors. After I holster the pistol, I'm usually in a LOT better mood. Gary
  23. Well, nothing really, but I am downloading a bunch of Vince Guaraldi music. You may not know the name, but I guarantee that 95% of you have heard the music, repeatedly, and like his most famous song. Gary
  24. TP, I'm almost willing to put your post off as a joke, except I've met a couple of talented musicians who probably *could* play all those instruments. Music and playing an instrument just falls naturally to them. I play keys, but not really well. I had about a years worth of piano, which I never really studied. Currently, I own one of these and am looking to upgrade to one of these or probably this. You can see and hear some of my work here. Gary
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