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Everything posted by mikejackson999

  1. Since you make him sit on the toilet after a change, maybe you should make him sit on the toilet until he does something(since you said within 10-15 minutes he usually does something). It really sounds like he is being told to do two different things between you and the ex. What needs to happen is for the ex and yourself to get together(I know it is the ex for a reason) and come up with 1 set plan that BOTH OF YOU will follow with him. It does a child no good when one will do things one way,. and the other does it another way, the kid gets confused that way.
  2. I don't know what time you put your son down to bed at night, but one trick you could try is to move it back 30 minutes and then say if he remains dry all day, he gets to stay up later. Another trick my sister used on my nephews was for every day they stayed dry, they would get their favorite food for dinner as well, but if they were wet, they wouldn't I would get him examined first, and not just the normal routine examination, insist on a bladder test, because your son may have a small bladder still, which cannot hold very much(like one of my kids had when they were younger, hence why he had a blanket bathroom pass from 1st-3rd grade, which is the same thing I had until 4th grade) so when it fills, he may know he has to go, but when he does, its to late because the bladder is already full.
  3. Jason, you are looking at it from an adults viewpoint. Go to a child with a wet pull up and ask them if they are wet, and most times the child is going to tell you "no", because they simply want to keep playing and do not want to stop. And that is normal for kids. That is why they have those patterns that disappear, they like to claim its for kids to know that they are wet, but its really for adults to know without having to stick their fingers into the diaper/pullup. When my kids(I have 6 of them and another on the way) were in diapers, if they wore disposable diapers on long trips instead of cloth(made it easier for us to change them), every time I would ask them if they were wet, they would always say no, but wearing cloth, if they were wet, they knew they were wet and would want to be changed ASAP. I do not have numbers to show its a rising problem, but I would not be surprised if it was though, considering my local public school system has a rule in place that the child must be toilet trained before they can be enrolled in school, unless they have a verified medical condition(doctors note), and when they are allowed to enroll wearing diapers/pullups, they go to the nurses office for a change, the teacher does not change them. The same rule is in place at the private schools my kids go to as well. Many preschool programs for 4 yr olds in my area also have that rule as well. I have lived where I live all my life except for a few years I was in the military when I was younger. I never saw many 3 yr olds in diapers growing up, never saw many 4 yr olds either(unless they had medical conditions), yet I can go to several different parks in my area today and see several 3-4 yr olds wearing diapers under their pants. I have no idea why, but I really do suspect that it was from that fad years ago where a diaper company stated over and over and some Dr. Phil types all said "let the child decide when they are ready". All of my kids were out of diapers by 2 1/2, but like I said earlier, when they were 1 1/2 I shifted them from disposable to cloth, so they would not like wearing wet diapers all the time and would come to me or the wife and say they were wet. My stepkids on the other hand, my wife had a hell of a time getting her 3 boys out of diapers. 1 wore until he was nearly 4, the other 2 didn't get out of them until they were around 3 1/2. She said when she would ask them if they were wet, they always said no, and letting them sit in wet diapers/pullups never bothered them as long as they could play(like i said earlier, normal for kids). They never complained until they were not doing anything to keep them occupied.
  4. Actually she does have a point. Pull ups and diapers are made with "strips" for the child to know they are wet, but if its a small wetting, they will not feel it at all. When I was potty training my kids, once they turned 1 1/2, they went from disposable to cloth diapers, and by the time they turned 2, they were all pretty much out of diapers for the most part, because they hated the feel of a wet diaper on them, even with a small wetting.
  5. I still have my external CD burner(which still works), my zip drive, etc. Heck my kids still use an old Compaq PC with Windows 95 on it(it doesnt go online)
  6. The problem is, what you say here is 100% the opposite of what you state in your blog. You keep saying they used editing to make you look bad, yet your own blog comfirms exactly what the show "edited" to make you look like. That is where many are coming from(especially me) That is why I say you did more harm then good. I have chatted with my friends(some of who know I was a DL prior to my medical issues), and family(who did not know I was a DL) who watched that episode, and almost everyone said the same thing, which was "this guy needs help", or "this guy is a freak". Thats not good. Don't take my criticism wrong, I applaud the fact you felt that you needed to try and point the lifestyle you choose in a good light, but you didn't really accomplish it, and you continue to say that it was editing that made you look bad. It wasn't editing(see above) The fact that your GF decided to break it off before the show hit the airwaves also says a lot as well. So you are going to say that Dr. Phil pressured her into ending it as well? It was "creative editing" that made her look like she was really re-thinking the relationship while she was being talked to on the show? I was lucky when it came to my second wife, who was understanding that I liked to wear diapers when I was stressed and needed to unwind, and occassionally I like to pretend I am only 3-4 yrs old. But I only go that route every so often and only when the wife is ok with it and will play along. But unlike you, I put those things to the side when the wife asks(and I also indulge her fantasies as well, even though I do not like one of them) and I act like an adult 95% of the time.
  7. My friend owns three of them in my area, and he loves it. He told me what happens on TV is actually harder these days, because many places push the "auto pay" option, which automatically pays the months rent on a specific day. He had had payments suddenly stop as well, and he then sends a notice to the address on record, and if no response, he does nothing, same with 60 days, then at 90 days he sends a final notice, files some paperwork and on day 120(4 months) he cuts the lock, goes into the unit, looks for things that he can use to recoup what is owed, puts his own lock on, then calls his friends(myself included) and tells them if they want, to come down and look through the unit and take what they want. One time a guy came in after the 5th month and the unit was rented to someone else and he tried to sue my friend in small claims court. The judge ruled for my friend because he had been given a 30, 60, and 90 day notice and did not bother to contact my friend. The guy was suing just for the value of the 64 inch LCD that was in the unit. he was pissed. Oh that TV is curently at my friends house lol
  8. So you are trying to claim that they edited the show to make you come across as someone who only takes and takes and never gave anything back to Cat? And they edited her own words to say the same? Do you not realize that what you have stated on your blog has pretty much comfirmed what the show aired about you? There was no misconstruing what you said on the show, your own blog shows that, especially after she left, and you admitted on your blog to immediately going online to find someone to replace her with. And yes, you did damage the community. You may not realize it, but really, your blog makes you look bad, which also makes the community look bad. Yes you live a successful life with a job, thats great, but after the GF left you, you admitted you forget to eat, and you cant baby yourself as often so instead of toning it down, you go further and wear babyish outfits in public. Dude thats not helping the community, especially when most people who watch Dr. Phil come away thinking you as someone with a fetish that needs to be toned down. You really think she is going to keep coming around to visit you once she finds another boyfriend? Do you really think a new boyfriend is going to like the fact that she is going over to your place to change and feed you? No he isn't, and she will have to make a choice, especially considering she even said she wants to have a real baby. You lost a great thing you had going because of your own stupidity, the show didn't edit and make you look to be the bad guy in all of this, you did it yourself. You were told that you should tone it down, and you said you would consider it, yet your blog says differently. So which is it? Did the show lie or did you lie on the show?
  9. He hurt the community more then helped. Sure he came across as a successful person in life, but he hurt because now millions will think all AB's are exactly like him, wanting someone to change them all the time, don't care about sex, want to sleep in a crib, etc. I am glad he will not have kids though, what he said on the show made me afraid of what he would do to that real baby who needs the love, a 20+ yr old should never be jelaous of the attention a baby needs, but he came across as the type who would I found my wife to be understanding, but she does not partake and I have gone long stretches without indulging as well, but she does allow it every so often, as long as it does not conflict with my adult responsibilities, which involves raising kids(hence very rarely do I get to partake unless the kids are gone), but know what, I found a balance, something this guy did not and does not want to do, which is why I ay he hurt the community. EDIT: And reading his blog, another thing that hurt now is his own words on that 1. I really hope he is not talking about his ex as the someone, if she says its over and wants nothing to do with him, he best be leaving her alone. 2. Really, not remembering to eat? That there is a sign that you have gone overboard with the lifestyle and need to cut back on it. You have lived the fantasy life to much. If you need to dress like that in public to remain sane, that means you need to tone it down.
  10. Same. I wake up, and wait because there is no sense in wasting a diaper for no reason, even if I don't pay for them
  11. Depends on where you go. I have a great all you can eat place in my town that costs $5/plate, and $3/drink(free refills), and having as many kids as I do, its very well priced, considering most places charge $10+. I don't eat much, but considering I get a portion of porterhouse steak as an option, that alone is worth the $8
  12. I get mine through the company that I sued and as part of the settlement, they have to pay for the supplies I require for the rest of my life. Every 90 days I am required to go to a doctor of their choosing to verify that I am still in need for them, but I have not had to go for over 2 years now since they understand that it will never go away. At first they tried to push me to use a bag but they understand why I hate using those(which I do use on occasion when I don't want to wear), and they had me pick out what I want, and they have a shipment sent every 90 days to my house already paid for. My son's are the same way but through my wife's insurance policy and they to are shipped every 90 days automatically, and getting verification for them is easy, since the wife is a doctor and is his physician, so she knows he needs them.
  13. That song was made famous 12 years before I was born, but my parents always played that song for me and my sister, and when I had kids, that was one of the first songs that they learned the lyrics to as well. Its a rare song which I think will always be passed on generation to generation, because its a great song and easy lyrics for kids to latch onto I agree I used to cry for poor puff when I was a kid
  14. Only so far. We do not know what prescription medication he is taking, we don't know if he used Chantix to quit smoking(we just know he did), but we know his health is good, but we do not know his daily exercise regime if he has one.
  15. When I lived with my parents, I wore under all the time, but I wasn't obvious about it either. I hid mine in my vehicle, and I made sure to toss the wet ones in the garbage can in the garage and not wait till garbage day to get rid of them(to keep the smell down). Heck living with my parents, they never even knew what kind of underwear I wore after the age of 10 when I started buying my own, and thats the way it should always be, even with living with them.
  16. "nilla" in my area is used by kids to put down kids parents who are concerned about their kids. I am a nilla according to my kids because I make my kids show me their completed homework before they can go out and play, make them do their chores before they can play video games, make sure that they are in at curfew not a second later. Myh kids hate the fact other kids call me it, because they know I only care about them and want them to have responsibilities in life.
  17. Even before I had to wear all the time, I wouldn't really care. I live my life the way I want to, and I tell my kids that(especially the one who needs to wear) because if you worry what others will think all the time, life will be a dread
  18. Been there, seen that, had to clean it. Funny thing is, the most disgusting thing I ever had to clean was my second oldest biological son's diaper after his older brother decided to feed him left over chili when he was a year old
  19. When I worked for a university as a janitor, at the end of the school year I had to clean the dorm rooms. My first time doing that(shortly after starting) me and 4 others went into a mens room and found a vibrator, used rubbers, and heavily soiled panties and boxers stuffed into the heating vents of the room. The vibrator had dried blood and crap on it, so it wasn't hard to figure out what it was used for. Over the years, I had found all sorts of stuff in those dorm rooms, nothing ever surprised me after that first time, and every time someone new came along and was sent to clean those rooms, I always told them to expect the unexpected. I have found many things cleaning those dorms, the best was when I found a bag of what turned out to be cocaine, and had to notify the police and the kid tried to claim we planted it lol
  20. More like Trick or treat, give me something good to eat....or I start egging
  21. Well it was better than most boxing you see on PPV these days
  22. Yeah when I saw the previews, I didnt think I would like it and was dreading taking kids to see it. Overall, it was better than expected and I enjoyed it, and I am a cynic when it comes to movies these days.
  23. I never understand why people would want to blend home and work life myself. I have to wear diapers due to medical issues, but even before the accident, I was a DL, but I never wore to work, no matter how tempted I was, because I really did not want others to find out. My current wife understood I was a DL(I told her on the second date, this way she had a chance to leave before it got to serious and I met her kids and she met mine), but even before the accident, my kids never knew I wore as they really did not need to know either.
  24. I was forced(my wife and I switch off and on on who takes the kids to movies) to take the kids who wanted to see this(along with some of their friends) and I am glad it was my turn. It was a decent fun movie that was enjoyable for the most part.
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