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Shotgun Diplomat

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Everything posted by Shotgun Diplomat

  1. Phew! I think that this is going to be a doozy of a good read. I like the melancholic Doctor angle, and although we don't know much at all about them, I feel that it is going to be an interesting ride. If they do decide to jump dimensions, are they going to insist on a contract like in "Exchanged"? If they do will it be honoured? Inquiring mind needs to know. Thank-you for the sampler. You have certainly whetted my appetite for more. Cheers!
  2. Do you remember those CD-ROMS that got dropped in the mail. I sure do. Ahhhh...simpler times.
  3. I am going to start out by saying that I really really love this story, and I really really love Star Trek. That being said, I am not a fan of Maedra. It is completely unethical for a counselor to give professional advise to a person with which they are in an intimate relationship. There is too much mud in the water, and their professionalism will suffer because no matter how good you are you will still have a personal agenda. With that out of the way, I am really eager to see where you take this, and what role Maedra plays. I am assuming a foil or a general antagonist, but can only guess. Thank-you for the addition, I can't wait for the next one.
  4. As requested. I really liked what you have thus far. The story is good, and the characters are fantastic. Although not totally fleshed out yet, I loved the dialogue between them, and the palpable nervousness that "Milo" displayed when sharing his preferences. Thank-you for the story, I am eager for more when you have it.
  5. WOW! So the we have now discovered who the money behind the ersatz rescue and reconnaissance mission is. Very interesting. I really like how "Jack" acknowledges that the elongated shadows in this "revenge room" provide no actual physical advantage. The rather help him mentally by reinforcing the fact to him that he is working bother literally and figuartivly in the shadows. Very well done. Thank-you. I did notice one small typo: I am pretty sure it is meant to read: "Jack wasn't stupid. If he was stupid...". Thanks again for the wonderful addition, I am hungerying for more.
  6. That was an an amazing ride, thank-you. Happy that Travis actually escaped, a little sad that his only prize was isolation and seclusion for society at large. That is unless, as you say he will be heavily referenced in the new work to come, in which case I hope that all has worked out for him in the end. Regardless, thanks again for the wonderful read.
  7. I have my theories about Lisa. If I am right I am really enjoying the slow burn approach that you are taking with the eventual reveal. Either way, this is turning out to be a fantastic story, and I am eager for your next installment. Thank-you.
  8. I am not surprised that you did. His grand run through the inter-dimensional portal chambers representing the last sprint of his conscious mind towards the inevitable end of babble and babydom?
  9. I love this! I am really rooting for Travis and his hopefully successful escape. How cruel it would be to find that it is all a simulation programmed for him to experience during the "procedures" that you mentioned earlier?
  10. I am foreseeing a shank making a violent, and brief appearance. This is wonderful, and I am really glad to see you writing another "Diaper Dimension" story. It is a different flavour for certain than "Exchanged". But as we have all come to expect from you it is really, really, really good. You spoil us so bad. Thank-you.
  11. I really like the more nuanced approach that you are taking with the re-write. Very enjoyable, and very well done. Thank-you.
  12. Wow, I really like where this is headed. The perspective is one that I don't recall being used before, that of a willing collaborator, and betrayer of her own kind. It is dark, and I love it. Thank-you for the update.
  13. Your're breaking my heart. Cest la vie. Life goes on. Thanks for the ride while it lasted.
  14. Speaking from experience here, I feel that this will be a very good story. Happy to see you post another. I never get tired of re-reading "The Fifth Column" or "The Product Tester".
  15. This, exactly. Either Lila is acting, or her emotions are so over-the-top spill-out-of-the-glass intense that she needs to consider some form of external control mechanism. If it is the former, it is more troubling, because if she is acting -and we have had no reason to think otherwise- then we have yet to actually meet Lila. And have only met one or more of her many personae. If and only if this theory pans out, I wonder what she is like beneath the layers of guile and guise?
  16. We already know who she is (in a way). She is a doll. Enough said. That being said, this was a really enjoyable chapter, Lila is a little scary; she can turn her emotions on a dime, and to me that is a little disconcerting. Nevertheless, this was excellent, and I thank-you. I hope that you and yours are faring well in these times of uncertainty.
  17. ...when I realized that this is the underwear that I should be wearing for the rest of my life.
  18. I am really enjoying how this is shaping up. I especially liked the little almost slip-up from Lisa regarding her explicit need and then just as explicit un-need of the bathroom.
  19. Small typo. I assume you meant "Ones" instead of once. It is repeated in the next sentence as well. Other than that, a very fine addition to your story. Thank-you.
  20. Your're back! I am so pleased that you decided to continue this story. It is a real treat to see two things that I love dearly be intertwined so well. Thank-you for the update. Unfortunately you have left be bereft of more, so until you post again. Thank-you very much.
  21. That phrase when used, especially with a three year old, never works out. I am loving this story, and I can't wait for your next installment. Thank-you.
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