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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Dartplayerinwvc

  1. Photo or exact product name on the package please?
  2. I was a DL since the 70's.... be careful what you wish for.... I have MS and colon cancer issues now.... and wearing 24-7 is a pain in the ass
  3. I wear, nearly 24-7 and we do medical deliveries 14 hrs a day - alot of walking..... diapers start to come apart after 5 hrs..... Diaper creams are part of this and need to be used but also the LEGEND is they help the diaper disintegrate - we can send men to the moon but make a disposable diaper stand up to REAL World Abuse... seems far fetched... your call.
  4. It is sorta pointless---- reverse engineer a outdated diaper... but.... look at how the industry ITSELF has done that.... Show up the next sales people with the latest n greatest adult diaper...... At the time: ConfiDry 24/7; brief - Voted the most absorbent diaper - features an exclusive revolutionary 3D-Core absorbency system which enables a previously-unheard of absorption capacity of 2-3 liters. This unique system makes our brief suitable for an active lifestyle and continuous undisturbed full night rests. The dependable leak control system will keep your skin, clothing and bedding dry for ten or more hours. 3 liters is 101.442 ounces - now.. the average diaper does at least that and more WITH better tapes and plastic backing - AND 6 tapes are making a comeback https://blog.diapermetrics.com/2020/06/confidry-247-review.html
  5. During Covid, I tried to get thick single fold diapers made and it was 5000 pcs ... 36 free samples but with a 500.00 deposit
  6. the design, which would then greatly simplify the task. Even if it's just the same company as the brand, who have previously not replied, you'd probably have better luck with the name of a specific person in a specific department. It would be a business enquiry, not just random email getting sent to customer service. while this patent suggestion is great.... adult diaper tech has gone far beyond the original ConFiDry----
  7. You might be better off buying someone's old stash and then sending it to a new manufacturer....
  8. Minimum quantity is 5,000 to 15,000 diapers. Why over engineer something that clearly can be duplicated if you know dimensions, Plenty of other adult diapers out there to replace it
  9. Trest is a good one. Sunkiss nd Germany Cloudys 6 tape diaper is good ones..... I did reviews on those The Rearz one is a bit old but it still had gotten better -
  10. the Walmart Equate overnight ones worked great for me - I have 2 bags left - bought them 2 or 3 cases at a time - now they aren't made anymore
  11. What brand? I was DL for many years.... I use Pullups DAILY / diapers on long drives - and with MS now and colon issues they work just fine. NOT intended to take on everything you can throw at it.. these are just as stated.. protective underwear. MS doesnt let me know when I have to go sometimes and these pull ups let me get to a restroom with the appropriate time allowed
  12. diapered all off October, ???? diapered all of October, ???
  13. There is a new thing on the internet.. called google - - https://www.google.com/search?q=size+8+Pampers&sca_esv=568063290&rlz=1C1GEWG_enUS987US987&sxsrf=AM9HkKkQcmVrujtp0QcdKosMUu_boJsoxg%3A1695600203233&ei=S84QZcvsDdPWkPIPtZiXgAk&ved=0ahUKEwiLvq3-usSBAxVTK0QIHTXMBZAQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=size+8+Pampers&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiDnNpemUgOCBQYW1wZXJzMgoQABiABBgUGIcCMggQABiKBRiRAjIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeSMgrUJEJWOIUcAF4AZABAJgB9wOgAckHqgEHNC4xLjUtMbgBA8gBAPgBAcICChAAGEcY1gQYsAPCAgYQABgHGB7CAggQABgHGB4YCsICCBAAGAgYBxgewgIHEAAYDRiABMICBBAAGB7CAgYQABgFGB7iAwQYACBBiAYBkAYI&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
  14. My review states they run bigger than other brands
  15. Yeap... I wore them even under jogging shorts to the autoparts store half wet, it was fine even with swelled up front area
  16. Here... read these reviews. then you are either wearing the wrong size or something with how you put it on. Not tight enough or too tight
  17. Before MS and its fun issues: It was being able to wet them in a checkout line, Concert, Movie theater, On the road driving... playing darts and not have to worry about walking on on movies and concerts.... Maybe even MISS seeing a UFO... STILL the same reasons apply... but now even more... I avoid and always have shitting in them. It stinks no matter what you eat. Its a mess, and I can always do without that
  18. these were great until they changed the tapes and backing
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