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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Puer Aeternus

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Everything posted by Puer Aeternus

  1. You guys complain too much; in Hawai'i every commercial is a local commercial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYoMOgF5rQk&feature=related I think I will spare you the #1 gold buyers commercial.
  2. I have had thoughts about sleeping in a crib. But the potential hazards and inherent inconveniences prevent me from ever doing so. So I meet half-way and sleep in a racecar bed. P.S. My roommates said they were going to get me rims for christmas. Or a CB radio, so I can talk to other car beds. That'd be hot. Might get a stereo too.
  3. its normal; while it would be nice to see the growth rate of users identifying themselves with a group it is safe to assume that an increase in users is corealated to internet use growth, in North America the growth rate of Internet users was 146.3% from 2000-2010. Sounds really off I think it might mean a 46% increase in people each year avg. i dunno; 2000 user pop 108,096,800; 2010 internet users pop 266,244,500 a 77.4% penetration; 2010 pop est. 344,157,450 ttl *edit* figured it out its 146.3% of original user pop increased over the ten years (+158mil people)
  4. If its that style your after, spencers gifts has some pjs online. http://www.spencersonline.com/product/ub-nbc-stripe-jack-footie-pj-s/
  5. The underoos they sell at target are also at walmart, but slightly different. target has them for $7-8 and they are cotton spandex mix, but they only sell the screen printed briefs now. walmart has 2 for $7 100% cotton and each pair comes with one screen printed and one with logos all over. personnaly i dont like the screen printed briefs because they tend to wear out quicker.
  6. @Dirty Diaper/Maxipad Lover You make it sound like if you have the cash your automatically a professional photographer; Like art comes from the camera not the artist. Hand me the cheap point-an-shoot that you bought at Wal-Mart and I'll give you a photo worth hanging. A photographer makes art based on his/her skills, not the equipment; they would probably be able to do it faster and easier with the right stuff, but knowledge of a good photo comes with know how and practice. Personally, I would hand a beginner photographer the Wal-mart camera everytime, only when they learn framing and composition would I ever even consider to give them an SLR. DD/ML makes some good points later on; but dont think that by buying an expensive camera you will instantaneously have amazing pictures. Photography is both technical and artistic. You have to know your equipment and how to use it to get the right effect you are looking for AND you have to know about basic aesthetics and composition. Experimentation comes naturally from a knowledge of both.
  7. Good thing you said MegaMan and not some RPG, I was so ready to shoot it down.
  8. 1. College is good for two things toward a professional career, networking (unless you go to a commuter college in which case it's one) and access to expensive things (nude models, programs, equipment, etc.); learning is not one of them. 2. Taking the right classes and earning greater than minimum grades will earn you a piece of paper with your name on it; Getting numerous internships and talking to people in your chosen industry will earn you a career. 3. Numbers and Statistics are misleading; just because everyone says it will earn you more money does not mean they actually looked at the data and its origin. 4. Have goals, make plans, meet the milestones and question the results. No institution will help you find yourself, they charge by the semester. 5. A good professor is hard to come by; a good mentor is like winning the lotto. 6. Learn on your own, you'll be surprised how far you can go. 7. The smartest people in the class are not that way because they are smart. They are because they already know the information. 8. Don't celebrate your graduation. It is a journey of a thousand steps; if you celebrate now, it leaves you nowhere to go.* I did not follow any of those. I actually came up with them recently, almost 6 months after graduating, and not getting a job. Of the thousand of resumes I sent out I've gotten 4 interviews 2 of which were for internships(which during the interview I found out were unpaid/credit only, therefore not qualified). I have become quite the cynic when it comes to public education; sure I could say it's the bad economy but that seems too easy. In reality it is my fault, I should have followed my gut feeling that college would not work for me; but instead for itself. When I should have dedicated myself to learning, I instead sought grades, worthless markings and false achievements. So keep these in mind, outright question them, reject them, and seek your own. Just learn for the sake of learning, not for the sake of adding a line in your resume. *"It is...to go" is adapted from what Bob Bowman said to Mrs. Phelps when Michael won his first competition.
  9. Being comfortable. includes the space, the person I'm with and not having someone tease me about it.
  10. I've been somewhat obsessive on following this trend and I think that it is part of our generations identity. For me I feel my body is older, yet I still feel like a kid. Apart from the ABDL thing I find clothes shopping more difficult as I near 30, I don't want to look childish to others but I don't want to wear grandpa's(or even dad's) clothing. I'm not sure I am describing it well enough.
  11. Ive been visiting sites like these for a long time and Ive never felt guilty but considering how young I was when I "found" my fetish, I never understood why I felt the need to hide it. Especially since it started with a want for footed pajamas and not diapers. Now that I think about it, it could be because of the expectation that I set the example for my younger siblings. But thats really my reason for reading these sites, a better understanding of myself; I dont comment often but it stills helps. The only negative feeling I get as a result is how I view myself. I see the pictures that some post in the megapics and it only reminds of how creepy, pathetic and weird I look; being bald and obese is not attractive but I can only change one, so I end up not doing anything about it. And the older I get the less I feel I can get away with mixing ABDL with RL. oh and I do feel guilty for wasting my time, though. But that could be applied to all of the internet.
  12. No; but is it weird that thinking Mechwarrior 2 means Mercenaries? I agree on the FPS bit, but lately it seems as if it doesn't really matter anymore. Devs seem keen on building levels with a console in mind which translates to a rather flat experience on the PC. EDIT: it may have already been posted elsewhere on this forum but wth
  13. some things dont need explaining though.
  14. I never realized how expensive my eyewear is. At least $750, its usually just something i save toward every 2 years. and Age discrimination is for those over 40, anything lower and you are not protected. good that you got the price though.
  15. where did you get those? I know target($7.99) and walmart($6.5) are selling comic briefs in sizes that fit my fat ass(unlike H&M). and it was hard to get one of each. each store had different ones and i dont like shopping at walmart. especially for mens underroo's, more so with an older woman at the check out, they always want to talk about how they want tinkerbell panties. weird. fav is still spiderman; the printed, not the logo ones.
  16. Size doesn't matter, it's how you use it that counts. yes, and people who comment are aware of the connection.
  17. At the risk of creating more than it needs to be, im gonna just tear this apart for a moment. The first rule of marketing is to find what needs your product/service/strengths fill. Or how best to fill the needs of the customer. Marketers can't make people buy anything, they can suggest a need, but not create one. I don't have a good product example but I am willing to bet that there are at least a hundred good examples of manufacturers not understanding their market. This one is a little longer but bare with me. Just by looking at what is happening and the current market environment without any research I can probably accurately identify the reasoning behind this. It’s not that LBL is a new term that has just been created, but has unknowingly been around for a long time. It is very difficult for people to talk about personal matters and actually do something about it, of whichdmavn made an excellent point. Additionally, this condition may not impact their lives enough to see a doctor about, it’s not exactly incontinence. And statistically manufacturers may be receiving data that shows an increase of people who are opening up about it, hence a rise of people with this problem. The commercials themselves are new but so are all the medical commercials out there, this is just a change in attitude in both the FCC and the public (even though some commercials are embarrassing to watch). The scarcity in stores could be that Briefs are better suited for Direct Sales(internet, Phone, Mail). Let’s think about an average user of a Brief: They most likely learned that they need protection after medical consultation, so either they order direct from their doctor or were advised of an outlet. They are heavy users of the product; therefore it is both wiser and cheaper to order in bulk. It’s to some an embarrassing item for them to buy, I am positive they would prefer not to deal with it in person. Depending on the insurer it’s probably covered and is easier to setup a delivery schedule that is billed to the insurance. The briefs are used constantly and are not a commodity item, very rarely will someone use more than anticipated and have to run out and get more. It seems by those merits alone retailers would be better off not stocking them and stock something that will have good margins and high turnover and better meet their customers needs. I bet most actual users buy from medical supply outlets for ease and cost(as is the case for Ms Angela Bauer[sorry]); and the internet has only made it easier to access these outlets allowing potential customers to bypass the B&M retailers. Briefs are better suited for direct sales, whether by catalog, phone orders, or internet. By cutting a product that doesn’t sell well to instead make better use of limited space; retailers are able to cut costs, increase revenues, and increase customer value. No. People aren’t stupid, they can make stupid decisions, but they are not going to keep doing it unless they think it is beneficial to do so. Yes you can make a profit from a shoddy product, but for how long? If it does not offer VALUE it is not going to sell well, and in the long run the company will go out of business. Cars are not a good example because no matter how well your engineering department is you are never going to make a car that runs forever with little maintenance. It’s impossible. It’s the same for any product, time will take its toll on everything. Look at the american auto industry, they went bankrupt; because they sold shoddy products when the Japanese made quality cars. Toyota is dying now because of a bad and unreliable part. Poor quality is not a good strategy, and companies don’t stay in business for long by not offering value. In the case of Diapers , would you really complain if the medicine you’re taking causes diarrhea if it cures aids, NO! You need it, few people offer it; You are going to stick with something that fits weird as long as for the most part it does its job. Value the percieived benefits in return for the price paid. Major players don’t pay. Target is not going to cut Johnson & Johnson because they are not willing to pay for shelf space, same goes for Coca-Cola or in-demand unique items. Some manufacturers do pay (cut costs to retailer) for better shelf positioning or if they are new, a spot on the shelf. I don’t really see Kimberly-Clark having a problem with this at all, they make too much (scott, huggies, etc.) to really have to fight for shelf space.
  18. I dont like sleeping under the covers, so I just wear my blanket sleeper to bed; unless it is august then I just wear my regular robot pajamas.
  19. Is Fallout really classified as steampunk? I thought there was a prerequisite of steam power for it to be classified as such. It kind of reminds me of Paris Disneyland's Discoveryland, only made of metal instead of plaster and regular construction materials.
  20. I love pancakes! especially with knott's country syrup that no one except knott's sells now, which is weird because the stores sell Knott's boysenberry and strawberry syrups but not country. The only other syrup that even remotely tastes like Knotts is Eggo's buttermilk syrup and I always get weird looks for buying it(but not the diapers). Like I should just settle for more maple(y) tasting syrup like everyone else or something. sorry had to do it. at least it wasnt a "first!" topic
  21. There was no prepared lunch to buy, except special fast food days, at my grade school. So everyone just brought their own lunch. I hated lunch it was so inconvenient, the lunchpail got sticky by the middle of the year, the stupid freezer pac got sticky as well and didnt do a good job. It was horrible. I've had alot of different kids lunch oriented items and each one made me sick after eating, the lunchables pizzas gave me a headache and any of their meat selection just looked bad. I tried making my own for a while, they looked good when I made them and stuck in the bag, but by lunch time they were disgusting. I think by the end of it all I settled on some sort of microwavable burrito because it was meant to be warm and would last the 4 hours till lunch, and i dint have to use the stupid freezer pack. But then a couple of jerks started to make fun of my burrito. I think they were jealous. I hated lunch until high school.
  22. Winter hands down, always a cool 60ish degrees, 50 at the lowest; any other time and it starts getting to hot.
  23. You don't have to be ABDL to watch an animated film; especially a Pixar film. As for my favorite Disney Feature Animation Pixar's [insert title (+1 for Up, Incredibles, Ratatouille)] 101 Dalmations Kimba the White LionThe Lion King Disney animated films Miyazaki's [insert title (-1 Ponyo, MN Totoro)] Brave Little Toaster Non-Disney Les triplettes de Belleville (The Illusionist) Cowboy Bebop Tekkon kinkurîto Persepolis
  24. It's appalling that it happens to this day. even more so that this isn't the only community that this happens to. It wasn't until I played PS Home that I realized that there is alot of unchecked sexual harassment on the internet. Being that this forum/site is of a (varying) sexual nature, it is logical that it could happen here. However, it doesn't mean it should be tolerated. And in the case of Home I learned that the people against that behavior, were not really against it. They were instead upset that they could not meet any women as a result of the males acting that way. So even those complaining about the harassment were almost as bad as the people who did. So the real question is how to minimize it so that everyone can just talk, without having to deal with all of the uninvited advances. I also dont think posts such as these help in anyway either, as women who have experienced that kind of behavior are unwilling to expose themselves to it again and it still sends a message that there are horny men who want to "get to know you". It is a shame to have hide a part of yourself twice, one for being ABDL and again for being female.
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