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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by fluff

  1. Yay another Brit. Hello. And I too would like a coup d' tea.
  2. This really. I'd love to move out, I want nothing more. But I have a job in an unsafe market, thousands of debt (dont ask) and house prices are huge. Even to rent more than a studio would mean Id have to choose to go without something, probably food. It'll happen, sooner rather than later, but not right now.
  3. I dont know about anyone else but im even more confused now and i was confused in the begining.
  4. it may sound odd but i always thought angelica was the best character on it it never really connected with my ab side though, dont know why as its probably the most relevant show. ace show but the movie was crap
  5. Nope, not at all. I'll be honest, despite the last line of my post I've no plans to, this is still me private thing. However it makes me feel a bit better about the reception if ever properly found out...I'd always feared the worst, now I think it may be more accepting, or at the very least willing to try and be understanding. Which you may or may not agree is a good feeling.
  6. the christmas market is better in nottingham than birmingham
  7. Thanks guys cant wait to get ready to sleep lol I'm not sure whether parent is accepting but i feel i can probably be more babyish when i need to be in the house without as much "fear". (fear prob not the best word there) I'll still keep nappies and bottles and that hidden but at least my childish clothes can go in the wash with the rest of the stuff, save a bit of energy
  8. i feel so warm and fuzzy right now i had to rave about it, to someone or somewhere. After a really stressful week of work i came home last night to find the all in one pyjamas i ordered had arrived, complete with head to toe poppers. I was very pleased and excited all at the same time andafter slipping on a nappy, crawling into bed sucking on my favourite pacifier and hugging my sleepy teddy I had the single best nights sleep ever. I feel so refreshed. But, I went further and scored for me a personal victory. On waking I made my way downstairs still in sleep suit, still nappy clad and holding my teddy and walked right past my real parent. The only thing I took off was my paci. Earlier in the month I was really paranoid that she had found my baby stuff and was really scared of the outcome, this morning im on cloud nine and really don't care. What amazed me was the responce i got, it wasn't a "what the hell are you wearing?" or "why have you got your old teddy and is that a...!?". It was like it was perfectly normal. I was asked is that new (pj's) so i naturally answered yes with the biggest smile on my face and went on about my morning. I was even told i look little in a happy positive way. my description skills are really lacking but anyway. im happy. now oh so inspired to do what (i think) diapered witch said said when i made my "paranoid" thread but i dont think im that steady yet. To just run in, pacifirs, bottles and nappys at hand and declare.
  9. This has happened to me a few times with ym mother. I think she takes the fact that I can't yet move out as an opportunity to go shopping, regardless of who its for. I usually give the recipt back and tell her "I'm not paying for this because I don't want it and didn't ask for it. Youre welcome to take it back but I'm not buying it.". Generally its for things like clothes and toiletries, razors etc but when someone decided to decorate and charge me for paint and shelves I did go mad.
  10. Depending on the kids age I'd not say a thing and be far more careful in future. If he or she is under 5 it'll probably never come up again. If they are a bit older I'd simply lie, bed wetting etc Something more elaborate or a more honest "excuse" may be required if much older, teenage etc.
  11. Probably like the best reply. I've never really thought too hard why I like this part of my life because it never really bothered me that much. In the same way I don't know why I liked death metal inhigh school and to be honest, don't really care. But I get why people do look for those sort of answers, at the end of the day this is a different lifestyle and whether with a sexual background or not its somewhat unnormal? I think you get what I mean. Normality is what you make it but were all brought up to certain casts and while we all find our own paths along the way we tend to ask questions along the route. And the bigger they are or indeed more prominent they are the more we ask or need an answer. Just like this lifestyle...which is pretty big imo. The quicker we accept it the less these questions exist or they are replaced with other ones. Or something. And I give you my attempt at being deep.
  12. I love the autumn and winter but can't recall peeing more in the cold. But I'll keep an eye out
  13. I'd planned o doing a similar thing this weekend, mega stressed. Then more work comes up Theres always Sunday. Have fun.
  14. When I lived across the pond it was fun, everyone would get involved. Now I'm back in England you get a "yoof" in a hooded top and a Scream mask and "got any sweets mate?". Its not embraced here, last time I went out on Halloween night all the pubs and bars seemed to be shutting early as well. So we just sat cold in a park. I went as some sort of idiot. It should be a fun time but its gone the same way as Christmas unfortunatly. Not enough care...
  15. I really can't be bothered with children. I don't know why really, I'm just not a child friendly environment. I'll step up when I need to around kids but I'd prefer to be in a child free zone. Which to be honest, sounds weird given the nature of my lifestyle. If an overwhelming amount of abs tend to dislike or probably more apt distance themselves from children is it perhaps its a natural defence mech that we all create.
  16. But in return you have kittens. Ah, makes sense about the spray. I think I might arm myself with such a device when my neighbours moggys decide to have a fight in my garden at 3 in the morning.
  17. I don't agree with anything like declawing either. But how did you teach them it was unacceptable? *please say with some sort of cat naughty corner
  18. I've wanted a cat since I was able to say "I want a cat". Its stories like this that turn me green.
  19. An A-Z would be fine as long as it doesn't coincide with an ordinance survey get together. And yeah, you couldn't exactly leave a few bottles or rattles out without drawing possibly negative attention. I'll be honest, I've little idea of munch etiquette. I say little, none.
  20. This may be excellent so, but I don't fancy piling on the pounds to get one. Interesting invention though. Although surely its slightly over complicating things.
  21. fluff


    I stole or borrowed as I prefer to put it, my first. Was a large size baby diaper and i only wore it. And onwards.
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