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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Frogboy

  1. Hi Aoi, hope you enjoy yourself on DD... It's a great place to diaper-up and chill out! Froggie
  2. Hi Doug, you'll love these boards... full of help, advice and some good diapered fun! Froggie
  3. I moved out when I was 18... Moved into a shared house. OK, it wasn't a place to call my own, but I had my own room with a door that locked, so no-one ever snooped through my stuff and I had total privacy when I needed it. It was great not having to worry about hiding my porn! I was only on £5ish an hour and the room was £150 a month (inc bills). I had loads of deabt (car, credit cards etc) but that didn't stop me. I'm now 25, happily married and we just had our first child. I now live in a 3 bedroom cottage with real fires, garage and a large garden... I never looked back from moving out of my parents home. I know people say money is a problem, but most people seem to want to move straight into a luxery apartment with laminate wood flooring and earth tones on the walls. If you start at the very bottom, and take it one step at a time, you will get there! Plus, when you're on your own for the very first time, it's a lot easier to keep a small room running well than it is to keep a whole house going!
  4. I use the 60degrees "stains" setting with fairy non-bio. The temp is enough to kill off the bugs, the "stains" cycle gives it an extra long wash, thereby getting them back to lovely white and the non-bio is a must as the high temperature will denature the enzymes that make bio powders effective. You couldn't have said it better about cosyndry... if all online traders were that good, the high street would've been killed of years ago!
  5. Me and frog-girl have been in our house nearly 3 years. First halloween here I got dressed up in a mask and cape, got loads of sweets in, had the Monster Mash lined up on high volume in the Hi-Fi, had a fancy light scanner ready to go (a self contained light show, which has a built in sound chaser)and even had a smoke machine for that extra eery-ness. Sat by the door most of the night ready to scare the crap out of any small child who dared knock on my door, before showering them with sweets... and... alas... nothing! I was gutted. I spent the whole of novemeber feeling sick from eating all the sweets. Last year I did the same thing, but put loads of pumpkins out lining the path to the door (and some hollowed out parsnips in the bushes, they look like ghosts!) in a hope to entice some small unwitting child to my door... and... again... nothing! To be fair though, I live in a tiny tiny villiage, but there are kids here! This year I didn't bother doing anything! and no-one came! Bonus is now though, tadpole was born 5 days before halloween this year, so every year we can halloween theme his birthday parties!!! yay!!! Froggie!
  6. ajc, I always thought the rhyme went: Remember remember the fifth of November Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder, treason Should ever be forgot... I was SCUBA diving of the west coast of Ireland 2 years ago over the bonfire weekend (Killary, Galway). A mate of mine in England asked me if bonfire night was a big thing in Ireland... I said I doubted that a devout catholic nation is all that jubilant about a catholic being hung drawn and quatered for trying to kill a protestant king! bless'im. Oh and scuba diving in Ireland, in november... Brrrr!!!!! I still shivver now just thinking about it!!!
  7. froggirl is still recovering from tadpoles arrival, so i gots to do the laundry! im actually specialist trained in kitchen appliances though so its not too bad (plus everything is getting washed on the correct cycle for once, which means everything is loverly and soft!). the best bit is getting a huge big fluffy terry cloth diaper out of the tumble dryer whilst its still soft and full of air! cant wait to put it on again. ive got 1 48x48inch terry nappy, with two more hopefully arriving monday as well as 3 pairs of plastic pants. im also going to order a big 60x60inch terry cloth for nighttime use. all in all the total is about £90 which is about 3 months worth of diposables, so they will have paid for themselves by january! froggie
  8. I wear in public quite a lot and I dont feel self conscious. Most recently I went to get some takeaway from my local pizza place. It's a typical kebab shop style "take away only" place and there's only a small waiting area indoors. I was stood there wearing my abena X-plus under my jeans and t-shirt (left my coat in the car) with a few other poeple waiting for our orders and I started peeing (I'm stupidly relaxed in diapers and go without realising at first). I felt a little worried at first in case I leaked, but other than that I didn't feel strange at all. Nobody even gave me a second glance. I think I may be too comfy in diapers (if thats possible!) Froggie
  9. thanks betty pooh and i shall keep my ear to the ground for secret society members!
  10. i gots swimmers on... my cloth diaper is in the dryer!!! [runs and hides before we dig a deeper froggie shaped hole ] x
  11. Hello!!! come on in... the waters lovely! froggie x
  12. its funny, i had to put on a disposable as my cloth one was in the wash (2 more on the way to make sure this doesn't happen again) and even when it was full, the disposable felt "empty". abrera... im a special kind of frog and like tree frogs, i spend a lot of time out of the water!
  13. i made the switch to cloth diapers... and i gotta say... i love it the mostest! they hold LOADS! and they're so comfy! i went for a full night and woke up with a very heavy diaper and best of all... no leaks! not even a little bit!!! i followed the wash instructions on the cloth diapers thread before my first use and i love how soft and fluffy they are! my diapers are standard terry squares (i didnt want to get anything too fancy for my first time). i got them with my plastic pants from cosyndry! i have to say that mags (nanny from cosy and dry) is fantastic. shes really friendly and the service and communication is better than just about anywhere else i can think of! just thought id share this with everyone since im sat here wearing a very heavy sagging cloth diaper and a huge grin! if youve not tried cloth... you really really must! froggie!!! xx
  14. we've had post everyday. i think our postie likes us. also the diapees are coming by ups!!! double yay!!!
  15. im more like a toddler frog than a baby frog. so im a very ickle frog with ickle arms and legs but not a tadpole! im also changing from disposies to cloths. ive just got to wait for mr postie to bring them for me!!!
  16. If I'm diapered and need to go out, I just head out. For example, today I got home from a shopping trip at about 5pm. I stuck a diaper on as soon as we got home and took the dog for a walk (walkies are a lot more difficult with a heavy diaper ). At 7ish we decided we wanted take-out, so we jumped in the car and went to the pizza take-away. I had my diaper on the entire time and we even called in at the co-op (convenience store). I can't say it bothers me too much being diapered in public. If I need to pee, I just go. I don't get self consious about it. My t-shirt covers up any bulges that might show and I sincerely doubt anyone would be staring at my crotch enough to notice anyways! I sometimes worry if my diaper is really bulky and causes me to waddle a little and I also worry incase I over fill and leak a little... Wet patches are noticeable! Haven't had the urge to poop whilst out in a diaper, but I doubt I would poop as the smell is not very nice for other people. Froggie xx
  17. i just have to be in the right mood. somedays i wake up and im a toddler, other days i wake up and im a very serious grown up. diapers and pacis etc are things that make me happy and relaxed whatever mood im in! froggie xx
  18. Left: Baby terry nappies Right: Adult terry nappies Look the same to me... I've never tried to fit into real baby diapers as I'm 36inch waist and I know I wont fit. But with terry nappies that are identical to baby nappies, just scaled up for AB's, why would you want to squeeze into "real" baby disposables!
  19. a tadpole is a proper baby. An adult baby frog is more like this
  20. Not sure if it's relevant, but I just got a case of abenas through the post (never used them before, so don't know if they're old/new style). I'm impressed with them. They hold a lot and are very comfy. There are a couple of bad points though. I had the leak of all leaks last night in bed and I noticed the plastic seems to "give" a bit too easily if you try and do the tapes up tight as well!
  21. [catches lucy's bottle... drinks it too fast... needs burping!] thankyou lucy! happy to be a member! thanks loopy ab is better than just stinky dl! thanks to you too boy ricky!
  22. hello everyone frogboy has officially changed from diaper lover to adult baby on my profile!!! and i just gots a whole case of abri-form x-plusses in the post this morning and they fit really well and are really big and bulky im one very happy little frog today! hugs to everyone froggie xx
  23. can i come live with either of you two... it's cold wet and rainy here in england and i want to be somewhere warm. and we cant get the ABU diapers here! froggie xx
  24. From a biological point of veiw, you lose less water in colder temperatures due to sweating less. This can lead to an increase in the amount you pee. It's a theory I've heard a few times and seems to make sense! Froggie xx
  25. frog-girl is a seamstress, she just hasn't had a machine for quite a few years (not since we moved into the same pond anyways)so she's going straight back in at the deepend!!! but a diaper cover would be soo cool!
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