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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Frogboy

  1. okies i'll agree that on the coast maybe a cagoule is a better idea... friend of mine in somerset had his motobike blow over in the gale force winds we've been having!
  2. Stick 'em in prison and don't segregate the nonces (sex offenders, usually peadophiles) like they currently do (well like they do in the UK). A good jugging will help adjust their attitude! (Jugging refers to a jug of boiling water being thrown onto the victim. The water typically has large quantities of sugar in it for that sticky, long lasting effect. Jugging is a practise usually reserved for nonces). Sex offenders (regardless of age of victim) are dangerous, and they will continue to be dangerous until they are removed from society. I say no punishment is severe enough for completely ruining another human beings life! It makes me laugh how many people link AB/DL and peadophillia. In the UK I can't remember ever reading about an AB/DL person being convicted of sex offenses, yet I can recall a whole bunch of nursery school (kindergarten)staff, a school governor and a school janitor who were all charged with sex offenses against children! Makes you think don't it! Froggie
  3. ooh yeah Loopy, forgot about innerchild! Got my paci from them. excellent service and it arrived next day! Froggie
  4. Don't listen to Loopy... As the saying goes: "Theres no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes!" Get a decent mac and brolly and you'll be fine! Froggie xx (oh and whilst over here, make sure you start each day with a full english breakfast (try and find one with black pudding! )
  5. 'tis indeed why I said "free". I personally would quite happily pay less NI/tax and go with with a private healthcare provider. I would still be happy to pay a certain amount for ambulance service etc as these are vital, but at the moment, the NHS is an abomination. Nurses are being told to ignore patients to spend more time inputting data on their beloved system1 database. The whole of the NHS now runs on targets and figures which can be manipulated to make it look like they are performing better without actually achieving anything. My mother is a community nurse so I get an insider view to the NHS and some of the stuff she tells me about whats going on actually makes me feel sick! Oh and the UK income tax brackets are: £0.00-£37,400 20% over £37,400 40% National insurance is about the 4% mark, but there are so many variables it's hard to pinpoint a more precise figure. Froggie
  6. The NHS is the "National Health Service". All our healthcare is provided for by the government. We pay National Insurance and Income Tax on our pay cheques, part of which goes to the NHS. It means that all citizens of the United Kingdom get "free" health care without having to have extra insurance. We do have private health care (BUPA etc) but you have to pay for that yourself with a seperate insurance. Not sure what the rest of Abrera sig is for... You'll have to wait for her to reply! Froggie
  7. I want a onesie (t-shirt type with snap crotch) but i cant find one i really like ... i dont think i would be comfy in a footed sleeper
  8. I would say that you ordered them ages ago for a halloween costume (say that a couple of you were going to a baby themed party) and rather than get ripped off on ebay, you searched for adult sized nappies online and found those ones for free so ordered them, but they never turned up and you completely forgot about them. As for them going to your parents address, just say you must of put their address in by mistake! (thus adding to the never recieved them arguement!) Just a thought Froggie
  9. cosyndry.com The service is excellent! I've ordered terry nappies and plastic pants off them and the quality is superb. Free shipping as well. The clothing range is a bit limited... would like to see some more boyish patterns on the onesies, but other than that I would highly recomend them! I want to get some big terry nappies (60X60) and will defiantely be ordering them from cosyndry Froggie
  10. I can go for as long as I need to. Never had any accidents at all, I've even done 7hour journeys in the car and had to refil the car before I got to the bursting stage. At work loos can be difficult to get to if it's busy so I frequently go a full 7 1/2 hours without a loo break. When I'm wearing nappy however, I relax completely. I have to change every 5 hours or so because I've wet them so much! I barely notice the fact that I'm wetting until it's actually happening. The same with no2's when wearing... they just sneak out without any warning, which can get quite annoying if I've just put a fresh nappy on! Froggie
  11. [whispers] nope, definately mine... frog-girls sandwiches are not as good as mine... but don't tell her that or I will have to make my own packed lunch for work at 5:30am!!! [/whispers]
  12. Cucumber sandwiches on the way!!! Always good to see another limey in nappies!!! Welcome to DD, the bestest place on the web to play, chat and be merry! Froggie
  13. It's true... juni does get very excited about them! (thats why juniper was the first person on DD to find out about tadpoles arrival!) xx
  14. Congrats on the babies!!! Tadpole arrived 3 weeks ago today and it's the most amazing thing ever! one bit of advice though, when they're asleep, make sure the time you spend with your partner is quality time! it's ok having lots of hugs and kisses for little ones, provided you don't forget the hugs and kisses for each other! I was very lucky that we went to a birth centre instead of a hospital... The midwives basically left my and frog-girl to it, so I felt really involved and they even let me catch the slippery little tadpole as he entered the world! It was the most amazing and humbling experience of my life! It didn't hit me right away, but when I was driving home to get a change of clothes (I got covered in more icky things than I'd ever thought possible!) I got 200yrds down the road and completely broke down in tears of joy! I had to pull over as I couldn't control myself, let alone a car! I was a bit worried about how my AB side was going to cope with having a real baby to look after. Now that tadpole is home and settled in, it's made me realise how seperate the two things are! Changing 10poopy baby nappies a day hasn't put me off wearing and changing myself. I think because babies are so autonomous, you don't envy their nappy wearing, consequently my nappy wearing (hear that juni... i said my nappy wearing!) has nothing in common with tadpoles and hasn't suffered at all! I even woke up this morning with a very very heavy terry nappy! Enjoy them my friend... They may cost a lot of money, and take up a lot of your time... But they make you feel like the richest person in the world, and you'll feel like time away from them is time wasted! Froggie
  15. I use terry nappies and plastic pants. I always leaked using disposables, but now I can wet whilst even lying on my side (the cause of my most spectacular leaks in disposables), so platic pants are definately the way forward! Froggie
  16. sounds like a good time was had by all!!! im very jealous! Froggie x
  17. thats sounds soo cute!!! the bonus with tadpole is that he's only like 10lbs, so when he nods off i can just carry him without waking him up. when frog-girl naps on the sofa i find that waking her up with lots of kisses does the trick, babies never get grouchy when theres plenty of kisses to be had!!! froggie xx
  18. When I was about 8 maybe 9 years old I used to fanatsise about being the only person left on the planet... I used to imagine going into supermarkets and helping myself to all the food and sweets I wanted and for some reason I started to think about how cool it would be to be able to "go potty" anywhere I wanted. This idea evolved slightly into wearing nappies. I used to fantasise about wearing nappies quite alot, not in a sexual way, just in a "it'd be so cool" kinda way. When I was 13ish I was getting my weekly "porn" fix thanks to Eurotrash (friday nights channel4 UK) and there was a whole segment on an AB creche in germany and I remember thinking how awesome it would be to go there for a couple of days and wear/use nappies and be treated like a baby. Then about a year ago I was searching the net for pee fetish pics and I came across some AB/DL stuff. The diaper pics turned me on, but the AB stuff didn't do anything for me. After about 9 months I told my wife how I liked the look of DL, and said I would like to try it. She liked the idea too and so we bought some Cuddlz diapers and spent a day in them. I gradually wore them more and more and they became less of a fetish item and more of a comfort thing. My wife stayed on the fetish side of things and will only wear when she's feeling kinky. I started to realise that the AB side appealed and got a paci, then I upgraded to cloth nappies and plastic pants. Now i'm actively looking for a onesie (snap crotch t-shirt). There's nothing sexual about my diaper love... It just makes me feel really safe and secure. I'm not sure where my ABishness comes from... My parents loved me, and I them. I wasn't bullied at school. I was in the sports teams (5 a side footie and cross country running team) and I was top set for everything. I had the ideal childhood. Maybe I was always destined to be an AB!!! lol Froggie xx
  19. I use cloth almost exclusively, so apart from my initial £50 I paid for the terry nappies and plastic pants, I dont really spend much. I have a case of Abena Abri-form X-plusses that cost me £30 (about $50). I've had them about 2 months and I'm still only halfway through the first pack (3 packs in a case) as I only use them for "full" usage when I'm having a naughty day. So I tagged the less than $20 a month.
  20. relax, relax, relax! it sounds daft, but try not to think about it. I dont try to push it out or hold it in, it just sorta sneaks out. But then i never struggled, even to begin with. Maybe i was just destined to use diapers! Froggie
  21. I abandoned hope a long time ago! xx
  22. some interesting finds there!!! Personally I hate twitter... i find twitter is too close to twit!
  23. apologies to you juniper... but the diaper thing is intentional. Tadpole wears nappies, I wear diapers. It saves on confusion! xx
  24. I usually do the laundry cos I know how to get the fluffiest diapers! I keep a rolling stock of abriform x-plusses for laundry days too! Counldn't imagine my parents knowing about me being AB though! They're very "normal"... whatever that means! were you a HNG in a former life? Good troll impression!!! made me
  25. Welcome MrBrightside! Good to see the more brits on here! Juniper, I'll bring the cucumber sandwiches! Froggie
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