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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by happyindprs

  1. Try a Onesie to wear over his diapers. It isn't necessarily an adult baby thing. Many adults with incontinence use them as well to keep their diapers from sticking out.
  2. Here once again is the dilemma, people who find themselves attracted to diapers, rejoice once they find out that they are not the only one like this. next they search for understanding and acceptance. Once this is accomplished, they mess with the system, instead of enjoying the comradery and meeting people of varying interests and walks of life. Simply put these people are hand ringers, who don't like to be labeled themselves, find it necessary to label others, (morons).I guess it gives them purpose?! I have met many people here who like to wear diapers, use them as intended come to this community to be accepted not run through the ringer because they may or may not be more of an adult baby or more of a diaper lover. Who really CARES! I don't! I would much rather meet as many people I can here and enjoy this common bond we share. If you really have to put everyone into a nice neat package or you get your diapers in a twist, get professional help, 'cause it just doesn't matter.
  3. I would like to know if others here at DD feel the same way I do. From the first time I put on a diaper, I felt safe and secure and knew if I could pull this off regularly, my life would be for the better. I was around eleven years old at the time. As the years past and I finally got my drivers license I began to buy more diapers and plastic pants. I gained confidence in myself due in a large part to being diapered. Sure, there was always that fear that I could be found out but for me the benefits outweighed the consequences. Now decades later, not only do I still feel safe and secure knowing i am diapered, I feel young. It's not too much of a stretch to regress to a baby at age eleven and I am sure that is why most of us identify as adult babies at least in the beginning. However as I got older the feeling that I was younger then my present age was more prevalent then before. I contribute this fact to living a more carefree life. I feel I am more open minded as well. I know several people my biological age that are...well, OLD! To tell you the truth, they're not fun to be around. If you want my honest opinion, I've been fighting growing up all of my life! My body might show it's age but my mind is definitely years younger.
  4. I googled them also and they look cool with he one tape on each side. I might just order some
  5. In my opinion I believe the purge cycles to be more prevalent in the older adult babies and diaper lovers. You have to take into account that when we became involved with diapers, they were cloth with plastic or rubber pants. Disposable diapers were just coming out. We didn't have access to the internet and if anyone felt alone it was us. You younger people can Google and find support and understanding and comfort and a sense of normalcy we could not even dream of. So we probably dealt with more guilt or shame or whatever and I believe this to be the leading cause of grabbing everything diaper related and throwing it all out.
  6. I agree with Honu and must apologise for my earlier post. No one knows her like you do, so you must have felt that see would be ok with it. I hope she loves and trusts you enough not to go blabbing this new information all over Facebook or your friends and family unless she screens them beforehand. When I told my wife she felt it was a secret between the two of us and not for public announcement. Now that you have told her I bet your walking on air. Congrats!!!!
  7. Well my screen name is Happyindprs, I AM happy to wear diapers. I don't see anything wrong with my screen name what so ever. If you don't like the fact that others use diaper in their names, check out the BDSM sites their scene names coincide with masters or slaves or subs. I mean it all seems logical to me that depending on what site(s) you visit, your screen name would reflect what interests you. If you want my real name, it's Jim B. if that makes you more comfortable.
  8. great maybe she'll come home today and storm the house and sit you down and tell you she's a lesbian and loves girls and from now on will be having girls over a lot mot! LOL
  9. I'm in Brookfield email me at jrbonk@wi.rr.com
  10. Reading your post it is obvious to me that this guy loves you unconditionally. He says He talked with your ex, he asked about whether or not you changed him or if you wore a diaper. I gotta think that if he was turned off by any of it, He would have told you right off. You question about being gay doesn't make sense, you're gay and so is he?, Right? So I doubt he'll be throwing you up against the lockers. Are you afraid that if you out yourself about your diapers that he will get pissed off? I feel you struggling with this. You know you should trust him and be open and honest with him as these are the things that make for a long lasting relationship. To help yourself get through this scary time, sit yourself down and put all of these thoughts into a letter. That way you can be open and honest and you don't have to be in High Anxiety mode. He sounds like a good guy that loves you, let him know how you really feel.
  11. Email me at jrbonk@wi.rr.com for my phone number
  12. I am in diapers around the clock, 24/7. I am wondering about others into the 24/7 lifestyle, are you diaper dependent. I started wearing full time in my early twenties. For years despite my longing to be incontinent I was not. I either had to force myself to pee or stayed away from the bathroom to the point of no return and then the flood gates would open. I found it got much easier as the years went by. Now the very few times I am out of a diaper, end up being a huge mistake as I have very little bladder control left. I spent some time today without one due to a case of diaper rash and I soaked my desk chair. It's obvious what side of the fence I am on. So I look forward to reading your thoughts on this subject
  13. Actually the correct name is "Stretch-Fit" diapers. I googled them today and they look cool with the one tape on each side but at fifty some bucks for a case of 96, tells me they won't absorb like my Abena xtra plus diapers, I think I'm sold on them
  14. I went to several psychologists in my thirties and forties. I had a few issues to work out. I wasn't abused at home, life with Mom and my brothers and sisters was good. Grade school left me screwed up to this day, though. Anyway I tried to be a good patient and be as open as I could be with them. The first guy was very interested in why I was wearing diapers, not so much as to cure me, I would later find out. He was writing a book and I still feel to this day that he was the one that was screwed up way more than the people that came to see him. I will admit that he did help me on other issues I was having. The rest were pretty much the same, although one wanted to see how I looked in diapers. Once while I was there I had a sneaking suspicion I was being watched by someone other than him. All in all none were either concerned or just kept up a front until the insurance money dried up.
  15. I woke up this morning with diaper rash. I rarely of ever get it so I wasn't prepared. I took a shower and put on a fresh diaper and booster pad and went to the local Walgreens drug store. I picked up a large tube of Desitin and headed for the checkout counter. There was no one in line, I put the Desitin on the counter and the clerk looked at me and said, "This must be for you." I was a bit surprised as I replied, "Well yes, how did you know?" She said. "Your diaper is sticking out!" Without skipping a beat I told her that it happens all of the time. I made the purchase, got my change and headed out the door. Instead of embarrassment I have been delighted all day long.
  16. I second that feeling! Life would be much worse if I wasn't in diapers.
  17. I can never be accused of leaving the seat up. all of my peeing goes on in my diapers. I do not like messy diapers and although I tried it a few times a lifetime ago, i know this is not for me. So once or twice a day I sit down to go number two, other than that I am diapered around the clock and won't ever have it any other way.
  18. so let be get this straight, you would force a stripper to wear a diaper and then force them to pee or poop in them all for your enjoyment? So what if they don't like it or aren't into it Right?! Moron! This is the same reason adult females AB's and DL's do not come out on diaper websites! It is due to complete Morons like you. GEEZ get a life and grow up!!!
  19. Vic I agree one hundred percent. I crossed that bridge with my girlfriend a life time ago. I was in love and didn't want to lose Her but I also know I could never give up wearing diapers either. So I told her everything one night and we are still married to this day. I have two friends that wear diapers, well at least they are interested in wearing them. One has been into diapers since he was eight years old and the other twelve. In both cases, they kept this all a big secret from their wives. What a way to begin a life time relationship, with a lie. One guy wears maybe once or twice a year but is preoccupied with it nonetheless. The other came out well into their marriage and it ended soon after that. Both guys are miserable because they couldn't be honest. The funny thing is that so many here want understanding and acceptance and yet they themselves don't practice what they preach. Great post.
  20. hey I don't know anything about driving five under When I'm in town I watch my speed especially in the residential areas, however out on the freeway I'm one old fart that is constantly ten to fifteen over. I haven't had a ticket in over thirty years! So forget about the new category, we don't need anymore of those any more than we need more laws.
  21. For the best service on the net www.xpmedical.com
  22. Well written and well said TCC, I was involved in diapers long before I met my wife. When I did meet her for quite some time I was able to put my diapers aside. I fell in love and thought I no longer needed them. Two years later we were planning our wedding and whether due to stress or just out of the blue my desires for diapers was stronger than ever. I knew I had to tell my wife to be but feared losing her. I shadow boxed for a while and weighed the pros and cons. I came to the realization that diapers were a major part of who I was and I knew I could not give them up even for the one I loved. So I told my fiance' in a letter, spelling everything out to her before the. "I do's." We just had our thirty-second wedding anniversary on August 12th and I wear diapers every day. A relationship cannot be founded on lies or secrets but rather trust, love and understanding.
  23. I agree with you. This is not a subject of freedom of religion, it is purely political. Islam is not just another religion it's their way of life, their reason for living, it governs their every move and drives them to such acts as 911. Building at ground zero is purely a political statement to show the USA in no uncertain terms that, We came, We conquered and we used all you hold dear to shove our faith in your face!" It would be wonderful if we could all just get along. (BS!) Muslims want Islam as the one and only religion and political force in the entire world. Wake up America!
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