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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Blue Sphere

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Everything posted by Blue Sphere

  1. Why did you think you could go in it so much? Jeez....
  2. Yay! The scented oil candle melts arrived today! When I change her, I plan on putting the messy diaper in a zip-lock bag (with baby powder in it) right away. Then I will clean her and put the wipes and the diaper bag into yet another zip-lock bag. Is this enough? Are there any other ways of dealing with the smell?
  3. I feel the same way; I just got lucky. I only have 400 people in my high school, and there are so many superficial girls that I wouldn't date no matter what they did in a diaper. I'm sure you'll find someone though, there are millions of ladies out there. I'm pretty sure I'm going with a Fleet Suppository, if that's what you mean. Yeah, I know. I've scaled it back to one full day. I don't want her to feel bloated and constipated when she's trying to feel beautiful (which she is) in her prom dress. Thanks for the replies! I have mostly everything figured out. I ordered these scented Baby Powder and Lilac candles to make a nice smell in her room as well as help with the messy diaper (I hope). I ordered them Sunday night and they're expected to deliver April 16 - 21.... but prom is on the 18th so I hope they get here on time.
  4. What does cod liver oil do, exactly? She takes fish oil capsules daily and according to this article, generic fish oil has the same effect on constipation.
  5. Believe it or not, that's a pretty loaded question around these parts. I've had my girlfriend try Molicares and Bambinos, and she prefers the Molicares because the Bambinos are too bulky and wide in the crotch. There are many, many factors to consider, and I am certainly no expert (yet). I would advise you to get some samples. They usually cost $, but they are better than buying a whole case and hating them (although ANYTHING beats Depends).
  6. Thanks. She will be wearing a Bambino diaper, which will (I hope) hold the mess. Will the cod liver oil, water, and Fleet Suppository make her poop soft? I don't want it to be hard and painful, but rather mushy and easy. I also want her to be able to hold the poop until I get her home. Once we are there, I want her to be unable to hold it any longer, forcing her to mess her diaper.
  7. I have some Fleet Suppositories, maybe those would be fine? I guess the big question is how long should she hold her poop. What would happen if she didn't poop for two days (Friday and Saturday) and then I gave her a Fleet Suppository on Saturday night?
  8. Unless there is a surefire natural substitute, I fully anticipate using some form of a drug to encourage her to go, I'm just not sure what to use. It may gross us out, but I guess that will be part of the fun. As for the Russell Stover Sugar Free solution, I would rather just give her one application of a drug than have her eat candies for an hour. Thanks, though.
  9. When I was a junior, I was on prom court and made my girlfriend really sad by not going with her. Now as seniors, we want to have an awesome night together, and she has agreed to finishing the night with some diaper fun. I have to preface my plan by saying that she has never pooped in a diaper, but she is willing to on prom night. So anyway, my plan is to have her hold her poop for two days (Prom being on the second of the two days). She will also hold her pee for some duration of time on the second day until she gets into her diaper. When I bring her home on prom night I will put her in a Bambino, give her a bottle to suckle on, and let her go potty. Then later she will have to poop so much that she will have to let it go. When this happens, I will give her a pacifier while she poops and while I change her. The bottle and pacifier are presents that she's always wanted, so they will be a sort of reward for going through with all of this. I also want to buy her these ruffled panties (in white), but am unsure of the coverage they will provide (I'm pretty sure they would cover an Underjam, her favorite diaper). Anyway, what I need to know about is how I will get her to poop. Since this may just be a one time thing, I want it to be "big." I would also like it to be difficult to hold back and messy (like diarrhea, I suppose). I've done a lot of reading on suppositories, stool softeners and laxatives, but nothing really caught my eye as something that would work the best. I think an enema would be out of the question for her, but maybe not. So what do you think of all this? Maybe a laxative and stool softener combined? How long could she sit in the mess before a change? What should she eat?
  10. It's hard for me, too (usually because of a painfully bent erection). But, like others have said, with lots of water comes lots of pee (eventually, at least.... just don't let it wait TOO long).
  11. If only he was addicted to the diaper instead of the drugs he'd be home free... (Yay AB/DL's!)
  12. WOW! Excellent customer service at Bambino! I emailed them this: "I'm wondering if Bambino has any plans for bringing "the new ultra-plush, pillow soft non-woven material" to the Small sized Bambino diapers. Many others are wondering this as well. Is there an anticipated date of arrival?" And they replied: "Thank you for your e-mail. We will receive our new shipment of Small products with our new innovative state of the art silky soft dryer non-woven inner core in about 60 Days. We will keep you e-mail on file and notify you as soon as they arrive in our warehouse. If you have any further questions, please let us know." Great experience so far, I guess I'm going to wait it out, unless you guys feel the small would be too small.....
  13. They are Perfect brand diapers. You can get them off of a German site, I don't have a link off hand
  14. If both brands have similar prices I would prefer Bambinos after looking through reviews (some strong opinions out there, jeez). Anyway, Adrian, I posted on your most recent blog entry wondering about the new Bambinos and how they fit. I assume you wear mediums. How do they fit? What is your waist size? Would a medium fit my girlfriend well (Waist Size: 29" Hip Size: 33")? Sorry to seem nagging, I just don't wanna regret buying something that doesn't fit, and my girlfriend's figure is probably similar to yours.
  15. I just may have to with the prices Bambinos are going for. But I feel that, as a DL, I need to try out the acclaimed Bambinos at least a few times.
  16. Not excused. There were a million other ways to express your opinion that Court Jester should become more independent, and there are a million reasons to justify Jester's current state of dependence. Actually, he wasn't even asking for an opinion in that regard. Anyway, Jester, I suggest you read around the reviews on here. In most categories, reviewers address all of the concerns you listed. If you come back after a bit of research with some more specific questions about 2-3 diapers you've narrowed it down to, we will be able to help more.
  17. Yeah, that's kinda what I imagined. But at $14.70 for two of 'em or $22 for eight (shipped), I might as well get an 8 pack and I want to make sure they are the right ones.... dang, that's $2.75 a pop for eight!! If it helps any, she fits into small sized Molicares which are a 20"-31" fit. Bambino Med. are 32"-44", smalls are 22"-34" and I think I like a tight fitting diaper on her Anybody got a 30"-32" waist with advice?
  18. One of them is probably a Molicare, but the picture makes it very hard to tell. Would you really want to buy a diaper based on a low quality picture with only a perspective of the diaper's fold?
  19. My girlfriend has around a 32" waist (if not, less), but I really want to try out the new Bambino's, which don't come in smalls yet. Would a medium run too large to fit well? Do the sample packs have the new features?.... or would it be better to wait for smalls?
  20. From Episode on February 15 He's a paraplegic and his wife changed his diaper while changing the baby's. funny stuff
  21. Good for you! My girlfriend knows about my DL (i posted the story somewhere. she is overcoming depression, i have diaper fetish - it works out). As a matter of fact, she suggested we go to WalMart to buy some Underjams tomorrow night. I don't ever wear diapers, but I love it when she does. We tried a sample Underjam and it well like crazy (but the sides were ripped from previous wearing and i think the old baby powder affected it too). Anyway, I'm not sure how long your wife has known about it, but it took my girlfriend a year to finally get into it a little. I guess all i can say is that the relationship needs balance. If you compromise to make her happy, she should be willing to do the same. I am a bit pushy, too, and we've fought about diapers being all i care about. But we get over it and understand each other, and now she's even willing to wear and wet them now and again!
  22. Woah, woah woah... no offense, but I'm pretty sure the inverse of that is true. So many great cast members have quit recently. However, the addition of Andy Samberg and Jorma and Akiva (actor and writers from "Lonely Island" skit group) have made for some extremely memorable Digital Shorts i.e. Jizzed in My Pants, Iran So Far, Lazy Sunday, Laser Cats... probably others too But the 3 minute digital shorts don't typically make up for the whole episode's suck factor
  23. It's extremely tough, I know. I recently turned 18 and will have been with my girlfriend for two years on the 19th. This is how it went for me: (kinda paraphrasing) Her: I have something to tell you Me: What? *She showed me her cuts on her arms after some coercion* Me: *caring and understanding, but worried* *She eventually had to go home after some comforting. I texted her "I have a secret to get off my chest, too.* Her: What is it? Me: (after a few texts explaining it's weirdness and that she might not accept it - much like she did to me before exposing her cuts) "Search ABDL in google when no one is looking" Her: (results weren't as self explanatory) You wet the bed? A lot of people have that problem, it's OK Me: No... I like girls who wear diapers Her: Like babies? Me: No, people my age or older. I'm not a pedophile or anything *She accepted it completely, and wanted to know a bit about as our relationship went on* Now she wears diapers sometimes and it's fun, but we took VERY slow baby steps. She was very hesitant to pee in one for example (took like a year to get her into one at all) So I guess my point is: The relationship needs to be balanced. We all have weaknesses beyond our immediate control. If your girlfriend is so arrogant to believe she is perfect and doesn't need some "flawed" human in her presence, then things may not go well. But, if she is accepting and realizes her faults humbly, then it could be OK. I realize my case is somewhat ideal here, but the general rules should apply. Don't over-romanticize this case, because admitting your fetish is a very serious thing and it is well-known to go very wrong. I am only 18 and haven't had any other girlfriend. I also have probably been very lucky, so consider my possible inexperience in light of the older members on this board.
  24. Look nice, but anyone have personal reviews?
  25. And there is a tiny flaw behind your RSS logo (you can see a slightly lighter square that is inconsistent with the background color).
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