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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Wetdl

  1. That book was from 1897, everybody, including the doctors were trying to find new uses for the magical new electricity. I have to admit, a couple treatments like that would cure me. Now of course, Google "Electroplay", its still here. I think I will pass.
  2. The vast majority of the public has no idea we exist, (in any numbers) other than the guy that gets arrested in some very public and stupid manner. That, unfortunately makes him our ambassador.
  3. You can delete files off your drive all day long, and I'll put them right back in place in minutes, as long as they haven't been overwritten yet. You can find software on the net to do this with little or no knowledge. Get a fair size thumb drive or external, use Firefox Portable. Firefox can password protect your browser (should someone find the drive) Save your photos to your 'special" drive only, secure the drive. If you think you need to, encrypt your photos. All of this still won't protect you from someone who's good and willing to spend to time, but will stop your SO, roommate or little brother.
  4. I'm curious about the Penthouse article, was it just an all around slam or what?
  5. One of the simplest self bondage tricks, is the use of a combination lock, in a room that's too dark to see the combination to unlock it, your stuck until sunrise. Lots of variations. Still lots of dangers as well, a house fire wont wait until morning, An unexpected visitor, (with key to house) or an SO that returns home from out of town early. THE ONLY SAFE PLAY IS TO HAVE A PLAN B. It may make it less exciting, but as Billardnut explained, necessary
  6. May already have everything in place already. Lets face it, when you need to go or need to go bad, it feels good. That feeling of relief IS a reward of sorts. As to a audible cue associated with it, I sure can hear the sound from the toilet. I have tried playing back the sound at night when asleep, can't say I have had any success. I don't get too many chances to test the theory. A horrible thought, could silently wetting my diapers be making me associate silence with wetting
  7. Met someone once, very early on. It was awkward to say the least, lets face it the only thing we had in common was diapers. Still, I see there are a number of people in my general area, part of me says why not meet up, in a city where no one is known to anyone. All of this would need to be after many chats or messages (I agree with the make sure everyone is sane idea) and in a good public place. All of this sounds do-able. But that brings up the "why". I just can't see meeting someone just because they wear diapers. I would after talking to someone and building an online friendship, someday want to meet them, but imagine if there is one person at a "munch" or something that is too "Pro- Diaper" or an exhibitionist of sorts. A lot of other people there are going to fear discovery, or at least regret attending.
  8. Welcome aboard, Plenty of answers available here. Some are even correct Everyone's friendly so just jump in
  9. Wetdl

    Free Saturday

    My turn, got the house to myself for the night! But just like always, the phones ringing with people that might just drop by... at least I will be safe once it get a little later, it will be lights off and I can always say I was already asleep. Started with an Attends, thin enough to hide, and I thought it might turn into one I didn't want to wear all night Well it got too wet to trust so poked some holes in it and I threw a Molicare over it. Phone rings and a friend says he may stop by to borrow my truck to haul sandbags. That free time is just hard to get.
  10. BUMP! Been a while since these posts, thought I would ask around again, any other experiences? I will soon be home for a while to get packages, so I am thinking about another cloth diaper and onesie. The reason I may get a "Gift Card" is no statement, no additional credit card showing up on credit report. The fees are just one more cost, hard to avoid. I have not tried, but I don't think Paypal lets you link to a "Gift Card". Also I don't think I can get a prepaid /reloadable card, not linked to my name and address. I would love to be wrong on either of these. Money orders work, but add a week to the purchase, also may places want only Paypal. If anybody has already been through this and has an option I would love to hear more. PPDough -thanks, Fetware is likley to be one of the places I go.
  11. It usually doesn't happen when you trying, just go live life, you will meet a girl. The downside of our little secret is that it tends to keep us at home, away from the rest of the world. Simply a matter of moderation. Don't over analyze, just be honest and enjoy. I'm not one for deception, but I would not bring diapers on the third date either.
  12. Congratulations, its a wonderful thing. And who better than an AB to know the baby's needs. Long ago I learned why the kid is screaming when you get out that baby wipe that contains alcohol.
  13. The PC is the perfect example, no matter how hard you try, sooner or later you will leave a photo or link that someone finds. Also sooner or later you will leave a diaper or other item out to be seen. For the PC I recommend "Portable Firefox", its free, runs from a thumb drive and leaves nothing on the computer. Just don't leave the thumb drive lying around! As far as good hiding places, to me that means Locked . There’s still no stopping an SO, friend or family member from stopping by at the wrong time, you have to already have a plan. I have had wifey come home early, leaving me the only option of pulling on pants over my diaper and hoping see didn't see or smell anything until I could safely sneak to the garage and clean up. This is a good reason to have a habit of not leaving stuff out in sight. A time like that is not a good time to also have to run around stashing diapers and pants. Maybe this could be the start of a tricks and tips topic, good hiding places and ways to deal with emergencies.
  14. I have to second that one, work is work. Concentrate on your job while at work, not your "hobby". I have worn at work, (had to at times) but only at times I knew would be safe. I would much rather be known as "the guy who’s good at solving problems", not "the guy who wears diapers", or "the guy that smells like pee".
  15. I havent tried the Assurance for a while, are you rating them more absorbent than Depends, or just cheaper to change more. Thanks
  16. Just some quick brands for you, Everyone as favorites, YMMV Bambinos (I have never seen one) thick and absorbent, have white and 'decorative' styles, internet order only (I think) Abeana, thick and absorbent, internet order only (I think) Molicare Super, thick and absorbent, internet order only (I think) Tranquility ATN, Thinner, much better than Depends, may be able to find at local medical supply, or online Most store brands are junk. Check the local medical supplies for premium brands they stock, you may get lucky I have used Abeana, Molicare, ATN's (a favorite) Tena, Attends and many store brands. As well as various cloth. The main thing will be if you can safely have them shipped by UPS ect I have found the Depends to be easy to find, and decent capacity if doubled (poke holes in first diaper) Good luck on your search, check the diaper reviews on this site.
  17. I usually wash mine while wearing them in the shower. I find using baby shampoo helps them and me smell better, and it's a mild soap which should be better for the plastic. From time to time I also let them soak in the pool (mild chlorine) and soak for a while in the laundry sink in water/ baby shampoo. I have always put them in the dryer, just never too long or too hot. Without a doubt the best thing I ever did was get the Euroflex pants, they last and last without getting stiff.
  18. For some activities, which may involve rubbing, a thinner diaper might be better. Also, if thats the case (or possibility) make sure its a plastic backed brand, much "smoother". An Attends (thin soft plastic) would be a good choice if you stay dry, a BAD choice if you plan to wet.
  19. Only time will tell, but you have time. If he's hinting and the hints haven't hurt him any he will continue to hint, stronger. If you really think he's wanting to tell you, you can give him an opportunity, wear a thin diaper under your jeans, if he's DL he will notice, leave a diaper sitting around "half exposed" on a table or something, to the average person it will be a 'white something' while an ABDL will identify it in a second. The same idea applies with a diaper pin or other items. If you like him, and he likes you it will happen sooner or later, if it turns out he isn't DL, the things he has seen may help prepare him for the news. I have always kept this side of me secret, so I believe in erroring to the side of caution. Wish you the best of luck
  20. I would like to hear the outcome on both orders. I have had Comoco's in the past,(still have them) the first thing which comes to mind is THEY RUN LARGE. Also they were a rather thick plastic, and (maybe as a result of sizing) the elastic is no way too loose. Would also like to hear how any cloth diapers or pullups are Thanks
  21. Only advice I can offer is to wait it out. I would think that you should try to continue a normal life as much as possible. Don't let her forget you love her and continue to do things that show that. This life seems normal to us, but let’s face it, most people regard our activities as strange. Actions such as helping with the housework, making sure she feels loved, and doing the other things she admires you for will help her think of you as the "you" she married. In time she may talk about it, or prefer not to acknowledge it. While I'm sure you want to talk more and make sure she understands exactly what’s involved (as in no kids), wait for her to get over the initial shock. Simple comments or responses may help when the talk starts, think about things you might what to say... "I know this seems bad but being dishonest with you about it was bad too, I couldn't keep doing that". "You do know this doesn't involve any kids, or photos of kids, it's me I like to treat like a kid. Only you know your wife, and what she may be thinking. Try to anticipate her thoughts and worries, to reassure her, not to argue with her. I think it goes without saying, if she’s having a hard time with this, now is not the time to get caught playing. Wish you and her the best
  22. Very good! Yes I would wear it on a shirt, no one other than another DL would have a clue. Great design
  23. I really don't consider Depends a Bad diaper, for what they are. I have Abena's and Molicare's, and of course they are far better, but I can't just go pick some up down at the store. My thought was to add small amounts, tablespoons?? inside the diaper padding to increase it absorbancy. I would be a mess if just used as a powder, not to mention abrasive while dry. As there is already sodium polyacrylate, in the diaper (assuming I get the right stuff) I see no additional risk. I will look around for the gum xanthan, it may do what I want and be easier to obtain, but appears to be about the same price.
  24. I posted a new topic as not to hijack the original Has anyone found a source for sodium polyacrylate, the super absorbant powder used in diapers? This would seem to be a great way to make your Depend absorb like a Abena. I have found on Ebay for around $20.00 a lb (with shipping) I would like to hear from anyone who has used it, or its close cousin used for instant snow. I know its also used in agriculture to allow soil to retain moisture. Anyone with experience in these? TIA
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