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Baby Bethany

Baby Banker!
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Everything posted by Baby Bethany

  1. And the moral of that story is not only does curiosity kill the cat, but curiosity keeps you coming back to a thread for just one more post!! Beth
  2. That's true isn't it LOL. A Few years ago there wasn't so much begging in London, but now you can't go out to lunch without running a gauntlet of people asking for change. Either that or they want to talk to you about donating to charity. Those charity guys make me laugh, because they always say "Come and talk to me, I don't want any money from you." And then when you go and talk to them they tell you about the charity and ask you how much you want to donate every month, by direct debit of course. So they didn't "want money from you" now.......they just want it in the coming months. I've also noticed that some people are getting money by providing tourist with a service. So, a group of tourists stand there looking a bit lost, and a begger walks up asks if they want directions, or help across a busy road, or to know what train to get on etc. And then after helping them, the person gets aggressive and says "So how much have you got for me for helping you?" And the thing is, it works because people give them money. Beth
  3. Is that statistic true CBD? Seriously, I would have thought that although us that have told partners are in a minority, I wouldn't have thought we're anything as low as 10% of the community. Or was that just a figure of speech? Beth
  4. The readers made some good comments on that page. However, that does not include 'Denzil from Chilworth'. I honestly think the best think to do with Denzil would be for ten of us to turn up at his house in full baby attire and follow him on his journey to work saying "Daddy Denzil, Daddy Denzil.......don't leave us all day!" Yeah, that would teach him LOL. Beth
  5. I think that as Sarah said, we form a relationship and then although we want to tell the person about this we put it off through fear of losing that person. Not just losing them, but the actual embarrasement of telling them. Let's face it, telling your partner that you like to wear diapers is very embarrasing......regardless of how much you accept yourself. If like some of us, you also enjoy baby clothes.....well that's even more difficult (and embarrasing) to explain to a loved one. But as CBD said, there seems to be a bit of an assumption by some people in our community that you either tell everyone you like this or you tell nobody. That people like myself, broadcast this to the world because we don't care what people think. This couldn't be further from the truth. I have only told two people outside of the scene ever, both partners. I have no wish to tell my family, friends and work collegues.......I would die if they even suspected it. To my mind, it's not necessery for those people to know, but I still think we should tell our partners. Not on the first date LOL, but down the line. The way I see it there are five options: 1) Tell your partner. (They may accept it, they may not, you'll have to take that chance and be ready for possible rejection. But at least you can decide when and how you say it.) 2) Don't tell your partner. (This is soul destroying and gets harder as the years go by, especially if you have a growing collection of stuff. Plus, they may find out anyway.......what will you say then?) 3) Seek a partner in the AB/DL community. (I know a couple of people that have done this with success, but they are few and far between. You could end up on your own because you've narrowed the field of potential partners too much). 4) Don't find a partner. (That's okay, if you're happy being single). 5) Wait until we are more mainstream, so it's easier to be accepted. (You could have a long wait, I think we'll all be chatting about diapers in the old folks home before then). Beth
  6. No you're not, well not in my view anyway. I've always held the view that for guys and girls in our community finding a partner should be no different to the way it is for anyone else. To my mind you find the person first, and then tell them second, a love of diapers should be secondary to our love of a potential partner. I'm not in anyway saying this is not a major part of our lives, I'm just saying you shouldn't seek to be with someone just because you share a diaper fetish......there are other things that are important in a relationship, and if diapers are all you have in common, well that's not much to work on. In the same vain, if you hold out for a potential partner who is already in the scene you are seriously going to narrow the field. If I wasn't with my partner, I'm 99% confident I could meet a woman between the ages of say 25 and 50. But I'm not at all confident that I could meet a woman in that age group who is already into diapers.......I'd more than likely end up on my own. We have to take into account that what we do is a minority interest, and that means most people are not into it. Another thing to bear in mind is that there are many people out there who won't think this is a big problem if you give them a chance to understand, my wife is a classic example of this. She wasn't into it before I met her, and she thought it was a bit unusual when I did tell her, but she now enjoys it herself. People can come to think it's harmless fun, but you have to give people like my wife a chance to understand us. The reason we choose the fetish or the partner, is because telling people that we like this is scary.....I know that. I've told two girls, and it was the scariest thing I ever had to say. One of them thought I was a perv and said so, and the other (my wife) thought it was unusual, but not a big deal. But if after my bad experience of my gf walking out on me I'd sat back and taken the view that all girls will respond the same way and it's hopeless, I'd probably be alone now. Form a relationship with someone nice and give that person a chance to understand your little quirk. Beth
  7. Is it? Maybe young Repaid could move it to the correct place for me? Beth
  8. 1. Mommy expects me to go potty in my diaper every day, but when should I go? Before feeding, during the feeding, or after the feeding? Before, during and after feeding, just to keep lazy old mommy on her toes. 2. How can I cry like a real baby? Get mommy to walk out on your relationship because you wear diapers. 3. When should I use a pacifier? When you ask too many questions. 4. How can mommy encourage me to poo while feeding? Feed you a pureed tandori chicken with naan bread, followed by a choice of frozen desert from the trolley. 5. Why does mommy insist I wear my bibby all day? Because you dribble more than a labrador watching someone eat a KFC family bucket. 6. What things should mommy get ready before she feeds me? A radiation suit, a rubber chicken and a small Japanese car. 7. What should mommy do if I didnt poo and I have had a suppository or an enema? Put you up for adoption. 8. Mommy needs to know where to keep my bibbys? On the washing line, so all your neighbours can see them. 9. are towels acceptable burp cloths? Yes, but don't use mine. If you are a "baby" 1. What does your mommy say to encourage you to feed? Here comes the choo, choo.......now eat your bloody dinner or no poon tang tonight!! 2. how long does it take you to feed or nurse? Until there is no food left in the house. 3. what do you do when you have to poo your diaper? Pull the diaper down and put my bottom out of the bedroom window. 4.If you are expected to have a bowel movement during a feeding or close to a feeding, how does that actually happens? Are you given a laxitive in the bottle? , Given an enema or suppository before the feeding? Mommy feeds me the left over tandori chicken from the week before. 5. how many times do you feed daily? How many times can I afford to order pizza? 6. What are you usually given in your bottle? Earl Grey tea with a slice of lemon. 7.Do you choose your feeding times or does mommy? My tummy chooses. 8.Does mommy use a baby blanket when feeding? Yes, she puts it over my head so she can't see my orgasm face. 9. Are you expected to make noises, like a baby when breastfeeding or bottlefeeding? Yes, I fart, belch, and scream at the top of my lungs.......just like a real baby. 10. are you fed in a quiet place or just anywhere? No, I'm usually listening to hard rock during feeding. It's okay, but too much head banging and air guitar can get on mommy's nerves. 11.When bottle feeding, does she put somthing under your chin like a towel? No, I have more chins than a Chinese telephone directory, so there's no room underneath. 12.Are you normaly fed both breasts? Yes, I eat the whole chicken. 13.What does she do while shes feeding you? Recites Byron, or sings God Save the Queen. 14. How do you know its feeding time? When mommy opens the freezer and I spot a large tub of Ben & Jerry's. 15. Where does mommy buy your baby items? My American Express gold card.
  9. Hehe, how come him and the baby can wear the same diaper? Beth
  10. I've voted too Abby Wabby!! I know where you're coming from on us guys dressed like a baby. I've noticed many women (including my wife) who enjoy playing mommy, still don't find a guy in a diaper or baby stuff hot. She says ageplay makes her feel all warm and close, but it doesn't sexually excite her. Which is cool with me because I feel the same way. In fact, I think it would spoil my 'baby time' if we started getting horny LOL. However, I can see that for many guys this would be a problem......because they want to involve diapers or baby stuff and sex. I think the bottom line is that girls can look very cute in baby stuff and most guys don't. Okay, I have seen the odd one that does......but usually they are very fem. I read a thing years ago that said female facial features are closer to baby features than those of a male, simply because being baby like will make the Alpha Male want to defend her.........I'm not sure about that though. I love seeing the photos, but I don't really find them arousing. Maybe if I saw a real AB girl in the flesh it would, I don't know. I do look for the photos, mainly because I try to find ones that are something a bit different. I usually like them to have a bit of humour, otherwise they can seem a bit all the same, and I get bored. Beth
  11. Wow, they are expensive!! I love the fact that they have a baby picture on the pack, even though they were made for adults LOL. Beth
  12. So, we've all seen those AB/DL photos and videos that appear on the Internet, some of which appear in the gallery here. The question is, why do we look at them and which type do we like the most? Beth
  13. I would just like to wish a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! to Diamondback6881. I understand he is now 23 years young.
  14. Pete, please be aware that in response to you posting that clip, it's quite possible that a lightning bolt will come out of the heavens and strike your diapered bottom. Should this happen, and depending on what you believe, it will be because of one of three explanations: 1) Religious view: You not only mentioned Satan, but you posted a video of the evil one dancing at a night club. God is not impressed and the lightning bolt is the solution. 2) Agnostic view: There is no evidence that God struck your diaper, but there is no evidence that he didn't. We will await further proof. 3) Athiest view: The lightning bolt had nothing to do with a God. Your bottom was simply the highest point in the area (which will teach you not to bend over and tie your shoe laces, whilst walking in a park during a storm). And because your diaper was wet it acted as a conductor to the electrical current. Beth
  15. Guys, thanks for your great responses. I wanted to reply over the weekend, but I worked both Saturday and Sunday and when I logged on yesterday evening, I was honestly too tired to think about the subject. Sarah/Underwhere, thanks for those definitions of Agnosticism. However, just to add to the mix and further fuel the debate, I would like to suggest that maybe it's not that black and white. Many theologians consider that there are at least three different forms of Agnostocism, all three of which are very different. They are: Hard Agnostocism (the definition that Sarah gave): The belief that the existence or nonexistence of God is unknowable, simply because we will never have the evidence to prove it either way. They are not saying that God does or does not exist, but that we will never know for certain. Soft Agnostocism: The belief that the existence or nonexistence of God is unknowable now, but maybe one day we will be able to prove/disprove it. They are just awaiting further evidence. Apathetic Agnostocism: The belief that God may or may not exist, but either way he cannot have any influence on us or the Earth in general, so it doesn't matter anyway. They consider that if a creater of the universe did exist he simply did his part and then left it to run within the scientific guidelines/limits that he set for it. Rather like a man that makes a clock, winds that clock and then leaves it to run without his watching it 24/7. The word 'Agnostic' was coined by Thomas Huxley to explain his own beliefs. Ironically just before Chrsitmas last year I read a biography of Huxley ('Evolutions High Priest' by Adrian Desmond). In this book he explains what he means by 'Agnostic': "I neither affirm nor deny the immortality of man, I see no reason for believing it, but, on the other hand, I have no means of disproving it. Give me such evidence as would justify me in believing in anything else, and I will believe that. Why should I not? It is not half so wonderful as the conservation of force or the indistructabilty of matter." T. H. Huxley. Based on the above, I would say Huxley was a 'Soft Agnostic'? Sarah, I would just like to comment on your point about many people believing that you cannot be both spritual and an Athiest at the same time. Bettypooh made the valid point about native American spirituality, but in addition I would like to suggest that it is not only possible to be both Athiest and spiritual, but Athiest and religious! As you say, Athieism is the denial of the existence of God/Gods not denial of religion/spirituality. Buddism for example has no God/Gods, and because of this many people consider Buddism to be an Athiest religion. The same applies to Taoism. Beth
  16. That statement sounds a little like cutting off your nose to spite your face. I understand that some of you can't order online or can't have diapers delivered to your home, but if you can order online.......why not? As Baby Brad said, we have to realise that some of the items we use are specifically made for the AB/DL community and because of this they are not going to be sold in high street stores. I would love GAP to sell AB clothes, but it could be a long wait. Beth
  17. As the others have said, I wouldn't advise a real baby food diet. Babies are far different to adults, and baby food is made specificly for their nutricional needs. You would have to eat vast amounts of it to survive (which would cost you a small fortune) and even then you would probably feel weak/have no energy and your skin and hair would probably suffer. I agree with the others. If you want to eat a mushy baby diet just stick to a balanced adult diet, but puree it in a blender. I'm not a dentist, but your teeth should be okay if you stick to brushing/mouthwash/flossing etc, and if the diet doesn't contain too much sugar. Is it worth it? I've never done it myself and wouldn't want to. I personally would miss cooking and eating a nice meal, so only you can really decide if you consider it worth it or not. Good luck either way Beth
  18. Hehe, that's funny. Don't worry, we're not all class and culture.....far from it. I love the differences between American's and Brits. When I'm in Cali my family sometimes say or do something and I'll think, my god that is so English LOL. I remember years ago there was an American comedian who said "You want to know the difference between an American and an Englishman? Okay, they both take their kids to Disney World and they see a guy dressed as Mickey Mouse. American Dad: Hey, kids look.....it's Mickey.......Hi Mickey......say hi to Mickey kids! English Dad: That's not Mickey Mouse kids, it's just a man dressed up!" LOL One of the most bizarre things I think about Americans is that you have this reputation for being quite loud and brash, and to be honest if I'm in London and an American tourist comes up to ask for directions or something, that generally seems to be the case. However, when I'm actually in the US you seem to be quite quiet and polite.......for the most part. I've never been able to work out whether this is because you are simply more in proportion to your surroundings at home, or whether you actually do become louder and more excitable when you go abroad. Beth
  19. I think it varies from person to person. I've always been very kinky, but I wouldn't say I'm shy or quiet. Beth
  20. I agree, surely if you believe in something that strongly you don't mind questions being asked of it? You and the others have answered more or less every question we've raised, and I don't see your beliefs undermined because of that. If anything, it proves that you understand what you believe and have confidence in those beliefs. It's a little bit like extreme poltical groups, who know that their ideas don't stand up to any scrutiny, so they avoid people that might challenge those ideas and only speak about it to like minded people. Sort of preaching to the converted. On the other side of the coin is having your hand forced by someone demanding an explanation where there is none to be had. In a recent TV debate between Richard Dawkins and the Archbishop of Canterbury (The head of the Church of England) Dawkins raised the question as to how Mary could have become pregnant with Jesus without having been with a man, and the fact that there is no solid scientific evidence of how this happened. I personally thought it was a silly question, because (as Dawkins is well aware) it is impossible to know for certain. However, the Archbishop felt pressured into providing a scientific explanation on TV.....so he tried to provide one. I can't remember what he said exactly, but it was all pretty flimsy schoolboy science, which to my mind simply undermined what he was saying. He should have simply admitted to Dawkins that there is no hard scientific evidence of how she became pregnant without a man, and by the same token there is no hard scientific evidence that she did not. Beth
  21. Strangly I'm the other way, in that I've never slept with a blonde. I didn't plan it that way, just worked out like that. I've never slept with a daughter of the SS but when I was in hospital many years ago, I met a much older woman who invited me around to her place to puff some weed. I was only about 17 and still a virgin, she was about 30. But when she left the hospital she told me to hurry up and come round, because her hubby was in prison for armed robbery. I didn't go LOL. Beth
  22. True, but maybe he had other stuff on his mind, like how do you blow out sixty candles in one puff? Beth PS) If you still want some plastic pants I have some you can have. I don't want anything for them, but remember I'm in England so the mailing costs work out at $150 per pair.
  23. Yeah, a lot of girls liked Thomas Magnum didn't they? My first crush was the girl from a TV show called 'Heidi'. Now I'm going way back, but it was a German (or Austrian, or Swiss) show about a little girl that lived in the Alps with her grandpa. Hiedi was played by a little blonde girl, and when I was about 8 I had a bit of crush on her. Beth
  24. Yep, which brings us back to the point I made about most people sharing the religion of their parents.......which does kind of make it an accident of birth or geography. Okay, many people do choose their own faith, but the vast majority follow whatever their parents and grandparents did. I once put this same point to a Muslim friend, who said that he followed his faith through his own choice and by following his own heart. But he did admit that the fact that he was raised in Pakistan and taught to be a Muslim from birth was the essence of why he's a Muslim in the first place. There is an agument that teaching religion to your child is a form of brainwashing, no different to teaching them a certain political view. As you say Anondl, one of the biggest problems with any organised religion is that if one is right, then the others must surely be wrong. So if the Catholic Church are correct, then every non Catholic that has ever lived is doomed. If the Islamic faith is correct, then the same and so on and so forth. It may simply be a case that none of them are correct, or that God (and by God I mean whatever organising/guiding force there is in the universe) simply doesn't care about the faith of a clever primate, on a not very important planet, orbiting a not very large star. Like you Anondl, the whole reason why I don't have a religion now is that I've looked into several, but never found one which ticks all the boxes for me. In every religion I've looked at I find something that I find difficult to believe. Atheism to me is just another faith. It has to be a faith, because making the statement that "God does not exist" is no different to saying "God does exist" either way there is no evidence, and because of this an act of faith is required in either case. To me Atheism is as worthy of respect and theological debate as any organised religion. One of the things that always amazes me (that Sarah also touched upon) is the reluctance of most people of strong faith to engage in any theological discussion. I think this thread proves that. You could argue that there are not many people of faith on here, but I've seen many, many people quote scripture in other threads, only to ignore any form of debate in this one. This is nothing new, I've spoken to people of various faiths all over the world and to be honest the majority have been the same way......either that or they've become angry. I've also come across many people (of various faiths) who are willing to preach to you, but who lose interest when you start asking questions. I find this unfortunate. Beth
  25. Welcome to the club Kendra. Don't worry about people thinking you're a gay guy, simply because you like a dress. I'm a boring old married man but I still get horny young guys (who shall also remain nameless) sending me sexy pm's. In fact I had one from a member this morning, asking "do u wear diapers" to which I replied "No, I don't wear diapers because they make my bum look big." Enjoy!! Beth
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