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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by tris

  1. I wear short shorts! (well, they're not really shorts, it's just my diaper.) But what is important to short shorts? Smooth shaved legs! I just got outta the bathtub, and while I was in, I was wondering if anyone here is as metro as I am. Who else shaves more than their diaper areas? Who needs a tutorial on men's leg shaving? Oh, and I totally recommend Coochie Cream for all your body shaving needs! It can be found online or at your favorite adult store --ask for it by name!
  2. There ARE girls to be found that can be into you and what you love. You just have to help them learn it, too. I'm in the beginning of my journey with one, and although she doesn't do everything I would like, she knows what it is that I want, and it just takes time to make the compromise between the two of us. I always thought those types of girls weren't out there, at least not for me. But, I have found that even when you're a tool you can get hot chicks. I see it ALL the time. (in high school, I was one of those guys) because of what it is that I love, I knew it would be short-lived. Those girls are high maintenance and bitchy, but they love Coach bags and they look great standing next to you. Sometimes, that's all it takes for a little happiness. And I stand by my comment on smoking some weed. They love that, too. In lieu of the worldly things that make you happy and bring a fair degree of social success, you need to learn to be happy with who you are. it sounds like in 46 years you haven't made time to accept who you are and what you want from life. I highly suggest sitting down with something you're comfortable with --by that I mean an intoxicating agent of your choice-- and get introspective. Once you have a goal in mind and you can visualize what your happiness looks like, you can have a better idea of how to get there.
  3. Paradox said only ONE thing that might actually help you and it was the part about calling 911 if you're thinking of killing yourself. First, that's kinda dumb, and REALLY fucking embarrassing. BUT, if you DO call 911 they'll come out and get you, and perhaps finding you wearing a diaper and in an agitated state would get you institutionalized for a couple days where you would get some "free"* psychological assistance. *Free means they'll bill you an exorbitant amount for the EMS ride to the facility and the charges FROM the facility will make you wish you were dead, even if you have the best insurance in the world. My advice to you is to read my upcoming guide to achieving ABDL zen in your relationships. (i'll publish it here soon) But for right now you're best off to focus on feeling good about yourself, both diapered, and not. If you're unhappy in your career, find another one. If you're having problems getting laid, (big thing to happiness) pick up someone on craigslist, there's plenty of other lonely people out there. Believe me, I was one of them. Also, smoke some weed, it really will make you feel better. Sleep tight, ps, you can talk to me via pm if you like. I'm not as harsh as I sound, I promise. --I'm just hungry and cranky!
  4. yeahhh... not true. Why do you think there are so many commercials from lawyers asking you for your nursing home settlement case? It's time consuming, EXPENSIVE and mostly disgusting for the aides at nursing homes to be expected to change diapers every two hours. It doesn't happen that way. Maybe your friend works for one of the good high-priced nursing homes, but I've toured one when my ex's mother worked at one. The diapers aren't even good diapers, they're cheap. And they're not changed as lovingly as you would expect, and they're certainly not changed often, mostly due to staffing concerns. You won't receive that kind of care here in the US unless you hire a dedicated caregiver, which is why that niche market is currently booming.
  5. No more bickering, children, or I'LL close the topic. Mommy Charlene, turtlepins' posts are rather outlandish --I've read them, too. Being a victim of abuse himself I'm afraid science is against him as well. Those who are abused as children have a highER likelihood of being motivated to abuse others when given the opportunity to do so. He wasn't being accused of being a pedophile, so there's no need to unleash the monster hiding underneath YOUR tongue, either. I stand by my fact-filled post --Those with fetishes are predisposed to NOT have pedophilic tendencies, although there can be anomalies. Now be good, both of you, or it's TIME OUT! *giggles*
  6. I understand the link one can draw between what we see as something arousing, and what THEY would see as arousing. When I consented to see a therapist about all this, I had a long drawn-out discussion with him about what exactly pedophilia is and isn't. To be fair, anyone with a PARAphilia --that is to say, a fetish in general-- is automatically counted out of the possible pedo suspect list. The reason being that most PARAphilias are based on a submissive stance. We enjoy wearing diapers, and they're enjoyed more when someone puts them ON US. See the submissive part? Everyone catch what I'm explaining so far? Good, moving on. Pedophiles are aggressive. This can be noted in their MO --watch kid from a distance. Work up the nerve to abduct a kid. Then, torture, abuse, and later KILL kid. Those are all actions someone who is submissive couldn't possibly commit. (humans are dynamic, there are anomolies, however.) Pedophilia is based upon the desire to dominate another. Like anyone with a sexual deviancy, they are victims of their environment. Society may think of them as terrible, horrible people, (and they are!) but they're a little like vampires or zombies. Someone did it to them first, and the only way their psyche can deal with that trauma is to do the same to others. It's a weak mindset, but it is rooted in the survival set. (which is why I'm a big fan of doing with pedos the same thing we do to zombies or vampires. Shoot them in the head!! Yay!) Nonetheless, it's a dominance thing. That's why they're also referred to as "predators" -- They prey on the weakest they can find, which, just so happens to be our children. Its a neverending cycle, i'm afraid. we can wage genocide on all the pedos we can find and we still wouldn't be rid of the horror they bring to our culture. What we CAN do is help stop the abuse by not engaging minors in such a way that could cause them harm. Easier said than done, but it's a good first step to creating a better race of human beings.
  7. Wow. You guys make me wanna put a gun in my mouth. So sad that over the generations what you 'oldies' see as America falling apart also makes the country you protected in its time of need, more tolerant and peaceful. (did I say that right?) I guess what I'm getting at is a generational thing; we have so many different ways to communicate with our fellow humans these days, and so many different and anonymous mediums to do so, we've learned much in a short period of time about the private things in human existence that used to be deeply guarded. My mother is about as old as most of you posting the sad wives' tales, and I understand exactly what you're saying. But, your generation wasn't intended to be tolerant and understanding, it was all about thriving in normality. As I sit typing away, I'm wearing a very cute white starry thermal, diaper fully exposed. My girlfriend is right here with me, reading the posts, just as interested in the sad songs as I am. I'm attempting to write a "howto" guide on "coming out" ala ABDL style, and I'll post it up here once it's proofed and finished. (as you can tell, I'm awful verbose) I hope that it'll help others avoid the pain of what you all are describing.
  8. Someone commented before about, "no one goes around checking out everyone's butt to see if they're wearing a diaper. . ." False. I'm THAT guy. As long as my brain has been connected to my peepee, i've been scoping ass to see if anyone other than babies are wearing diapers. I've checked out family, friends, misc people. . . I wager I've got a doctorate in AssScopomology. You'd be surprised, some folks LOOK like they've got a didy on and they don't. Everyone's bottom is different. Okay, no more confessing, I'm not a practising catholic anymore. But I was an altar boy! (bet a diapered bottom then woulda given the guest priest a run for his collection plate, haha!) I've been diapered 24/7 for nearly 2 years now and the only thing I've gotten from ANYONE was "Did you gain a lil weigh, tris? You're looking "healthier", particularly round middle. . " from a coworker when I worked for WWG in their warehouse. I daresay she was more conscious of it, though --she was a nasty old lady who at one time had an accident at work (HILARIOUS!) and I think she wears depends from time to time. At that time I had switched from the depends to the prevails (found at Longs drug) and they were a bit thicker. Either way, it can be brushed off. Like everyone has said --folks don't wanna discuss it at the risk of being wrong cuz, haha, NO ONE WANTS TO BE CAUGHT SCOPING ASS!!! hahahahah! *cough*wearsunglasses*cough* Damn I get sidetracked easily! If you're an average skinny whiteboy like me, with no ass to begin with, don't expect any HUGE change in your figure --no one's looking unless it's WAY obvious. I wear Tena Plus' day in and day out and the only people that notice are the ones that know. If this is something you're serious about, don't be ashamed to do as you please.
  9. I'm telling you, DO NOT LIE! (like, if you weren't a bedwetter, don't say you were) I've only been posting here for a few days and I've seen a trend among the older folks, and some other people in general: "I've lied to (friend/family/SO) about my diapers and now I wanna tell 'em. What am I supposed to do? Help!" And the answer is the same everytime: Get a time machine and go back and do it right. Barring that, you have to be honest. You can't expect a positive outcome when you use a lie to cover up another lie. (Unless you work for the US Govt) If you want someone else to be comfortable with this side of you, you need to be comfortable with it, as well. How confident are you in going to buy your diapers? Wearing them in Public? Realistically, you could have a fetish for wearing a bananna hammock, but as long as you were self-assured in how you carry yourself and the words you use when you explain to others about how it makes you feel, the females won't care. They all want something different, someone who cares, someone who's there, someone who will SATISFY them. If you can be THAT GUY, you should have no problem with anyone who wants to know about your puffy pants. And don't forget --if this person isn't down for doing the things you want, move on. Neither of you are going to gain anything by continuing to pretend its a non-issue.
  10. TELL HER WHILE THINGS AREN'T TOO SERIOUS!!!!! What if you ended up staying with this girl for a few years and things got really serious? Read the posts of some of the old cats on here --they've been lying, hiding and playing it down for YEARS and now they're in a real bind asking all of us here how to tell their WIFEY. Its bad news bears for them, cuz they got kids, houses, cars and bills and REAL LIFE shit to worry about. You're 18, I say tell her straight up. If she's cool and understands that's its a button she can push to get what she wants out of you, then it's all good. Roll with it. If not, I'm sure you can get laid elsewhere. Good Luck Bro! Do it and let us know how it turned out. tris
  11. At one point in time, diapers were a sexual thing. After wearing them 24/7 for nearly 2 years now, I find that the sexual aspect only arises when, well. . When I arise.
  12. The key to any LTR is honesty. I have been honest with my SO (don't take that the wrong way, SHE is a real live woman) all the way thru. she knows why I wear diapers and fell in love with me despite that fact. we're still in the early stages of our relationship, but she is getting more and more comfortable with me and who I am, and is willing to try new things. You will find that when you're honest in your relationships with everyone, things work out as they should. I've been completely honest with everyone in tha last year about who i am and what I'm all about and I can say I've experienced LIFE as it should be; I'm happier for it and my relationships with everyone I know have been more solid and more rewarding than I ever could imagine. Just don't give up hope.
  13. If you're not visiting pedophillic websites, than I would wager that you have nothing to worry about. It would also depend on what university you attend, what servers of theirs you go thru, and what you're studying. For example, you're in the UK. Supposing you went to oxford and you happened to be studying world governments, or perhaps a new theory that could impact human life all over the world, maybe somewhere, there would be a government agency who would check up on you from time to time. But I wouldn't worry, otherwise. Maybe they'd let a spy get away with wearing diapers from time to time --who knows? No one is that interested in what we do more than we are. Goodluck.
  14. Just traveled one-way from Seattle to Tampa last week. Got flagged on my way in, and they went thru my bag, and wanded me. The guy frisking me was maybe my age (20something) or younger. He didn't give a rats ass about what I had in my bag or what I was wearing. I also had a 1/2oz of weed stuffed into my second diaper. Didn't get caught. Until some terrorist muslim decides to one up that crazy shoebombing french dude by making a bomb into a diaper, we won't have any problems. (well, unless W sets up someone to get caught with a bomb and wearing a diaper, so we'll no longer be able to wear diapers while flying at all.) If you're gonna wear while flying, you better act natural about it, is the bottom line. The TSA guys are more concerned with taking your can of Monster Energy drink at the checkpoint, and maybe taking whatever prescription pills you have out of your checked luggage. Diapers are NOT their concern.
  15. I feel you, dude. I was in a similar situation a few weeks ago. I've been wearing diapers by choice since I was 17. I've spent the last two and a half years wearing them 24/7. Of course, living at home and having a NOSY mom, I was found out. On the stance that she was trying to protect me from the "evil things I found on the internet" she's been against anything related to my lifestyle, though not batting an eye when I remind her of how I was "teased" (that nice teasing parents and cousins do) about diapers CONSTANTLY when I was young. There were multiple videos and incidents I had as a young child that, to a keen observer would have been obvious I had a "thing" for diapers long before the internet existed in american homes. I was the good guy, I saw a shrink like she asked --the guy was okay, BUT after we came to the agreement that it was okay to wear diapers I was happy to go along my merry way. Fast forward to when i was 21: I get around to wearing more and more (getting closer to the 24/7 thing) and I soon let my friends in on the secret. My entire cliq knows I wear diapers and why I wear them, and they're cool with it. EVERYONE I have told about it, has been cool to me. They don't care. who cares? My mom does, that's who. She got tired of the lying and hiding I had to (out of respect for her) and eventually started complaining about the diaper pail and everything else. My room has always been reasonably clean, smells mostly like a nursery, and I've never had ANYONE tell me my room stinks. I've had girls over and we've done the deed; they liked the smell of my room. The only person who complains was my mother. So, I got the same ultimatum you did: A place to stay, or Diapers, but you can't have both. I finally had an arrangement setup with a girl I met thru my best friend. She ended up moving to Florida for her job after she graduated college, and once she got settled, offered me a place with her. So guess where I am? I'm happily diapered 3000 miles away from home. I can tell you it's an uphill battle that you probably won't win. If they haven't packed your shit for you and tried to get you out, they're not really gonna do it. They're your parents, and they love you, and like others have said, they want you to change your behavior --for whatever reason. Its a generational thing that most parents won't understand, and do to the fads with us youth, they're inclined to believe that what you're doing isn't something long-term, just something cool for the moment. I would play martyr, like I did, and let them know that you're not going to change; this is a permanent part of you that you can no longer deny. And if they can't love you for who you are and who you WANT to be, then wage emotional war. It will make things messy on your way out, but if you have any kind of balls, stand up for yourself. Parents always teach us to stand up for what we believe in, and who we are, but they don't want you to stand up to them, and sometimes you have to in order to live freely. Things will probably get worse before they get better, and if you can't leave home, my advice is that you be more careful not to get caught. Don't let them ask you to choose which is more important --them, or diapers, because if they have the nerve to ask you to choose, then they obviously don't care about your happiness, only your survival. and what's survival without happiness? Good luck, kiddo. tris
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