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  1. Alexis got a big water gun and was grinning as she chased after Aurora and Star. She was going to get Star back for that water balloon! She glared at Star. She was going to get her. Alexis snuck around the tree using her power to try and mute her movement for a moment, "Heh...." She sprayed Star, "Gotcha ya!" she laughed and then ran over to Megan to use her as a shield, "Mommy protect me." she whimpered cutely.
  2. Carol smiled at Abby, "That's not a problem sis," she laughed, "I enjoy cooking espescially for our little family," she smirked, "and anyway you'll be cleaning up after them." she teased softly as she went to feed Sarah her pancakes which she made sure to pour some strawberry syrup on, "Open up darling." Carol chuckled, "I'll go get the cider." She was careful to pour the cider. It was still hot but it smelled sweet. A treat for their darlings wouldn't harm. Dani ate her food quickly and yawned, still feeling tired, "Cider's fine...." she liked cider and hot chocolate. It was no problem for her, "Soooo Sarah....Santa hasn't done anything during the night to us, has he?" she teased.
  3. Alexis frowned, "That's not fair? You've done the program, right? So shouldn't you be allowed? Or maybe there's a waiting period? You shouldn't be banned outright! Mama might be able to do something bout it?" she looked at Megan before looking at Star, blushing, before watching her run off to the garden. Alexis rested herself against Megan as her twin carried her becoming more use to this type of comfort despite the issues she still had with it. Alexis smiled at the baby phoenix finding it cute when it chirped. Aurora made sure to follow Star in the yard and groaned when she saw Megan with water balloons, water guns and so on, only to laugh as she got hit, "You might regret this challenge, Star." she chuckled and picked up her own soaker ready to chase after her babygirl and Alexis.
  4. Dani snuggled up close to Sarah, snoring softly, as she stayed asleep for the rest of the night to the point that when it was morning she hadn't realised that Sarah had slid away from her at all as she rolled onto her stomach with a soft squeak only to whine quietly at hearing Sarah call out for Carol, opening one of her eyes and keeping the other closed. Dani whined quietly as Abby picked her up and yawned stretching on the changing table still waking up, "Pancakes?" she mumbled, "I want syrup on mine...." Dani soon was fast awkae by the time they got into the kitchen and she was set down in her highchair ready for breakfast. Meanwhile Carol was busy cooking while Abby was looking after the babies making sure that everything was cooked through but not to hot so it wouldn't burn anyone's mouths. It was going to be their first christmas together properply and she couldn't wait for everyone to open what they had gotten. Carol placed two plates in front of the two littles and smiled at Abby, "Thanks for changing her." it was so good having her sister around helping out. It felt like they were a family. She had missed this.
  5. (Thanks! Will check now!) Dani sighed softly as she listened to Abby hum a soft song causing her to grow sleepy as she listened to her heartbeat which felt so soothing and right. It felt good being with Abby. They just worked. Their personalities matched and she had always liked being with her even going as far as to cling and follow her around whenever she was around the house before she had been taken away. Carol smiled softly as she looked at Dani all curled up and cuddled against Abby, "I can see that you were hit harder then me when she went missing." she was going through heartbreak but she knew that Abby suffered more then her with Dani's loss. Carol looked at Sarah and smiled cutely at her babygirl sleeping she gently took her to her nursery and changed her, cleaning her up and putting her in a fresh clean diaper before putting her into her crib for the night as she joined Abby to finish wrapping presents, "They are so sweet, aren't they?" she said as she wrapped her final gift for Sarah.
  6. Alexis pouted, "I can see why you're Mommy and mine aren't thrilled on the idea of us playing on the stairs or garage now," she sighed, "I guess it's better to be safe rather than in danger but still..." They were adults so was playing on the stairs really that bad? Also Aurora was a doctor and could heal them up easily couldn't she? Alexis blushed at the bed head comment and simply nodded, "Yeah sure okay!" colouring sounded fun to her and it would get her mind away from the stairs and garage. Alexis squeaked as Megan sorted out her hair causing her to keep pouting, "I'm fine with whatever," she said trying to focus on her colouring, "I guess a ponytail?" she decided believing that to be the best option it wasn't as childish as braids. Aurora knelt down looked at Star's drawing, "Oh wow that would work really well! I can see that be amazing and maybe it'll even win one of the awards in this year's hero competition?" she smiled and then saw Alexis confused look, "There's awards every four month with the top ones being given out at the end year for hero works there's a lot of categories such as best new gadget, best hero, best hero team, best rescue and more!" she explained.
  7. (Back from my trip) Dani crunched down on the smarties happily munching away as she cuddled up against Abby snuggling her as they waited for Sarah and Carol to join them only to pout childishly, "Noooo! No nap!" she scowled she did enjoy naps but she just didn't feel like one and didn't plan on falling asleep anytime soon. Carol held Sarah tightly and smiled down at her precious babygirl giving her a sweet kiss on the forehead lovingly as she watched her more then the movie. She was falling in love? Wasn't she? Sarah was her baby. She wasn't ever going to give her up. She wasn't going to lose her. Carol glanced at Dani. The wound between them was deep and still healing. Carol chuckled as she watched Sarah's eyes dropped and looked at Abby with a smirk knowing Dani would be out as well soon after some milk. She would breastfeed Sarah after her nap. Dani made a soft whine like noise and yawned slightly, "That's cause I'm a big girl and you know it." she replied back but feeling Abby's hand on her forehead brought back old comforting memories and Dani latched on with ease suckling loudly as she tried to watch the film but found it difficult as she found herself being soothed by Abby's heartbeat.
  8. Been super busy and will be for a few days more but will be able to update things next Wednesday or Thursday 

  9. Alexis smiled sweetly as Megan kissed her boo boos whenever she pointed to one. It was kind of fun and silly. She wasn't sure if she could ever get use to this but she did like it, she enjoyed spending time with Megan and being with her twin, her Mommy. It made things easier for her to see Megan as her actual Mommy because it meant that she didn't have to see Megan as someone she still needed to compete with to prove herself at all. Alexis blushed slightly still not use to the diaper changes but was relaxed about it because Megan was there and being so caring towards her about it, it made things easier, much easier and she felt safe. The powder smelled sweet to her and tickled her nose. Alexis frowned slightly at that. Why were they banned from the garage? And the stairs? "I won't get hurt playing there?" said Alexis pouting and then looking over at Star, "Explosion?" she asked confused. Aurora shook her head and smiled, "Yes this is true so you caught me but would you really want Alexis to sleep all alone by herself while you're here?" she asked teasingly not minding that she had tricked Star. Aurora nodded, "Okay! Will be right back be good for your Auntie." she said as she went to get Star's backpack.
  10. Carol was glad that Sarah was enjoying the food and that it was all gone she gently wiped Sarah's mouth, "You're welcome babygirl." she kissed Sarah's forehead sweetly, "They would be but they'll still respect you and if they don't, well, they'll have me to deal with but most of them will be happy knowing that you're with me." she added knowing that it was a thing to gossip about Sarah and her safety around the workplace because she was a Little and everyone was worried for her. Dani smirked, "You probably know more then me," she laughed, "and I can't wait to get back to working properply, I've missed it." she replied and blushed slightly as Abby wiped her face clean, "Okay!" she looked over the pantry and looked at the sweets before eyeing some smarties which she pointed to. Carol smiled, "Of course you do babygirl." she picked Sarah up and held her on her hip as she followed Abby and Dani to the pantry, "What would you like darling?" she asked noticing her baby holding back a yawn. Maybe she could breastfeed Sarah in a bit? She'll wait until she knew Sarah was a bit more tired and she didn't want to overfill Sarah straight away either.
  11. Aurora smiled, "I hope it works and we can find some way to communicate with it," she said, "And yeah I think I might use that trick again," she giggled, "I doubt she can say no to snuggling with Alexis," she smirked, "they are awfully cute together like that and your sis seems so calm." Alexis squeaked and whined as Star accidentally elbowed her causing her to wake up in surprise, frowning slightly. She knew Star hadn't meant it but it did hurt a bit. Alexis watched Star surprised to see her using her diapers and even seemingly need to do it on purpose? She didn't have that luxary her control was near-enough gone sadly. Aurora entered with Megan, "Mhm it was." she giggled and then walked over to Star lifting her up by her armpits, "Hey babygirl," she grinned, "I know you're not happy with Mommy but I bet it was nice snuggling with Alexis and you could of always gotten up whenever you wanted after your snuggle." she teased carrying Star to the changing table and started to clean her little one up. Alexis softly whined and whimpered against Megan's shoulder, "Mhmm..." she whimpered cutely clinging to her twin, "Owie," she mumbled, "it hurt." it didn't really hurt that much and she had gone through much worse such as broken bones, bones breaking through her skin, collapsed lung....and she never really cried over that despite wanting to because she knew that no one would comfort her but with Megan here she felt safe and able to be vulnerable, "Can you kiss my owies?" she asked pointing to her head and then her arm which had a small but old scar.
  12. Carol smiled down at Sarah and then laughed at Abby's antics with Dani, "Come on let's get you some food in that tummy of yours and then you can have some coco." she coo'd getting Sarah into a highchair next to Dani as she got the soup in a plastic bowl, "It's a bit hot so Mommy will feed you." said carol blowing on the spoon and soup before feeding Sarah only to smirk as she glanced at Abby and Dani. Dani giggled loudly as she was held upside down and tried to tickle Abby but her arms didn't reach properply. Dani smiled and started eating feeling like a big girl that she got to feed herself while Sarah didn't, "Heh yeah." she smirked seeing the drool. The soup was really good and warming Dani up a lot. Dani stuck her tounge out at Sarah for saying she was a baby too but didn't correct her knowing that it might end up with them squabbling and she didn't have the best control over her temper so she tended to avoid arguing and fights whenever possible despite enjoying to tease and challenge others.
  13. Dani stuck her tounge out at Abby and giggled, "Yeah I love the snow so much! It's nearly as fun as the beach but the beach is better cause it's nice and warm." she smiled eager to have her diaper changed and be in something much warmer now. Dani thought over the options before grinning and nodded happily to be dressed up in the bat pjs finding bats cute, bats were one of her favourite animals. Carol nodded and gave Abby a thumbs up glad that her sister had food figured out it meant that they didn't have to cook much and could just chill with the girls while she sorted out the coco and dishing up the soup. Dani groaned at not being able to pick Die Hard and looked over the movies Auntie Carol had unsure what to pick before choosing Spongebob Squarepants the Movie to watch first. She waddled back over to Abby and passed her the film. Carol turned and looked down with a smile, "Hey babygirl," she said sweetly picking Sarah up, "Mommy is nearly done," she kissed her forehead, "the coco needs to cool down first so we'll have some yummy soup first, alright? Then we can have the coco later as a treat, mhm?" she said. Normally she would of said something about Sarah being in the kitchen but giving that she was near-enough done and her baby simply wanted to be held, well, she was more then okay with that.
  14. Aurora sat at the counter and smiled at Megan, "Thanks! I hope so they seem to get along really well and it's good for Star to have Alexis around it gives her a friend to play with and they both seem to enjoy each others company." Aurora took a sip and thought for a moment, "I think she enjoys it too, she didn't get much attention growing up from her parents and it's common for people doing the program to get attached to their caretakers too," she stated, "I'm glad that they are but I can see Star being a bit grumpy with me for tricking her though," she smiled, "the Phoenix? Mhm? It's a rare bird almost instinct and giving it is a legend of myth it's probably highly sought after," she looked at Megan, "it being here with you is the best outcome for it even though you can't communicate with it," she paused, "are the other birds able to talk to it? Maybe they can translate the words for you?" suggested Aurora.
  15. Been busy with uni recently so haven't had much time to RP but looking to get back into the swing of things now. I tend to write paragraphs and would enjoy others who could do the same. I prefer RP'ing as a sub. Some previous ideas I had that I would like to try out include: 1 Parents remarry. The dad or mom buys a house and gifts it to their daughters in the city where they both are studying and/or working. The step sisters use to be rivals in middle school and would constantly compete against one another over anything and everything. They weren't friends but they weren't enemies either. They both went to different high schools and hadn't seen the other since. They are both adults now in college / working but one of them hasn't had much of a growth spurt which the other is quick to use against them and is eager to turn her former rival into her cute baby sister. 2) A tomboy who is known for causing chaos has been sent to a strict private boarding school. Her parents having decided to outright relinquish their rights as her guardians and any responsibility they have towards her, telling her as much and that this would be the last time they would ever see each other again. That they are done with her with a teacher or someone present to witness the whole thing. This only causes the Tomboy to act out more but in a much more childish manner and regress to a few childish habits. 3) Someone doesn't like X and ends up faking pictures of X cheating by using someone who looks similar to her to do it. X's entire relationship and life falls apart as the fake pictures are revealed and she turns to the only thing she's able to find comfort in, abdl, no one seems to believe her and she starts failing her college classes. Eventually the truth of the situation does come out but at that point no one knows where she is or heard anything from or about her. 4) A police officer has a crush on a woman she arrested in the past. This person wants some form of revenge for having been caught and uses the police officer's guilt or what she presumes to be guilt to humiliate her. Or An ex convict finds the police woman who convicted her at a fetish convention browsing the ABDL section 5) Becoming sick with a stomach bug a fifteen year old is forced to wear protection by the school nurse and tries to hide this from friends, bullies, etc 6) Meeting her former crush/bully at a nightclub on Halloween wasn't what she expected nor did she expect her former crush/bully to enjoy her costume which she had been forced into as part of a dare by a few friends. 7) Setting Most people are deemed either a submissive, switch or dominant upon becoming 25 with many gaining specific titles be it Little, Pet, Mommy, Sadist, etc There's a 20% group that are declared as none of the above though. It's not uncommon for submissives to hide their status due to the nature and laws governing the world and what is often expected but without a genuine outlet or dominant there tends to be signs that become more obvious as time passes on. The simple sound of bells or anything that could imitate the sound of a rattle would offer a calming sensation that could lead to some form of regression for a Little and intense or stressful situation can cause other side effects which is why its important for anyone to find a partner to link up with. xxxxxxx Idea 7 This was the worse place she could possibly be at. It shouldn't feel intimidating but it was and despite her police uniform she felt exposed and under dressed but she made sure to keep her back straight and firm as she entered the large mansion owned by one of the notorious mafia family. It was known to everyone in the city that this mafia family had the highest amount of dominants and would often adopt or bring in submissives to release their urges and tensions. It wasn't wise for her to be here. Everyone thought she was just part of the 20% but the people she knew didn't indulge in their habits a lot but just enough to keep everything at bay. It was illegal for her to be in this job, to be a police officer but it provided a sense of safety for her knowing no one would really think much on the matter if she was a dominant or not. Any type of questioning or teasing would quickly cause her embarrassment that she would quickly hide by arresting the person without any thought. Most of the time people just thought it was just her dominant nature coming out but the latest person who had teased her and she had arrested wasn't an average dominant and had felt her heart pounding. It was only later did she learn that the person she had arrested and who had later been giving bail was part of this large family.... It wouldn't be much of a problem if she hadn't essentially thrown a tantrum in her police car for the criminal to witness and that the woman had to legit calm her down and get her to behave, professionally and properly, revealing the truth of the matter. Rose had let the woman off with a stupid fine unable to jail her properly nor could she look her in the eyes. It had felt like she was falling apart? Was that what happened when she didn't submit or indulge in her needs? That she would lash out and become overly stressed? Now she had been formally invited to a damn social function which she was forced to intend to encourage some sort of truce or understanding. Rose had her police jacket on, open, a simple button up white shirt, slim fit trousers with a belt and combat boots that were clean and looked smart. The only thing that was slightly off was that she was wearing sunglasses, metallic, in doors. One of the servants greeted her and guided her towards the waiting area which wasn't busy at all except for a few people sitting around and gossiping who offered a simple glance at most. There was a lot of talking, laughter and music nearby which she could hear, easily and that only made her more nervous, more anxious as she felt her palms become sweaty and clamy. The waiting had to be intentional and Rose knew she needed to relax herself or she'd end up looking worse, looking submissive and she couldn't allow that to happen for her to be seen in such a way but all she accomplished in doing was moving about, fidgeting and squirming unable to sit still which only grabbed the attention and curious looks of the small group nearby who seemed to be more focus on her now. It shouldn't be an issue but she could literally smell their hunger and power which meant that they or anyone else nearby could smell and sense her desperation but Rose made sure to steady herself and keep calm instead of breaking down in front of a bunch of strangers.
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