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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2012 in all areas

  1. I don't know what could be causing it, but I have a sugestion that might help. If the area in question isn't too large, try getting a box of those large band aid type patches, the really large ones that cover a large area. Tape one on over the area that scabs over before putting on your diaper and see if that helps pevent any chafing or problems.
    1 point
  2. You are missing something There is no gurantee the current template is consistent, though there may be certain delimeters that can be used. Humans are more likely to screw this up and generate non-valid pages with typos etc. The encoding and formatting currently used in the story pages is shockingly attrocious. Some of the pages are in windows-125[0-9], some are in utf8, some are in ISO-8859-1. The webserver does not give out valid Content-Encoding and the <meta type='Content-Encoding'> tags cannot be relied upon. If you're going to bother with the work migrating the content, why would you not sort out some of this cluster-@#*&. Even if everything was nice and lovely, you're still talking about a manual process for all 700+ files. Computers were *designed* for this kind of repetitive crap. You give them a list of instructions and they execute them. Fast. VERY VERY fast. Like faster than millions of humans doing the same work for days in a matter of seconds fast. I cannot overestimate how damn fast modern comptuters are at doing this kind of task when compared to a human. It's not actually that hard to get a decent way through the problem with a pretty small script. You could clean up all the corner cases, valide the output with an SGML/XML parser etc. but that might be a diminishing returns job. I can't be arsed to do a full job right now (as per point 5 above), but below is the sum of 20 minutes work which does a decent chunk of the job. It is not elegant, it is not efficient, it is not pretty but it's a LOT faster than any human doing it manually. #/usr/bin/perl -w use LWP::Simple; use HTML::Entities; $STRIP_FORMATTING = 'YES'; $pageContent = get($ARGV[0]); $startOfStoryContent = index($pageContent,'class="style7"'); $endOfStoryContent = index($pageContent, '</td>',$startOfStoryContent); $storyContent = substr($pageContent,$startOfStoryContent + 15, ($endOfStoryContent - ($startOfStoryContent + 15))); $storyContent = cleanUpStoryFormatting($storyContent); print $storyContent; exit; sub cleanUpStoryFormatting { my ($cleanThis) = @_; # Handle <pre> tags if (index($cleanThis,'<pre>') > -1) { my $newCleanThis = substr($newCleanThis,index($cleanThis,'<pre>')+5,index($cleanThis,'</pre>')); #printf "Pre %d %d %d\n", index($cleanThis,'<pre>'),index($cleanThis,'</pre>'), length($newCleanThis); $newCleanThis =~ s#[\r\n]+#</p><p class="storyParagraph">#ig; $newCleanThis .= substr($newCleanThis,index($cleanThis,'</pre>')); $cleanThis = substr($cleanThis,0, index($cleanThis,'<pre>')); $cleanThis .= $newCleanThis; } # Remove non-standard (microsoft word) HTML tags and custom font-faces $cleanThis =~ s#</?o:[^>]+>##ig; $cleanThis =~ s#</?font[^>]*>##ig; # Clean up what should be standard HTML tags $cleanThis =~ s#<b[^>]*>#<b>#gi; $cleanThis =~ s#<u[^>]*>#<u>#gi; $cleanThis =~ s#<i[^>]*>#<u>#gi; if ($STRIP_FORMATTING =~ m/^YES$/i) { $cleanThis =~ s#</?i[^>]*>##gi; $cleanThis =~ s#</?b[^>]*>##gi; $cleanThis =~ s#</?u[^>]*>##gi; $cleanThis =~ s#</?span[^>]*>##gi; $cleanThis =~ s#</?div[^>]*>#<br /><br />#gi; $cleanThis =~ s#</?strong>##gi; } #Replace / fix paragraph entities $cleanThis =~ s#<p( [^>]+)?>#<p class="storyParagraph">#ig; $cleanThis =~ s#(<br(\s*/)?>)+#</p><p class="storyParagraph">#sig; $cleanThis =~ s#</p>[\s\r\n]*</p>#</p>#g; my @paragraphs = split(/<p class="storyParagraph">/,$cleanThis); $cleanThis = ''; foreach $paragraph (@paragraphs) { $paragraph =~ s#</p>##; $paragraph = decode_entities($paragraph); $paragraph = encode_entities($paragraph); $paragraph =~ s#^[\s\r\n]+##g; $paragraph =~ s#[\s\r\n]+$##g; $cleanThis .= "<p class=\"storyParagraph\">$paragraph</p>\n\n"; } # Clean up formatting $cleanThis =~ s#[\r\n]+# #g; $cleanThis =~ s# +# #g; $cleanThis =~ s#\n\s+#\n#sig; $cleanThis =~ s#\s+# #g; $cleanThis =~ s#<p#\n\n<p#g; $cleanThis =~ s#\s*&nbsp;\s*# #ig; $cleanThis =~ s#<p class="storyParagraph">[\s\n\r]*</p>[\s\n\r]*##sig; #Dodgy Encoding $cleanThis =~ s/&#xFFFD;/&#39;/g; $cleanThis =~ s/>'/>&quot;/g; $cleanThis =~ s/'</&quot;</g; $cleanThis =~ s/ '/ &quot;/g; $cleanThis =~ s/' /&quot; /g; $cleanThis =~ s/&#39;/'/g; $cleanThis =~ s/">\s*/">/g; return $cleanThis; } and run it through an execution harness: $ perl -lane 'for (1..999) { $out = sprintf("%03d.html",$_); `perl exportAndClean.pl "http://www.dailydiapers.com/content/stories/$out" > $out`; }' P.S. If this post isn't worth a 'like', I have no idea what someone has to do around here to get one
    1 point
  3. loose moderation is bets policy. A post should only be deleted or a thread closed if it's entire existence is only to incite.(or breaks whatever arbitrary rule)
    1 point
  4. That is the weirdest thing ever. Completely worked for me both laying down, which I generally find difficult, and standing up. You can feel your diaphram give a few little spasm as it wants to breathe in but then your bladder lets go. The only hard part was holding my breath but the first squirt started at about 30 seconds for me. The less breath you hold in the faster it goes.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Abby looks up at her dad when he ask her why she didn't tell him. "It is embarrassing dad and not really the kind of thing a daughter tells her dad. Besides I was worried that if you knew I was wetting the bed again. You would send me to live with mom." She looks back down at her cookies. Abby started to eat her cookies again.
    1 point
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