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Diaper Dream Hypnosis


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I've only tried the very old warpmymind hypnosis files before, and while very relaxing they didn't work.

I was renewing the ad-agreement with the Sissy Hypnotist and noticed this Diaper DREAM hypnosis file:


Really curios about it as it would only improve my diaper dreams, not affect my behavior when awake. I may have to try it.

What files would interest you? https://hypnosissyhypnosis.com/shop-sissy-hypnosis/

6 minutes ago, ValentinesStuff said:

Your sponsor needs to add a search function, going through 100+ files is not easy.

There's a search box on the header bar (Pink area)


I have strange and unpredictable diaper dreams. I've enjoyed most of them, at least after the fact - the ones I can recall, anyway. Some were distressing in the moment, but dreams about diaper themes are a venue where you an "experience" things that are hard to replicate in the real world. So if some subliminal messaging were going to give me lucid diaper dream capabilities, I'd give it a shot. I don't believe in most of this stuff, to be honest, but not believing in it, and never trying it, means my beliefs are rooted in ignorance... 

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